OUT May 4, 2012 | Volume IX Issue 26 Violence Against Women Act passes in the Senate EEOC: Trans BY DaNA LAROCCA Vice President Joe Biden, who sponsored try,” Adams said as she introduced the bill. Workers Protected On April 29 the Senate, in a 68-31vote, re- the original bill in 1994, said in a statement, Adams, a long time advocate for victims authorized the Violence Against Women Act. “In 2012, we should be beyond ques- of domestic violence, did not mention in her by Title VII The act, first passed in 1994, initially provided tioning the need for the Violence statement that the House version stripped $1.6 billion for investigation and prosecution Against Women Act. This law has away the LGBT protections that were BY MIKE ANDREW of violent crimes against women. Additionally been overwhelmingly successful included in the Senate version. Adams Seattle Gay News staff writer the act imposed automatic and mandatory res- since it was first enacted 17 years said, of the House version which has The federal Equal Employ- titution on those convicted, and allowed civil ago to improve the criminal jus- no Democratic co-sponsors, “We need ment Opportunity Commission redress in cases prosecutors chose to leave tice response to this violent crime to make sure that we don’t allow this (EEOC) ruled on April 24 that unprosecuted. The Act also established the and to assist those who experience bill to become a political issue. Title VII, the federal sex discrimi- Office on Violence Against Women within the this abuse. Since then, the law has This is a bipartisan bill, and nation law, protects employees Department of Justice. twice been reauthorized with the broad it should stay as such.” who are discriminated against Fifteen Senate Republicans joined with all support of members of both parties. It But it is a political issue, because they are transgender. Democrats in voting for the reauthorization. should still be bigger than politics to- and the LGBT, immigrant, In its unprecedented decision, the The 2012 version is the first to include pro- day.” and Native American pro- EEOC concluded that “intentional tections for same sex couples and also allows Meanwhile, in the House, Republi- visions are at the center of discrimination against a transgen- undocumented immigrant victims to obtain can representative Sandy Adams has that. “We are not going to be der individual because that person temporary visas. These provisions were cen- introduced a House version of the re- looking at the controversial issues that is transgender is, by definition, dis- tral to opposition to the bill, primarily from con- authorization. “It is a bipartisan act, and will detract from what is actually VAWA,” crimination ‘based on & sex’ and such servative Republicans. Republican opposition I hope that people will quit trying to make it Adams said. discrimination & violates Title VII.” to the bill is viewed by many as part of a larger a partisan issue. This is something that affects “This isn’t a partisan issue. It’s common The EEOC is the federal agency War on Women being waged by the right wing everyone, and we need to stand together and sense,” Senator Al Franken wrote after the that interprets and enforces fed- of the Republican party. work on getting this reauthorization bill passed Senate passage. Senator Franken had added eral employment discrimination for the betterment of our victims and our coun- —continued on page 2 law, and this decision marks the first time it has issued clear guide- lines on transgender discrimination. The EEOC ruling came in response ‘Dolly’ Matches Up Well at the Spotlighters to a complaint filed by the Trans- BY STEVE CHARING gender Law Center on behalf of Mounting a big splashy musical such as Mia Macy, a transgender woman Hello, Dolly! on the cozy 13 by 16-foot in- who was denied a job as a ballis- the-round stage of the Audrey Herman’s tics technician at the Walnut Creek, Spotlighters Theatre was sure to be an am- California, laboratory of the fed- bitious, if not impossible, challenge to say eral Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, the least. But anyone who knows the type Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). of magic Director Fuzz Roark can bring to An Army veteran and a former police theatre should not have any doubts. detective, Macy applied for the posi- “There is nothing like tackling an iconic tion as male and was told that she show like Hello, Dolly! to make even the virtually was guaranteed the job. She bravest and most experienced of directors a was exceptionally qualified for the bit wary,” Roark wrote in the program notes. position, having a military and law “Well, let’s just say that I love a challenge!” enforcement background and being He as well as his talented cast and crew met one of the few people in the coun- that challenge and more. try who had already been trained on As such, the Spotlighters 50th