Weather MIDDLETOWN- 7 A4H« teflflMntuv 21* • IWft nb or m* BAYSHORE EDITION Goody tomorrow and elowly and cold We ) Independent Daily f Distribution Today 23,425 HJjh today, J5-«j. Low ttnlght, 25-31. See weat&er, page 2. DIAL 741-0010 Xiiuad dully, Mondty ilmwth trtitr. Memd Ctui Poiun VOL 86, NO. Ill Pill tl Bad Buk «tm it Addlboul Ktlllni OUICM. MIDDLETOWN, N. J., MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1963 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE ThePolitical Mrs. Kennedy's Ordeal Told Editor's Note: limousine made a breakneck "The look in her eyes was like this could happen," the priest vThe death and funeral of John In the following story, Fran- dash for Parkland Hospital. an animal that had been said. Fitzgerald Kennedy and his FightChargeces Lewlne, AP reporter whc Roses Crushed trapped, like a little rabbit — The events of that day and widow's grief were a public covered the activities of Mrs. Mrs. Kennedy cradled her brave, but fear was in her the ordeal that followed for Mrs. display. John F. Kennedy during her husband's head and wept. When eyes." Kennedy were like a Greek Personal Courage White House years, including a she walked with his stretcher But in her grief, Mrs. Kenne- tragedy. The world knew of the pri- trip around the world, recre- to the hospital emergency dy remembered others. She There was hardly time to vate and touching moment at ates In step-by-step detail the room, the blood stained her thanked the priest who admin- think. And there was to be no the hospital when Mrs. Kenne- ^OnlyaDud former First Lady's ordeal, pink suit and soaked one stock- istered last rites. "Pray for privacy for this widow. She had day had tearfully kissed her from the start of the day on ing. him (Kennedy)," she begged. lost an infant son three months husband's lifeless lips and put By WILLIAM HENDERSON which the 35th President was The red roses lay crushed on Her voice was clear and audi- ago and now her husband, just her wedding ring on his finger. Register Political Writer the floor of the car. at a time when the family was Then the bronze coffin was assassinated in Dallas, through s ble as she said responses to It was a lot of hot air. Meaning that GOP Sen. Richard the funeral services in Wash- As she waited outside the prayers -with others. There preparing to observe the, birth- closed, never to be opened R. Stout and Democratic Mayor Earl Moody of Middletotvn ington. emergency room while doctors were no hysterics. days of their two children, Car- again in public. who said all those nasty, mean things about each other in made their futile efforts, Mrs. oline, now 6, and John Jr., 3, Mrs. Kennedy had started to -their recent Monmouth County h-1 raising campaign really Kennedy seemed to know her Paralyzed Look and to spend a happy Thanks- show the determination to car- didn't mean it. By FRANCES LEWINE husband was dying. Kennedy was declared dead giving with the Kennedy family ry on in her husband's tradition They won't sue each other. Sen. Stout has called off WASHINGTON (AP) - She She was dazed and shocked. at 1 p.m. The chief neurosur- at Cape Cod. of personal courage. the criminal libel action he threatened last Oct. 23 when be chose a gay pink suit that day A priest administered last geon, Dr. Kemp Clark, gently In the 75 hours from Kenne- In contrast to the many hap- told reporters: "My opponent has libeled me, slandered me, and was late getting started. rites. Vice President and Mrs. told Mrs. Kennedy the news she dy's death until his coffin was py occasions, it was an eerie distorted the facts concerning my public record and me Her husband explained he Lyndon B. Johnson, friends and had guessed. lowered into a grave at Arling- sight at Andrews Air Force personally." absence to several thousam associates hovered about. "She, like everyone else ton National Cemetery Mon- Base in Maryland, where a The senator then said he would present the whole mat- cheering Texans. A medical student later de- around there had a paralyzed day, Nov. 25, Mrs. Kennedy great outpouring of reporters, ter to the Grand Jury. A source close to the senator told "Mrs. Kennedy is busy or- scribed Mrs. Kennedy: look. We just couldn't believe was spared little. (See MRS. KENNEDY, Page 1) Mrs. John F. Kennedy this reporter yesterday: "Dick now feels he has been vindi- ganizing herself," he confidei cated of any accusations made against him because he was in an 8:45 a.m. (CST), politick- given a big vote and mandate by the voters last election day." ing appearance. "It takes a lit- Mayor Moody, when told that Sen. Stout had dropped