RAA 2019 Vol. 19 No. 11, 161(16pp) doi: 10.1088/1674–4527/19/11/161 R c 2019 National Astronomical Observatories, CAS and IOP Publishing Ltd. esearch in Astronomy and http://www.raa-journal.org http://iopscience.iop.org/raa Astrophysics Data reduction and calibration of the FMG onboard ASO-S Jiang-Tao Su1,2, Xian-Yong Bai1,2, Jie Chen1, Jing-Jing Guo1, Suo Liu1, Xiao-Fan Wang1, Hai-Qing Xu1, Xiao Yang1, Yong-Liang Song1, Yuan-Yong Deng1,2, Kai-Fan Ji3, Lei Deng4, Yu Huang5, Hui Li5 and Wei-Qun Gan5 1 Key Laboratory of Solar Activity, National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China; [email protected]; [email protected] 2 School of Astronomy and Space Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China 3 Yunnan Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650216, China 4 Innovation Academy for Microsatellites of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201203, China 5 Key Laboratory of Dark Matter and Space Astronomy, Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China Received 2019 June 28; accepted 2019 July 1 Abstract The Full-disk vector MagnetoGraph (FMG) instrument will carry out polarization observations at one wavelength position of the Fe I 5324.179A˚ spectral line. This paper describes how to choose this single wavelength position, the relevant data-processing and the magnetic field calibrations based on the measured polarization signals at one single wavelength position. It is found that solar radial Doppler velocity, which can cause the spectral line to shift, is a disadvantageous factor for the linear calibration at one wavelength position. Observations at two symmetric wavelength positions may significantly reduce the wavelength shift effect (∼ 75%), but simulations show that such polarization signals located at the solar limbs (e.g., beyond the longitude range of ±30◦) are not free from the effect completely. In future work, we plan to apply machine learning techniques to calibrate vector magnetic fields, or employ full Stokes parameter profile inversion techniques to obtain accurate vector magnetic fields, in order to complement the linear calibration at the single wavelength position. Key words: Sun: photosphere — Sun: magnetic fields — Sun: calibration 1 INTRODUCTION tine observations, Stokes Q, U and V will be taken at one wavelength position (e.g., −0.08 A)oftheFe˚ I5324.179A˚ absorption line. After calibrations, the magnetic sensitivi- The Full-disk vector MagnetoGraph (FMG, Deng et al. ties are expected to attain levels of 15 and 270G for longi- 2019) instrument is one payload on the Advanced Space- tudinal and transverse components of the vector magnetic based Solar Observatory(ASO-S, Gan et al. 2019) that will fields, respectively. be launchedin early 2022.It aims to unravelthe build up of magnetic energy and its release during flares and coronal The data from FMG are divided into four levels, from mass ejections (CMEs), to obtain a profound understand- Level 0 to Level 1 and Level 2, as well as Level Q (de- ing of the role of the magnetic field in solar eruptions. In signed for a quick look). This paper will only focus on how addition, the instrument will detect and monitor the mag- to reduce the first three levels’ data. Level 0 data are those netic field evolutions of sunspots, active regions and com- directly downloaded from ASO-S including Stokes Q, U plexes of active regions in real time, and will accordingly and V maps, telemetry information, calibration data and estimate the probability of flare occurrence so as to facili- header keywords. They become Level 1 data once they un- tate forecasting space weather. Based on the above consid- dergo the processing of subtracting the dark field, dividing erations, the FMG is designed to measure full-disk solar by the flat field, calibrating the working line, correcting vector magnetic fields at a high cadence of 2min. For rou- for Stokes I-to-Q, −U and −V , and for Stokes V -to-Q 161–2 J.