-- - -·---:-==---....~~--------.---- ~- -- -- -- R. I. J E WIS!! HISTORICAL ASSOC , 13 0 SESSION S ST . PROVIDENCE , RI 02906 Support Read By Jewish More Than Agencies 40,000 With Your People Membe~ship, -- THE ()NL Y ENGLISH JEWI SH WEEKLY 'N R I AND SOUTHEAST MASS VOLUME LXIII, NUMBER 8 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1979 - 25• PER COPY Reform Jews Challenge Police Charge Jewish Settlers With Attacking West Bank School Israeli Religious Party JERUSALEM - The latest in a series of them and ask them to do a better job next vigilante attacks on Arabs by Jewish mili­ time." Serious frictions have been growing large majority of Jews arc numbered among tants occurred recently when six Jewish set­ Mr. Sa fuel said that all six men were beneath the solidarity that all three major Conservatives or Reform Jews. Conser­ tlers on the occupied West Bank smashed from the settlement of Shiloh, near the branches of Judaism generally express vative and Reform Jews believe that Israel windows and fired shots into a school for Jalazoun camp, north of Ramallah. toward Israel. One of the strongest should approve the various expressions of Arab girls at a refugee camp. Formal The incident is not isolated. Palestinians challenges on Israeli religious policy by Judaism in keeping with Israel's commit­ charges were brought against the men have been shot dead and wounded by set­ American Jews to come in many years in­ ment to the standard of freedom and in December 12 . tlers who usually carry guns for self defense. volved a resolution, passed unanimously by recognition of the evolving pluralism of the Palestinians witnessing the attack said In the spring, two youths were kill~d in delegates to the 55th convention of the Un­ faith . But Orthodox Rabbis insist that the that the men, wearing yarmulkes and Halhoul after a rock-throwing incident and ion of American Hebrew Congregations, to Jewish state must be founded on a strict speaking Hebrew, attacked the school at a student at Bir Zcit University was woun­ "provide all means necessary for a judicial adherence to the 613 mitzvahs of traditional the Jalazoun refugee camp with stones and ded by gunfire. In May, six Jews allegedly test of Reform rabbis' rights before the Judaism. guns. They fired at least ten rounds, of burst into a series of Arab homes in Israeli courts." Reform Judaism continues to carry a which three were recovered, and smashed Hebron, on the West Bank , assaulted the The current policy of the Israeli Govern­ "second-class" status in Israel, and as the about 120 panes of glass. Two girls were occupants and smashed windows and fur­ ment recognized Orthodox practices as the union noted: "Reform rabbis can neither slightly injured by the flying glass, none by niture. Two settlers were later sentenced to only official rcligio_n, and prohil!its non­ officiate at weddings nor conduct funerals the bullets. prison terms of to and 7 months. Orthodox ra'bbis from performing for synagogue members. Converts accepted Avram Safiicl, deputy commander of the The attack on the school came amid ris­ lcgit.imatc ceremonies such as weddings, by Reform rabbis in Israel arc not polioc in the Judea district, said that accusa­ ing tensions over the imprisonment and funerals and conversions. registered as Jews. Unlike Orthodox institu­ tions of unlawful entry and damaging threatened deportation to Jordan of Mayor tions which arc supported almost totally by property had been filed against the six men, Bassam al-Shaka of Nablus, who was A spokcman for the Union of American Government funds, our synagogues and although the names of the men were released last week after Israeli military Hebrew Congregations suggested that the programs receive almost no public withheld. He did note that they have been authorities annulled the expulsion decree. test would most likely involve asking the assistanoc, although the major portion of provoked by children who threw stones at a Most West Bank and Gaza Strip mayors Israeli government to accept a rite such as a funds contributed to it by Jews throughout car in which women and children were who tried to attend a recent - meeting wedding conducted by a Reform rabbi. the world come froin non-Orthodox Jews." riding. protesting the relocation of the Jewish set­ If, as is expected, the action were to be re­ Shimon Peres, chairman of the Labor Party One of the teachers did manage to jot tlement of Elon Morch were turned back by jected as invalid, the Reform movement in Israel, drew applause w~en he pledged down the liocnsc plate of one of the two cars Israeli soldiers. Mr. Shaka and several would bring the matter to the Israeli courts, the backing of his party's leadership for which the men allegedly arrived in, buy others made it to the village of Deir cl­ according to t!ic mandate of the resolution. "recognition of all streams of Judaism in Palestinians in the area expressed doubt Hatab, near a new site chosen by the The controversy over Orthodox Israel" and for allocation