Outtidf today Inalda today Gear and cold tonight. Lows S to IS. A re a n e w t 2B. SB E d ito ria l 4A Sunny Thursday. Highs around 30. liu a ltie ti SC F a m ily ^ 4 C Probability of precipitation 10 percent MmmihnUr^A City of ViUago Charm C U M itltO 4 4 B O b ita a rie i lA today and near zero percent tonight and TWENTY-rOUir PACES C o m ic i 7B S p o rts 3-4B Thursday. National Weather Forecast THREE SECTIONS incDNOO^ n,un--vqL xcvn. No. ni PRICK. TWENTY CENTS D e a r Abby 7B S r C itiu n s 3A Map on page SB. Coal negotiators summoned to talk WASHINGTON (UPI) - Labor "No. we are not," said a union formal negotiations broke off Satur­ Secretary Ray Marshall called coal spokesman when asked if the UMW day morning at 3 a m strike negotiators together today as was considering private arbitration the union spurned a management At the White House, a source said The governor of Indiana — offer to settle their 79-day-old administration officials held "very "astounded " at lack of congressional walkout with private, binding ar­ little hope that the union would action — demanded Immediate bitration. accept" such a move. federal intervention in the coal strike - ■ r X ' Marshall scheduled an afternoon President Carter, pushing collec­ meeting with United Mine Workers that is slowly strangling his state's tive bargaining as the first answer, economy. negotiators and the Labor Depart­ has put off more drastic moves such ment said representatives of the as a Taft-Hartley back-to-work But governors of four other coal- UMW and Bituminous Coal order, federal takeover of the mines, producing states urged Congress to Operators Association would meet or binding arbitration set up by the keep its hands off the explosive issue tonight for the first time since Satur­ government. The later two require and allow the negotiating process to day. congressional action. run its course. "We're going to get them The BCOA said both sides should together, " a department official said voluntarily choose a private panel of For 160,000 striking members of of the evening meeting. impartial arbitrators as "the fairest the United Mine Workers union, Management's call for voluntary — approach" to decide on the merits of shipments of "scab coal" from non­ instead of government-mandated — the latest contract offer. union mines spawned rage and arbitration was not well received by That contract was rejected violence as the creeping paralysis of the union. overwhelmingly by the union when the 79-day-old walkout spread. Fireman practice rescue jump Members of Hose and Ladder Co. 1, a Headquarters Tuesday night. D’Appolonio, a volunteer unit of Manchester’s Town Fire full-time firefighter, was leaping from the Begin asks renewal Department, hold life net as Andrew D’Ap- top of a fire truck to demonstrate use of polonio jumps. The practice was part of a rescue equipment. (Herald photo by Dunn) drill for volunteers at Central Fire of talks with Egypt JERUSALEM (UPI) - Israeli Atherton said he intended to con­ of principles for a comprehensive Prime Minister Menachem Begin vey the latest Israeli views to Egyp­ Middle East settlement is not worked has proposed an immediate resump­ tian leaders today on the second stop out. Carnivals get OK tion of Israeli-Egyptian peace talks of his Middle East shuttle. and U.S. envoy Alfred Atherton is In Moscow, Soviet President Further, Dayan was quoted by the taking the proposal to Egypt. Leonid Brezhnev Tuesday called opposition ewspaper Davar as Atherton spent a total of 3 l/2hours Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's pressing for resumption of the talks Tuesday with Begin, Foreign peace initiative in the Middle East at some in-between point in the Sinai Minister Moshe Dayan, Defense ‘‘an unprincipled political Desert instead of Cairo or but PZC must act Minister Ezer Weizman and Deputy maneuver” dangerous to Arab in­ Jerusalem. terests. It was his first direct com­ Prime Minister Yigael Yadin. He This would keep negotiations away town counsel, ruled that town laws do change in the zoning regulations, a ment on the Israeli-Egyptian peace By GREG PEARSON was continuing his Middle East shut­ from the limelight and lessen the not permit carnivals. ■effort. Herald Reporter step that it has not taken in the past. tle today with a trip to Cairo. temptation for either party to stage He said that a change would be PZC Chairman Alfred Sieffert said Begin said he proposed, during a Brezhnev made the remark at a dramatic walkouts. The Manchester Board of Direc­ required in town regulations to per­ this morning that he would not com­ one-hour, 40-minute meeting with dinner honoring Syrian President tors Tuesday night approved an mit sOch events in the future. ment on the proposed change before Atherton, that Israel and Egypt Hafez Assad, who is