Dear wnJL llstemer. • Yes. 1t is that time ofyear when we swallow our pnde at WTUL and beg to you reviews • for support. review F1rst 1want to rem1nd you of an event that occurred almost eigth months ago. dan pol gregory j pryzby July '19, '1985 an ordinary lazy friday afternoon at the Tulane Luxury Condos Coming to Your ready for and deseMng o f the public's Neighborhood Soon VIolent Femmes The Blind Leading University Center, was coming to an end. Much needed renovations to attention Don't m1ss this album, With 1ts (smgs) on 1s love. He enJoys wntlng 1n the old building were proceeding on schedule. (Coyote Records) bright yellow cover. because no one else the Naked ballads about love. lt is the one th1ng that In the ' TUL studios a dj was cueing up some Sly and the Family will (Slash/Warner Records) Gano feels that evetyane wrll be able to Stone when he was suddenly forced to vacate the studio. The cause? Another comp1lat1on album of new relate to. What everyone fears most... a fire. and upcom1ng banas has been brought Another album and yet another Side to ThatJUSt about sums up the first s1de of 1nto this world. The Coyote label has The Raunch Hands El Rancho the multi-facer band. Voilent Femmes. the album. It IS a folksy rock s1de that has Perhaps a little too melodramatic but still an accurate portrayal of the events released an anthology called Luxury Grande There fi~ album left us feeling good something for everyone. Condos Coming to Your Neighbor­ that led to over 523.000 worth ofdamage to the wnJL studios. While the fire 1n {Relet1v1ty) and w~ntlng to dance the night away The standouts on the flip side are "No the basemnent where 'TUL broadcasts from d1d not aaually reach the studios hood Soon What makes this compilation and their second left us wondering what Killing" and "Special" w 1th the latter there was extens1ve smoke and water damage. · different IS that the musiC is good. A band which made the1r New aaually was go1ng on 1n this guy Gano's bemg the cut on the album poss1ble of Fumiture was ruined. equ1pment damaged and worst of all. over 600 records The bands on th1s album are ma1nly Orleans debut Mard1 Gras eve. 1s back head. Now we get to take different look any ma1nstream success. Th1s should at these guys. many of them old and out of pnnt. were lost to water damage. lnsuranc~ from the New Yorl< City 1 Hoboken. NJ. w1th more of their fast rock1ng music that have been the s1ngle for this album. nor covered some of the cost and a wruL benefit aU1mmy's mus1c club helped too area. Most of them have never been InVIgorated the Dream Palace and 1ts The Blind Leading the Naked is a "Children of the Revolution." strong album. There IS no one wa to but as 1s always the case. full moneta'}' recovel}' was 1mposs1ble. · exposed 1n the New Orleans area The early mom1ng crowd The second side is where Gano really desCibe It though. It resembles the seland You are probably th1nk1ng to yourself "what can I do 7 How can 1help 7 There album contains quite a variety of music The Raunch Hands have puc our the1r reaches 1nto a new realm for the Femmes. must be a wayl" In faa loyal 'TIJL listener there IS a way and that way s the styles. all worth listen1ng to first full-s1zed d1sc. an EP titled El album In the Intensity of the lyrics and the 1 sullen melOdies but this one This IS the side ofpsychedelia that you are wnJL Rock On Surv1val Marathon. Now 1n 1ts 16th yearth1s marathon 1s perhaps Some of the groups have made Rauncho Grande Orig1nanng from 1s more expea1ng after looking at the cover. the most important one ever. appearances previously 1n the new mus1c New York City. the Raunch Hands are a access1ble than the second This could be a ttl butted to.the rod Plop th1s s1de down on the turntable The marathon bnngs food and local talent to the Tulane campus and allovvs world The Raunch Hands appear. w1th basiC band. With rwo gu1tansts. drums. and rum on the lava lamp. Evel}'th1ng 1s Jerry Harrison of the Talking the lisren1ng public to pledge money to hear the song of their cho1ce played over their qUick QUitars. on a fine song called bass. vocals. and an occas1ona1 blast from He~ds ~~~ definitely easygo1ng and may replace the a1r. Always an important means for wnJL to meet operating costs. this "Never Comin Horne .. Also a song by Sid a sax thrown 1n. glves the Femmes that slight