of funds to that the aggrcuors would be punished. Government after the Supreme Court or­ monopoly has increased steadily both in "religious institutions of all movements "They'll probably find them," said an dered the settlers off private Arab land near Israel and in the United States, where a within Judaism." unnamed Arab woman, "but they'll thank Nablus. UN Votes Inspection of Carter Administration Unveils Massive Israeli Nuclear Facilities UNITED NATIONS (JTA) - The Arms Aid for Arabs G,cncral Assembly adopted a resolution calling on Israel to "submit all its nuclear By Joseph Polakoff Paul Sarbannes (0. Md.); and Joseph was part of the S2 .6 billion warplane pack­ facilities to inspection by the International Biden (0. Del.), who have expressed them­ age that included Israel and Saudi Arabia. Atomic Energy Agency" and urging all WASHINGTON (JTA) - The Carter selves most strongly on the central theme Early this year, the Carter Administration states "to take all necessary measures to Administration is unveiling a massive arms that delivering such quantities of new allocated a S 1.5 billion in weaponry as part prevent the transfer of fissionable materials program for three of Israel's Arab neigh­ weapons to Egypt would risk a duplication of the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty. Israel and nuclear technolog) to Israel which bors that includes about $3.5 billion in of the U.S. error in calculating the Shah of received $3 billion in that program in con­ could be used for nuclear weapons." credits for Egypt, up to 200 tanks of the Iran would be a powerful and unshakable nection with the treaty, all of it for shifting M-60 class for Jordan, and advanced muni­ ally by supplying his government with its bases from the Sinai to the Negev. The resolution, sponsored by Iraq, was tions for Saudi' Arabia, informed sources huge arsenal. Last month, the Administration in­ adopted by a vo te of 97-10 with 38 absten­ reported. · Last year, the Carter Administration pro­ fo rmed Congress it was selling Saudi ti ons. Israel and the United States were Arising from this preparation in enhanc­ vided Egypt with 50 F-5E warplanes. This (Continued on page 27) among t he countries that opposed it. ing U.S. ·-military relations with the three Israel's Ambassador to the UN, Yehuda Arab countries is an unanswered question: Blum , denounced the resolution as nothing What plans does the Administration have more than "a vehicle for the continuation for Israel in terms of additional credits, for of the anti-Israel political warfare conduc­ economic and military ·support and the ted by the Arab states and their supporters balance of power theory in the Near East. in the UN." He emphasized that Israel Israel indicated early last fall that it need­ "remains faithful to its commitment to ed about $3.4 billion in overall U.S. as­ prohibit and prevent the spread of nuclear sistance to help meet increased costs result­ weapons." ing from inflation and the growth of power on its borders. This assessment was rid­ The resolution, titled "Israel's Nuclear iculed then in high quarters as unrealistic Armament," appealed to all states "to put but the programming for Israel's neigh­ an end to any cooperation with Israel which bor's now indicates that the Israeli figure may assist it in acquiring and developing has practicality. nuclear weapons." Another provision· For the current fiscal year, Israel is strongly condemned "any attempt by Israel scheduled to receive $ 1.8 billion in ec­ to manufacture, acquire, store, test or in­ onomic and military aid. The military troduce nuclear weapons into the Middle package for Egypt, which requires Con­ East." gressional approval was informally pre­ sented to the Senate Foreign Relations Blum. who spoke before the vote was Committee at a closed meeting Di:c. 5 by taken, charged that the Iraqi draft resolu­ Harold H. Saunders, Assistant Secretary of tion was based on hearsay. As far as Israel State for Near Eastern and South Asian is concerned, he said, direct negotiations Affairs. Saunders reportedly testified that with the participation of all states in the the Iranian situation made it more import­ Middle East "could contribute significantly ant than ever to support Egyptian Presi­ to the implementation of a process leading dent Sadat's government and weld a long-­ to the establishment of a Nuclear Weapons term security relationship with Egypt. Free Zone in the M_iddle Et." Conc,rn And Skepticism His testimony was received with "con­ RECEIVES AMUDIM AWARD: One thoUNnd delegatN and gUNta from North and Blum charged that "By avoiding ment~ n cern and skepticism" by all of the com­ South Arne,lca w- pr-nt when Samuel -Berman, Prowldenc:e buel-n and of conyentional weapons and by accusing mittee's eight or nine members ptcscnt, ac­ luder In J-Iah education ..-Iwed the Amudlm Award at the 31th Annual Awarde Israel of trying either to acquire or of cording to the informed sources.
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