Catholic Communities of: St Matthew’s Bridgewater Our Lady of the Rosary, Stirling East St Joseph’s Lobethal St Matthew’s Birdwood ASCENSION OF THE LORD — YEAR B 12TH/13TH MAY, 2018 ADELAIDE HILLS PARISH THY KINGDOM COME God’s Word should stir up a discomfit and restlessness in us, because it shares a Parish House vision that is far from fulfilled in our world. As we listen to the scriptures pro- 1 Wembley Avenue (P O Box 718) claimed to us each week, we hear a vision in which: all people are treated equally; BRIDGEWATER S A 5155 the forgotten and outsiders are welcomed and valued; respect is shown the least; Telephone (08) 8339 1608 women are considered equals; love and comfort is given to the castoffs and exiles Email: [email protected] and we hear a voice speaking on behalf of the voiceless. Jesus’ proclaims a reign Website: adelaidehillsparish.com.au that reflects God’s vision for us. When we gather we pray, "Thy kingdom come." In other words, "Let it be here as you want it to be." And, "Let us be part of ful- Parish Priest filling your vision." Fr Alfred (Fred) Farrugia Jesus prays today: "I have given them your word." It is not just so we can "get to email: [email protected] heaven" in the next life, but the word he gives us is for now, in this life. It is a word of strength and comfort, if we need it. It is also a word of discomfort, to open our eyes to what is not yet in our world and needs our attention. Pastoral Coordinator Jesus prays to his Father about us: "I gave them your word and the world hated Renee Johnston them, because they do not belong to the world any more than I belong to the email: [email protected] world." Why, what’s wrong with the world? Isn’t it a lovely place, created by God that reflects the care and love of the Creator? Parish Secretary That’s not the world Jesus is speaking about. The "world" in St. John’s gospel has Therese Franco special meaning. He is not speaking of the people God has created, nor the natural email: world God declared "good" in Genesis. Jesus has a specific "world" in mind: it is [email protected] the world that rejects Jesus’ values; those who oppress, torture, ignore the poor, take advantage of the frail, violate innocence and deprive people of their rights. St Catherine’s Catholic School: In other words, it is the world that crushed Jesus and attempted to wipe out his Principal: Jason Mittiga message. Telephone: (08) 8339 2222 That’s the world Jesus was leaving his disciples in. It is where we have to live his www.stcaths.catholic.edu.au truth, that strives to overcome us and what we believe. It has great power and is determined to harm us. On our own, we don’t stand a chance. But we are not on Child Safe Contact Person our own, he has prayed for us and has given us his Spirit, to fire us up and enable us to face the world that rejects him. Therese Hudson Jesus also gives us his presence in the Word proclaimed and his body and blood, email: at this celebration, to comfort and strengthen us for the task he has commis- [email protected] sioned us. Telephone (08) 8301 6629 PLEASE TAKE HOME YOUR COPY OF THE BULLETIN SUNDAY MASS TIMES St Matthew’s Birdwood OUR MISSION STATEMENT 8.30 am: 1st 3rd & 5th Sundays of the month The Adelaide Hills Catholic Parish serves the communities of St Joseph’s Lobethal St Matthew’s Bridgewater, Our Lady of the Rosary Stirling East, 8.30 am: 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month St Matthew’s Birdwood, St Joseph’s Lobethal and St Catherine’s Catholic School. St Matthew’s Bridgewater Our parish lives the Gospel through a strong and 6pm Saturday Evenings 10.30 am Sunday enduring faith. We strive to be a vibrant community that welcomes all, celebrates diversity, Our Lady of the Rosary East Stirling reaches out to those in need and cares for God’s 5.30 pm Sunday creation. ROSTERS FOR WEEKEND MASSES WE OFFER OUR PRAYERS …... For those recovering from surgery, illness and the sick NORTHERN END BIRDWOOD LOBETHAL Anna Versteeg, Margaret Conlon, Shirley Forster, Mitch- Sunday 20th May Sunday 27th May ell Vears, Karl Reiters, , Felicetta Wells, Elwyn Muldoon, 8.30am 8.30am Ken Oliver, Francis McEvoy, Susie Runnegar, John Whelan. Bill & Helen Cramond, Maureen O’Donnell, Welcoming Frances Marshall, Natalie Homann, Brendan Roberts, Children’s Liturgy Werner Wermuth, Dante Scorpecci (02), Noah Baker, Readers Michael Guthrie Margaret Smitherman Carmen Sylvester Sue Streich Ian Crossing May Anniversaries: Daphne Penglase, Merle Hicks, Phyllis Special Minister Eileen 0’Dea Roz Crossing Richards, Brenden McCarthy, Jim Welsh, William Feijen, Kaye McCarthy Meg Crossing Gene Dearman, Jerry Soper, Susan Doddridge, Petr Begg, Cleaning P