Index Note: The letters ‘f’ and ‘t’ following the locators refers to figures and tables cited in the text. A Acyl-lipid desaturas, 455 AA, see Arachidonic acid (AA) Adenophostin A, 71, 72t aa, see Amino acid (aa) Adenosine 5-diphosphoribose, 65, 789 AACOCF3, see Arachidonyl trifluoromethyl Adlea, 651 ketone (AACOCF3) ADP, 4t, 10, 155, 597, 598f, 599, 602, 669, α1A-adrenoceptor antagonist prazosin, 711t, 814–815, 890 553 ADPKD, see Autosomal dominant polycystic aa 723–928 fragment, 19 kidney disease (ADPKD) aa 839–873 fragment, 17, 19 ADPKD-causing mutations Aβ, see Amyloid β-peptide (Aβ) PKD1 ABC protein, see ATP-binding cassette protein L4224P, 17 (ABC transporter) R4227X, 17 Abeele, F. V., 715 TRPP2 Abbott Laboratories, 645 E837X, 17 ACA, see N-(p-amylcinnamoyl)anthranilic R742X, 17 acid (ACA) R807X, 17 Acetaldehyde, 68t, 69 R872X, 17 Acetic acid-induced nociceptive response, ADPR, see ADP-ribose (ADPR) 50 ADP-ribose (ADPR), 99, 112–113, 113f, Acetylcholine-secreting sympathetic neuron, 380–382, 464, 534–536, 535f, 179 537f, 538, 711t, 712–713, Acetylsalicylic acid, 49t, 55 717, 770, 784, 789, 816–820, Acrolein, 67t, 69, 867, 971–972 885 Acrosome reaction, 125, 130, 301, 325, β-Adrenergic agonists, 740 578, 881–882, 885, 888–889, α2 Adrenoreceptor, 49t, 55, 188 891–895 Adult polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), Actinopterigy, 223 1023 Activation gate, 485–486 Aframomum daniellii (aframodial), 46t, 52 Leu681, amino acid residue, 485–486 Aframomum melegueta (Melegueta pepper), Tyr671, ion pathway, 486 45t, 51, 70 Acute myeloid leukaemia and myelodysplastic Agelenopsis aperta (American funnel web syndrome (AML/MDS), 949 spider), 48t, 54 Acylated phloroglucinol hyperforin, 71 Agonist-dependent vasorelaxation, 378 Acylation, 96 Ahern, G. P., 526–527 Acyl-homoserine lactone, 163, 836 Aiptasia pulchella (anemone), 54 M.S. Islam (ed.), Transient Receptor Potential Channels, Advances in Experimental 1033 Medicine and Biology 704, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-0265-3, C Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011 1034 Index Airway cells of non-neuronal origin, TRP Allicin (2-propenyl 2-propene thiosulfinate), channels in, 974 66 airway structural and immune cells, Allium, 66, 67t 975–976 Allosteric coupling, 517, 524, 527f, 528 capsaicin receptor and, 976–978 Allosteric gating in thermoTRP, 481–483 intracellular calcium homeostasis and allosteric MWC model, 481, 482f inflammation, 975 capsaicin gating of TRPV1, 481 TRPA1, 974–975 coupling of electric energy, 483 Airway chemoreceptor, 163 single channel recordings, 483 Airway irritation, 641 voltage gating, 483 Airway SMC, molecular expression and Allosteric gating scheme, 525–527 functional role Allyl isothiocyanate (AITC), 66, 67t, 69, 73, active NSCCs 110, 190t, 485, 766, 792, 852, cell-attached single channel recordings, 972 733 Alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4- homomeric/heteromeric, 734 isoxazolepropionic acid multiple TRPC molecules (AMPA), 156, 161, 547, 576, guinea-pig airway SMCs, 732 999 human airway SMCs, 732 Al-Shawi laboratory, 29 porcine airway SM tissues, 732 ALS/PD, see Guamanian amyotrophic lateral TRPC3-encoded NSCCs sclerosis and parkinsonian 2+ agonist-induced increase in [Ca ]i, dementia (ALS/PD) 736–737 Alvarez, O., 469–486 expression and activity in asthmatic Alveolar capillary endothelium, 978 airway SMCs, 