• Yanks Clinch Coofer Junior Loop Penll&lIt lOW: altered mowers ill ~, Yelll.erd.J anal _ttaJ porUoas, TH-E DAILY I ·OWAN e,ookr. See 8tory on Pare f Iowa City's Morning Newspaper : .. TaR A8800~~RD ralss fIVE CENTS " IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1942 VOLUME Xlll NUMBER 304 \ ver· on )RD ------------------------ ES Interpreting Believe Enemy The War News r Stalingrad Stalingrad Pivotal (raft Dropped NE Point for German Senate Anti-Inflation Farmer Found Dead ANOTHER USE FOUND FOR ARMY'S JEEP CAR Winter Defense Line Incendiaries Russians'Hurl By KRKE L. lMPSON Bill Would Set Prices Of Shotgun Wound Wide World War Analyst. Reports that Hlt1 r has d lanai. Find Jap Markings At August 15th Level All Resources d a trio ot his top-night general On Bomb Fragments Near West Branch to fashion and equip a winter lin After Forest Fire for his troops in RUSSia from th Both Houses Hear' Missing Wife Sought low r Volga to the B llic sound FRAN IS (AP)- Measures to Meet Against Nazis By Police; Wound highly crediblt. Ih t a Japan sea- They tend to explaIn, also, why plan, p ibly operating from F,D.R.'s Deadline 'Not Self-Inflicted' a submarinE', may have at­ • Admit New Caucasus he \9 lavishing his r sourcl'$ In manpower and mntl'rlal, r &ard­ t mpt d to t uth rn r gOIl W ASHIMGTON, (AP)-Div't!r­ Withdrawal, in Face Henry Madsen, 34, was round fOl'ests arir in th first air gent measur s for dealing with dead of a shotgun wound about 9 less of 10 s, to tak Stallnfl'ad. bombing of continental nited inflation, whlch may require ex­ Of German Onslaught o'clock yesterday morning in his Even though the city's strateaic tal WO l' port d by th west­ er dress tor tensive efforts to reconclle for farm home, five miles northeast value as a base lor future nazi t'rn der n ~ ommand y t rday. it's the gold final enactment, were introduced By FRED VANDERSCHMIDT of West Bran~h, and police are orfenslv actl'ln would be strictly ETTEI'S, " in the senate and house yestllrdllY Associated Press WlLr Editor searching for his missing wlfe, ac­ A ('olllmuniqu(' iJ med by Lil'U­ limited, th bombed nd hell t nOl1t G n('ral John L. witt, lecent it hal in the face of the Oct. I deadu ne Fighting throu[?h theil' 20t.h cording to William B. Anderson, mayor of West Branch and mem­ wt><ll l'!'/l d il:'llS commander, Inusual PUr. set by President Roosevelt. , day of assauH with an ominous battered ruins oC Stalln&rad could suede btU The sennte bill was a broad ber of the coroner's jUry assigned oid tbat : lack of fighter aircraft! the Rus· be inv luabl as a pIvot ot a de­ h malchlnc reSQlution authorizing and direct­ to the case. A moJl was oil- sians wel'e draining their last Madsen was shot in the neck and tenslv winter lIn . ms marked ing the President to stabilize Winter hetters served ov r of Mount prices, wages lJud salaries and reSOUl'ces last night to save "died of wounds which were not h amethis\. They could be us d to ImprovIse Emily nln north ast ot sets ... Even other factors in the cOst of liv­ Stalingl'ad. But by their bold self inflicted," Anderson stated 'f~ " 'J "& ~ ~~ ~~\i winter shell rs lor power!ul force •. Brook1ngs, Or ., September 9. gh there wiU ing at the levels of Aug. 15 "so offensi ve aetion els where, red The jury will meet in West Branch And weather-proof shelters tor ewer parbes far as 'practicable" but stipulating army and ail' force alike gal'e this morning at 10 o'clock to de­ One or the olltstanding machines of thl war Is the army Jeep car. It u e are varied and many. The many thousands of men at th ub Bombed that farm prices should not be liver an official decision. I heart perk. proof that the Jo ~s of Staliu 'N U. S. army medical corps' rleld service schuol at Carlisle, Pa., uses the Jeep as a stretcher carrier lor a apex of the nazi Don-Volaa salient A submorln w lot r sighted fixed below parity Of the high­ Drives to Farm · and if 1111 city will m on no co llapse of lIumber IIf casualties. The photo shows how It Is done. U takes only a few minute lor the eonversloll. It oft est market price between Jan. I The body was discovered by the must be available Getman 1942 and bombed about 30 mUes the ~orale build. Russia's fUl'ious resistallce to The smaller car can ret III and out 01 place. not ul ted for a larre aanbulal\Ce. gains are not to brisk d when and Sept. 15, whichever