Morley/B Davis Connie Golding Colin James Flynn, Carol Taus, Gordon Surguy, Jack Mun- dy, Alan Smee, Christine Mundy, Sheelah Sareein, Kings- ley Moyle, Josephine Anne Fisher, Mary Vicora Taylor, BRIDGEWATER Saturday 19 May Sunday 20th May Anton Myer, Paul Hassett, Anton Van Der Brink, Andrew 6.00pm 10.30am Mules, Angelo Scamoni, Anya Siebert, Graham Conlon, Sacristans Kathy Lloyd Gina Kelly Austin Healey, Thelma Jenner, Doris Ross, Pam Thompson, Welcome Rosalie Jenner Krystyna Rowland Recently deceased: Sr. Carmel Slattey, Zenon Sobecki, Introduction Karen Dutton Paul Robinson Shirley Harrisoin. Reader 1 Marcia Phillips Mandy Murfitt Reader 2 Mary Homann Sam Sachse UPCOMING PARISH ACTIVITIES Music Damien Mansfield Folk Group Special Ministers Barbara Sutton Ann Tulloch MAY Anne Teteris Les Tulloch Sunday 13th Ascension and Mother’s Day Rosalie Jener Phil Schultz Tuesday 15th OLOR Community Meeting Wednesday 16th Parish Pastoral Council Karen Dutton Thursday 17th Bridgewater Community meeting Christine Farrugia Sunday 20th Pentecost Sunday 27th Holy Trinity/Family Mass Children’s Liturgy TBC Tuesday 29th Liturgy Group meeting Tea and Coffee Serena Pike Our Lady Marcia Phillips Cleaning Pam Broadbridge/Jo Burton MASS TIMES DURING THE WEEK Flowers Gloria Howe Counting Alan Miller/Bill Robertson Hutt Street Monday Mass - Bridgewater 8.00am MEN’S BREAKFAST Tuesday Liturgy—St Catherine’s 9.15am The next Men’s Breakfast meeting is Wednesday Mass - Birdwood 9.00am scheduled for Saturday 23rd June 2018 at Thursday Mass - Bridgewater 8.00am the Tree House, St Catherine’s Catholic School, Stirling. Speaker: Tom Kenyon, Friday Mass - Bridgewater 11.00am Former Member of the South Australian Saturday Reconciliation (Parish House) 12.00 –12.30pm Parliament. Topic: “Politics and Christianity – How Can They Coexist?” Start Time: 7.30am for an 8am start and finish by 9am approximately. Cost: $10 per adult and accompanying IMPORTANT NOTICES sons – no charge. For further details speak to Dan DeFazio: Mobile: 0418 838 057 Email: [email protected] or SPECIAL COLLECTION -BIRTHING KITS Paul Somers: Mobile: 0421 527 363 Email: paul- Around 300,000 women and 3 million new- [email protected] borns die each year from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. Most of ST VINCENT DE PAUL these deaths occur in developing countries. The next Stirling Conference Meeting will th To help address this, we provide an opportunity on Moth- be held next Tuesday 15 May, 2018 at er’s Day to be generous to this good cause by helping to 7pm, at Sue Arthursons Home, 17 Rudd Pa- distribute Birthing Kits to vulnerable women to help enable rade, BRIDGEWATER. Interested parish- a clean and safer birthing environment. ioners always welcome. Leonie Holmes HAPPY MOTHER”S DAY guidance of Timi and Michelle Chua were joined by oth- Happy Mother's Day! To all mothers, grand- er Philippino communities from Murray Bridge and Ade- mothers, godmothers, and any women who laide who organised the catering especially the roast embody motherly attributes, thank you for pig donated by Ed and Nasi Ablig. Thanks to Greg and who you are and all you do for us. You make Connie Golding who donated the wine and the Lobethal the world a joyful, loving place. To all the female pa- community for helping in the decoration of the church rishioners who are like mothers to me because of the and the catering. hugs, smiles, affirmation, meals you drop off, and so much more, thank you. I love you and I wouldn't be the MEETINGS THIS WEEK man and priest I am without your love and influence in OLOR COMMUNITY MEETING on Tuesday th my life. To the four females on my staff who are like 15 May at the OLOR church at 7.00p.m. up- mothers to me, thank you. I'm sure you want to strangle date of the final expenditure of the OLOR me at times, like a son, but I love you. Fr Fred restoration project. All welcomed. PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL on Wednes- th ARCHBISHOP LEONARD FAULKNER RIP day 16 May at St Catherine’s Catholic School at Stir- Retired Adelaide Archbishop Leonard ling at 7.00pm. Agenda Year of the youth, nomination Faulkner is being remembered as a man of of Deputy Chairperson, new hall at Bridgewater and the Sacristans Kathy Lloyd Gina Kelly the people – a South Australian country new Social Group. Welcome Rosalie Jenner Krystyna Rowland boy who could dine with the Queen and BRIDGEWATER COMMUNITY MEETING on Thursday Introduction Karen Dutton Paul Robinson th fight for the most marginalized – after 17 May at the Parish Meeting room at 7.00p.m. Reader 1 Marcia Phillips Mandy Murfitt passing away aged 91 last Monday.
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