Cameroon’s February 2020 Legislative & Municipal Elections Electoral Stakes, Political system implications, and fallout from crisis in the Northwest and Southwest Regions: DATA ANNEX o Municipal Council Incumbents in Northwest Region: 2013 – 2019 o Municipal Council Incumbents in Southwest Region: 2013 - 2019 o Parliamentary Constituency Incumbents in Northwest Region: 2013 - 2019 o Parliamentary Constituency Incumbents in Southwest Region: 2013 - 2019 o Evolution in Political Party representation: Cameroon’s elected lower House of Parliament (1992 – 2019) o Evolution in Number of Municipal Councils controlled by political party (1996 - 2019) o Cameroon Presidential Elections : Voter Turnout & Result Margins (1992 – 2018) o Selected violent incidents targeting elected officials, Political Party leaders, political gatherings, and electoral institutions in the NW and SW Regions: 2018-2020 o Cameroon October 2018 Presidential Election Turnout o October 2018 Presidential Elections: Voter Turnout by Division (NW, SW regions) o Cameroon: Administrative Units, Councils, and Electoral Constituencies (per Region) 1 Municipal Council Incumbents in Northwest Region: 2013 - 2019 No. Council Division Controlling Party 1 JAKIRI BUI SDF 2 KUMBO BUI SDF 3 ELAK OKU BUI RDPC 4 MBIAME BUI RDPC 5 NKOR BUI SDF 6 NKUM BUI SDF 7 FUNDONG BOYO RDPC (19), SDF (6) 8 BELO BOYO SDF 9 FONFUKA BOYO RDPC 10 NJINIKOM BOYO SDF 11 NKAMBE DONGA-MANTUNG RDPC 12 NWA DONGA-MANTUNG RDPC 13 AKO DONGA-MANTUNG SDF 14 MISAJE DONGA-MANTUNG RDPC 15 NDU DONGA-MANTUNG SDF 16 BENAKUMA MENCHUM RDPC 17 FURU-AWA MENCHUM SDF 18 WUM MENCHUM RDPC 19 ZHOA MENCHUM SDF 20 BAMENDA 1 MEZAM RDPC 21 BAMENDA 2 MEZAM SDF 22 BAMENDA 3 MEZAM SDF 23 BALI MEZAM RDPC 24 TUBAH MEZAM SDF 25 BAFUT MEZAM SDF 26 SANTA MEZAM RDPC 27 ANDEK MOMO RDPC 28 BATIBO MOMO SDF 29 MBENGWI MOMO RDPC (19), SDF (5), AFP (1) 30 NJIKWA MOMO RDPC 31 WIDIKUM-BOFFE MOMO RDPC 32 NDOP NGO-KENTUNJIA RDPC 33 BABESSI NGO-KENTUNJIA RDPC 34 BALIKUMBAT NGO-KENTUNJIA RDPC NW – No. of Councils controlled by Party RDPC 19 SDF 15 2 Municipal Council Incumbents in Southwest Region: 2013 - 2019 Council Division Controlling Party 1 MUYUKA FAKO RDPC 2 TIKO FAKO SDF 3 LIMBE 1 FAKO RDPC 4 LIMBE 2 FAKO RDPC 5 LIMBE 3 FAKO RDPC 6 BUEA FAKO RDPC 7 IDENAU FAKO RDPC 8 BANGEM KUPE MANENGUBA RDPC 9 NGUTI KUPE MANENGUBA RDPC 10 TOMBEL KUPE MANENGUBA RDPC 11 MENJI LEBIALEM RDPC 12 ALOU LEBIALEM RDPC 13 WABANE LEBIALEM RDPC 14 AKWAYA MANYU RDPC 15 MAMFE MANYU RDPC 16 EYUMODJOCK MANYU RDPC 17 TINTO MANYU RDPC 18 KUMBA 1 MEME SDF (19) RDPC (5), ANDP (1) 19 KUMBA 2 MEME SDF 20 KUMBA 3 MEME SDF (19), RDPC (5), ANDP (1) 21 KONYE MEME 22 MBONGE MEME RDPC (33), SDF (10), ANDP (2) 23 BAMUSSO NDIAN RDPC 24 EKONDO-TITI NDIAN RDPC 25 ISANGUELE NDIAN RDPC 26 MUNDEMBA NDIAN RDPC 27 KOMBO ABEDIMO NDIAN RDPC 28 KOMBO IDINTI NDIAN RDPC 29 IDABATO NDIAN RDPC 30 DIKOME-BALUE NDIAN RDPC 31 TOKO NDIAN RDPC SW – No. of Councils controlled by Party RDPC 27 SDF 04 3 Parliamentary Constituency Incumbents in Northwest Region: 2013 - 2019 Constituency