UC Classics Library New Acquisitions January 2019 1. Soñar en la antigüedad : los soñadores y su experiencia / Sergio Pérez Cortés. Barcelona : Anthropos ; México : Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2017. Autores, textos y temas. Filosofía ; 100. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B187.D73 P47 2017. 2. Estasi e saggezza : sulla disciplina dell'anima tra Omero e gli stoici / Fabio Grigenti. Padova : CLEUP, aprile 2018. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B187.S6 G75 2018. 3. Un altro Parmenide / Livio Rossetti. Bologna : Diogene Multimedia, 2017. Storia della filosofia antica. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B235.P24 R677 2017 v.2. 4. Pythagoras, the master : Philolaus, presocratic follower / Carol Dunn. Great Barrington, MA : Lindisfarne Books, 2018. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B243 .D87 2018. 5. The origins of liberty : an essay in Platonic ontology / Alexander Zistakis ; [with a foreword by George Boger, Canisus College]. Wilmington, Delaware : Vernon Press, [2018]. Vernon series in philosophy. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B398.O5 Z57 2018. 6. Aristotle on the nature of analogy / by Eric C. Schumacher. Lanham, Maryland : Lexington Books, [2018]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B491.A52 S38 2018. 7. Glück : Konzept und Aktualität der aristotelischen Eudaimonia / Elvira Obermayer. Nordhausen : Verlag Traugott Bautz GmbH, 2017. Libri virides ; 33. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B491.H36 O24 2017. 8. The Studia Philonica annual. Atlanta, Ga. : Scholars Press, c1989- Brown Judaic studies. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. B689.Z7 A16 v.30(2018). 9. Predication and ontology : studies and texts on Avicennian and post-Avicennian readings of Aristotle's Categories / by Alexander Kalbarczyk. Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, [2018]. Scientia Graeco-Arabica ; v. 22. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B751.Z7 K35 2018. 10. De Byzance à Florence : sur les traces de Pléthon / Xavier De Schutter. Louvain-la-Neuve : EME éditions, [2016]. Paris : Éditions L'Harmattan. Histoire en mouvement. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B785.P564 D427 2016. 11. Soul and mind in Greek thought : psychological issues in Plato and Aristotle / Marcelo D. Boeri, Yasuhira Y. Kanayama, Jorge Mittelmann, editors. Cham, Switzerland : Springer, [2018]. Studies in the history of philosophy of mind ; v. 20. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BD420 .S68 2018. 12. Aristotle's way : how ancient wisdom can change your life / Edith Hall. London : The Bodley Head, 2018. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BD435 .H317 2018. 13. Phylax : ta phylakta tēs hysterēs archaiotētas / Panagiōtēs Kampanēs, Dr. archaiologos-historikos. Thessalonikē : Ekdoseis Graphēma, Martios 2017. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BF1561 .K35 2017. 14. Der Magnetismus des Guten : historische und systematische Perspektiven des metanormativen Platonismus / Felix Timmermann. Berlin : De Gruyter, [2019]. Quellen und Studien zur Philosophie ; Bd. 138. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BJ1533.E82 T56 2019. 15. Der spätantike Philosoph : die Lebenswelten der paganen Gelehrten und ihre hagiographische Ausgestaltung in den Philosophenviten von Porphyrios bis Damaskios / von Udo Hartmann. Bonn : Dr. Rudolf Habelt GMBH, 2018. Antiquitas. Reihe 1, Abhandlungen zur alten Geschichte ; Bd. 72. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL51 .H34 2018 Bd.1. 16. Der spätantike Philosoph : die Lebenswelten der paganen Gelehrten und ihre hagiographische Ausgestaltung in den Philosophenviten von Porphyrios bis Damaskios / von Udo Hartmann. Bonn : Dr. Rudolf Habelt GMBH, 2018. Antiquitas. Reihe 1, Abhandlungen zur alten Geschichte ; Bd. 72. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL51 .H34 2018 Bd.2. 17. Der spätantike Philosoph : die Lebenswelten der paganen Gelehrten und ihre hagiographische Ausgestaltung in den Philosophenviten von Porphyrios bis Damaskios / von Udo Hartmann. Bonn : Dr. Rudolf Habelt GMBH, 2018. Antiquitas. Reihe 1, Abhandlungen zur alten Geschichte ; Bd. 72. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL51 .H34 2018 Bd.3. 18. Imagining the afterlife in the ancient world / edited by Juliette Harrisson. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2019. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL535 .I38 2019. 19. Götter und Heroen der Antike / Lisa Jahn. Rheinbach : Regionalia Verlag, [2017]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL723 .J34 2017. 20. The story of myth / Sarah Iles Johnston. Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, 2018. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL783 .J64 2018. 21. Helden am Himmel : Astralmythen und Sternbilder des Altertums / Ernst Künzl. Mainz am Rhein : Nünnerich-Asmus Verlag & Media, [2018]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL795.C58 K85 2018. 22. Women at the beginning : origin myths from the Amazons to the Virgin Mary / Patrick J. Geary. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2006. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL795.W65 G43 2006. 23. Cave canem : animals and Roman society / Iain Ferris. Stroud : Amberley Publishing, 2018. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL815.A54 F488 2018. 24. Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum. Münster, Westfalen, Aschendorff. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. BR1 .A62 Jahrg.60(2017). 25. Epistulae, Confessio uel professio Iudaeorum ciuitatis Toletanae. Braulio Caesaraugustanus; Isidorus Hispalensis; José Carlos Martín-Iglesias; Ruth Miguel Franco. Turnhout : Brepols, 2018. Corpus Christianorum. Series Latina ; 114B. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR60 .C45 v.114B. 26. Sermones moralissimi : atque ad populum instruendum utilissimi supra evangelia dominicarum totius anni / Nicolai de Aquaevilla ; cura et studio Eva Odelman. Turnhout : Brepols, 2018. Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis ; 283. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR60 .C455 v.283. 27. L'exégèse de saint Jérôme / textes recueillis et préparés par Élie Ayroulet et Aline Canellis. Saint-Étienne : Publications de l'Université de Saint-Étienne, 2018. Mémoires (Centre Jean Palerne) ; 42. Collection Antiquité. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR65.J476 E944 2018. 28. Deltion tēs Christianikēs Archaiologikēs Hetaireias. Athēnai : Christianikē Archaiologikē Hetaireia. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. BR130 .C5 ser.4:t.35(2014). 29. The survival of the pagan gods : the mythological tradition and its place in Renaissance humanism and art / by Jean Seznec ; translated from the French by Barbara F. Sessions. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1995, ©1981. Bollingen series ; 38. Mythos (Princeton, N.J.). LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR135 .S483 1995. 30. Die Kaiser und das Christentum : eine Zeitreise durch das Römische Reich von Augustus bis Konstantin / Claudia Kock. Ostfildern : Patmos Verlag, [2018]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR170 .K63 2018. 31. Perpetua : athlete of god / Barbara K. Gold. New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2018]. Women in antiquity. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR1720.P42 G65 2018. 32. A Latin-Greek index of the Vulgate New Testament and the Apostolic Fathers / Theodore A. Bergren. Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2018]. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament ; 403. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BS2303 .B474 2018. 33. Teachers in late antique Christianity : edited by Peter Gemeinhardt, Olga Lorgeaux, and Maria Munkholt Christensen. Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2018]. SERAPHIM, Studies in education and religion in ancient and pre-modern history in the Mediterranean and its environs ; 3. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BV1465 .T43 2018. 34. The early Eastern Orthodox Church : a history, AD 60-1453 / Stephen Morris. Jefferson, North Carolina : McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, [2018]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BX300 .M677 2018. 35. Hilandarski zbornik. Urednik Georgije Ostrogorski. Beograd. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. BX385.A82 C5 v.14(2017). 36. L'empereur et le moine : les relations du pouvoir impérial avec les monastères à Byzance (IXe-XIIIe) / Rosa Benoit-Meggenis. Lyon : Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée-Jean Pouilloux, 2017. Travaux de la Maison de l'Orient ; no 73. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. BX385.B9 B4 2017. 37. Breviary leaf. [France] : [publisher not identified], [c. 1475]. LOCATION = CLASS Rare Bk. BX2000 .B74 1475. 38. Psalter leaf. [Hildesheim, Germany] : [publisher not identified], [c. 1524]. LOCATION = CLASS Rare Bk. BX2033 .P7 1524. 39. [A single leaf from a French Book of Hours]. [Rouen, France] : [publisher not identified], [c.1470-1490]. LOCATION = CLASS Rare Bk. BX2080 .F74 1470. 40. [A single leaf from a French Book of Hours]. [Paris, France] : [Simon Vostre], [c. 1506]. LOCATION = CLASS Rare Bk. BX2080 .F74 1506. 41. [A single leaf from an Italian Book of Hours]. [Italy] : [publisher not identified], [c. 1460]. LOCATION = CLASS Rare Bk. BX2080 .I83 1460. 42. Early Christian hagiography and Roman history / Timothy D. Barnes. Tübingen, Germany : Mohr Siebeck, [2016]. Tria corda ; 5. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BX4662 .B37 2016. 43. Saint Homebon de Crémone "père des pauvres" et patron des tailleurs : vies médiévales et histoire du culte / André Vauchez ; avec la collaboration de Umberto Longo et Laura Albiero et le concours de Véronique Souche-Hazebrouck. Bruxelles : Société des Bollandistes, 2018. Subsidia hagiographica ; no 96. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BX4700.H58 V396 2018. 44. Italia medioevale e umanistica. Padova, Editrice Antenore. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. CB351 .I7 v.58(2017). 45. Archaeology & ME : pensare l'archeologia nell'Europa contemporanea = looking at archaeology in contemporary Europe / a cura di/edited by Maria Pia Guermandi ; traduzioni/translation, Michelle Pedretti. Bologne : IBC, Istituto per i beni artistici culturali e naturali, 2016. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CC75 .A72 2016. 46. Survey-Archäologie : Naturwissenschaftlich-technische und historische Methode in Italien und Deutschland, Villa Vigoni Gespräch, Loveno di Menaggio, 30. März - 2. April 2015
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