ISSN 0869-5938, Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, 2019, Vol. 27, No. 7, pp. 804–839. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2019. In loving memory of Vladimir Naumovich Beniamovsky, our colleague, friend, and mentor Turonian–Coniacian Deposits of the Kamennyi Brod-1 Section (Southern Ulyanovsk-Saratov Trough) E. M. Pervushova, *, I. P. Ryabova, A. Yu. Guzhikova, V. S. Vishnevskayac, L. F. Kopaevichb, A. A. Guzhikovaa, E. A. Kalyakina, V. A. Fomina, V. B. Sel’tsera, E. I. Il’inskiia, G. V. Mirantsevd, and P. A. Proshinac aSaratov State University, Saratov, 410012 Russia bMoscow State University, Moscow, 119991 Russia cGeological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 119017 Russia dPaleontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 117997 Russia *e-mail: [email protected] Received April 25, 2018; revised August 15, 2018; accepted October 25, 2018 Abstract—The most stratigraphically representative section of Turonian–Coniacian in the right-bank part of the Volga region is found at the Kamennyi Brod-1 section (Olkhovka district of Volgograd oblast). The sub- division of carbonate rocks into zones is based on the complexes of benthic foraminifera and other accompa- nying groups of invertebrates. Regressive-transgressive tendencies in the evolution of the Turonian–Conia- cian basin is also reflected in the quantitative ratio between benthic and planktonic foraminifera. The earlier unknown representatives of Turonian and Coniacian marine biota are revealed: silicon sponges, crinoids, starfish, brittle stars, and brachiopods. The magnetostratigraphic (magnetopolar and petromagnetic) charac- teristic of the section is obtained, and the magnetic zone of anomalous polarity is revealed against the back- ground of normal polarity (N). It is supposed that anomalous directions of magnetization represent the sta- bilized vector sum of oppositely directed components, one of which (corresponding to reverse polarity) is the primary one. Keywords: Upper Cretaceous, Cenomanian, Turonian, Coniacian, Santonian, Volga River right bank of Vol- gograd oblast, biostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy, petromagnetism DOI: 10.1134/S0869593819070025 INTRODUCTION collected at such sections as Kamennyi Brod-2 ° ′ ′′ ° ′ ′′ In the southwestern part of the Ulyanovsk-Saratov (49 47 32.1 N, 44 25 24.6 E), Chukhonastovka-1 (49°51′15.2′′ N, 45°06′9.3′′ E), and Chukhonastovka-2 trough, there are several sections with characterized ° ′ ′′ ° ′ ′′ (to different degree) intervals of Cenomanian, Turo- (49 51 12.5 N, 45 05 26.9 E). The Kamennyi Brod-2 nian–Coniacian, and Santonian rocks (Fig. 1). In a (KB-2) section is a small sand quarry where only tran- stratigraphic sense, the most complete section of sitional Cenomanian–Turonian intervals of rocks are Turonian–Coniacian carbonate rocks is the Kamen- available for direct sampling. The distance between nyi Brod-1 one (hereinafter, KB-1; 49°44′15.9′′ N, the KB-1 and KB-2 sections is 6 km (Fig. 1). Both 44°23′18.0′′ E). This is represented by trenches for Chukhonastovka sections are located at the distance pipelines with vertical walls and exposed chalk and of 52 km from the KB-1 section (Figs. 1, 