0S120-28OX -Z 'N ~"strac s on assava (Manihot esc'ilenta Crantz) Vol. Xill No. April, 1987 ......... :,.......... .......... .46 U. * 0 .1~£ "-'On Sq-1 ~-ioa-C-.~r0rpi ABSTRACTS ON CASSAVA CIAT is a nonprofit agricultural research or­ ISSN 01 ganization 20-288X sustainable devoted to the goal of increasinU food production in tropical devel­ Publcation of CI4T's oping regions. Cassava Informa- agricultural CIAT is one of 13 international tion Center research centers under the aus­ pices of Information Specialist: the Consultative Group on Interna. tional Agricultural Research (CGIAR). The government of Colombia provides support a as host country for CIAT and furnishes Periodicity: hectare a 522­ 3 issues psr year site neai Cali for CIAT's headquarters. In addition, the Colombian Foundation for Annual subscription rates: Higher Eduration CIAT a 84 (FES) makes available to 1 -hectare substation in Quilichan US$16.00 and a 73 for Latin America, the -hectare substation near Popaydn. Carit-oean, the Colombian Rice Federacion Africa, and Southeast (FEDEARROZ) also makes 3 Asia available to CIAT a 0-hectare farm-Santa Rosa substation-near Villa­ US$35.00 fur other countries vicencio CIAT comanages with bian Agricultural the Coim­ Institute (ICA) the 22,000­ Colombia: $2.000.00 hectare Carimaoua Research Center Colombian eastern on the Plains and carries out Printed at CIA T collaborative work on se'eral perimental sta,tuns other ICA ex­ in Colombia: similar work Correspondence and subscriptions is dora with national agricultural Latin American, agencies in African and Asian countries. should be sent to: CIAT CIAT is financed by a number of donors, most of which are Communicauions and Information represented in CGIAR. During 1986 Support Ilnit these CIAT donors include the Apartado A6reo 6713 governments France, of Australia, Belgium, Canada, ardoCo eo 67Italy, the Federal Republic of Germany, Cal., Colombia Jpan. Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, the People's Republic of China. Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United Stjtes Organizations of America. that are CIAT donors in include 198E the European Economic Communit, (EEC). the Ford Foundation, the Inter-Ameri. c3n Development Bank (IDB), the Interna­ tional Bank for Reconstrilction and Devel­ opment (IBRD), Research Centrethe International Devel­ (IDRCI. the Interna­ tional Thisapubl ublication is produced by CIAT's Fund for Agricultural Development nicatis pd u bNatiuns (IFAD), the Rockefeller Foundation, Cassava Development Programmeth3 Unite. lnfernatin Center, under (UNDP), a and the W. K.Kellogg special project Foundatio,.. International funded jointly by the Development Research Information and conclusions Centre and CIAT's core budget. reported herein do not necessarily reflect : ;position of ally of the aforementioned entities. Abstracts on Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Vol. XIII No. 1 April, 1987 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION iii COMPONENTS OF AN ABSTRACT iv HOW TO USE THE INDEXES v AOO BOTANY, TAXONOMY AND GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION 1 BOO PLANT ANATOMY AND MORPHOLOGY COO PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 2 C01 Plant Development 4 C02 Cyanogenesis 7 C03 Chemical Composition, Methodology and Analyses 7 C04 Plant Nutrition 10 DOO CULTIVATION 11 DO1 Soil., Water, Climate and Fertilization 11 D02 Cultivation Practices: Propagation, Planting, Weed Control and Harvesting 18 D03 Energy Productivity and Yields DOI; Postharvest Studies 25 EOO PLANT PATHOLOGY 28 E02 Bacterioses 29 E03 Mycoses 34 E04 Viroses 35 E05 Mycoplasmoses E06 Nematodes 36 FOO PEST CONTROL AND ENTOMOLOGY 37 F01 Injurious Insects and their Control 438 F02 Rodents and other Noxious Animals - F03 Injurious Mites and their Control 43 GOO GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING 45 G01 Breeding, Germplasm, Varieties and Clones, Selection 45 G02 Cytogenetics HOO NUTRITION 49 H01 Cassava Foods and Nutritive Value 49 H02 Nutritive Disorders in Humans 51 H03 Animal Feeding 51 H04 HCN Toxicity and Detoxification 6 100 PROCESSING, PRODUCTS AND USES 66 I01 Cassava Starch and its Properties 66 102 Uses, Industrialization, Processing and Storage 68 103 Industrial Microbiology JOO ECONOMICS AND DEVELOPMENT KOO OTHER ASSOCIATED COMMODITIES K01 Rotational Schemes and Intercropping - K02 Descriptive and Comparative Studies - ZOO GENERAL ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS 72 AUTHOR INDEX 74 SUBJECT INDEX 81 INTRODUCTION This journal of analytical abstracts, which replaces the former combination of abstract cards and yearly cumulative volumes, is designed to provide a specialized guide to the world's literature on cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), disseminating research results and ongoing activities related to the crop. The abstracts report condensed information from journal articles, booklets,, mimeographed