IWJst that the Heads have. s1de one of Led Zeppltn IV for making out. marathon must also now attempt ro recoup some of the losses Incurred by the Straw. "Listening to Elv1s." features the The Raunch Hands know how to play "Cold Canyon" is the most enJoyable fire band the Del-Lords energetiC, Simple mus1c. Their mus1c 1s a The overall mood of this album 1s cut on th1s s1de and 1t 1s more what you Maybe you have been listen1ng to '7UL 1n the past number of months and Their IS some excellent musiC mak1ng rnbute to rock musiC. before synthesizers getJng back to the music of the sixties. expea from the Femmes. The other have had the urge to hear some old New Orleans blues. You call up the dJ 1ts debut. Yo La Tengo·s song, "Pnvate and electronic drums. It IS their raunchy Just by looking at the cover you could tell strong cut on thiS side is "Good Fnend" 1 request a song. and watr, and wa1t. Chances are that the album you wanted t~ Doberman" IS three minutes ofenergetic. vocals. hOwever. that give them the1r that thou~h 1t is a nee-psychedelic w hiCh IS all about friendships with a hear has faJien via1m to the fire. fast paced mus1c. featunng a steel guitar. personality and name psuedo-pa1sley pnnt with the busts of the Jefferson Airplanesque l}'thym. Now1syourchance ro help thiSM arch l4, 15and 16when the 'TIJL Marathon Another good song. that is a lot of fun as The1r songs can be a tilt sex1st "Man group members.) Th1s album also touches Th1s whole album 1s filled With talent comes to town. Come out and show your support by sitting on the grass. well. is "Big Fat Monkey's Hat," by Scruffy Needs A Woman·· lists a few dozen on ~he Gano's religious beliefs. Now (Jerry Harrison and Fred Frith on various dnnk1ng some beer and llsten1ng to the great free mus1c. Sounds tough huh? The Cat. reasons why eve'}' man should have a don t think he goes overboard and he is Instruments) and is strong instrumentally Anmher important way to help out wnJL IS to call up dunng Marathon and Folk mus1c. done 1n modern style. 1s w1fe (slave) to take care of h1m. Another preach1ng fire and bnmstone-Jt 1s just a and lyr1cally p ledge SS to hear the song of your cho1ce or for the real generous. S25 for an here as well. Myra Holde(s "John cur. "Spit It On The Floo(', doesn't leave rem1nded that there ISa God and that we On the orig1n of their name- femme shouldn't forget Him. album s1de. That money w111 help not only to bnng 'TIJL back up to 1ts fanner Calv1n" 1s a folk song that has a strong much to the Jmag1nat10n. With lines l1ke is slang for wimp level. but also to make 1t better then before. rock beat as well as a good gUitar 'Used to love them (women). ·ou she sp1t "No Kill1ng." "FAITH" and "Love & Me These three guys formed 1n h1gh school So when the weekend of March 14. IS and 16 rolls around. drop what your Jntroduaion. More traditional is the 1t on the floor Make Three" all deal With the re11go1us and were the type who were constantly do1ng and have some fun. Come on out to the 16th annual wnJL Rock on mysterious Mr Bonus. accompanied by Not all of the songs are that raunchy. Side of Gano and show the worth of hazed. Gano dec1ded that they should human l1fe. that there 1s someth1ng to Surv~val Marathon. enJOY yourself. and help put 'TIJL back on 1ts feet. an acoustiC gu1tar. do1ng "Eiv1s What "EI Rauncho Grande" 1s an en.Joyable. stand up for these people and even draw wnJL-the only progressive alternative 1n the Cresent C1ty. Happened." Mex1can Influenced theme song. remini­ believe 1n or JUSt tell1ng us about how their name from them-hence the VIolent apathetiC we have become. Gano stress Count'}' musiC also appears. with Last scent of Joe K1ng Carrasco. The most Femmes. ho":" need to beware of this great Roundup's "Just a Little is Enough." Th1s surpns1ng song IS "Storm Waming", an we Now you know a little more about the cap1talist1c sooety that 1s on the rise and band uses both a bass fiddle and a lap 1nsrrumental that shows that they have band and about their third album It 1s a the VOX crushes the human element in life. Or­ steel 1n th1s song. mus1cal talent and notJUst bad taste. strong album that deserves the pnce tag well's worst nightmare comes to pass. Many other groups are on this album. Ef Rauncho Grande IS an album that that It wears.
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