4). The marl on the right bank of the Ilovlya River (Fig. 2). Chukhonastovka-1 section is a natural steep scarp Here microfaunal samples showed the presence of composed of Cenomanian sands and Turonian marls, small echinoderms and brachiopods, in addition to whereas the Chukhonastovka-2 section is an aban- foraminifera and radiolarians, whereas microfauna doned two-stage carbonate quarry with a broad and collected in each layer of dense marls did not yield the subflat upper stage. expected results (Figs. 3, 5–7). The description of the section and a review of the The faunal characteristic of terrigenous (Ceno- history of study and structural position of the area manian) and carbonate (Turonian) rocks from the under discussion, as well as determination of species of KB-1 section was supplemented with the fossil data sponges, were provided by E.M. Pervushov. Benthic 804 TURONIAN–CONIACIAN DEPOSITS OF THE KAMENNYI BROD-1 SECTION 805 Moscow RUSSIA Uvarovo Arkadak Balakovo Michurinsk D 300 Marks Kalininsk 8 3 Balashov Saratov Borisoglebsk 9 Khoper A 1 7 10 Zhirnovsk Uryupinsk Tersa 4 D Kikvidze Krasnyi Yar 6 5 330 Danilovka 2 Khoper Ilovlya Mikhailovka177 Kamyshin Frolovo 2 3 Medveditsa 1 B Serafimovich E Don Volga 27 Ilovlya Chir C 240 Dubovka Lake Elton 197 Volgograd Kazakhstan Kalach-on-Don Akhtuba 60 300 30 60 km Areas of contemporary absence of Cretaceous deposits: 1. Voronezh syneclise 2. Don-Ilovlya (Don-Medveditsa) swell 3. Volgo-Uralian anteclise, Balakovo rise, and Stepnovo composite swell Boundaries of structural-facial zones within sedimentation basin A. Khoper monocline–Tersa depression B. Ulyanovsk-Saratov trough (southwestern centricline) and Volga region monocline C. Ukrainian syneclise (northeastern limb) D. Ulyanovsk-Saratov trough (northeastern part) and Caspian syneclise (northern side) E. Caspian syneclise (western side) Geological sections: (1) Kamennyi Brod-1; (2) Kamennyi Brod-2; (3) Chukhonastovka; 1 (4) Melovatka; (5) Krasnyi Yar; (6) Nizhnyaya Bannovka; (7) Bolshoy Kamennyi ovrag (Zhirnovsk town); (8) Ozerki; (9) Karamyshka; (10) Splavnukha Fig. 1. Scheme of structural-facial zoning (Late Cretaceous) for the Lower Volga region (Gosudarstvennaya…, 2009) and loca- tions of the studied Turonian–Coniacian sections. STRATIGRAPHY AND GEOLOGICAL CORRELATION Vol. 27 No. 7 2019 806 PERVUSHOV et al. (a) (b) (c) Fig. 2. The Kamennyi Brod-1 section: (a) general view of pipeline trenches; (b) view of the southern trench from east; (c) north- ern wall of the southern trench. STRATIGRAPHY AND GEOLOGICAL CORRELATION Vol. 27 No. 7 2019 TURONIAN–CONIACIAN DEPOSITS OF THE KAMENNYI BROD-1 SECTION 807 Lithology nos. Zone Stage Lychniscosa Hexactiscosa Sample Subzone Substage Layer no. Layer Formation Thickness, m Thickness, Subformation 10 sp. 12 9 0.9 3 LC 8c LC 8 4 LC 8 m Lower 5 Santonian 45 6 7 sp. 8 9 10 11 Bourgueticrinus 7 12 13 8.3–8.5 14 Actinocamax 15 (Meek) 40 16 17 18 (Sinzov) (Roemer) (Goldfuss) LC 7 Middle Middle 19 (Pomel) 20 deformis 21 22 (Phillips) 23 sp. 24 sp. sp. sp. sp. sp. 25 sp. sp. 26 sp. 35 sp. sp. sp. sp. sp. 27 (Michelin) 28 sp. 6 7.3–7.5 29 30 31 sp. sp. 32 carinatus Nielsenicrinus Adramosiscyphia Adramosiscyphia Zittelispongia Sporadoscinia Napaeana Lepidospongia Rhizopoterion Ventriculites cribrosus Ventriculites Ventriculites polymorphum Tremabolites Etheridgia Plocoscyphia Coeloptychium Coeloptychium G. stellata Guettardiscyphia roemeri Guettardiscyphia Ortodiscus Sororistirps Becksia murchisoni Leprophragma Paraplocia Paraplocia G Folyscyphia Folyscyphia 33 ? 