was father and brother of the de­ m hor by on army patrol rlough, don't ael~many. - - - winter come9. Caught by as sev r dinner dress higher. ceased, N. P. Madsen and Howard pi n , with unob rved r suits. In the unending north Atlantic a winl r US Ule lu st In the ope\l ~med epau· The house bill, on which farm Madsen. When the elder Madsen A for ~ t tir was started near bloc members of both branches battle of ships, there were two oW- failed to reach anyone there by stepp 8 ot th Don bend and below the sheered it, the na;!;is might be forced to Mount Emily and th m rklnp on ouch for thai were consulted, would authorize cial reports of U-boat action ver­ telephone, he drove to his son's Council Votes Necessary Funds and direct the President to stabi­ farm and found the morning WOrk abandon much of lh sallent so what appe red to b fra/Pll nts of , It's a wid! sus convoy passage, without any freely watered by Gilrman blood :R'S have Ie . lize "maximum salaries and in­ undone. an incendl ry bomb were Japa- immediate connecting I1nk. to lall back- just s they abandon­ dustrial wages" so as to "main­ According to Anderson, Howard n . The Canadian government re­ ed wid sl'&men13 of hard-won tain a fair and equitable relation" Madsen was then sUmmoned and To,Clear Ralston Creek Channel FOretJt patrolJ, which extin­ between them and crop prices and territory last year about Moscow. ported the loss of four merchant­ the two of them discovered the Bitter Condition IAWKEYE would authorize (but not direct) body in an upstairs bedroom, -----~------------------ guished the blaz, dlscov red a men and an escorting Canadian There is prospect of good IGN the setting of price ceilings on They hurried to Anderson's office no lool-d p eroler, the communique patrol vessel from a convoy lih It r for n ZJ ln vad rs anywh r crops at parity or the highest in West Branch and Anderson then British Push Toward added, and about 40 pounds of price so far commanded in 1942, somewhere off the Dominion east In the Don bend. Winter onditlons contacted local police officials. there and plong the whole len&th metal rragments ond small pellets. lorKINS whichever Was higher. coast. Efforts were stin being made : this sea· Up Claims. last night to apprehend Mrs. Mad- Madagascar Capital of the Volga are llitter even in Th trallments bor Japanese • • • relaliv ly mild y arl!o Exc pt for va student!, The house bill also would put The Germ?ns, who tll'st J'~- sen, who left the farm yesterday , i ideoilJ'ophll. a floor under (arm prices at ported attacking a north Atlantic 'lJlornin&.in the family automopil Stolingrad. th Don ts b sin has , H wishes lor I App lolly th Jo,Pane they parity trom the present time un­ convoy last week, upped their with hel' two sons. Layal Receives. U. S. thl> OIily JWllurOLT It" shill I wn and clll ~ to provld housing In mad the attack, s lect one of I year. , Re­ til three years Ilftu the war by claims to 19 merchantmen, two Car Found Official to Discuss R~ssians Own Report FOIlDHOP· requlrlnl' the Secretary of Ar­ destroyers and .a corvette sunk, Anderson asserted that Mrs. winter on the scale G rman forccs Ule most h aVily wooded sections lUG STOI£ rleuUure to make crup loans and chanted theIr usual formula: Madsen was not very familiar with New Isldnd Invasion Of Extensive Raids must have. of the conat, frequ ntly thr atened ady 10 serve and lIurchases for this purpose. "Only small scattered remnants driving and that the car was found The Russian successive stands by forest llr . LONDON, (AP)- The two tront on th Don and now on the Voli/ll ys. This floor, a feature not In the o.t the co~voy w~~e able to con- abandoned lalong the roadside LONDON, (AP)- British col­ A f w y ra ago a Ilre in the senate bill, would apply to non­ tmue ~e Journey. about two and a half miles south umns progressing steadily into The city council last nliht an­ air war a&alnst Germally and her hav balked his hop 9 ot a d isive junior partners achieved its victory that would permit him to sam II n r I r a sw pt out of basic commodities on which pro­ At mldmght (R~sslan time) the of the farm. Neighbors found the Madagascar were reported ' last swered the pleas of the rcsidents you have the ' duction was encourared lor red armies at Stalmgrad were re- two boys later in the morning.
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