Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 4-12-1951 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1951). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 2585. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/2585 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. EIGl-lT --- __ APRIL 5, 1951 ;������;:;,:::::::=:B=ULLUC=:==3�n�M:=�S�AND��S�T�A�'�'��n�OR�O�N�E�WS� �� 2T�HURSDAY. ��=tI�xtaX8:8xt1ltt8X8:8:Jtt:8Xt.8X"Xtll M�S. HAY HONORED VIDALIA VISITORS----- Mrs Alden K. · May. of New Ro- M,'S Ida Taylor and Mrs Sam Mc- BACK\\·ARD LOOK N. who was I t chelle. Y. the dur- 'D M guest Allister. of Viladia, Wore guests dur- last 109 week of MIS Percy Bland. last week of TEN YEARS AGO SociaiJ .: Clus·b . r e 6�SEa�����R S�.UR::'��� 109 Mr and Mrs B W I rs -��:r was ona honored on I Saturday by MIS Cowart . SERVICE They we� accompanied back From Bulloch Times, 10. 1941 ..._. who April Bland. entertained with a lunch- to Vidalia Mrs Cowart In BULbOCH' '-I'IM by and her the fat stock show IRst week 401 WHERE NEEDED I eon at Mrs Bryant's Kitchen An at- Mrs hend of guest. E T Agate. who vis'ited cattle were sold fot a "total ���� I (STATESBORO �S-STATESBORO EAGLE) tractive tt����_. �� centerpiece of azaleas was with Mrs T E SIkes of $23,47639 Judges for the show were , used on the and covers were E P Josey. Hnl I'll MOI11S and H \LF KIGH CLUB ---- table, Ernest Pace Bulloch Tim... E.tabll.hed 18112 ,--- LAMAR JONES placed frn Mrs Mrs MI'S l'l ' ".1' Miss Hay. Bland. FOR SALE-Two corner lots 150 ft Consolidated' JRD'11U7 Mnrguret Thompson \\8S h05- Lamar At tomorr ow evening's dinner meet- State.boro N_s. E.tabllshed 1901 I STATESBORO, GA., THURSDAY. APRIL Pu I Jones, age 73, died Thurs- Roy Beaver, Mrs trhad Morrls, Mrs. square, one on each Side of 12,1951 VOL. GO-NO. 5 rely Personal tess to the members of the day :hlgh­ 109 of the Chnmber of Commel ce Slate.boro EaKle. EstabUlbed D_ber II. 111M Half-HIgh morning, March 29th after a wny at Ga. 11117-Corutolleated / and- Mrs D Denmark. Contact S J. ther-e Club at I 0., short Illness at Goody Attaway Percy Will be a drawlng fOI an auto­ Br-idg-e a lovely pal t) Wednes- J Je\" n S•• hIS home o� the road FOSS. R F Bet' U Brooklet. Ga. D .• Den­ I Averitt chance f01 which are between Statesboro and mobile, being' afternoon of last week at her . Brooklet A mark. Ga I Mr nnd Mrs Jesse D Allen visited well (15mar2tp) "old WIth the dinner tickets Hon. Albert lITH BEAVER know citlzen, he IS Deal Dies home on Donaldson survived b Y in Savannah \\Ith Ida) Ahxcd his Mrs Prize-winning steer displayed by Sunday Mrs S A streetl I__ wife, Ida Lamer Jones. SPI Ing flowers were used about the Funeral Geoi ge Thomas Holloway m fat stock After A Illness Allen services wei e held Friday Long Wee. show Resents last was kl The week the A··. rooms, and refreshments consisted of High School seniors hterally morning, 11 at the bought by cllvltles Mrs o'clock, Primitiva y Jim Donaldson and Mrs LlO� Wingate took the Fr Store for the of home-made lemon day iday as they cele- church in Rogers top $28 ton pre and coff"" with Statesboro. WIth Laniel' were visitors In Savannah brated the annual v'Kid's Day," which EBaldPtlst per 100 pounds. WIll be pr.rlceaced on re­ 1n���:'O�oh::n!e�� ���:�e� :rr:�� Coca-Colas and peanuts Iuter- tail sale Tuesday betng;_slDlv.ed menetr,vVasF,n EAagastnSo,dff'lclattntg. next week end. death of Hon Albert 1If Delli. age dUI the e For At the Farm Fri­ Lng ��ore BRines I Bureau � hlgrh ;�sp�� Funeral Finest'" meetlng which occurred at Mrs John R Godbee. of VIS- (!'a, m, ;!;ca/A:�I\ISfir�� ���d�y.Dtlrey" 11/) 82. hIS rural home In F'arm Griffin, h ad to Homeede,rmecetlenrgY. pWa'ltlh_ In Schemes Mrs rush It some. Th.. came day evening the court house Fred Control KatherIne up bearers were Bureaus Ahce y lted Mr and Mrs W Wlikmson won MorrIS Shaw near Statesboro at an hour S Hanner dur- J to Ha�ley G. or­ early a dressed used to sev- H. Blitch. president of the county BYRON casserole dish a they Shaw. O. While the varlou. (By DYER) ; fOI' half-high