Order of Worship October 4, 2020 WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS David Garnett, Pastor ORGAN VOLUNTARY: "Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet" Grant/Smith/Hayes Video service: Joy Cushman 10:00 am service: Trip Boinest 11:00 am service: Paul Couey PRAYER OF THE DAY CALL TO WORSHIP HYMN #61: “Your Law, O Lord, Is Perfect” Your law, O Lord, is perfect, the simple making wise; how pure are you commandments, enlightening my eyes! More to be sought than riches, your words are my soul’s wealth; their taste is sweet like honey, imparting life and health. My strength and my redeemer, law giver and true light, my words are meditations make worthy in your sight. CALL TO CONFESSION PRAYER OF CONFESSION Rescuing God, you brought us out of the land of captivity, out of the house of slavery. Forgive us when we willingly return to slavery, making divine the machine of production, crafting idols from the excess of consumption. Forgive us when we consider ourselves so grand that we do not rest and enjoy your presence, defining ourselves by our ability rather than your love. Forgive us when we esteem ourselves so little that we dare not rest and sit with ourselves, exposed, without the cloak of productivity. Forgive us when we deem our species so central that we do not rest and halt consumption, decimating Earth, denying her Sabbath and integrity. Forgive us through Christ, who redeems us from the brokenness of slavery that we might enjoy your presence, creation, and community. Amen. ASSURANCE OF PARDON GLORIA PATRI (sung): Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen. PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION SCRIPTURE: Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20 MOMENTS FOR CHILDREN Linda Ware SERMON: “The God Who Delivers, Provides and Guides” David Garnett SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION Invitation Prayer of Great Thanksgiving Words of Institution Distribution Special Music: “In Remembrance” (Courtney/Red) Marty & Amy Allen 10:00 am service Trip Boinest 11:00 am service Paul Couey Prayer HYMN #515: “I Come With Joy” verses 2, 3, 5 I come with Christians far and near to find, as all are fed, the new community of love in Christ’s communion bread, in Christ’s communion bread. As Christ breaks bread and bids us share, each proud division ends. The love that made us, makes us one, and strangers now are friends, and strangers now are friends. Together met, together bound by all that God has done, we’ll go with joy, to give the world the love that makes us one, the love that makes us one. CHARGE AND BENEDICTION CHIMING OF THE TRINITY POSTLUDE: “The Heavens are Telling the Glory of God” (Psalm 19) Beethovan/Wier SMALL GROUPS ENCOURAGED TO MEET AT CHURCH: The Session has opened the door again for small groups in the church (Sunday school classes, Bible studies, prayer groups, committees, etc.) to meet in certain spaces inside or outside the church building. Each attendee will need to wear a mask, practices social distancing, and no food or drinks are to be served. If you would like your church group to meet at the church, please call the church office with the name of your group, number of people in your group, and the day and time you would like to meet. The church office is coordinating the scheduling of groups to make sure that the cleaning company comes in behind your group to sanitize. Operation Christmas Child: Shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child are still available for pick up. Shoeboxes are under the Elder and Deacon mailboxes. Boxes need to be turned in by Friday, October 30th. Should you wish to participate but not fill a Shoebox; we will be accepting items that can be packed into the boxes such as: Small dolls, balls, stuffed animals, games, puzzles, cards, matchbox cars, picture books, school supplies, craft items, and hygiene items-no liquids Although the church is shuttered for congregational worship this is a wonderful opportunity for outreach. PLEASE KEEP our church in prayer during this stewardship season. This year Consecration Sunday is October 11th. REMEMBER IN PRAYER (also see ongoing prayer list in newsletter)… Judy Becton, Myra Carpenter, Karen Carpenter, Debbie Ferrell, Mary Lampley, Mollie Ley, Hoyt Lovelace, Debi McDaniel, David Pharr, Faye Seal (J. Boyette sister), Steve Sisk, Lance Ware, Susan Spragins Washburn; for our PNC, for Shelby Presbyterian Church and for our next pastor during the pastor search process; all disaster victims; all those serving in the military and their families; Food Ministry; Rainbow Connection; Our brothers & sisters of Monte los Olivos; Dr. Steve & Alene Burgert in Kenya; Jo Ella Holman in the Caribbean; John McCall in Taiwan; Dr. Martha Sommers in Malawi; Christians around the globe who are persecuted for their faith. Music Copyright License No.1575277 *Services are available on our YouTube channel Shelby Pres every Sunday at 8:30 am. .
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