www.EDUCATIONUPDATE.com AwardAward Volume XII, No. 7 • New York City • March 2007 Winner FOR PARENTS, EDUCATORS & STUDENTS Jane Goodall U.S. POSTAGE PAID U.S. POSTAGE V P PRSRT STD. PRSRT OO ermit No.500 RH EES , NJ WOMEN SHAPING HISTORY 2007 EDUCATION UPDATE ■ FOR PARENTS, EDUCATORS & STUDENTS ■ MARCH 2007 GUEST EDITORIAL IN HONor OF WOMEN’S HistorY MONTH Education updatE they return from war, but the record shows otherwise, taking out frustrations on spouses, Mailing Address: 17 Lexington Avenue, A1207 The Warrior Instinct partners and girlfriends. New York, NY 10010 By JANIS KARPINSKI. and courageously in the military services, and Thankfully, women will persevere and prevail. Email: [email protected] Women are as much entitled to warrior status as their accomplishments often go unnoticed and We always do. It takes hard work and determina- www.EducationUpdate.com men. We are as capable as men in thinking, act- ignored. We are somehow regarded as less. It is tion. It takes courage. We have it all, in abun- Tel: 212-477-5600 Fax: 212-477-5893 ing and serving as warriors. The problem is men a tragedy the nobility of military service is some- dance. We will focus on the future and drive on. far outnumber women in the military and project how researched for the men who serve. Women will continue to serve and achieve. We PUBLISHER & EDITOR IN CHIEF: an air of entitlement; the military turf belongs to Women who choose to serve are described as will break through glass ceilings and find the Pola Rosen, Ed.D. them and society encourages and applauds them desperate or “looking for a man” as if the mili- challenges to overcome. We will make life bet- ADVISORY COUNCIL: in this process. And we, as women, allow it. We tary offers the best hunting grounds. What the ter for our sisters and daughters coming after us. Mary Brabeck, Dean, NYU School of move over, we give in; we allow them to make military has come to offer most recently is the We will not be afraid. We will fall and we may Education; Sheila Evans-Tranumn, Assoc. us earn every inch of any turf we get. We are as opportunity to be raped or sexually assaulted by occasionally falter, but we will stand again, face Comm. of Education, NYS; Charlotte K. much entitled as they are, but they make us feel male service members. Perhaps, and hopefully, the enemy and win. We are warriors and we are Frank, Ph.D., Senior VP, McGraw-Hill; otherwise. They gang up against us and make this dramatic rise in sexual assaults and rapes in entitled. The military knows this and many of the Joan Freilich, Ph.D., Vice Chair, Con us feel inferior because they are “real Soldiers” Iraq and Afghanistan is behavior unique to the men are afraid. They should be. # Edison; Cynthia Greenleaf, Ph.D., Director, and it is their Army, not ours. Mothers, sisters, combat zone. Perhaps this is how male Soldiers Janis Karpinski is the former commanding Partnerships, Chicago Public Schools; wives and lovers swoon at the sight of men in behave when they are facing the prospect of general at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and Augusta S. Kappner, Ph.D., President, uniform and as the returning heroes, yet who is death 24/7 and female Soldiers are available. author of the book, One Woman’s Army: The Bank St. College; Bonnie Kaiser, Ph.D., swooning for the women going off to or return- Imagine this eventuality? Hopefully all Soldiers Commanding General of Abu Ghraib Tells Director, Precollege Program, Rockefeller ing home from war? Women serve valiantly will once again behave appropriately when her Story. University; Harold Koplewicz, M.D., Founder & Director, NYU Child Study LETTERS IN THIS ISSUE Center; Cecilia McCarton, Ph.D., Dir., The McCarton Center; Alfred S. Posamentier, Ph.D., Dean, School of Education, CCNY; RESPONSE TO: 77 Survivors are NYC’s sleep at night. Please inform me whether I will Editorial & Letters . 2 Adam Sugerman, Publisher, Palmiche Newest Principals still have tinitus after a cochlear ear transplant. Press; Laurie Tisch, Chair, Center for Arts To the Editor: I am very good lip-reader and have fairly good Profiles in Education. 3 Education I read your article on Mr. Verone Kennedy. His speech for someone my age. I began talking at an story inspired me to be a better person. I am a early age before my hearing loss. CAMPS. 4-5 ASSOCIATE EDITORS: single mom raising two teenage girls and educa- Elizabeth Giles Heather Rosen, Adam Sugerman, tion is the most important thing you can give your Gilbertown, AL Rob Wertheimer child. They can take everything from you but not COVER STORY: your knowledge. RESPONSE TO: About Our CUNY Colleges Women Shaping History. 6, 8, 11, 12, 13 ASSISTANT EDITOR: Maureen Anderson To the Editor: Liza Young Melbourne, FL I would like to be emailed information on Spotlight on Schools. 