Royal. Johnny Hunni­ agricultural thIs IS IIlg the week end era t e m WIll discuss morning Information given slchoolyears ago. has gIrls pinafores cutt, Bob MIkell and ganizatIOn. marketing Armnle flowers In a vale Or clgHretb. box and Coley Boyd. groups have all are plain of VIS- matching ashtrays and the boys 10 pants. program for tIN county. The cotton lpeclal problems. that t:,e funeral will be held III the F'leming Lester. Amite, La. short Mary' container .0 as not to detract from to Mrs Robert for cut Jean Han was allotment for the has beea set now mo.t concemed with certain oYer- itcd the week with his Lallier. glv,en the prtze for ::==========!:f::::":,:,��,,,'1'1'" year ,BmER CATrLE Presbyteriaa church at 3 :39 FrIday CLUBSmt8 NAME dur-ing sister • the be of l> -Cleaning at acres. , auty the flowers. Bill ':IentISS Maxanne won hand wearing the cutest costume., dressed 2.385 all I..uel -hlah affeet all of 1\11S'S Eunice Lester Foy lotion; ,. saricul- afternoon, fa11 owed by Interment In Ho�I.- In a checked • On the .treat In front of the eourt way. owner and of the the fI oa t Iflg .. summer bead red-and-wits gmgham tu", and all of H. 1.. Wln- manager Mrs C B Mrs ,T,m pr e. s, GEORGIA THEATRE house America, East Side Oemetery. Mathews, dress WIth a white organdy pmafore Tuesday afternoon Sherifi' Low­ BRING BEST PRICES Statesboro Flor.1 ShOP. at TALENT WINNERS went to Mrs Roy and for low Service of the Georgia .Farm aclvised Moo[" and Mrs J B Johnson Hitt, The senlors carr-ied STA·i'ESBORO Fast�st ell Mallard poured out a of gate. p",lldent A "aUve of Bulloch county. born spent dignified every­ I quantity the Denmark Farm Bureau meeting Final Mrs Ed Olhff received a deml-tasse shine which had from re­ Head of Punbreds dec1and at the farm- Selec:tIOlI8 m Savannah thmg from dolls to lollypops. for the accumulated Sixty Bu",au, annual ana reared In the Stilson Anaowiee.l Tuesday NOW III what W. SHOWING was Tuesday OIght W.- Joms, cup and saucer Other wore day school work was for- eent raids. In the pounng-out Sold Bere At An­ at the c.ommunlty, Followlnr Contest LIttle of Colum- guests comepletely Monday era-Rotary catherine Monday Mr. Deal bepn the practIce of law Satal'lla, Johnny DeLoach. I of preaIdent 0f the Denmark I.... the the I like organ Mrs Earl Mrs G got.ten.-By way. students ''The something forty-five gallons Jaeckel Hotel. III Statesboro more than a cen- Evening at IS Allen. C. Coleman Petty Girl" Best:Ptice Average Prie. of $600 Each half Laboratory Sew bus. hIS • Mr . tIN VlsltlOg,- grandparents have been selected for the "Who's jubilant fluid which found ita way Uon, lermecl the most colorrful talk J - He taken & r. M rs Elloway ForbMWes, rs. aI StarrIng Rollert Cummmgs and Joa Most I rtant 0t the nat1'ona.I tu1'f. .ro. has always and Mrs Leff DeLoach. Who" for the School and into the sewers and thence to Rush­ cattle BullOCh county '-H talent HIgh annual. filmed m BIIHl blooded may be high, mpo, lelldln&' part In atUI". liif'Jiid eVer heard, Mr. ker HIll. Mrs Zack Mrs Joe Caulfield, beautiful teehni� he Ia the ex. plibllc Holloway .-9l,ab MISS of Jack- SmIth. lI!ary Jean won the coveted honor of color. ing'. pond. but Bulloch problems today, sal�, wlnnen were DOUllu .... Josephme Murphy. featurmg the twelve beautl! I •••• county Ilveatoek-minded pointed out and tlien demoMtrat<l<i I Robert JIm Watson. selected "Most tent of controll In the eco- � political Jan bemg gIrls; also latest . Futch. will sonvllle. Fla. the week end WIth De.pendable" world news and IIiE��'-�LE�NERS farmers that " They die spent ca�- AGO )re.lIze ....od ,cattle 'Ifill tho numerous methods of repre.nt Tlllman.an.d.M.rs gIrl W J. Webb and JuanIta Street toon. TWENTY YEARS nomic tNld. Controls cannot controI preparinr her Mrs J M local clubsten In the mother. Murphy CPL. were chosen "Mr and lut: Vine'Street make more money than scrubr. judg­ I oIlstrTht con_ OLLIFF HONORED MISB S.H S.," Fro. Bulloeh Tim... April 9, 1931 There REGISTER YOUTH "bouquets." Mrs.
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