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Red hat Linux 7.2 Boot ……………………..……….………3 CD’s……………………150/- 15. Red hat Linux 8.0 Boot ……………..……………….……… 4 CD’s…………..…….….250/- 16. Red hat Linux 9.0 Boot ………………….….……….………7 CD’s……………………400/- 17. Fedora Core 1 (RH Linux 10.0) …………………………….. 5 CD’s………………..…..300/- 18. FEDORA CORE 3…………………………………………... 4 CD’s……………………250/- 19. Red Hat Linux Advanced Server 2.1AS …………………… 4 CD’s………………..…..250/- 20. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0……………….……..…………4 CD’s……….……….…..300/- 21. SUSE Linux 8.0 Boot ……………………………… ……… 3 CD’s……..……………..200/- 22. Suse Linux 9.1 Prof …………………………….……………5 CD’s….………………..300/- 23. Sco-Unix 5.05. Boot ……………………………………………….……………………..100/- 24. Sco-Unix 7.1.1 Boot ……………………………………..…. 4 CD’s…….…….………..300/- 25. Novel Netware 6.0 ……………………………….…………. 3 CD’s……………..……..250/- 26. Sun Solaris 8.0 Intel ………………………………………… 3 CD’s……………………150/- 27. Sun Solaris 9.0 Intel ………………………………………… 4 CD’s…………..….…….250/- 28. Windows XP Media Center Edt. 2005……………………….2 CD’s……………………150/- 29. 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Windows XP Prof. SP2 Boot CD with Most Wanted Programs…………DVD…..……...250/- 70. Hiren’s Boot & Recovery CD 8.7….……………………………………………………...100/- 71. MS-DOS 7.10 Bootable…………………………………………..…………………….…100/- 72. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 5……………………………………..5 CD’s….………350/- 73. Windows Server 2008 (Std, Ent, DataCenter)……………..……………..DVD…………250/- 74. Fedora Core 7 ( 64 Bit Processor).………………………………………..DVD…………200/- 75. Hiren’s Boot CD v 9.1…………………………………………………………………….100/- 76. Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edt. With SP2…………………………………………150/- 77. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP1…………………………………..DVD………….350/- 78. Open SuseLinux 10.3……………………………………………………2 CD’s……...…200/- 79. Windows Home Server……………………………………………DVD+3 CD’s…….….400/- 80. Windows XP SP3 Only……………………………………………………………………100/- 81. Windows XP Prof. With SP3…………………………………………..DVD……………250/- 82. Windows Server 2003 SP2 only…………………………………………………………..100/- 83. Windows XP Home With SP3…………………………………………DVD……………250/- 84. Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit………………………………………...DVD……..……..250/- 85. Windows 98SE / XPSP2 / DOS / Puppy Linux (4 in 1)……………….DVD……………300/- 86. Windows XP Prof. SP3 – SATA RAID Reloaded………………….…DVD…………….300/- 87. CentOS 5.1 (Community Enterprise Operating System) 32 bit……….6 CD’s…………..400/- 88. CentOS 5.1 (Community Enterprise Operating System) Live CD………………………..100/- 89. CentOS 5.1 (Community Enterprise Operating System) 64 bit……….7 CD’s…………..400/- 90. Windows Vista Ultimate SP1………………………………………….DVD……………300/- 91. Windows Vista Ultimate SP1 64Bit…………………………………...DVD……………300/- 3 92. Ubuntu Server & Desktop 8.04………………………………………2 CD’s……………100/- 93. Ubuntu Server & Desktop 8.04 64 Bit……………………………….2 CD’s……………100/- 94. Ubuntu alternate 8.04…………………………………………………2 CD’s……..……150/- 95. Hiren’s Boot CD v 9.5…………………………………………………………………….100/- 96. Sun Solaris 10.0 for SPARC………………………………………….5 CD’s…….……..350/- 97. Fedora Core 9…………………………………………………………DVD…………….250/- 98. 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Mandriva Linux 2009…………………………………………..DVD……………….200/- 114. Windows XP Prof with SP3 ………………………………………………………….150/- 115. Windows Server 2008 12 in 1………………………………….DVD…………….…300/- 116. Windows XP SP3 9 in 1……………………………………….DVD………………..250/- 117. Windows Vista Black Edition 2009 v2 SP1……………………DVD……………….250/- 118. Ubuntu Server & Desktop 8.10…………………………………2 CD’s……….……150/- 119. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 5.3………………………….5 CD’s………………350/- 120. Hiren’s Boot CD 9.8 with Mini XP…………………..………………………………100/- 121. Windows XP Directx 10 Games Edition SP3………………………..………………100/- 122. Cisco Unified Presence Server 7 (Linux)…………….…………..DVD……….……250/- 123. Windows Vista Recovery Disk………………………………………………………100/- 124. Knoppix 6.0(LinuxLiveCD Run from CD without Installing)……………………….100/- 125. Ubuntu Server & Desktop 9.04…………………………………2 CD’s……….……150/- 126. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 5.3 64Bit……………………..DVD………………300/- 127. Windows Royal Business Edition 2009…………………………DVD………………250/- 128. CentOS 5.3 (Community Enterprise Operating System) 64 bit……….DVD………..250/- 129. Fedora Core 11 64bit………….…….…………………………..DVD…….……...…300/- 130. CentOS 5.3 (Community Enterprise Operating System) 32 bit……….DVD………..250/- 131. Fedora Core 11 32bit………….…….…………………………..DVD…….……...…300/- 132. Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.7 for Intel x86…………………………DVD………….…..600/- 133. CentOS 5.4 (Community Enterprise Operating System) 64 bit……….DVD………..300/- 134. Oracle Enterprise Linux 4……………………………………..2 DVD’s………..…..450/- 135. Oracle Enterprise Linux 5……………….……………………..2 DVD’s………..….500/- 136. Xandros Desktop OS 4.1 Home Edition Premium (Linux)……3 CD’s…………..…200/- 137. Open Suse Linux 11.1 64 Bit……………………………………DVD……..….……300/- 138. Suse Linux Enterprise Server 11………………………………4 DVD’s……………900/- 139. CentOS 5.4 (Community Enterprise Operating
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