ALICE ARM AND ANYOX, BRITISH COLUMBIA The Herald Brings Results to Advertisers VOL. 3, NO. 26 ALICE .ARM, B. O, SATURDAY, DECEMBER22, 1923 5 cents each. Mr. J. A. Anderson, and Mr. Geb. [Fatal Accident Occurs "Brother Bills" Young arrived from Camp .yester­ <$£ Distribute Turkeys day. They left town on Tuesday At Maple Bay Mr. Anderson visited the Do|ly ! Man is Killed Falling 10 Feet The Anyox "Brother Bills" Varden to make an inspection and staged a Turkey Shoot and Raffle, carry in Christmas mail, aud Mr! A fatal accident occurred at on Tuesday evening, in their Club Young made the trip to inspect the Maple Bay on Saturday December mm Rooms. They had eighteen real new suspension bridge. He found 15th when Mr. Wallace Houston iH live one's, for the luckly winners. 4£ feet of snow on the bridge which was accldently killed. Mr. Heus- \V£W Those Carrying off the prizes1 at was shovelled off and arrangements ton was employed as a carpenter shooting, Were: Mr. L.. F. Cham­ have been made to keep it clear and was engaged in the construc­ %edden dag&the golden day* pion, "Mr. H. Kirk, Mr. C. H. during the winter so that no undue tion of the conveyor house on the Ihepall comeback to me, Parmiter, Mr. A. McKenzie, Mr. strain will be put upon the support­ dock. He had just finished nailing H? happily tk children aorod Owen, Mr. J. Mclntyre, Mr. Chas. ing cables. on a hoard and was about to de- jfcoano tneChrighnas tee, Wing, Mr. D. MacVicar, while From reliable sources it is repor­ | soeud the ladder when it slipped Mr. Wm. Adams, Mr. E. Btguist, ted that the Granby Co. will com­ 1 l5eeo3JcemorctkccOTa6_>itrae Mr. W. B. Henderson, Mr. A. sideways, and the unfortunate man Dllairjionroar^bymij^,,, mence construction work on their fell striking his head on a brace LaFortune, and Mr. E. J. Wall logging operations in February. only ten feet below. He was Ihear the echo or their 900$; won on the fortune wheel. l caught by a fellow workmanl The sensation of the evening The annual Children's Christmas % greet the Chrijtmajtide* Tree and Entertainment will be directly after he hit the brace and was M'ke Cranley. "rolling the /> held this evening at the Coliseum, did not fall to the dock. An exam­ bones,'' with ' a strong' delegation In ddendtipjn golden dan? of the fickle ivories, Mike won by commencing at 8 p.m. sharp,' To­ ination proved that death had been night promises to be the big night. instantaneous. OWg thought,, were high and bold, the highest score, and trotted off _put oh the glotg of thfc hour with the last "live ooe." A somewhat elaborate programme Deceased was 65 yeaas of age, will be presented, in which both and as far as is known has no living inmgdnn^Ibolmm d adults and children will take part, relatives. The funeral took place ^giffcroat loue ha? brought tome, Santa Claus will be there and on Wednesday, at 1.30 p.m. at the ALICE ARM NOTES everyone in town will be there to Anyox cemetery, Rev. J. Herdman - - do him honor. Be a kid for a night officiating. J^Iiominthetrhavpu gong? and join in the fun., See Al. Falconer for Freight and Pack Horses. A canvass of the local stores, (in­ Painful Accident Occurs cluding ihe liquor store) elided the Mr. Albert Ferris, who has been information . that, business . this _ on S. S. Cardena employed at the Abbotsford Log­ Christmas was far better than the .;% . , ging camp throughout the summer few previous, years. All the stores A serious accident occurred "on left on Tuesday for Anyox and are. well prepared to handle the I Monday on board the S. S. Cardena Payment Made Christmas Dance Given Prince Rupert. last minute rush, which always ' when Mr. Matt Mercer, a passenger Mr. J. A. Stephen, district road occur on Christmas Eve. If you' ' had the misfortune to fall down a on Sunset Property by by Anyox Community engineer, left on Monday for Prince don't wish to be kept waiting on companionway, breaking-his arm Rupert. Monday, shop early. and receiving severe lacerations of Seattle Company League the scalp. The accident occurred . The Misses Christine and Helen We have special reason to be Mr. G. W. Morley, the well The annual Christmas dance Nucich arrived on Thursday, from happy this Christmas. The town shortly after the Cardena left given by the Anyox Community Anyox on her way to Stewart, and known prospector and mining prop­ Prince Rupert, where they are has experienced a prosperous League, on Monday evening Was attending school, to spend Christ year, and the pinch of the boat put hack to port, and lan­ erty owner of Alice