GRAB GREATNESS fs-snacks-desserts.com Letschatsnacks.com 1-855-202-3913 ©Mondelēz International group KMO170020 GRAB GREAT FIRST HALF 2017 NESS PRODUCT GUIDE SEIZE SNACK SALES WITH SUPERIOR SNACKS TRADITIONAL BRANDED TREATS DESSERT Appeal to customers’ sweeter INGREDIENTS side with in-demand treats. Add the power of America’s • Perfect for mid-afternoon 2 Best-selling snack brands. best-selling brands to your pick-me-ups Best-in-class branded desserts. dessert menu. • Place at the register and near Baked goods that stand out. beverage and coffee areas to 3 Mondelēz International delivers OREO is the #1 : create the biggest impact. • Overall menued dessert brand a variety of ways to delight • Brand for cheesecake, sundaes customers and stay in step with and ice cream treats changing snack habits. From • Brand in dessert beverages traditional treats to wholesome goodness, our smart selection is here to help you grab more sales and GRAB GREATNESS one snack at a time. SNACKS make up 50% of all eating occasions.1 3 2. BREAKFAST BAKED GOODS WHOLESOME Make the most important meal Give customers the #1 graham GOODNESS of the day the most profitable. and saltine crackers2, now with more whole-grain goodness Attract customers seeking than ever. great-tasting snacks with • Bundle with fruit, coffee better-for-you benefits. and yogurt to boost check averages. PAIR FOR EVEN MORE PROFIT Top 3 cracker pairings4: • Soup 79% • Chili 52% 100% Whole • Cheese 34% Grain Gluten Free 4 Hours of Nutritious Steady Energy 48% OF CONSUMERS will pay more for 5 1. The Hartman Group, Modern Eating: Cultural Roots, Daily Behaviors, 2013 healthier options 2. Nielsen, xAOC plus Convenience, 52 weeks ending 04/15/16 3. Datassential, MenuTrends, July 2014 4. Datassential, Custom survey, November 2013 3. 5. IRI, State of the Snack Industry, 2014 4 OREO—America’s #1 cookie brand2 SINGLE-SERVE COOKIES Brand UPC Case Code GTIN Description Boxes per Case Packs per Box Units Net Wt Gross Wt 193200020070 10019320002004 OREO Single Serve 120/2.4 oz 6ct 4 30 120 18 20.35 Yes 440000469890 10044000047006 OREO Single Serve 48/2.4 oz 6ct 4 12 48 7.2 8.614 Yes 193200019940 10019320001984 OREO Single Serve 120/1.59 oz 4ct 4 30 120 11.88 14.003 Yes 193200019700 10019320015400 OREO Single Serve 120/0.78 oz 2ct 2 60 120 5.88 7.259 Yes 193200004200 10019320000420 OREO Mini Big Bag 36/3 oz — — 36 6.75 8 Yes 440000068000 10044000006805 OREO Mini Big Bag 12/3 oz — — 12 2.256 2.739 Yes 193200009000 00019320000904 OREO Mini Single Serve 48/1 oz 4 12 48 3 4.16 Yes 193200001100 00019320000119 OREO Mini Single Serve Bag 60/1.5 oz — — 60 5.625 6.993 Yes 440000159200 10044000015920 OREO Mini Snak Saks 12/8 oz — — 12 6 6.904 Yes 440000442990 10044000044746 OREO Thins 48/1.02 oz 4 12 48 3.06 4.127 Yes 440000374300 10044000037434 CHIPS AHOY! Single Serve 48/1.4 oz 4 12 48 4.2 5.6 Yes 193200154800 10019320015486 CHIPS AHOY! Mini Single Serve Bag 60/2 