) .Engineers -Battle Stakes Are·Big in f) ~- Snow : \VHh Dozers, . right. to · contr~l En 1n- rs ep rt road -Help ·the Haylift Natural Resources " "Operation Haylift': is getting The· stakes are ·enormous in the - great . h.elp from the skill and nius, fight over wl~o is going to ·contr01 at stern eet : cle _of Operating - En~ine~rs : · ac ~ 1,t11e po ~vei· and ther~after ~lte d:­ Reports of extensive gains on every front in the West's I r~ported on cmrent statl ~ d of the ·- cordntg to reports commg; , m from. y.~l()P,me .~1t ot _n,atur<t1 resources m great postwar perie>d of grcn\·th and industrial .expansion were bJg Central Valleys ProJect a n,~. 1 -'- · 1 · 1 x -1- C " · -· f h IUOE ·other reclamation projects in Call-- ·an of the area. hit oy.record-br.eak~ . California, Regional Director_. R. L. hear~ . 3L 1: 1e regu ~r v~ester~l Staces onrerence 0 ! e ' fornia, which total sorne $72 mil·· · ing- -snows. · Vvhile the · unpre;;e,_ EfokEi ·of -the Bureau of Reclama­ held m San Franc1sco s Wh1tcomb Hotel on Jan. :G9 and 30. lion for this year. • clented_ v\;:eqther is putting the- w )n tol~l - delegates at the IUOE Tempc:i!·arily stymied by ol' man He declared that th·e stakes in · squitch on highvvay and construe-. West-ern. States Conference)n San wint~r, engineers are nevertheless other delegates attendlng the ex- the ba~tle for :control of ·water arl(f . tion projects, . engineers at'e turn-. F.rancisco .. set to go _on . one of the biggest ecutive board meeting in Miami power development a're enormous,, _ ing-~ th e ir attention to helping the The Basin · plan for California years in history, .reports from 15 being permitted to sit in on · the with private interests fighting des, (Continued on Pa.ge 12) (Continued on Page 12) local unions and representatives of delib.2rations. perat.el.y to control them, rathelf the ihternationa:l union hulicated. NEXT lN' DENVER than to let the small business mti,Jm ' !tl!l!U~D Afl .~~nr ·· . - ~c· ·~e ~· To~·: ~~~~D~l5i(' Membehihip, in engineer locals has Next meeting of the conference and the average family rnan get OJ i B~u:~. nv. - ~ . L mI - _ ll'i'lil~"'~'}Lg}>'f'~"') increased in; .every IUOE local in ,. is scheduled for DenveJ: in June. their shitre. ' IS YOUR CORRECT ADDRESS ON FILE? ;u is very hnportant the West, it .was revealed. Local· 115 · of Vancouver, B.C., was (CGntinued on Page 7) that all · cha~ges of. address be r eported to the Iilain. office. JVIany of The conference heard l'eports I granted permission· to affiliate with ' the contractors h~ve . •simt the i'epo<t <>f earning~ in to this offi'ce ;.u<l from reclamation and power au- the conference. SEm Francisco Lo- we .have iiJ. tin-n sent them ()ut fro111 our file a ddress, Ho\vever, there thorities 011 the government's h;1 ge I cal 3 was ~i oted sincere th~nk s for are many membel'S ~vho have· no audre§§ oh fi '! e, or 'whose ..maU has development program for the Cen- a much-enJOyed banquet given the . been· returned from the file a(ldress. Check ·with this Qfiice, .or imy of tral_· Valleys. of . Califoxnia, the Co~ i de,legS\t:s. President Pat .cJ~ncy' the bl'.anch office~, 1u 1a make sm:e .tiutt we hqve. your ~Qrrect :a;ddi·ess !'· lumbia Basm, and -the M1ssoun I entertamed a motwn callmg tor a BLOOD DONAT][ONS . , . We have very little blood· 'in thi> R 0--_ . River Basin; projects that mean rising vote of thanks to Brother serve F)md set U]J in the I~ame of our organi~\ttion . After. all this:.. ac- . ' tl~'ot.(sands Qf jobfi' for skill,ed trades- ArthUl' Rossman of Spolqne for CARROLL PARKS couut was ;set up for the beuefit of the members and their families ; n~en - as well as great n-ew sources·! i1is capable work as conference -Died J anuary 21, 1949 and n cannot be a success - unie~>s the member's make blood donations. · of pow·er, water, ·apd flood control! seci'etafy_ F . J . WELLENSTEIN TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS PROTECTION FOR YOU AND . that are badly needed tq bring .-in- . Deleaates from -the 14 affiliated -Died J anuar y 25, 1949 YOUR FAMILY ... MARE AN APPOJIN~l\IENT TODAY! rra:nspor- , dustrisl in~,ep e nil Em ce to ·the \Vest. i local t~1ions gave reports on con- ELMER L. BE:R.GAN tation will be furnished any member to and from-the, Blood, Bank,, if The conference voted to set upj ditions il't their. respective areas, -Died January 26, :1949 ___ . •they .will contact; the mail\ office. - ' .. _ - - - I a committee tha't· ,,\{iiJ confer with and the co nference heard several EDWARD ,WALL ACE . · · . ! - · TECfjl'N[~AL -,E~ci~E1_tS, MEE-:m;t-TG·' ~- .