Arm, has up to the asual high standard of mas with their mother. poverty is unknown to all. Let ded Mr. Mercer, who was rushed to received the second payment due this annual event The dance was the Hospital, and is now considered Mr. C. H. Walker, has-moved his us therefore celebrate the festival on the Sunset property from the held in the Recreation Hall, which thoroughly, With thankfulness in ; out of danger. business from the Alice Arm Hotel was artistically decorated witK] bur heart. Keystone Mining/Co. of Seattle, to his old/quarters opposite the who took a bond on the property colored paper streamers and shaded Logging Camp Closes lights, the whole interior of the hall Royal Bank. last summer. for Short Period presenting a very protty appear­ Mrs. E. Ness arrived home on The Sunset is located on Roundy ance. Thursday from Anyox with a new ANYOX NOTES Creek, and is one of the most prom­ The Logging camp of the Abbots­ baby boy. ... ising looking properties in the dis­ Three hundred merry dancers ford Logging Co. closed down on were there to trip the light fantas­ Mr. A, Bowles left on Thursday trict. The property was examined The Mine Club will hold a con­ Monday. The close-down was un­ tic to the strains of a select orches­ for his home at Port Haney. Mr. on behalf of the Keystone Company cert and smoker on Saturday expected, for until a short time tra, composed of Messrs. Liddel, Bowles has been timekeeper for the by Mr. E. Martin Thorniley, min December 29th. previously it had been decided to Abbotsford Logging Co. since last ing engineer of Los Angeles, who Haesler, Armstrong & Waterman- continue operations. When seen Refreshments were served at 11 December. *•.*.. The Christmas Billiard Handi­ reported favorably on the property. by the Herald Mr. J. 0. Trethewey o'clock, a feature of the supper Mr. Miles Donald arrived back cap is rapidly drawing to a close. stated that the chief oause of the It has been deoided by the Key­ being the arrival of a gigantio Walter Jones has entered the final - stone Co. to spend $25,000 in devel­ on Thursday from a short trip to close-down was adverse weather Christmas cake whioh was distribu­ Vancouver. round, those still playing are: Jack conditions. He, however, expeoted opment work on the property next ted along with other good things Hegarty, Geo. Lace, W. Robertson that a crew of men would be work­ year. , to eat. See Al. Falconer for Wood or Geo. Williscroft and Dan McKenzie; ing again next month, cutting The Sunset ia within easy reach ! Great credit is due to the com­ Goal, of tidewater, and an aerial tram­ Mr. and Mrs. Holyoke, of the wood for use of the engines next mittee^ having oharge of the Mr. Wm. "Wells of Anyox, spent Dam, left on Monday, for the summer, and falling and bucking line oan be constructed very arrangements for the splendid suc­ last week-end on a visit to his uncle, south. logs would also probable be under­ cheaply, connecting with ore bunk cess of the evening. The com­ Mr. J. Wells. ers on the beach. Some good ore Mr. Harry Seidelman, one of the taken. mittee consisted of Mrs. J. Cloke Mr. -J. O. Trethewey, of the veins are in full view carrying high At the present time he could not Mrs. O. K. Dwyer, and Mr. L. Abbotsford Logging Co. left on old-timers of the camp, was a silver values. From the geological say when a full crew would be Ingram. Mr. Thompson assisted in Thursday for Vancouver. passenger south on Monday, for an point of view the formation is ideal extended holiday to Seattle. He ' again working at the oamp, as it making of the ooffee. Mr. Geo. Bruggy arrived i home the ore being found on a granite will spend Christmas with his depended entirely upon weather The Home Waltz at 2 a.m. on Monday from av short visit to contact. With these points in it's conditions, but logging operations brought to a close a very enjoyable Prinoe Rupert. : sister, Mrs; B. Thornton favor there is no doubt that under would bo commenced as early as Mr. A. H. "Babe" Fortin, left on a programme of good hard develop­ evening. Mr; Steve Morrison arrived on possible in the ooming year. Thursday from Maple Bay, to the Cardena on Monday, for his ment work the Sunset will rapidly It was on the 13th. of Deoember Logging Contrast Secured by spend Christmas with his brother, home in the Fraser Valley. We develop into a shipping mine. Mr. J. Morrison. of last year that work was commen­ Mr. C. P. Riel all hope to see Babe with us again ced by the Abbotsford Logging Co.
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