Party Incumbent 1 BOYO SDF Njong Evaristus Ndim 2 BOYO SDF Wainachi Nentoh Honourine 3 BUI CENTRE SDF Banadzem Joseph Lukong (RIP) 4 BUI CENTRE SDF Mbiye Caroline 5 BUI WEST CPDM Kwei Andrew MIngo 6 BUI SOUTH SDF Wirba Joseph Mbidzenyuy 7 DONGA MANTUNG CENTRE SDF Awudu Mbaya Cyprian 8 DONGA MANTUNG CENTRE SDF Ngala Esther Ntala 9 DONGA MANTUNG EAST CPDM Genesis Mbucksek 10 DONGA MANTUNG WEST CPDM ABE Michael NDRA 11 MENCHUM NORTH SDF NDONG Larry HILLS 12 MENCHUM SOUTH CPDM WALLANG Richard EBUA 13 MEZAM CENTRE SDF FOBI TCHINDA Simon 14 MEZAM NORTH SDF FUSI NAAMUKONG Wilfred AZIYA 15 MEZAM SOUTH SDF Paul NJI TUMASANG 16 MOMO EAST SDF MBAH NDAM Joseph NJANG 17 MOMO EAST SDF Mme EDENA ENIH MBAH 18 MOMO WEST CPDM ENWE Francis ABI 19 NGO – KETUNJIA NORTH CPDM NJINGUM Musa MBUTOH 20 NGO – KETUNJIA SOUTH CPDM BANMI Emmanuel DINGHA NW – No. of MPs by Party SDF 13 CPDM 7 4 Parliamentary Constituency Incumbents in Southwest Region: 2013 - 2019 Constituency Party Incumbent 1 BUEA URBAN CENTRE CPDM Lisinge Arthur Ekeke 2 FAKO EAST CPDM Fritz Ngkea Etoke 3 FAKO EAST CPDM Etombi Ikome Gladys 4 FAKO WEST CPDM Emilia Monjoa Lifaka 5 KUPE MANENGUBA CPDM Ngujede Ngole Robert 6 KUPE MANENGUBA CPDM Aleh Eyabi Clarah 7 KUMBA URBAN CENTRE SDF Mbanya Bolevie Petnga 8 MEME WEST CPDM Martin Atinda Mboni 9 LEBIALEM CPDM Ateawung Foju Bernard 10 MANYU CPDM Nsosie Ebah Susana Opku 11 MANYU CPDM Enow Tanjong 12 MANYU CPDM Igelle Elias Terhemen (RIP) 13 NDIAN CPDM Mary Muyali Boya Meboka 14 NDIAN CPDM Njume Peter Ambang 15 NDIAN CPDM Ngalle Daniel Etongo SW – No. of MPs by Party CPDM 14 SDF 1 5 Evolution in Political Party representation: Cameroon’s elected lower House of Parliament (1992 – 2019) Party 1992-1997 1997-2002 2002-2007 2007-2013 2013-2019 No. No. No. No. No. MPs % MPs % MPs % MPs % MPs % Rassemblement Démocratique du Peuple Camerounais 88 48.9% 109 60.6% 149 82.8% 153 85.0% 148 82.2% Social Democratic Front - - 43 23.9% 22 12.2% 16 8.9% 18 10.0% Union Nationale pour la Démocratie et le Progrès 68 37.8% 13 7.2% 1 0.6% 6 3.3% 5 2.8% Union des Populations du Cameroun 18 10.0% 1 0.6% 3 1.7% - - 3 1.7% Mouvement pour la Défense de la République 6 3.3% 1 0.6% - - - - 1 0.6% Union Démocratique du Cameroun - - 5 2.8% 5 2.8% 4 2.2% 4 2.2% Mouvement Progressiste - - - - - - 1 0.6% - - Mouvement pour la Libération de la Jeunesse Camerounaise - - 1 0.6% - - - - - - Mouvement pour la Renaissance du Cameroun - - - - - - - - 1 0.6% Vacant/Annulled 7 3.9% Total No. of MP Seats 180 100.0% 180 100.0% 180 100.0% 180 100.0% 180 100.0% 6 Evolution in Number of Municipal Councils controlled by political party (1996 - 2019) 1996-2002 2002-2007 2007-2013 2013-2019 No. No. No. No. Councils % Councils % Councils % Councils % Rassemblement Démocratique du Peuple Camerounais 220 65.5% 269 80.1% 297 82.5% 303 84.2% Social Democratic Front 61 18.2% 36 10.7% 19 5.3% 23 6.4% Union Nationale pour la Démocratie et le Progrès 29 8.6% 5 1.5% 10 2.8% 15 4.2% Union des Populations du Cameroun 5 1.5% 3 0.9% 1 0.3% 7 1.9% Mouvement pour la Défense de la