Vol. 41, No. 9 Two ordained to priesthood for Diocese of Lake Charles LAKE CHARLES – The Most Reverend Glen he acts openly and truthfully. At the heart of John Provost ordained Reverend Jay Alexius this transparency is his desire to preach Je- and Reverend Ruben Villarreal to the priest- sus Christ, purely and simply. Only in this hood for the Diocese of Lake Charles on Satur- way can the light of Jesus Christ shine in all day, June 27, during Mass in the Cathedral of its brilliance. The reason the light can shine the Immaculate Conception. through his human frailties is because St. Paul Father Alexius celebrated his first Mass has removed any obstacle of self. There is no on Saturday, June 27, in Immaculate Heart pretense to veil the sunlight of Christ’s truth. of Mary Catholic Church in Lake Charles, his Continuing the Bishop said, “St. Paul con- adoptive parish, while Father Villarreal was cludes, ‘We hold this treasure in earthen ves- the celebrant of his first Mass on Sunday, June sels, that the surpassing power may be of God 28, in his home parish of St. Lawrence in Ray- and not from us’. St. Paul never speaks in detail mond. about his specific weaknesses. Even the exact Before the closing prayer of Saturday’s or- meaning of his proverbial “thorn in the flesh” dination liturgy, Deacon George Stearns, Di- remains a mystery. Yet, we are never in doubt ocesan Chancellor, read the announcement that St. Paul knows the sort of clay from which of first-time appointments for the newly or- he is made and that in this self-knowledge the dained. The Bishop assigned Father Alexius preaching of the Gospel becomes even more as Parochial Vicar for St. Margaret of Scotland eloquent in his life.” Catholic Church and as a member of the Advi- The Bishop spoke later about “speaking sory Board for Catholic Charities of Southwest with authority and preaching the truth,” say- Louisiana. Father Villarreal will return to ing they “have nothing to do with arrogance. Rome in the fall to continue his studies for a The true shepherd never lords anything over Licentiate in Canon Law. In addition, Bishop anyone, just as Jesus reminds His apostles in Provost assigned Father Villarreal to work in our Gospel reading. ‘Let the greatest among the Diocesan Tribunal this summer and next. you be as the youngest, and the leader as the As is customary in the Diocese, Bishop Pro- servant.’ Instead, the true shepherd allows vost named the parents of the ordinands as the truth to speak for itself, in all humility and Members of the Order of St. Charles, a person- simplicity. al recognition of the Bishop given to those who “Truth at the service of the Church—this have provided services and contributions to is the mission of the priest,” the Bishop con- Bishop Glen John Provost, center, stands with the two newest members of his the Church and the Bishop, in this case giving tinued. “He is to know well what it is that he presbyterate – left, Rev. Ruben Villarreal and right, Rev. Jay Alexius, following the their sons to the priesthood. The Bishop pre- believes, for you cannot love what you do not sented the honor to Reverend Villarreal’s fa- know and you cannot give what you do not pair’s ordination by Bishop Provost in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception ther, Ruben Villarreal, Sr. and his mother Lisa have.” on Saturday, June 27. Fontenot, along with the father of Reverend In closing his words to the soon to be or- Alexius, Jay Clement Alexius, Sr. The presen- dained men, Bishop Provost said, “Be good tation occurred at the dinner on Friday night priests. Consider the rich treasure of Spirit sponsored by the Serra Club of Lake Charles. that God bestows on you today. Cherish that LCCB statement in response to In opening his homily, presented to the gift, nurture it with prayer, share it with the new priests and to others attending the litur- faithful, let it shape your lives, and, in the gy, Bishop Provost used the words of St. Paul words of St. Paul, ‘do not preach yourselves but in Second Corinthians (4:5), We do not preach Jesus Christ as Lord.’” U.S. Supreme Court decision ourselves but Jesus Christ as Lord.’ The complete text of Bishop Provost’s hom- The Bishop then said, “With these words ily can be found on the website of the Diocese – The Louisiana Conference Redefining marriage through All are loved by God and are St. Paul reminds the Corinthians that he is lcdiocese.org – under the banner heading - Our of Catholic Bishops recently a narrow majority of a court called to respect all people. preaching the truth. God is his witness that Bishop. issued its response to the U.S. will present ramifications for Disrespect and hatred must Supreme Court’s June 26 deci- families both for the present never be condoned. sion legalizing same-sex mar- and the future. This decision indeed marks riage. The statement follows: We stand with and affirm an historic moment within our The Louisiana Conference our brother bishops of the nation. The Church will not of Catholic Bishops stands United States who form the deeply saddened and con- United States Conference of cease in proclaiming the good cerned by the United States Catholic Bishops, as we recog- news regarding the unique Supreme Court’s decision nize the need to increase our reality of marriage that can in the case of Obergefell v. efforts to strengthen marriage only exist between man and Hodges, ruling against defin- and families while promot- woman. Catholic Christians ing marriage as between one ing and defending the unique are called in an incredibly im- man and one woman. Such meaning of marriage as be- portant manner to re-affirm a definition has always been ing between one man and one and uphold the Sacrament of and will remain the belief of woman for life. Matrimony and the sanctity of Catholic Christians, as sup- While we resolutely stand family life. ported by Sacred Scripture, by this belief, we are called to Members of the Board of natural law, and two thousand uphold the dignity of all, even Directors of the Louisiana years of Christian tradition. in the face of disagreement. Conference of Catholic Bish- ops are Most Rev. Gregory M. Aymond, Archbishop of New Bishop Glen John Provost, center, stands with two couples honored for 65 years of Further guidance for Catholics Orleans; Most Rev. Michael Christian marriage during the annual marriage jubilee celebration inthe Cathedral of Jarrell, Bishop of Lafayette; In the U.S. Supreme Court her absolute personal opposi- the Immaculate Conception on Sunday, June 21. The couple at left are Pat and Rena Most Rev. Robert W. Muench, case, Obergefell v. Hodges, the tion known. It is the duty of the Gayle while standing at right are Dorothy and Pat Gallaugher. Bishop of Baton Rouge; Most opinion of the five-member Catholic politician to witness Rev. Ronald P. Herzog, Bishop majority creates the legal to the truth, to take action to of Alexandria; Most Rev. Glen right of two persons of the help reverse the effects of the Couples honored for John Provost, Bishop of Lake same gender to marry one an- ruling redefining marriage, other. At the same time, the and limit the harm done by the Charles; Most Rev. Michael G. opinion states, “[I]t must be opinion. Duca, Bishop of Shreveport; marriage anniversaries emphasized that religions, Anyone with questions Most Rev. Shelton J. Fabre, about the meaning and appli- Bishop of Houma-Thibodaux, LAKE CHARLES – Two saying, ‘Quiet, be still.’ ness to the world the impor- and those who adhere to reli- cation of the Church’s teach- and Most Rev. Fernand J. couples celebrating 65 years “But we, like the disciples tance of faith. This witness gious doctrines, may continue ing in this matter should con- Cheri, Auxiliary Bishop of of Christian marriage were in the boat, awake the Lord the world desperately needs, to advocate with utmost, sin- sult the pastor of his or her New Orleans. Robert M. Tas- among 44 honored by Bishop with our plea, ‘Teacher, do to reassure us of the faith that cere conviction that, by divine parish. man serves as the Executive Glen John Provost during the you not care that we are per- can move mountains.” precepts, same-sex marriage annual marriage jubilee cer- ishing?’” the Bishop said. Four couples celebrate 55 should not be condoned.” Director of the LCCB. emony in the Cathedral of the “We are afraid. We see what years of married life this year It is a matter of natural Immaculate Conception on is threatening to overwhelm - Mary Alice and Raymond truth and the universal teach- Sunday, Sunday, June 21. us, and we cry out. And the Hurst, Mary Jane and Law- ing of the Catholic Church Celebrating their sapphire Lord asks us, ‘Why are you rence Jones, JoAnn and Da- that “there are absolutely no anniversary were Dorothy terrified? Do you not yet have vid Tilbury, and Joanna and grounds for considering ho- and Patrick Gallaugher, pa- faith?’ There Jesus has hit Charles Viccellio. mosexual unions to be in any rishioners of the Cathedral, upon the essence of the prob- Golden anniversary cou- way similar or even remotely and Rena and Pat Gayle, pa- lem. Faith is a precious gift, ples are Dianne and Frank rishioners of Our Lady Queen a gift that must be cultivated analogous to God’s plan for of Heaven Catholic Church.
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