the tle longer, you know, but then legal move against him, exclaimed: "I couldn't care less. I she looks so much better than am not pushing the matter any further. The case is closed." we do." Economic, Def enseMeetings Called; CHARGES FILED There was the inevitable bou- But to revive your memory a bit, dear reader, it was Hie quet of red roses as Presidenl mayor who also helped trigger the dull campaign into one in and Mrs. Kennedy arrived ir which name-calling, blasts and super-duper charges were sub- Dallas, Tex., that fair Friday ol stituted. However, they turned out to be only duds. Nov. 22. The red clashed witr Johnson Urges Contract Cost Cuts The mayor had livened up the contest with a series of the pink of her wool suit am messages he sent to the senator and which were lost or de- pillbox hat. WASHINGTON (AP) - Pres ter Sir Alec Douglas-Home will of his contribution toward de- Segni will pay a state visit to layed en route. He also accused the Republicans of hiring Motorcade Begins ident Johnson called two Cab- visit the President. veloping the bomb, the AEC Washington Jan. 14-15, and a private eye to probe into his background in his home state They stepped into the bi| iret officers and his budget di- Johnson begins his work to- had selected him to receive the Douglas . Home will come to of Mississippi. dark blue convertible they ha< rector to the White House today day with an early morning visit Fermi Award, one of science's Washington for talks with John- The mystery of what charges the senator had in mind in shared on so many state occa- for conferences on economic from Whitney Young, executive most coveted honors. on Feb. 12-13. his pending suit grew bigger up to a week ago. Even Milton sions and the winding 11-mile and defense matters. director of the National Urban Johnson, his wife and two Stein, chairman of the ethics committee of the Monmouth No Date Set motorcade began. The sessions with Secreatary League. In late afternoon John- daughters attended services President Charles de Gaulle County Bar Association, refused to say anything about the The crowds stood 10 to 12 deep of Defense Robert S. McNa- son presents the $50,000 Enrico Sunday at St. Mark's Episcopal case. if France also is expected to on sidewalks and cheered them. mara, Secretary of Commerce Fermi Award to controversial Church. Then the Johnson fami- •isit the United States next "See the chief justice. I can't say anything. It's not pub- They sat there smiling—Presi- Luther H. Hodges and Budget nuclear physicist J. Robert Op- ly drove to Arlington National lic property," was his comment. year, but no date has been set. dent Kennedy, Gov. John Con- Director Kermit Gordon follow penheimer. Cemetery where the President The slowness in fixing a date We later discovered that the good senator had sent his nally of Texas and their wives hard on the heels,of a busy Sun- Oppenheimer directed the Los placed a bouquet of red roses apparently reflects the- deep ethics committee a letter denying that he had done or said —saying what a fine welcome day at the White House for the Alamos Laboratory where the on the grave of his assassinat- anything unethical against the mayor. new President. differences with Francs on the Kennedys had been given atom bomb was developed dur- ed predecessor, John F. Ken- Western policy. MET AT CEREMONY after all. Defense Contractori ing World War II. In 1954, he nedy. Meanwhile, the FBI is looking We just discovered that the senator and the mayor, met Mrs. Kennedy, just resuming was declared a security risk by at a ceremony sponsored by Croydon Hall, Leonardo, lni Mid- While at his desk Sunday, 1 The visits of Erhard, Segni ver a Soviet consular file on official activities after the Johnson drafted a letter to de- the Atomic Energy Commis- and Douglas-Home are in line Lee Harvey Oswald, accused dletown. They conversed, shook hands and sat down. That death of her infant son three sion. The commission did not broke the ice on what could have been a hot day for both. fense contractors asking their with Johnson's vow to carry ssassin of Kennedy. Soviet months ago, had not been on a co-operation In cutting defense question his loyalty, but by a Anyway, Sen. Stout and the mayor did turn a listless out Kennedy's objective of mbassador Anatoly F. Dobry- speech-making tour since 1960. costs, and the White House an- 4-1 vote barred him from fur- strengthening ties within the nin voluntarily turned over the race into a fight that attracted a big turnout to the polls — It was her first visit to Texas.
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