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! ■ M -■ 1 r—’ t ■■ :.4vww.magicvavalley.com ,32 12/16/2001 t s . 3 0 6 3 2 m/0 •' • j iri-PARI^E.eg _________________ ___ 2627 E VAI,ANDELU 7,903 E L P A S O L_ ■Twin Falls, IdiIdaho/96th year, N o.m . S u n dlay, aM ' M arch 25, 2001r" ■ .$1.50 G o o d M o3RNING t r ~ r .W e a t h e r ^ Valle’-y ’s ' <Iay:Breezy ’ k y o tw ] o \b s t i in k s ? idcooleii' ith a chance showers. ^porkI ’ a i 8 h ; 5 7 , _ _ : _______ light, low 35. ' P a g e A 2 Sitle;^an M a g ic Vall: .L E Y r ------------------ r n G I HM Iing r to th e K ey lawmakiikers are flnlihlish line: waryofperclercleption A fteiFter a sweaty race.ce up Baldy, By Michael Joumee ■ ■ thrillrill'seekers T lm evN ew s wrtter ■ saile<iled back to * earthiri^ in their ' B O IS E -S om e caUall it pork. ______ —— -------_ ^ ^ . p a r auagUderer^ { — — -Hut-if^tTiatls-tho-ih o -cascr-th v ~. 7, P a g e ^ M ag ic V alle y ’s portlortio'n of the bacon is a bit lean;an this year, W' despite the fact thathat two mem- Small towns: WhatdIt do aU f - . bers o f its deleg.i[ion'siun are running th o se census numbeiibers mean? the Legislature's powerfulpow joint P a g e B l budget commiiiL-ue fofor the first dm e. The lack of M o n e y fat may nnt bc r .JB h by accident. B P M oney for school:; Idaho’sId tax . Both Rep. ■ break for its new coLcollege sav- Maxine Bell, — ings program is onen eo < fth e-----------—- ---------- R*Jeromc,an'd-lw-^ generous ones aroun)und the f ' ■ ' Sen. Dean Ukg I H K K V B mB v ' F -•-■V-'M | 9 £ w Cameron. R- H S nation,’supportersssay. s£ r l Bfc J yi •* jB Rupert, who P a g e D l I J t k - - I co*chair the ^ i c o m m i t t e e Wl aflT i e i M a nd se r\'e th e Sen.m. Dean0 Cameron F a m i l y L i fFI* i - B wS^w ' same legisla- tive district, said they were |^ H . Tt' b o th v e ry WM aware of the |jg possible per- HjC ception of cBttwmTa»/TWT>»m wn . abuse of that steviteve Staufer, an envlrtmmental sciencescl( ipeciallst with the Depapartment of Environmental Qualuality, demonitrates how odorir snifferssr team tb rate the concentration l ||| of purse-string intentensity of smells. power - espe- mOld ( k ^ : M ore and)id more own- cially in this ers a re keeping thenlem around - - first y e a r of 52 Rep.^ep. Ktextne Bell for a long tune. billion budgets Page El W Cdor l sniffersrs move in[1 when cc:omplaintss are aired fo rth e ’state. I Neither said K^ A 2001 ■TrHuddy_ _ ■ _ ?:.■ can.we-comej>ut------ oddxr<Ar_gniff«.rc h t.ltp r- cniAllp.ileiA- -ihtiv .went m . y E 0 R T S = — : of-theirirayiu : li^WjlsXsmffer.'^^*-''*/,’,^^iM lly^lyvisrniaed~' in'ihe'Jayiim e'"' thanlanthfresforus? ........... we avoid projects keywhiz: • ■ “It pretty much hours?’ “Nothing,“ N other rhan that w s to or spending in thele rregion, hnt f FALLS - When the air {<keeps you at /O.’0 try and make some _ “We try to get haveave had some instruction as i d up as th e TWIN F dare they each pointed ouiout their con- <, odor sniffers get to ^home when .. answers th e t e s t whathat the sensory receptors ar *mmiation o f^h a t tir : people miglit y5 o u ’re o n t h e wc can. What idand how they can vary somime- sciousness of what pe< ob title might sound sill; s they think the whathat, and then we have somime think. i / i i i ik h the soum' of.the odor is. to know that trHigh^h. JO le people. But it’s_ no Misbach said . source of the idea'lea of what level of in icnsiiy,-an a “People need to I fin-those:posi'----------- rjoey Sides- liUgHingng matter for citizens _ rhe was o ut u h t i l l Iv?Ve-mteirand-^crircr — ^ffdor'iSTWhat'the " oior“rates,’*“ d o r Ml5bach~sai(i i d r:— D ean-and-I-arcnot 1 n- I to libns for that purpose,ose." Bell said. • atm g h isw ay upset aboibout malodorous dairies. “^ a.m. one m o m in g odor is. And "BasBasically w e’re in s tru c te d t umber. It's a suhjectke Itch out for the , blecareerin The statest Department of <doing his sniff basically if they tryy anda make some determin;ina- “W e’re th ere to watch tbViiard a n inevitable ifce interests of our ;<insuinsutuents, but , -• _______________ Environmim ental Quality?s tr a in e d —._Job. j Public.rela:_____ -sav it’s at nicht. tionon of'what i we th in k th e sourc _____ the NHL . ■ ' - — detision. * ■ ■ ’------ as-cnairmen iffers in Twm-Falls take —~tions~are-"-a“big t TTthen-w t di‘ive':r-ofrtliFthe:.Qdorisr-W e-ratent:ana n d - -a ls o to do^our-joD (as-c „ j . a g e C l jfc .