9 GUEST COLUMNISTS: Brooklyn Universities or colleges that have Glenn S. Hirsh, M.D., Janis Karpinski, Han RESPONSE TO: Autistic Spectrum Disorder forensics. Education in Israel . 10 Min, Dr. Alfred Posamentier To the Editor: Ivonne Cortes This is a very interesting article. I have an 8- Brooklyn, NY STAFF WRITERS: year-old boy with Tourette disorder/Aspergers Colleges & Grad Schools. 14-17 Jacob Appel, J.D., Judith Aquino, Stevanne with OCD/ADHD! Wow, has it been difficult. RESPONSE TO: An Interview with Poet Maya Auerbach, Ph.D., Joan Baum, Ph.D., Mike Public education has been extremely difficult Angelou Movies. 14 Cohen, Gillian Granoff, Richard Kagan, with very little support. Can you add anything to To the Editor: Sybil Maimin, Martha McCarthy, Ph.D., Merri Rosenberg, Chris Rowan, Emily comorbid disorders? You are a very beautiful lady. Dean’s Column. 17 Kelly Kapp Brandi Sherwood, Ph.D., Lisa Winkler Blue Springs, MO Raleigh, NY Books . 19 EDITOR-AT-LARGE & SPONSORSHIP COORDINATOR: RESPONSE TO: Dr. Rebecca H. Cort Deputy To the Editor: Steve Bailey Commissioner, NYS Vesid I think this is some great information. Thanks Special Education. 20, 22 Inquiries: 646-872-4018 To the Editor: for making it public! BOOK REVIEWERS: Impressive, but I would like to know what Destiny MEDICAL UPDATE . 20 opportunity can Vesid offer a 30 year old young Covington, GA Harris Healy III, Lillian Shapiro, Selene man, my son, who has been out of school for Vasquez Calendar of Events. 22 about 10 years. He has a keen mind, but unfortu- NOTEWORTHY MEDICAL EDITOR: nately suffered from a mood disorder. He is much Dr. Pola Rosen, publisher of Education Herman Rosen, M.D. better and would like to go back to school. Can Resource & Reference Guide. 22 Update, has been appointed to the Board of Vesid help retrieve AP high school credits from MODERN LANGUAGE EDITOR: Trustees of Landmark College in Vermont. Adam Sugerman NYIT for him, even though they were acquired She recently returned from an education so long ago? MOVIE & THEATER REVIEWS: mission to Israel with ten educators includ- M Cohn, Jan Aaron ing seven superintendents from around the New York, NY nation, Peter Yarrow, the well-known folk- MUSIC EDITOR: singer of Peter, Paul and Mary fame, Dr. Irving M. Spitz RESPONSE TO: Dr. George Alexiades, Charlotte Frank, senior Vice-President of Pioneer in Cochlear Transplants ART DIRECTOR: McGraw-Hill and Dr. Gene Carter, Executive To the Editor: Neil Schuldiner Director of the Association for Supervision I lost my hearing when I was three years old and Curriculum Development. Their reflec- ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT: from encephalitis. I had some hearing, but needed tions are shared on page 10 of this issue. Martin Lieberman, Manager. hearing-aids, which I was fitted with when I was The mission was sponsored by the America Nancy Kontos 6 years old. I am 68 now, have tinitus so bad I Israel Friendship League. need prescription medication in order to go to EDITORIAL INTERNS: Heather Maher, Justine Rivera, Alberto Cepeda Education Update is published monthly by Education Update, Inc. All material is copyrighted and may not be printed without express consent of the publisher. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Education Update, P.O. Box 1588, NY, NY 10159 Subscription: Annual $30. Copyright © 2007 Education Update EDUCATION UPDATE is an independent newspaper MARCH 2007 ■ FOR PARENTS, EDUCATORS & STUDENTS ■ EDUCATION UPDATE Special Education Superintendent Bonnie Brown Discusses Challenges and Opportunities for NYC’s Most Fragile Students By EMIly Sherwood, Ph.D. on the other end of the spectrum, for those stu- New York City’s special education system dents not capable of obtaining a Regents or local has an old friend at its helm. Bonnie Brown, diploma, every borough offers a transition center recently appointed Superintendent of District that trains students to earn a livelihood in their 75, a network of some 23,000 special needs adult years, cycling them through such jobs as students in self-contained and mainstreamed hotel housekeeping or hospital/university food classrooms citywide, brings not just 30 years of services till they find one they want to pursue. NYC teaching and administrative experience to “We have kids that have gone through our auto- her job, but a passion and energy that make it motive shops who are making $36,000 a year clear to anyone who’s spent time with her that now,” she adds triumphantly. she’s a fierce advocate for the city’s most fragile Brown is especially proud of District 75’s inter- student population. nal paraprofessional training program whereby “The challenges that face me in 2007 are very their own students are trained to work with early similar to the challenges that faced me 20 years childhood students who are not cognitively able.
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