anniver- ATF’s ballistics computer system. sary season, which brought to Baltimore the- After disclosing her gender tran- atre lovers Tea & Sympathy, The Fantastiks, sition mid-way through the hir- Ain’t Misbehavin’ and Agnes of God thus far ing process, Macy was told that continued its celebration with a joyous, effer- funding for that position had vescent production of Hello, Dolly! —continued on page 4 —continued on page 16 NEWS // national Teachers Taught to Combat Homophobia VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN BY ANNY CElsI An important aspect of the Encompass ACT PassES IN THE SENATE Voice of America approach is that it’s not about changing – continued from front page Co-Publishers a teacher’s attitudes or personal beliefs Jim Becker • Jim Williams In 2010, violent crimes against gay, les- [email protected] bian and transgendered people were up about homosexuality. Instead, the train- a provision to the bill that would prevent vic- Executive Editor 13 percent over the previous year. Murders ing offers tools to help teachers recognize tims of sexual assault from being charged Jim Becker increased by 23 percent, according to the and address sexual bias in their class. for “rape kits” and a provision that would [email protected] National Coalition of Anti-Violence Projects. After watching the first scene, teachers prevent a woman from being evicted from Managing Editor The problem can start as early as elementary in the audience offer suggestions on how federally subsidized housing just because Dana LaRocca [email protected] school, but teachers who witness sexual bias to better handle the situation. The ac- she is a victim of domestic violence. in the classroom are often unsure tors then restage the scene, in- On the day of the Senate passage Mary- Production Director Bill Andriette of how, or whether, to intervene. corporating those suggestions. land Senator Barbara Mikulski said, “One Sales Director To heIp them figure it out, a non- There are other diversity train- in four women will be victims of domestic Mary Taylor profit group in Los Angeles uses live ing programs, but Encompass violence during her lifetime; one in four. Six- [email protected] theater to train teachers to counter- is different. Instead of getting a teen million children are exposed to domes- Leather Columnist act homophobia in schools. list of do’s and don’ts, teachers tic violence. And also one in six women has Rodney Burger The instructor training program get the chance to examine their experienced attempted or completed rape. Contributing Writers begins with a staged scene. High own preconceptions, trade ex- And even men now are the subject of rape. Shawn Bradley • Cathy Brennan • Terrence Brower • Steve Charing • Jeffrey Clagett • Jeffrey Clouser • Chuck Duncan school actors, playing high school periences, and then watch their Twenty-five percent of rape crisis centers • Gerry Fisher • Eva Hersh MD • Sam Kunz • Jessica Lemmo • students, walk into their English ideas played out in the classroom. have waiting lists for advocacy groups…. Jay Loane • Meredith Moise • Vann Mills • Colin Riley • class talking about a teen who was beaten up “What really made a difference was the im- “Two million victims of physical and sex- Gregg Shapiro • the day before. prov,” says Beverly Tate, who teaches at ual violence each year, 20,000 in Maryland. Graphics “If Travis wanted gay rights, he got Pasadena City College, “the way they came On average, 1,000 female victims are killed Joe Velasquez • Bob Wellington back the second time and really stayed true by their abusers. One-third of all female ho- them,” says one actor. “Rights, lefts, Cartoonist uppercuts, a kick to the face. Bam!” to their characters and to see the chang- micides are domestic violence. Bruce Garrett (www.brucegarrett.com) The discussion heats up, and the es in the way the teacher addressed the “These are numbers and statistics, but Photographers kids start baiting each other. Be- bias and the language in the classroom.” they also represent real people. We help Bruce Garrett • Jay W Photos • Justin Nixon fore long, the class is out of control. Student actor Drew Cameron hopes over 70,000 victims every day, 70,000 vic- Web Editor This training program is presented by En- they’re making a difference. “Hopefully tims every day through hotlines and ser- Anja Saine [email protected] compass, a non-profit group that focuses on teachers are watching this and not just vices and shelters. Regrettably, there is a Managed Web Services diversity issues in California schools. The ac- thinking, ‘Here’s some students that are waiting list. We need to pass this legisla- The Fusio Group tors are students from the LA County High putting on a scene for us.’ [They’re think- tion because it gives us the authorization 866-322-7498, www.thefusiogroup.com School for the Arts.
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