/ The weather Inside today Area new ........11 Dear Abby.........15 Mostly sunny, warmer today, high in Betty's notebook 3 Editorial ..............6 mid 50s. Fair, not so cold tonight, low Business...............8 F am ily.................. 3 30-35. Mostly sunny, mild Wednesday, iHiinrhfBtf r E Classified ... 13, 14 Obituaries ............ 2 high in mid 60s. National weather “Tfc« Bright One’ Comics........... 15 Sports.............9,10 forecast map'on Page 13. SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS TWO SECTIONS MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL IS, 1978- VOL. XCV, No. 165 sit’ss Manchester family dies in plane crash A Manchester family was killed He served for five years as a pilot also a graduate of Manchester High Sunday in a plane crash in Arizona. with the U.S. Navy. Since leaving the School Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. A family of four was in a small Navy in 1967, he has been a pilot for John Verfaille of Bolton. '•ssart plane that went down in northeastern Trans World Airlines. The Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Arizona on a Navajo Indian reserva­ Krause was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Main St., is in charge of tion. Ward Krause of Bolton. arrangements, which are in­ Identified in the wreck were Bryan Mrs. Yvonne Verfaille Krause was complete. Krause, 35, of 10 Ralph Rd.; his wife, Yvone, 31, and their two daughters, Ul tn .^1 Heidi, 11, and Sharon, 10. The plane, flown by Krause, left from Farmington, N.M., sometime {*> Sunday morning en route to Oljato, a . Utah, near Monument Valley. The wreckage was discovered about 1 p.m. by tribal rangers. Investigators say Krause rented the plane last week in Albuquerque, 1 N.M. The cause of the crash is being investigated. K rause was a g rad u ate of Manchester High School and graduated from Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston where he was band leader and played first solo Yvonne V. Krause Brvan F. Krause trumpet. (a 1964 photo) Black Georgia congressman Flag raising at Nathan Hale School sticking with Jimmy Carter For the first time, Nathan Hale School flies an authentic Bicentennial flag beneath the U.S. flag, presented to the school by U.S. Rep. William Cotter. Holding the U.S. fiag is Steven By KLIZ VBETII W HARTON purity" by Carter in discussing Young countered today on the CBS Unilfil Press liiternutionul neighborhood housing. Morning News. “1 think that Jimmy Brown while MichaeVLuzzi pulls the lanyard. Donald Sumislaski and Joseph Pereira, right, Henry Jackson and Morris Udall, has already answered every question guide the Bicentennial flag. School principal Leo Diana and some of the school students Black Georgia Congressman An­ the other two major Democratic can­ that Hosea asked. Hosea knows as watch. Nathan Hale School was named a Connepticut Bicentennial School along with drew Young today refused to didates, campaigned in Pennsylvania well as 1 do that Jimmy Carter, as Green, South and Waddell Schools. (Herald photo by Pinto) withdraw his support of Jimmy today while Carter set a news con­ governor of Georgia, had an outstan­ Carter for president, saying the ference and rally in downtown Atlan­ ding record on open housing." former Georgia governor had “an ta, Young called ethnic purity a outstanding record on open housing." Carter has already apologized for “chance phrase." and said the inci­ Increasing student job interest “I'm not going to withdraw,” said the ethnic purity phrase several dent “has not hurt him (Carter) as Young, one of Carter's most out­ times, but Williams Monday at­ bad among black voters as it has spoken backers, in a televised inter­ tacked what he called a basic con­ among the liberai white voters.” sparks occupational education view. tradiction between the term and open In political action Monday, Young turned down Monday's call housing. Republican Ronald Reagan said he The number of COEP graduates By DOUG BEVINS terest is apparent because COEP is by the Rev. Hosea Williams for “That's like being for Jesus Christ had a “cash flow" problem in his an elective program. He also at­ available for placement nearly Young and other black leaders to and the Devil at the same time,” said campaign. President Ford told a llmilil RcportiT tributed the COEP growth to accep­ doubled between 1973, when there Williams. White House reception for his cam­ Increasing student interest in abandon Carter's Democratic cam­ tance of the program by the local were 76, and 1975, when there were paign following the use of “ethnic “ I'm not going to withdraw," paign workers he is certain to win the preparing for work has has brought business community. 