-.,.._ ··-.-,: ",i,. · _&:;j:·\,,- ·-·~ _, ' ·,~eJ)ej·ai ·p~_~s)dent . 'ka)o,il_ey. g\ ·l'e::, :~ ~W. [7~.ng ,- tp'lks.-, l)y goverri~ ent -;~> .. c ~Died · January 27,' ,1949 ·: .':' ~!¥7WJ}'£il~~~1~t1~g~~Iti_ti~i!{~i'rJ~~:~ct<.r~~tgli[ru;,t¥e!s i'1'TIlO\ffi.r:a~-rg'~t~i\-" .J ~q~ J:Jg'f.~f"i;it,J"'~ft;~;.~cit'hz i~~~fit.":P. r';f'):Xct ' f~,Jit}_, tat tve.:?':·:< '· C - -, \~.,.~::- ~:·~~~~f."fPe:~,. 'J~aj;n~ 'Pl~l~r- Ey·:S.s ~l~~~ R_ ~~-:~:?tr~-"'r.- ,,-b~ ~ held' fi'itla~, ·s i,r.m.: ,.1.Febi'Il~~~ ~ 2·<>1· a,t_ ..e moii 0 • ces, 1 O.,<> r ~ar - -c'6;1fth'i:mce ;-sev~ri th-Vice· Pr'eslcien t ; "BIG STAKES" - --'"' 1 0 ~ 3 1 1 9 ~ 9-- ~ -~ ke~ ~tr~et ; San.:Francisco,_ql!l if. ' l • Victor s 'wanSSJll of san:- _Francis co I· Richard L. Boke, regional clirec- j ARTIE B. CO'OK . ' -. • • ·I ! t<{ ,.''tOl'k. \vl'th the group, and any to;- Of the Bureau of Reclamation, -Died Febntary 4, 1949 /·. '1··: r - ' ·._. · _ .. · WI«. ~-bove . are delegates h~ 'I the conrerence. They . were: ·. sheimer. Local 3, San .Francisco, Loc,al 6·3,, Los A:ngeie": Daniei J , , t:t::.r e, H. L. Holliug~wln'ti,, Arthur· · .:attendance_at . t1Ie .V\ 1estern Sta.te:s . International Vice President Vic- 0. L. Casebolt, Pat Clancy, Alton Mofles, Earl' c. Smlth, .Raymond lA. Rossman·. · · ·Confer.enc.e of the International tor SwaJ•.son, Tnternational Trus- Clem; c: F . lVIath.ews, .I'· E . Van- W T- -- L p tl d .. , Local 428, Phoei_ux, L. L. Dugan; ·Uiii.oi1 of Operating Engineers, held - dewark. Local 12, I,os · Ang·eles, · uc1 rer. oca1 87 ' · or an ,- W . A. G1·ay; I . c. Lane. Local _526, in Ho"tet·· Wpitcomb, , San Francisco tee H. H . Herbolsheimer, Interna-l Chas. A. Evans, J . R . Groo~11 , Mor- E. C. Lange, c. ' R. 9wen. Local San Diego, Milton, E . JeaJiney, o. 1 on January .. 29 .and 30. tional Representatives.N,ewell Car-l ris L. Miller, James J. Royce, 285 Boise, Elmer Chi~s()n, Fred H. Willia,1i1son. ··Local 612, Tacoma. Delegates attending the con~ men, Jo~eph Dzivi, G. W. Eggiman, I Mauri?e A. Slmtes. Local 39, ~;!an Radomske, ' I:ocal 302, Seattle, C ol ~ J-ames Estep. L'ocv~l 701, Portland, ference, most of whom. are ill the lVI. {}. Ewe-nhart, A. E . La~ter, Paul ,Franc1sco, M. G. Campbell, Claude Abbott, Loms Berman,, Russell T. 1 L; E. Egan, E. F . .Harland, , H. A. picture,. i·~preseiite-d the internil.- Larson and Edmond Wark • ·c. Fitch, R. E . IVt:9arthy, James Conlon, ~~ - A. Door, Jacl{ MeDon~ I Schell,: George L. lrVe_sling, LocaR tional unlon an'd 14 local unions in Local 1, Denver: H. H. Herbel- ~iye rs. ald. Local 370, Spokane, Ray 843, Seattle, .Ber! Swam. -: 1 11 lfs Neither Ruinous Nor Socialistic The reactionary Chicago T 1:ibune and many other IIReport of la:st meeting influential dailies which r eflect the conservative business The meeting was called to order at 8:10 p.m., Vice President Foss :vi ewpoint, termed President Truman's recent message to presiding·. President Clancy and Secretary Mathews ·were. excused be- the 8lst Congress as being "left" of the New Deal and· cause of mness. · A synopsis of the Regular Meeting I\finutes of January 8 was read a s ' 'so c ialistic." T h e aforesaid Tribune called it "ruin- }B M G Ell:QENH!iD'lf' and by motion, approved as read. · OUS SOC ialism." y ':!., . ;r, d ~ Jtl).; .!!. A synopsis of the J.l: xecutive Board Minutes of February 2 were read B ut mose peopl e vill10 read the Presi dent's message Asst. Int. Rep. and the acts and recomlnendations of the board were by motion ' It is smart to beloncr to t he Iapproved as read. denominated it as a s tatesman-like d ocument which . f f I· . " . A letter was read from the Ca.hforma State Federation of Labor re- umon ° your era t. t .1s ~ 1 ;? 1_m-. garding the organizing ca;npaign of the California State Federation of called for long-overdue social justice for the many and portant to protect the J\ll'lSU!CtlOn Teachers. Received and filed. the under-privileged. of the craft to which you belong. A lette~· was read from the Buil'ding and Construction Trades Council t 1 t · .
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