reports, theses, manuals and other conventional and nonconventional material, categorized into broad disciplinary fields to facilitate rapid scanning. Adaitionally, abstracts are author ind subject indexed to enable more compre­ hensive consultation. When retrospective or exhaustive coverage of a topic is desired, mechanized bibliographic searches of the entire document col­ lection can be provided by CIAT's Documentation Center. Abstracts of all articles that match the topic of interest are provided to users who request this search service. The full text of every article abstracted by the Documentation Center is also available, through the photocopy service. CIAT's Documentation Center also publishes journals of analyti­ cal abstracts on field beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) grown under tropical conditions and on tropical pastures. Other CIAT publi­ cations dedicated to keeping users aware of research developments in their respective fields include: Pages of Contents, Cassava Newsletter, Pastos Tropicales - Boletfn Informativo, and Hojas de Frfjol. iii COMPONENTS OF AN ABSTRACT Sequential number in the journal (for Year of Authors use of indexes) publication Accesion I number [ 10145 (for photocopy' 1 9 5 2 7 IKEDIOBI, C.O.; OMIKE, E. 1982. The use of linaarase in gari- Original title requsts).production. lProcess Biochemistry 17(4)-2-5. En g.. Sum En rqet)Refsa. Illus. [D-ept. of Biochemistry, l.. 12 Niger Amdor 0el Unv, ria...... Author / address Additional guag-­ notes Source Pages Language Language of paper of summary Cassava. Linamarase. Uses. Gari. Fermentation. Dtoxif!.-ion processesKeywords Enzymes. Nigeria.Preeyword. The detoxification of cassava associated with fermentation depends on­ endogenous linamarase hydrolysis of the constituent cysnagenic Addition glucosides. of exogenous linamarase preparations to fermenting grated cassava not only increased the rate and extent of detoxification but also consis­ tently yielded gari with innocuous levels of cyanide. A preliminary screen­ ing of several fungal isolates for their ability to .synthesize resaulted linamarase, -Abstract in the identification of 2 fungi, Penicillium steckii Aspargillus and sydowi, capable of producing this enryme in commercial quan­ tities. The use of linamarase or linamarase-producing fungi in cassavi fermentation for gari production may be an interesting possibility. [AS] Abstractor and/or translator HOW TO USE THE INDEXES The numbers listed under each entry in the author and subject indexes correspond to the abstract's sequential number, found above each abstract within the joural. The last issue of the year contains cumulative author and subject indexes for the year. Author Index The Author Index can be used to find abstracts when the personal or corporate authors are known. The Author Index, which is alphabetically arranged, lists all author and co-author names cited in the publicaction. Subject Index The Subject Index presents an alphabetical list of descriptors used in cassava research, many of which are combined with other descriptors, allowing the identification of more specific topics. 0(0.3 0025 002? 0057 0060 00tl J.J63 0064 0065 0066 0067 0059 0010 0071 0074 0076 0077 U078 0079 0082 0033 0oe, 0085 00u7 0088 0005 0097 0103 05 OU , ill9 012A 0125 0126 0126 O L NAM AR, COMPOSiTI104 0041 0097 DETUX IF ICAT ION 0097 015 VCNCON T-NT 0097 PROCE SS ING 0157 PROTEI1NS 010\ AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENTS Users who wish to obtaini full text of the documents listed in the abstracts journals, can use the photocopy service at the following address: CIAT - Communications and Information Support Unit Photocopy Service Apartado A6reo 6713 Cali, Colombia Requests must indicate the access number of the document (upper left corner of each reference), rather than the sequential number. Charges are: Col$5.00 per page in Colombia plus postage. US$0.20 per page for Latin American, Caribbean, Asian, and African countries (postage in­ cluded). US$0.30 per page elsewhere (postage included). Orders should be prepaid, choosing one of the following alternatives of payment: I. Check in US$ made out to CIAT against a U.S. international bank 2. Check in Co1S made out to CIAT, adding the hank commision value 3. Bank draft made out to CIAT, giving precise personal information 4. CIAT coupons, issued by CIAT's Library with a unit value of US$0.10 or Col5.00 5. AGRINTER coupons, obtainable with local currency at national agricultural libraries and at the regional offices of the Instituto Interamericano de Coopera­ ci6n para la Agricultura (IICA) in Latin American and Caribbean countries 6. UNESCO coupons, available at UNESCO offices all over the world AO0 BOTANY, TAXONOMY AND GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION 001 26722 ALLEM. A.C. 1985. Collection of Manihot species in Brazil: third technical
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