ONTICELLO NEWS M144th Year No. 28 Wednesday, July 11, 2012 50¢ 46¢ + 4¢ WORKSHOP SET TO DECIDE HOW TO DEAL WITH DAMAGED ROADS WORKSHOP IS 9 A.M. THURSDAY LAZARO ALEMAN terms of budgetary and complish the work. dinated effort to get fed- City Waves Fees ECB Publishing logistics considerations. Meanwhile, county eral funding for the re- Senior Staff Writer Specifically, the staff and the county’s pairs. The solicitation of The Jefferson workshop will aim to consultant engineer con- federal funding, how- County Commission has give Road Superintend- tinue working with per- ever, is a lengthy process For Nut Company scheduled a workshop ent David Harvey direc- sonnel from the Federal at best, and local officials for 9 a.m. Thursday, July tion as to how he should Emergency Manage- recognize that the pa- LAZARO ALEMAN the industrial park at 12, to discuss how it will proceed with the repair ment Agency (FEMA) tience of residents on ECB Publishing $11,000 per acre specifi- handle the repair of dirt of the damaged roads and the Natural Re- damaged roads goes only Senior Staff Writer cally to accommodate the roads damaged by Tropi- and identify the funding sources Conservation Please See The Monticello City needs of the Harrell Nut cal Storm Debby, in that will be used to ac- Service (NRCS) in a coor- WORKSHOP Page 3A Council last week waived Company; the county is its water and sewer con- adding the remaining 16 nection fees and the re- acres to the industrial lated development park. systems fee as part of the Company President Local Teen overall community effort and CEO Marty Harrell to facilitate the Harrell requested the fee waiver Nut Company’s move from the City Council on Competing here. Tuesday evening, July 3. Competing All told, according to He told the council his City Manager Steve company planned to con- Wingate, the waived fees struct a shelling plant in In Miss amounted to $45,000, Jefferson County that which incentive can be would create 50 jobs in added to the $110,000 the phase 1. He said phase 1 Florida county expended on the should occur in the next 10 acres it is donating to 90 days. He said phase 2, the company. which could add as many The county actually as another 150 jobs, USA expended $286,000 on the would 26-acre property that it Please See NUT purchased just north of COMPANY Page 3A PHOTOS COURTESEY OF AJ STUDIOS Recreation PHOTOGRAPHY Park May Caitlin Harrison of Jefferson County will be competing for the title of Miss Florida USA 2013 this week. The Miss Florida Get A New USA pageant will be aired on Saturday, July 14 on WTLH Fox 49 Concession at 7 p.m. For Full story, please see page 7A of today’s edition. Stand LAZARO ALEMAN At ECB Publishing Least CHAMBER SETS TWO FORUMS Senior Staff Writer Design The Jefferson Approved County Recreation FOR CANDIDATES IN PRIMARIES Park on Mamie Scott LAZARO ALEMAN views on the issues and the chal- Tuesday, July 16 and 17, on the sec- Drive may yet get a ECB Publishing lenges they see ahead, and offer ond floor of the historic court- new concession stand Senior Staff Writer their insights, visions and plans house. and handicap-accessi- It’s again that time of a politi- for the improvement of the com- The chamber notes that these ble bathrooms as part of Holm and Assistant Co- cal season when the Chamber of munity. two first forums will be limited to the ongoing effort to up- ordinator Henry Gohlke Commerce affords candidates an We ‘re talking about the tradi- candidates who are running in the grade the facility. initially argued for the opportunity to stand before their tional political forums, which the Aug. 14 primary; later forums, to The Jefferson board’s approval of the potential constituents and state chamber will hold this month be held in October, will focus on County Commission, at entire package, but they their qualifications, share their starting at 7 p.m. Monday and Please See FORUMS Page 3A least, recently approved settled for the partial vic- an expenditure of $13,000 tory when they realized for the design and per- the board wasn’t likely to mitting of a new conces- budge on the greater sion stand and amount. handicap-accessible rest- Holm and Gohlke rooms to replace the ex- noted that the present isting facility. concession was 36 years The estimated cost old and was small and in- of the project, per the adequate, not to mention consultant engineer, is that its poor condition about $134,000 — $101,000 reflected badly on the of it for the actual con- county and the commu- struction of the building; nity as a whole. $20,000 in contingency; “The only way we’re and the $13,000 for the going to make the park plan’s design and related sustainable is to upgrade permitting fees. the concession stand and Park Manager Mike the baseball fields so that outside leagues will pay money to play there,” Gohlke said. “The up- grade of the concessions stand is one step in the process. The