- •- Des'pite-all that,, iHJihIhj pointed - • ' '''V .’ job seriously, too. [part'of his job as -GrcgMi.sbach,1, out.” giveive it a number. It’s-a subje with pride to the bigbiggest direct -ing complaints can even ac sniffer, h e said. - The sniffers ' tiveive decision.” , , , , Answerini DKQ snifter ion, benefit for Magicc VValley resi. More Madness! Mat;laiyland and mean gou:oing out in the m iddle of “The first part rotate their AsAs part of their instructioi eral dents to come outt of their com- Duke will plgy forthrthe fifth the nighght to take a whiff of <of the'discussion -------- — schedules each thele sniffers-io*be5 sm ell sever; is where you’rie locate'led and week. Misbachch might be the on-' flaslasks of butanol - a stronjtng- m ittee this year: aI poiportion nf the tim e th is season asIS eeach someihuiging foul. > what’s going on,” ’ Misbaclich said. call sniffer oneon woek, another smelnelling chemical that contaiiains Please see BUDBUDGET. Page A2 advanced to th e Fin(M Four on J ] -an - really be a burden,” ' egMisbach,aDEQdrink- ‘“Then you ask, ‘Is this a situa- DEQ employeeee the next, S a t u r ^ . ter and wastewater engi* tiont that occurs only at nightni or So what manakes the trained Please see SNIFFERS. Page Page C l . , flC ontribudccion cap ranks highh .J i n O p in io n Offficials scraiimblefor K g Stink: An attemjmpttohide i ^ fin an ce del;eb ate ' j dairy inspectipnrec{■ecordsfrom O /^hi th e public was b ad,d policy,p lool violentnee soluticon The Associated Press» ________ __ • today’s editorial say‘»ys- PageA14 Prec^cautions don’t stotop second gunm;nan WASHINGTONs- - A • •Td N H M ustang sold fur S2,7i ..Sen, Mitch McCi S e c tio n BY SECTIONSE TheAM OcIoclated Pre«t______________ fgauge shotgun, woundingng students a nd t^vo leachurs. K entucky is fond of s; also was the year - J S : :AJ0N, Calif. - Three In the a fterm ath of Thuilursday’s Section A SecJectlon C EL CA im p o se d a Sl.OOO:) limitlii the ago, after a .deadly shoot- fattack, school and city of Weaiher . 2 Sporiports . .1-7' weeks age political donations. thatth; iii.iividu- iree at Santana High 'wonder if there is anythin I h e y ' J... O Ing spre als m.iy m ake to candiimdidaiev Nation 3,5,7.13 West .............. ® School,, olofficials at the regional ^can do to prevent campi lence. While McConnell’e ll’s M iistans W est............... 9 school disdistrict took steps to p re * could cost S25.000 or initrvi today. ich an attack from ever' “You figure th e odds areire ■World .......... 12 th e Sl.OOO limil liv■e> o oil.<i .in agin^; Se(j e c ti o n D " nomical it would happen the ing again. r ^ reminder of the lastISI ini.ijur (ivei Opinion ..14*15 Moni(oney ....1 -6 FuU-iinnime, armed police officers ssame school district,” si 1^11 finance >yv Cajon M ayor M ark Lewis, a 1966 haul of the campaign I llassilled .7-20 were assijisigned to the district’s 12 ( leni. a n d th e ixissihlchie Ikey to turn- Section B campusesses. Administrators and (Granite Hills graduaie., ““W e're > just going to have to seek prom ise on a new oiio. Magic felley 1 4 _* XI P. teacherss rereviewed'oisis plans, and j I ta solu- ,.j|g „ a tth e (roront n entrance of Granite Kills KifHigh School.in El Cajon. Calil.. T h e lim its on luthard money swere encouraged to report tdon-if there is one.” Obituaries . .2 3>6€tiOn ® ' E students w thanks the policeIce officer who subdued a gunmaiiman at the school Thursday; •donations will risi'1.' if a bill is lo uest threat or rumor, The Granite Hills and S;Santana ldaho/West4.5.7 Fa"’'amlly Life .1-6 thesU ^te .
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