oz — — 60 7.5 9.45 Yes 193200004300 10019320000437 CHIPS AHOY! Mini Big Bag 36/3 oz — — 36 6.75 8 Yes NABISCO 193200008900 00019320000898 CHIPS AHOY! Mini Single Serve Bag 48/1 oz 4 12 48 3 4.4 Yes 193200093800 00019320009389 OREO 100 CALORIE PACKS 72/0.81 oz — — 72 3.645 4.7 Yes Used on vertical panels 440000061700 10044000006171 OREO 100 CALORIE PACKS 30/4.86 oz 6 5 30 1.823 3.321 Yes NABISCO 193200093700 00019320009372 CHIPS AHOY! 100 CALORIE PACKS 72/0.81 oz — — 72 3.645 4.8 Yes Used on horizontal panels 193200005400 00019320000546 LORNA DOONE 100 CALORIE PACKS 72/0.74 oz — — 72 3.33 4.6 Yes 440000141300 10044000014138 LORNA DOONE 100 CALORIE PACKS 6/4.44 oz 6 5 30 1.665 3.2 Yes 440000374500 10044000037458 NUTTER BUTTER Single Serve 48/1.9 oz 4 12 48 5.7 7.2 Yes 193200007200 10019320000727 NUTTER BUTTER BITES Big Bag 36/3 oz — — 36 6.75 8 Yes 193200159100 10019320015912 NUTTER BUTTER BITES Single Serve Bag 60/1.75 oz — — 60 6.563 8.1 Yes 193200009400 00019320000942 NUTTER BUTTER BITES Single Serve 48/1 oz 4 12 48 3 4.5 Yes 440000030600 10044000003064 NUTTER BUTTER BITES Big Bag 12/3 oz — — 12 2.25 2.8 Yes 1 4. belVita—#1 breakfast biscuit2 SINGLE-SERVE COOKIES (Cont’d) Brand UPC Case Code GTIN Description Boxes per Case Packs per Box Units Net Wt Gross Wt 440000290800 10044000029088 belVIta Breakfast Biscuit Blueberry 64/1.76 oz 8 8 64 7.04 9.51 Yes 440000294600 10044000029460 belVIta Breakfast Biscuit Golden Oat 64/1.76 oz 8 8 64 7.04 9.51 Yes Discontinued 440000393200 10044000039322 belVIta Soft Baked Banana Bread 64/1.76 oz 8 8 64 7.04 8.857 Yes March 2017 Discontinued 440000439500 10044000043954 belVIta Bites Chocolate 64/1.76 oz 8 8 64 7.04 8.857 Yes March 2017 440000406800 10044000040687 belVita Sandwich Peanut Butter 64/1.76 oz 8 8 64 7.04 8.648 Yes 440000503400 10044000050341 belVita Sandwich Strawberry Yogurt Creme 8 8 64 7.04 8.648 Yes HONEY MAID TEDDY GRAHAMS Cinnamon Single Serve 193200167000 10019320016704 — — 150 7.031 8.3 No 150/0.75 oz HONEY MAID TEDDY GRAHAMS CUBS Cinnamon Single Serve 193200167600 10019320016766 — — 150 4.688 6.04 No 150/0.5 oz 193200009300 00019320000935 HONEY MAID TEDDY GRAHAMS Cinnamon Single Serve 48/1 oz 4 12 48 3 4.2 No 440000006100 10044000000612 HONEY MAID TEDDY GRAHAMS Cinnamon Big Bag 12/3 oz — — 12 2.25 2.7 No 193200168200 10019320016827 NEWTONS Fig Single Serve 120/1 oz — — 120 7.5 8.28 Yes 193200157900 10019320015790 NEWTONS Fig Single Serve 120/2 oz — — 120 15 16.9 Yes 193200152500 10019320015257 NEWTONS Fig Fat Free Single Serve 60/2.1 oz 5 12 60 7.875 8.9 Yes 440000374400 10044000037441 NEWTONS Fig Single Serve 48/2 oz 4 12 48 6 6.97 Yes 440000014500 10044000001459 NEWTONS Fig Fat Free Single Serve 48/2.1 oz 4 12 48 6.3 7.298 Yes 193200168300 10019320016834 LORNA DOONE Single Serve 120/1 oz 4ct 4 30 120 7.5 8 Yes 193200154400 10019320015448 LORNA DOONE Single Serve 120/1.5 oz 4 30 120 11.25 12.3 Yes 193200091500 10019320009157 NILLA WAFERS Single Serve 72/1 oz — — 72 4.5 6.3 Yes 193200010300 10019320001038 NILLA WAFERS Mini Single Serve 72/1.16 oz — — 72 5.22 6.72 Yes 193200010200 00019320001024 BARNUM’S ANIMALS Crackers 72/1 oz — — 72 4.5 6.075 No 193200001700 10019320000178 NABISCO ANIMAL CRACKERS Single Serve Bag 48/1 oz — — 48 2.995 3.598 Yes 2. Nielsen, xAOC plus Convenience, 52 weeks ending 04/15/16 5. 