• WOKI!'WH,UI, BERKSHIRE. !t'l!lLLY'S Councillors. WOKINGHAM UNION. Retire in November, 1915. Board day, every alternate tuesday, at II a.m. at the Moses Blake J a cob Liddiard Board Room, Poor Law Institution. George M. E. Fryer I William Simeon Medcalf The Union comprises the following parishes :-Arbor­ Retire in November, 1916. field, Barkham, Earley, Fincharnpstead, Newland, William John Hy. Bodle Herhert Arthur Hammond Remenbam, Rnscombe, Shinfield, Sonning, Wargrave, William Jas. Cheeseman Philip Sale St. Nicholas Burst, Swallowfield, Twyford, Winnersh, Wokingbam Within, Wokingham Without, Woodley Retire in November, 1917. & Sandford. The population of the union in 1911 was Thos. Brandon Bokenham ~ Wi'liam Thomas Martin 21,005; area, 44,401 acres; assessable value, 1914t John Headington ; Albert Ebenezer Priest [168,872 Mayor's Auditor, Councillor Edrnund Calli> Chairman of the Board of Guardians, E. M. Sturges Elective Auditors, William John Breach & James Henry Byard Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, John Officers of Corporation. Frederick Sargeant, Board room, W okingbam Town Clm·k, John Henry Elliston Clifton, Town Hall Treasurer, John Simonds, banker, Reading chamber Collectors to the Guardians & Relieving Officers, North Treasurer, William Simonds, Bank, Reading district, Charles Widdows, Twyford; South district, Medical Officer of Health, Alfred Ashby M.D., F.R.C.S. Reginald Hann, Langborough road, Wokingham Eng., F.I.C. Municipal buildings, Valpy st. Reading Vaccination Officers, Reginald Hann, Langborough road, Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, Charles William Mar b. Wokingham & Charles Widdows, Twyford Town hall Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Shinfield district, Collector, Henry Edgar Hall, Station road Georg-e Halpin M.D , B.Ch.Dubl. Swallowfield; Sergeant-at-Mace, Charles Sparkes, Town hall Sonning district, William Norman May M.D., B.S. Town Crier, James Taylor, 32 Langborough road Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. The White House, Sonning; Twyford district, Frederic Charle• WOKINGHAM RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. Young M.B.Camb. Twyford; Wargrave district, John The parishes in the District are the same as in the Mc·Crea M. B., B.Oh.Irel. Wargrave; Wokingham dis­ Union, with the exception of Wokingbam. trict, Thomas Brandon Bokenham M.R.O.S.Eng., Council meets at the Poor Law Institution, Wokingham, L.R.C.P.Lond. High view, Broad street, Wokingharn on tuesdays, once a month, at II-45 a.m. The Poor Law Institution, a plain red brick .building-, Chairman, E. M. Stnrges erected in 1850, on the Barkham road, will hold 200 Officials. inmates; WiJliam ~- Cooper, master; Rev. Bertram Clerk, John Fredk. Sargeant, Board room, Wokingharn Long M.A. chaplain; Thomas Brandon Bokenham Treasurer, J obo Simonds, ·banker, Reading M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. medical officer; Mrs. Medical Officer of Health, Alfred Ashby M.B., F.R.C.S. S. Cooper, matron Eng., F.I.C. Municipal buildings, Valpy st. Reading WOKING-HAM REGISTRATION DISTRICT. :Sanitary Inspector & SurYeyor, Robert Williarn Hamil­ Superintendent Registrar, John Frederick Sargeant, ton, Twyford Board room, Waking-ham; deputy, George Ha ye, 8 ;.Surveyor of Highways, Stanton Tebbitt, Forest lodge. Shute end, Wokingham · Winnersh, Wokingham Registrars of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Wargrave ·<JOUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR WOKINGHAM PETI'Y sub-district, Charles Widdows, Twyford; deputy, SESSIONAL DIVISION. Emily Widdows, Twyford; Wokingham sub-di>trict, · Watson George Arthur, East court, Finchampstead, Reginald Hann, 6 Langborough road, Wokingham; W okingham, chairman deputy, Moses Blake, Westwood, Osborne road, Mackey Archibald J n. H urst ho. Twyford, vice-chairman Wokingham Barker