140, Lawrence said. nomination in August and feels he rapid growth to the Cooperative Oc­ The program has succeeded in In 1975, there were 194 COEP will win the May 1 Texas primary, in cupational Educational Program direct preparation of students for graduates, but of 54 of them — which which Reagan is favored. (COEP) at Manchester High School, work and it has motivated some includes those whole after­ Sen. George McGovern. D-S.D., the Board of Education was told students to continue education graduation plans weren't known — Police Department the Democrats' unsuccessful Monday night. beyond high school, Lawrence said. either opted to continue their educa­ presidential candidate in 1972, said Neil Lawrence, vocational educa­ It has also become an important part tion or enter the armed forces and “ethnic purity" is no worse than ';l,- tion director, said the the student in­ of the Manchester economy, heiS'aid. thus were not available for jobs. hires three men 000 per cent support." Of the 140 remaining students McGovern, who lost all but available for job placement, 127 The Manchester Police Depart­ cost-cutting move. The new hiring Massachusetts and the District of found jobs and 13 were unemployed. ment has hired three new patrolmen was approved by town directors Columbia to Richard Nixon in 1972. A total of 90 gained jobs in the oc­ to bring the local force up to its earlier this year. scolded reporters for making a big cupation for which they trained; 19 authorized strength of 85 officers. Three patrolmen hired in February deal over Carter's use of the words found jobs in related occupations, The new men, to be sworn in April will complete their academy training “ ethnic p urity" in discussing and 18 found work in unrelated oc­ 23, will begin work April 25 by atten­ April 22 and will go on field training segregrated neighborhoods. cupations. assignments in the local department He said the resulting furor was due Compiled from United Press International ding an eight-week training session COEP statistics for the current at the Connecticut Municipal Police April 25. to “superficial and silly reporting." school year showed that 55 of the 105 Training Academy, Meriden. mid-year high school graduates were The men, selected from candidates MINOT, N.D. — Volunteers, COEP students. A total of 89 per cent in the recent town police State National Guardsmen and Air had jobs. examinations, are; Force personnel raced early ' WINDSOR LOCKS - The Fifty-one of the MHS dropouts in • Michael J. Miles, 23, of 83 Con­ today to finish dikes and National Weather Service the current school year were COEP cord St., East Hartford. Miles, a evacuate 12,000 persons as the said the temperature at students and most of them retained native of Hartford, is a graduate of Souris River threatens to flood Bradley International Airport work experience jobs they had,jjieid Manchester’s East Catholic High much of this west central ■ dipped to 26 degrees at 3; 05 while at school. School and holds a bachelor’s degree "North Dakota community. a.m. today to equal the record "COEP is concerned with bridging from S t.-A n selm ’s College in for .April 13 set in 1967. the gap between school and work,” Manchester, N.H. He previously \| 4 , SAN FRANCISCO- Patricia Lawrence said, “whether the student worked for the Nardi Bakery in East -,4 , NEW HAVEN - The Hearst must undergo a 90-day leaves school through graduation or Hartford. Brotherhood of Locomotive psychiatric evaluation before early dropout.” • David Chzaszcz, 22, of West W • Engineers has withheld per­ being sentenced on bank Offering statistics on COEP's role Willington. Chzaszcz, a native of Put­ mission for a strike vote to be robbery charges — but she in the local economy, Lawrence said nam, is a graduate of Killingly High a taken over a Connecticut knows she will not receive the COEP students work a total of about School and will complete engineer's seniority dispute maximum sentence of 35 27,500 hours per month and earn a requirements for a bachelor's degree that threatened rail service years. Monday .Judge Oliver total of about $56,500 per month. The next month at the University of between Washington, D.C. and Carter gave her the maximum average student works about 80 hours Connecticut, He majored in business Boston. sentence as a technicality so a month and earns about $f85 a administration. Chzaszcz, single, has she could be placed in the' month, Lawrence said. worked as a computer operator at HARTFORD - The custody of the U.S. Bureau of Projections through June indicate UConn. legislature’s Finance Com­ Pfisons for the tests. that student earnings for the 1975- • Scott Summerer, 21, of mittee has approved $23 1976 school year will exceed a half Willimantic. He is a native of Flint, million more for new school million dollars, Lawrence said. Stu­ Mich., a graduate of Windham High construction bonding than Gov.
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