740–741 Alzheimer, 175, 382, 537–538, 575 mediated Ca2+ influx, 739 Alzheimer’s disease, 175, 382, 537 Na+/Ca2+ exchanger-1 and/or L-type Amantini, C., 947–961 Ca2+ channels, 737–738, 737f Ambudkar, I. S., 435–445, 547, 824 phospholipase C activation, 739 + AMG-517, 653–654 resting [Ca2 ]i lowered, 736 Amgen, 646, 652–653 Vm hyperpolarization, 734 TRPC3/TRPC6 gene silencing, 739 Amide I band, 458 Airway smooth muscle hyperreactivity, Amiloride, 278, 750, 839, 863t, 869–870, 920 797–798 Amino acid (aa), 2, 17, 19, 150, 230, AITC 419t–420t, 537f elicited control response vs. signal, 184, 536, 537f comparison, 110 218, 536 Ajoene, 66, 67t 538–557, 536, 537f Aka Mcoln2, see TRPML2 1292–1325, 536, 537f Akey,J.M.,259–260 2-Aminoethoxydiphenyl borate (2-APB), 56, Akt/PKB, 954–955 88, 89f, 91–93, 190, 420, 477, Alarm/defense mechanism, 197 711t, 735t, 852 Albatrellus confluens (neogri- 2-Aminoethyl diphenylborinate (2-APB), 627 folin/albaconol/grifolin), Amino (N) termini, 2f, 2, 3t, 8–9, 12, 15, 211, 47t, 52–53 316, 392, 415, 440, 463, 547, Albatrellus ovinus (scutigeral), 47t, 52 710, 719, 919, 930, 1011 Albert,A.P.,391–404 2-Aminophenylborate (2-APB), 176 ALG-2 protein, 215 4-Aminopyridine, 733 Alkylation, 96 Aminoquinazolines, 647 Allen, E., 921 Amoroso, S., 586 Allergic asthma, 973, 976 AMPA receptor, 156, 161, 547, 576, 999 Allicin (garlic), 66, 67t, 110, 115, 470, 623, Amplification mechanism, 317, 375 782, 792 AMP–PNP (an ATP analog), 10, 11f, 155 Index 1035 AMTB (TRPM8 blocker), 89f, 97, 193t, 195, 2-APB, see 2-Aminoethoxydiphenyl borate 711t, 716 (2-APB); 2-Aminoethyl Amyloid β-peptide (Aβ), 382, 534, 537 diphenylborinate (2-APB) Analgesia, 197–199, 201, 503, 622, 626, 629, 2-APB action, 91–93, 111f, 176, 177t, 190, 647 191t, 420, 441, 477, 584, 603, Analgesic polypeptide HC1 (APHC1), 48t, 54 627, 675, 711t, 715–716, 735t, Anandamide, 48t, 54–55, 61, 142, 190, 768, 932 191t, 493, 556, 646, 822, 893, APHC1, see Analgesic polypeptide HC1 914–915, 953, 989–990, 992, (APHC1) 997 Apical calcium channels, 934, 958 Anaphylaxis, 976 Apoptosis, 55, 177, 200, 215, 231t, 254, 256, Ancistrodial, 47t, 52 263, 279, 288, 294–295, 327, Ancistrotermes cavithorax (ancistrodial), 47t, 532, 536–537, 575, 579, 585, 52 669, 675, 789, 820, 851, 853, Androgen-dependent (AD), 933, 938–939 929–931, 935–938, 940, 948, Androgen-independent (AI), 200, 931, 933 950–956, 959–960, 977 Apoptotic-induced cell death, 947, 949 Androgen-insensitive neuroendocrine phenotype, 254 Apoptotic-resistant neuroendocrine phenotype, 254, 931 Androgen sensitivity, 199–200 Appaloosa horse phenotype, 140, 142, Andrographis paniculata (bitter herbaceous 1017–1018 plant), 61 AP180 protein, 226 Andrographis paniculata (Chinese herb), 627 Aquaporin, 5f, 6, 28, 282f Angiogenesis, 347–348, 708, 710, 711t, Arachidonic acid (AA), 48t, 58t, 61–62, 767–769, 772, 774t, 791, 63t, 64t, 65, 68t, 71, 72t, 94, 795–796, 891, 930, 948, 960 128, 188, 380, 395, 418, 532, Angiotensin (Ang) II receptor, 160, 179, 278, 578, 617, 627, 674–675, 739, 376, 400, 669, 691–692, 715, 763–764, 771, 774t, 792, 800, 719, 764, 787f, 789, 793f, 1013 816, 819, 822, 824, 835, 890, Anionic lysophosphatidylinositol, 65 893, 915–916, 956, 990 Ankyrine-rich TRP (TRPA), 12, 26, 43, 88, Arachidonic acid metabolites, 48t, 58t, 68t, 71, 289, 323, 326–327, 331, 342, 72t, 94, 617, 627, 774t, 890 363, 364t, 365, 365t, 367t, 416, 2-Arachidonoylglycerol, 