Col. Frederick George, Stanlake park, Twyford PUBLIC OFFIGERS. Blandy Henry Bilson, Mertonford, Wokingham · Edgcumbe Richard, Edgbarrow, Crowthorne, Wellington Certifying Factory Suro:-eon, Cuthbert John Nicholson College, Berks M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. St. Brelade, Sturges road Erskine Lestocq Robert, Binfield manor, Brackndl Collector of Tolls & Keeper of the Town Hall, Ernest Hankey Sydney Alers D.L. Locks farm, Wckingl:am Charles Sparkes, Market place Haversham Right Hon. Lord P.C., D.L. Southill park, Collector of Taxes, Albert Edgar Hall, Station road Easthampstead, Bracknell Collector of Poor's· Rates for Arborfield, Arthu~ Garrett, :Mackenzie Col Fredk. Finch C. B. Ram<lade, Bracknell Newland, Reading; Wokingham (Within & Without), Macnabb Jas. William, Arthurstone, Binfield, Bracknell H. E. Hall, Station road; for Winnersh & Bark ham, Mansfield Edward Dillon, Finchampstead Ridges, Wel­ Moses Blake, Osborne road lington College Station Customs & Excise Officer, William Francis Doupe, Mylne Henry Charles, Field house, Wol<ingham Southwell, Sturges road · Nicholl Henry Frederick, Bear Place, Twyford Inspector under the "Diseases of Animals Acts ., & the .P·1lmer William Howard, Heathlands, Wokingham "Explosives Acts," Superintendent Charles Goddard, · Verey Henry William B.A. Bridge house, Twyford Rectory road Wheble 02pt. James St. Lawrence R.A. (ret. ), Hunger­ ford lodge, Earley, Reading PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services. The Mayor of Wokingham & the Chairman, for the All Saints' Church, Rev. Bertram Long M.A. rector; ·-time ·being. of the Wokingham Rural District Council, Rev. George Reginald Sadler Clack M.A. & Rev. ~re ex-officio magistrates. John Walcot Blencowe M.A. curates; Holy Commu- Clerk to the Magistrates, Charles Barker Wilson, nion, 8 a.m.; II a. m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m. ; week day;, Milton road. 8 a.m. & 6.45 p.m.; wed. & fri. n.3o a.m Petty Sessions held at Petty Sessional Court House St. Paul's Church, Rev. Henry Major Waiter M.A. every tues. at 11 a. m. rector; Rev. Ernest George Drummond M.A. curate; The places in the Forest of Wokingham division are:- Holy Communion, 8 a.m.; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; fri. Arborfield, Barkham, Binfield, Crowthorne, Earley, II.3o a.rn. & saints' days Easthampstead, Fincharnpstead, Newland, Ruscombe, St. Sebastian's, Rev. Arthur Perronet Carr M.A. vicar; St. Nicholas Burst, Sonning Town, Sandhurst, Twy- Holy Communion (1st sun. in the month, ·7 & Il-45 ford, Warfield, Wargrave, Waltham St. Lawrence, . a.m.; saints' days, 8 a.. m.), 8- 10 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; Winnersh, Wokingham, & Woodley & Sandford week days, 8 a.m. & 6.3o p.m Catholic, Corpus Christi, The Terrace, Rev. James W. PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Doran & Rev. Daniel McCarthy, priests; 12 noon & County Police Station, Rectory & Milton roads, Charles 6.30 p.m.; daily, 8 a.m.; ho!y days, 10.30 a.m Goddard, superintendent Catholic, Holy Ghost (iron), Wokingham New road; Shipwrecked Fisherwen & Mariners' Royal Benevolent ro.3o a.m. & 6.30 p.m Society; hnn. representative, Commander G. W. Catholic Convent Chapel, Easthampstead road, serw1! Grezorie R.N. Hughfield from Corpus Christi; daily, 7.15 p.m Town Hall, Market place Bapt.ist, Rev. Ernest Edwin Smith; II a.m.& 6.30 p.m. ; Volunteer Fire Brh~ade, Town hall, Marquis of Down- tues. 8 p.m shire, captain; Frederick Caiger, deputy captain; A. Wesleyan (Reading Circuit), Rev. Thomas W. Beek Goswell, lieutenant, & II men; one steam, one motor (supt.); II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; tues. 7.30 p.m.; thurs. & one manual engine & the usual appliances for I 7 p.m •a.ving life Salvation Army Hall; n a.m. & 6.30 p.m .
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