in Moscow Begin said he wrote President amendment j^rmitting carnivals in Directors William Diana and John a PZC public hearing on the topic. resume the military and political seeking support for his anti-Sadat Carter Tuesday advising him Dayan town, but the town’s Planning and FitzPatrick then proposed the The hearing is expected to be heid at talks stalled since January. stand and more Soviet weapons. and Weizman would accompany him Zoning Commission still has to okay amendments permitting carnivals, the commission’s April meeting. "I made a suggestion to Assistant Although Begin is proposing im­ on his Washington visit March 14-15. the proposal. which the directors approved Secretary Atherton that both the mediate resumption of the political The two key ministers head the The directors actually approved Tuesday night. In January, however, a similar committees — the military and the and military talks, diplomatic Israeli delegations to the political two amendments concerning car­ The directors held a public hearing proposal to permit carnivals was political — renew their deliberations, sources in Jerusalem cited a recent and military talks, stalled over the nivals. One permits the chief of on the proposal which drew several rejected by the PZC. Sieffert and the military in Cairo and the political statement by Sadat precluding such a Palestinian issue and the problem of police to grant written permission speakers, primarily from St. Bridget other members spoke against such in Jerusalem. ..” Begin said. development as long as a declaration Israeli settlements in Sinai. for events such as carnivals. The se­ Church and the Knights of Columbus, events being held in town. cond prohibits such events except for who favored carnivals. Both the The directors also approved the ‘‘civic, fraternal, religious, organizations have held carnivals or proposed contract between the Board educational, charitable or similar bazaars in past years. of Education and the school ad­ Two hostages released non-profit organizations.” Diana praised the board’s decision ministrators. Both of the parties in­ Director Joseph Sweeney proposed to permit carnivals. volved in the negotiations previously further amendments that would ‘‘It’s just good, clean family fun. had approved the contract. assure that only Manchester That’s what we want in The board voted to purchase 11.17 by nervous bank robber organizations could hold such events Manchester,” he said. acres from the Hartford Electric in town and that only the FitzPatrick added, ‘‘This gives us Light Co. for $56,600. The land will be EATON, Ohio (UPI) — A nervous Highway Patrol officers, the FBI ana Richard E. Baker, 44, Springfield, organizations would profit from the an opportunity to help organizations used in the industrial park. bankrobber who had held a man and local authorities heading east on Ohio, was shot and wounded and proceeds. These were approved by that have spent a lot of volunteer Mayor Stephen Penny questioned his two children hostage in a shot-up Interstate 70. taken into custody in Richmond. the board members, who unanimous­ time and money to help the needy. buyjng the land at this time when a automobile for more than 20 hours The bank robber, who had The bank robber earlier had ly supported the entire package. We certainly don’t want to bring in decision about the movement of today released the two boys, kept the threatened to fire a pistol "into this threatened to fire a pistol "into this Carnivals had been held in anything that would be disreputable power lines has been finalized, but he father and fled in a car provided by kid's head and then his father’s" kid’s head and then his father’s” un­ Manchester in the past, but last July to the town.” agreed to the purchase because of the authorities. released the two boys but kept the less he was given a getaway car not attorney Victor Moses, who was then The PZC now must approve a relatively low price. The car was chased by Ohio father after authorities agreed to followed. provide him with a car, some gas­ Patterson, who uses the citizens oline and a head start. band radio handle “Silver Streak,” The bank robber, tentatively iden­ has been negotiating with authorities Loan OKM tified as Don Patterson, took Robert since Tuesaay night. Herrman of Eldorado, Ohio, and his The bank robber agreed to release Today’s news summary two sons, Rob, 10, and Mike, 6, the two children but will keep the to enlarge hostage at a store in Richmond, Ind., father and in return authorities said they will give him a car with a half a PROVIDENCE, R.I. (UPI) - A following an unsuccessful bank the New England Council of tank of gasoline and a 45-minute head final decision on whether to build has demanded federal interven­ robbery.
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