electrical Special Elections Issue Coming Up wiring in the building is 35 years old.” JACOB BEMBRY tions for whatever the particular downloaded directly into the He further noted that On Wednesday, Aug. 1, The race. Each candidate’s answers paper, minimizing the chances of none of the restrooms Monticello News will publish a will appear exactly as he or she any errors. were handicap accessi- special section entitled “Meet the has answered them in the “Meet In addition, candidates can ble. Holm, in fact, had Candidates.” In preparation for the Candidates” section. purchase ads for the special sec- been forced to lease this informative section, ECB The deadline for returning tion. handicap-accessible Publishing, Inc., has a list of the answered questions is July 26. If anyone has questions INSERTS IN portable toilets for a par- questions for each candidate. It is highly recommended that about this special election issue, ticular event at the park, Candidates are asked to candidates return the answered please email them to Emerald email Laz Aleman (laz@ embarq- TODAY’S he said. questions via email if at all possi- Greene at emerald@greenepub- mail.com) for copies of the ques- Please See RECRE- ble, so that the responses can be lishing.com. EDITION! ATION PARK Page 3A 2 Sections 24 Pages Around Jeff. Co. 3A-7A Fireworks 4A Church Section B Legals 11A Classifieds 10A School 8A-9A Crime 1 2A Viewpoints 2A Local Index Weather Wednesday, July 11, 2012 www.ecbpublishing.com Monticello News • 11A LEGALS THE NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SECOND JUDICIAL THE JEFFERSON COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COM- CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR JEFFERSON COUNTY, FLORIDA MISSIONERS WILL HOLD BUDGET WORKSHOPS ON JULY 24TH, JULY 26TH, AND JULY 30TH AT THE ANNEX CASE NO. 2010 CA 000288 AT 2PM, 1 PM, AND 9 AM RESPECTIVELY. 7/11/12, c. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR CARRINGTON MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST, SERIES MONTICELLO 2007-RFC1, ASSET-BACKED PASS THROUGH CERTIFICATES; NOTICE Plaintiff, THE JEFFERSON COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COM- vs. MISSIONERS WILL HOLD A WORKSHOP PERTAINING KIMBERLY L MAYS A/K/A KIMBERLY LATRICE MAYS; TO PRIORITIZING WANTS/NEEDS AND ALSO DIS- UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF KIMBERLY L MAYS A/K/A KIM- CUSSING THE MINE ON JULY 18TH AT 9 AM AT THE BERLY LATRICE MAYS; ANY AND ALL UNKNOWN PAR- COURTHOUSE ANNEX. TIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER AND AGAINST 7/11/12, c. THE HEREIN NAMED INDIVIDUAL DEFENDANT(S) NEWS WHO ARE NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES MAY CLAIM AN NOTICE INTEREST AS SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, The Governing Board of Directors of Apalachee Center, Inc., OR OTHER CLAIMANTS; JEFFERSON COUNTY, BY AND recently elected new officers for Fiscal Year 2012/13 as follows: THROUGH THE JEFFERSON COUNTY SHIP PROGRAM ; Oscar Howard (Taylor County) Board Chairperson; Commis- Defendants sioner John Dailey (Leon County) Vice-Chairperson, and For- NOTICE OF SALE The official rest Davis (Gadsden County) Chair of the Board's Budget, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, in accordance with Investments & Insurance Committee. Judge Kenneth Hosford the Default Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated March 7, 2012, (Liberty County) will serve as Immediate Past Chairperson. entered in Civil Case No. 2010 CA 000288 of the Circuit Court Madison County School Superintendent Lou S. Miller was of the SECOND Judicial Circuit in and for Jefferson County, elected to the Board, representing Madison County. Apalachee Florida, wherein Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as Trustee for Car- Legal organ for Center is a private, not-for-profit behavioral healthcare organ- rington Mortgage Loan Trust, Series 2007-RFC1, Asset-Backed ization offering a comprehensive range of mental health and Pass Through Certificates, Plaintiff and KIMBERLY L MAYS substance abuse services which has been fully accredited by the A/K/A KIMBERLY LATRICE MAYS, Et Al; are defendant(s). Joint Commission since 1981. The Clerk will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, AT 7/11/12, c. The Jefferson County Courthouse at the North Door, located at Monticello and 1 Courthouse Circle, Monticello, FL IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 45, FLORIDA STATUTES, AT 11:00 AM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE PRIVATE ,July 26, 2012 the following described property as set forth in SECOND JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND said Final Judgment, to-wit: Jefferson County FOR JEFFERSON COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 11-315 CA LOT "A" OF LOT 2, PALMER EASTERN ADDITION ROGER D.
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