République 9 2.7% 1 0.3% 3 0.8% 5 1.4% Union Démocratique du Cameroun 8 2.4% 7 2.1% 7 1.9% 5 1.4% Union des Forces Démocratiques du Cameroun 2 0.6% - - - - - - Mouvement pour la Démocratie et le Progrès 1 0.3% - - - - - - Mouvement pour la Libération et la Développement du Cmr 1 0.3% - - - - - - Union pour la Fraternité et la Prospérité - - - - - - 1 0.3% Union des Mouvements Socialistes - - - - - - 1 0.3% Total No. of Councils in the Country 336 336 360 360 7 Cameroon Presidential Elections : Voter Turnout & Result Margins (1992 – 2018) Election Year 1992 1997 2004 2011 2018 No. Registered 4,195,687 4,220,136 4,657,748 7,251,651 6,667,754 No. Voted 3,015,448 3,506,945 3,830,272 4,951,434 3,590,681 Turnout % 71.87% 83.10% 82.23% 68.28% 53.85% Percentages Scored : Incumbent & Winner CPDM 40 92.57 70.92 77.99 71.28 Challengers SDF 36 17.4 10.71 3.36 UNDP 19.2 UPC 2.5 MDR 2.44 PPD 1.19 UDC 3.6 4.48 1.73 1.73 ADD 3.74 3.21 1.56 PAP 1.26 MRC 14.23 UNIVERS 6.28 8 9 Selected violent incidents targeting elected officials (MPs, Mayors, Councillors), Political Party leaders and officials, political gatherings, and electoral institutions in the NW and SW Regions of Cameroon: 2018-2020 No Date Location Incident Source 07/01/2020 Bamessing- An armed individual attempted to kidnap an SDF Councill http://www.cameroon- Ndop, Ngo- info.net/article/cameroon-insecurity- Ketunjia Div., or of the Bamessing Council, in Ndop. The kidnapping attempt was stopped birs-save-sdf-councillor-from-a- NWR by BIR elements on patrol who apprehended the kidnapper. kidnapper-359946.html 07/01/2020 Ndu, Donga- SDF candidates on its list for the Municipal (Council) elections for Ndu http://www.cameroon- Mantung Div., Council, in a letter to the SDF’s NW Regional leadership, indicate that they info.net/article/cameroun- NWR are withdrawing from participation in the 09/02/2020 elections, until peace municipales-et-legislatives- is restored in their community. 2020-sous-la-pression-des- secessionnistes-les-candidats- investis-par-359934.html 05/01/2020 Babessi, Ngo- The Mayor of Babessi Council in Ngo-Ketunjia, Mr. Choh Issa Bouba (CPDM http://www.cameroon- Ketunjia Div., party) was kidnapped in the locality of Mambim, allegedly under info.net/article/cameroon- NWR instructions of a local ‘separatist’ group (Babessi Restoration Forces). The anglophone-crisis-babessi-mayor- Mayor/Councilors of Babessi had previously been kidnapped. kidnapped-again-358065.html 07/01/2020 Misaje, Donga The local office of the electoral body in Misaje, NWR was burnt down by https://www.journalducameroun.com Mantung Div., suspected separatists on the night of 07/01/2020. /en/cameroon-suspected-separatists- NWR set-ablaze-elecam-office-in-misaje-nw- region/ 05/01/2020 Mankwi, Bafut, The home of National Member of Parliament, Fusi Naamukong Wilfred (SDF) http://www.cameroon- Mezam Div., was burnt by armed men during the night of 05/01/2020, causing significant info.net/article/cameroun-crise- NWR loss of property.
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