61 457, 469, 474–475, 493, 547, Arachidonyl trifluoromethyl ketone 563, 616, 688, 710, 732, 750, (AACOCF3), 94 760, 782, 948, 974, 988, 1011 Araki, I., 861–871 Ankyrin repeat domain (ARD), 12, 14 A7R5 aortic smooth muscle cells, 563 X-ray crystallography, 12 A7r5 cells, see Aortic smooth muscle cells Ankyrin repeats, 8f, 12, 13f, 14, 27, 32, 34, (A7r5 cells) 244, 517, 623, 638f, 639, 1013t, ARD, see Ankyrin repeat domain (ARD) 1013, 1015t Arf6, see GTPase ADP-ribosylation Factor 6 Annexin A1, 11, 177–179, 233, 691, 784, 918 (Arf6) pathway Anterior hypothalamus, 998 Arg701, 643–644 Anti-aging factor, see Kallikrein Aromatase deficient (ArKO) mice, 248 Anti-androgen therapy, 199, 938 ARPE19 cell line, 234 Anti-anxiety drugs, 991 Arrhenius, 473 Antidepressant drugs, 991–994 Arrhenius activation energy, 473 Anti-estrogen-receptor (ER), 959 Arrhythmogenic alteration, 180 Anti-inflammatory assay, 55 Arteriosclerosis, 782 Antioxidant enzymes, 532 Arthritis, 458, 618, 640t Aortic smooth muscle cells (A7r5 cells), 563, Artmann, G., 461, 464 693–694, 783, 797, 800 A7r5 vascular smooth muscle cell, 90 Aortic stenosis, 786 Aryl cinnamides, 649t 1036 Index Asakawa, M., 851 and PC-1 function, signalling pathway, Ashford, M. L., 811 290 Asian spice, see Zanthoxylum piperitum A8V, 261–262 (Szechuan pepper) Axonal growth cones, 576, 579 Asn604, 644 AZD-1386 (AstraZeneca), 652t, 654 Aspirin, 55 Asp964 residue, 381 B Asthma, 688, 691–692, 740–741, 973, BAA, see Bisandrographolide A (BAA) 976–977 Bacterial K+ channel (KcsA), 1, 6, 643 Astrocytes, 936, 952, 955, 957 Baez-Nieto, D., 469–486 A563T, 261–262 Bandell, M., 481 ATG initiation codon, 136 BAPTA-AM, 404 Atomic force microscopy, 14, 17 Barritt, G. J., 667–680 Atomic resolution, 6, 33–34 Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), 557, ATP binding, 10, 12, 13f, 150f, 154–155, 157, 576–577, 988 261 Bates-Withers, C., 173–180 ATP-binding cassette protein (ABC Bax, 938, 960 transporter), 151, 157, 814 Bayliss, A., 798 + ATP-dependent K channel (KATP ), 158, 812 Bayliss effect, 158, 160, 798–799 ATP-evoked calcium signalling, 131 Bayliss, W., 158 ATP +Mg2+, 437 Bayliss, W. M., 694 ATP synthesis, 669 B-cell receptor (BCR), 375–376, 375f Atropine, 549t, 597, 599, 722 B-cell signaling, 375 Automated patch clamp Anno 2010 Bcl-2, 938–939, 950 results, 110–120 BCR, see B-cell receptor (BCR) HEK293-TRPA1 cell testing on QPatch, Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome, 939 111f Bedouin, 1020–1021 TRPA1, 110–112 Beech, D. J., 114 Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), 201 TRPCs, 112–115 Benzimidazol analogue, 649t TRPMs, 112–115 Berbey, C., 753 TRPVs, 115–118 Bernd Nilius, 463 See also individual entries Beta-cell, 94, 538–539, 558 Autophagic dysfunction, 210 Beta-galactoside-binding lectin Galectin 1 Autophagic vesicle, 235 (GAL1), 934, 958 Autophagocytosis, see Autophagy Bezzerides, V. J., 550 Autophagosome, see Autophagic vesicle bFGF, see Basic fibroblast growth factor Autophagy, 210, 211t, 215, 231t, 234, 367t (bFGF) Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease Bhave, G., 498 (ADPKD), 17, 71, 73, 88, Biaryl carboxamides, 647, 649t 289–290, 771, 919 Biliary epithelial cells (cholangiocytes), 298, arterial hypertension, 290 667 cardiac and vascular manifestations, 290, Bindels, R., 240, 279 290f Binshtok, A.
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