2 KING SIZE COOKIES & CANDY Brand UPC Case Code GTIN Description Boxes per Case Packs per Box Units Net Wt Gross Wt Discontinued 440000295000 10044000029507 OREO King Size 6/10 6 10 60 15 18.296 Yes April 2017 NEW 440000506100 10044000050617 OREO King Size 2/10 2 10 20 5 6.301 Yes April 2017 Discontinued 440000295200 10044000029521 OREO DOUBLE STUF King Size 6/10 6 10 60 15.375 18.258 Yes April 2017 NEW 440000507600 10044000050761 OREO DOUBLE STUF King Size 2/10 2 10 20 5.12 6.426 Yes April 2017 Discontinued 440000365800 10044000036581 NUTTER BUTTER King Size 6/10 6 10 60 13.14 15.643 Yes April 2017 NEW 440000508800 10044000050884 NUTTER BUTTER King Size 2/10 2 10 20 4.38 5.335 Yes April 2017 Discontinued 440000328300 10044000032835 GOLDEN OREO DOUBLE STUF King Size 6/10 6 10 60 15 17.649 Yes April 2017 NEW 440000508200 10044000050822 GOLDEN OREO DOUBLE STUF King Size 2/10 2 10 20 5 5.982 Yes April 2017 Discontinued 440000295400 10044000029545 CHIPS AHOY! Chunky King Size 6/8 6 8 48 12.48 15.21 Yes April 2017 NEW 440000508500 10044000050853 CHIPS AHOY! Chunky King Size 2/8 2 8 16 4.144 5.177 Yes April 2017 Discontinued 440000365900 10044000036598 CHIPS AHOY! Brownie Filled King Size 6/8 6 8 48 11.088 13.929 Yes April 2017 NEW 440000507300 10044000050730 CHIPS AHOY! Brownie Filled King Size 2/8 2 8 16 3.696 4.75 Yes April 2017 704620020500 10070462002055 SOUR PATCH KIDS King Size 8/18 8 18 144 30.6 44.72 No 704620020300 10070462002031 SOUR PATCH Watermelon King Size 8/18 8 18 144 30.6 44.72 No 704620019900Sour Patch ID | 02.22.13 |10070462001997 41692 SWEDISH FISH King Size 8/18 8 18 144 30.6 44.72 No GO-PAKS Brand UPC Case Code GTIN Description Boxes per Case Packs per Box Units Net Wt Gross Wt 440000444000 10044000044401 OREO Mini GO-PAKS! 12/3.5 oz — — 12 2.628 3.332 Yes 440000445700 10044000044579 NUTTER BUTTER Mini GO-PAKS! 12/3.5 oz — — 12 2.628 3.174 Yes 440000446000 10044000044609 CHIPS AHOY! Mini GO-PAKS! 12/3.5 oz — — 12 2.628 3.230 Yes 440000445800 10044000044586 TEDDY GRAHAMS Honey GO-PAKS! 12/2.75 oz — — 12 2.064 2.611 Yes 440000445900 10044000044593 RITZ BITS Cheese GO-PAKS! 12/3.0 oz — — 12 2.256 2.799 No 440000446200 10044000044623 GOLDEN OREO Mini GO-PAKS! 12/3.5 oz — — 12 2.628 3.174 Yes 440000446100 10044000044616 NILLA WAFERS Mini GO-PAKS! 12/2.25 oz — — 12 1.692 2.236 Yes 704620013600 10070462001362 SOUR PATCH KIDS Big 12 3.2 oz — — 12 2.4 2.889 No 704620013700 10070462001379 SWEDISH FISH Red Big 12 3.6 oz — — 12 2.7 3.583 No 3 6.
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