-T. Su et al.: FMG Data Reduction & Calibration and −U crosstalks, and calibrating into magnetic fields. response functions (Rx), which are the partial derivatives Finally, Level 2 data are obtained by disentangling 180◦ of the Stokes parameters (I) to the corresponding parame- ambiguity and removing projection effects. ters (x) in the Milne-Eddington (M-E) atmosphere model Properties of the Fe I 5324.179A˚ line and selection (Ruiz Cobo & del Toro Iniesta 1994; Orozco Su´arez & Del of the single filter position are introduced in Section 2. Toro Iniesta 2007) We present details of the processing of Level 1 data in Section 3. Removals of 180◦ ambiguity and projection ef- Rx(λ)= ∂I(λ)/∂x. (1) fects are described in Section 4. Finally, we conclude in In this study, the properties of response function to field Section 5. strength B are explored, which can give us an important reference for the choice of wavelength position at which 2 DETERMINATION OF THE SINGLE the filter channel is set. Figure 1(a)–(d) display the pro- WAVELENGTH POSITION files of analytical solutions of the radiative transfer equa- 2.1 Properties of the Spectral Line tion (Landolfi & Landi Degl’Innocenti 1982) for polarized light varying with field strength Bs, while Figure 1(e)–(h) This spectral line is produced by the electron transition be- give the results of their response functions with different 5 0 −1 tween the atomic energy levels z D4 at 25899.989cm Bs. In the calculation, the inclination (γ) and azimuth (φ) 5 −1 ◦ ◦ and e D4 at 44677.006cm . The oscillator strength of angles are 45.0 and 67.5 , respectively, while the field the transition is fik =0.1 and log(gifik)= −0.103 (Bard strengths are 100, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000 and 3000G. et al. 1991) or fik = 0.087 and log(gifik) = −0.24 It can be found that the most sensitive positions for (Nave et al. 1994), where gi = 9 is the degeneracy Stokes Q and U are located at the line center, while for of the low level involved in the transition. The line ex- Stokes V the most sensitive position is located in the line hibits normal moderate Zeeman splitting with an effec- wings beyond ±0.08 A.˚ Interestingly, there are the sec- tive Land´efactor geff = 1.5. It is found that the effect ondary most sensitive positions for Stokes Q and U, which of Faraday rotation is less significant in the observations are also located at the line wings but slightly further away taken near the line center of Fe I 5324.179A˚ than those from the line center than ±0.08 A.˚ When the strength of taken near the line center of Fe I 5250.22 A˚ that is used by B increases, both the most sensitive position of Stokes V the Video Vector Magnetograph at Marshall Space Flight and the secondary most sensitive positions of Stokes Q and Center (West & Hagyard 1983; Hagyard et al. 2000; Su U move towards the far line wings. Generally speaking, in & Zhang 2004; Su et al. 2006; Zhang 2019). As with a the field strength range of 100 – 3000G, their common low level excitation potential of Ei = 3.197 eV, it is less sensitive positions are located in the wavelength range of sensitive to temperature variation than the Fe I 5250.22 A˚ ±(0.08 – 0.15) A˚ from the line center. (Ei = 0.12 eV) and Fe I 6173.32A˚ (Ei = 2.2 eV) lines. ˚ The Fe I 6173.32 A line is the working spectral line of 3 DATA ANALYSIS the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO; Schou et al. 2012b). 3.1 Dark Flow and Flat Field Therefore, calibration coefficients for the Stokes Q, U and The thermal excitation of electrons is a major source of V parameters measured with the Fe I 5324.179A˚ line in the quiet Sun, a sunspot penumbra and a sunspot umbra noise in charge-coupled device (CCD) imagers. These are almost the same (Ai et al. 1982). Its equivalent width electrons are generated even in the absence of light, hence, the name dark current (Widenhorn et al. 2009). A standard is ∼ 0.33 A˚ and the residual intensity at the core is about 0.17 (Kurucz et al. 1984). Correspondingly, if the radial method for dark current correction is to take a dark frame − (Fig. 2(a)), i.e., an exposure with the shutter closed, and Doppler velocity is large, up to ∼ 4.9 km s 1, then the line will shift out of its spectral range once the observing wave- subsequently subtract it from the observed images using the following equation, length is −0.08 A˚ off the line center. Iobs − Idark 2.2 Response Functions of Stokes Parameters to I = . (2) Iflat − Idark Magnetic Field Strengths Here, Iflat denotes the flat field (Fig. 2(b)), correspond- The sensitivity of the Stokes profiles to perturbations of the ing to the gains of each detector pixel. Generally, a uni- atmospheric physical quantities can be reflected by their formly illuminating source will not create a uniform output J.-T. Su et al.: FMG Data Reduction & Calibration 161–3 Fig. 1 The upper four panels are profiles of the Stokes I, Q, U and V parameters of the analytical solutions, and the bottom four panels are their response functions to different field strengths of B = 100, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000 and 3000 G. The other parameters are fixed ◦ ◦ at η0 = 10.47, ∆λD = 0.04050 A,˚ µB1 = −1.16, γ = 45.0 , φ = 67.5 and a = 0.95. Fig. 2 Dark and flat frames observed on 2019 February 1.
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