34 Legend: 35 deformis Cremnoceramus 30 36 Quartz Carbonate 37 38 sand component 5 39 4.0 40 Tethyoceramus Marl Inoceramus valves 41 sp. 42 43 Argillic Holes of burrow 44 marl organsims Volsk 45 Coniacian 25 46 Siliceous Rounded units 47 (Roemer) marl on marls 48 49 Carbonate (Andert) 50 Bourgueticrinus Iron hydroxides 51 clay 52 Sponge 53 Glauconite Lower Lower LC 6 54 LC 6a LC skeletons 55 56 Phosphorite 20 57 nodules Fossil intervals 58 59 waltersdorfensis 4 60 Brachiopods cf. cf. 61 carinatus Nielsenicrinus ? Goniasteridae 15.7–15.8 62 Bivalves 63 64 Belemnites 65 66 Sponges (Etheridge) 15 67 (Pettitt) 68 Echinoderms 69 Cremnoceramus Cremnoceramus 70 sp. Radiolarians 71 sp. 72 73 74 75 Gyrosoria lata 76 10 77 Echinocorys 78 79 Concinnithyris orbignyi Orbirhynchia 80 81 0.5–1.0 m 13/2 LC 5 LC 5a LC 12/2 sp. 11/2 sp. sp. sp. 3 sp. sp. Turonian Bannovka 10/2 Middle–upper Middle–upper 5 9/2 8/2 7/2 6/2 5/2 LC 4b 0.7–1.0 m Craticularia Polyscyphia LC 4 Plocoscyphia Plocoscyphia Demospongia 4/2 Leprophragma ? ? Guettardiscyphia 2 3/2 LC 4a 1.0–1.2 2/2 Middle Middle Melovatka 1 1/2 Cenomanian 1.0 9.5 Fig. 3. Distribution of invertebrates in the KB-1 section. The BF-based zones and subzones (LC) are shown. STRATIGRAPHY AND GEOLOGICAL CORRELATION Vol. 27 No. 7 2019 808 Cenomanian Turonian Stage Middle ?lower Middle–upper Substage Melovatka Bannovka Formation Middle ?lower Middle–upper Subformation Fig. 4. Chukhonastovka-1 Chukhonastovka-2 Section 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Layer no. Distribution of invertebrates in the Chukhonastovka-1 and Chukhonastovka-2 sections. sections. Chukhonastovka-2 and Chukhonastovka-1 the in invertebrates of Distribution Lithology 20 10 15 m STRATIGRAPHY ANDGEOLOGICALCORRELATION Vol.27 No. 7 2019 5 0.15 2.5 1.5 3.5–4.0 4.5–5.0 5.5–5.0 2.5–3.0 Thickness, m 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sample nos. Plocoscyphia sp. Paraplocia sp. Gibbithyris cf. semiglobosa (Sowerby) Etheridgia sp. Orbirhynchia cf. dispansa Pettitt Concinnithyris sp. Balantionella (Balantionella) melovatkinensis Perv. Orbirhynchia orbignyi (Pettitt) al. et PERVUSHOV Balantionella (Lobatiscyphia) ingenita Perv. Kingena ex gr. lima (Defrance) Camerospongia ilovlensis Perv. Kingena sp. Paracraticularia sp. Bisulcina campaniensis (Orbigny) Guettardiscyphia sp. Gyrosoria lata (Etheridge) Ventriculites sp. Ancistrocrania sp. Siphonia sp. Cretiscalpellum gamigense (Geinitz) Praeactinocamax sohzensis Makhlin Neovermilia ampullacea (J. de C. Sowerby) Praeactinocamax triangulus Naidin Cidaridae Gauthieria radiata (Sorignet) Echinocorys sp. Goniasteridae Nielsenicrinus carinatus (Roemer) Bourgueticrinus ellipticus (Miller) Bourgueticrinus fischeri (Geinitz) Bourgueticrinus sp. Ophiotitanos serrata (Roemer) Legend Scalpellium Echinoderms Sponges Fossil intervals Bryozoans worms Burrowing Brachiopods
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