« « - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. Dec. 10. 1987 MSB GUARANTEED GET READY LOWEST PRICES andiFfitrr Hrralii M anchester — A City iil Village Charm FOR WINTER HUGE SELECTION! Friday, Dec. 11,1987 30 Cents Police seize drugs headed for sale in town LOW, LOW PRICES! Police Department Participated in that weighed between 30 and 40 Wright said. The windows had been By Nancy Concelman Gerald LeBlanc, 43, a Canadian activities in June,.police said. That Mtanchester Herald citizen living at 379 Buff Cap Road, investigation reveMqd that LeB­ the raid. Pounds each. The bales were highly painted black and LeBlanc had installed vents in the van to Prevent .and check out theac ntBB senieest Tolland, was arrested and charged lanc was imPorting 2>)00 to 3,000 Arrests were made after compressed and packaged in large More than $600,000 worth of with Possession of over 1 kilogram Pounds of marijuana at a time from members of the Tri-Town and state Plastic garbage bags, Wright said. sjMmtaneous combustion during hot O' FREE MOUNTING! narcotics, some of it destined for of marijuana with intent to sell and Delaware and distributing it to Policcitask forces obtained search Some of the marijuana was pack­ weather, police said. sale In Manchester, were seized possession of cocaine, Police said. marijuana dealers in north central warrants for LeBlanc’s landscap­ aged into Pounds and half-Pounds, At the same time Police were from an Ellington business and a Deborah Mcavoy, 22, of the same Connecticut, including Manches­ ing business off South Road in he added. searching the van, a second search O ' FR EE STATIC BAUNCIN6! Tolland home Thursday night, address, was arrested and charged ter, South Windsor and Vernon, Ellington and his home in Tolland, Police also found three scales for warrant was being executed on g P E C lA L r ! Police said. with possession of marijuana and said Manchester Police Sgt. Don Wright said. weighing marijuana, about an LeBlanc’s Tolland home, which he shared with Mcavoy, Police said. O' FREE ROTATION! Members of the Tri-Town Narcot­ cocaine, Police said. Wright. Police obtained a search warrant ounce of hashish and large quanti­ Task force members found three FREE FRONT-END ics Task Force, which includes Police also charged LeBlanc with “ We know that some of the drugs for a Chevy van secured within a ties of loose marijuana, which ounces of marijuana and about one Police from Manchester, Vernon Possession of marijuana and pos­ being sold by that person were locked compound at LeBlanc’s indicated that a larger amount of S' FREE^SrCHANGEOVER! a l i g n m e n t gram of cocaine, according to the and South Windsor, and a state session of drug Paraphernalia, coming into Manchester,” said Ellington landscaping business. No marijuana had been In the van, Police report. Police also said they WITH THE PURCHASE OF Police task force seized $640,000 state Police said. CaPt. Joseph Brooks. “ I think It’s one was at the business at the time. Police said. O' FREE FLAT REPAIR! f o u r n e w t ir e s worth of marijuana, hashish and Members of the Tri-Town task going to imPact the- amount of Inside the van. task force The door handles on the van had seized more than $8,000 in cash. A marijuana In Manchester.” members said they found about 200 been removed and a padlock had Every tire kold by Towrr Fair it backed by our fam ous cocaine In the 9:35 p.m. raid, police force started an investigation into Please turn to Page 14 “ IRON-CLAD NO HASSLE” Guarantee! WITH said. LeBlanc’s alleged drug trafficking Six members of the Manchester Pounds of marijuana in five bales been placed on the back doors. Guaranteed LOWEST PRICE Policy PURCHASE ^LUS! Every tire sold at TO W N FAIR TIRE is guaranteed tor defects O F 2 N E W 7n workmanship or materials for as long as you own the lire — regardless of ^ ‘W hen you’re ready for tires, don't sacrifice the quality ... m ileage received. If a defect in workm anship or m aterials develop, return it to TOW N FAIR. W e TIRES performance and guarantee you need. Town Fair Tire^ wilt repair it at no charge or replace il. YOU PAY ONLY FOR W HAT YOU HAVE USEDI whom you can trust, has a store near you — there you'll find just the right tire a t... GUARANTEED LOW EST PRICES. We have selected tifes GUARANTEED against glass, sharp metal, deep holes and all road haz­ NO ‘Love feasf •Don't compromise, Town Fair Tires' experience costs no ards, and it’s FREE! PURCHASE m o r e FRM M f NECESSARY MW '"If you find a lower price advertised in Connecticut within 30 COMPARi US TO A ll OTHER TIRE DEAIERS! Alolbond and McPharton SUut days of pruchase on the sam e m erchandise ,.. bring us the Nol Includad on All Abovo advertisem ent and we will beat the price," MICHEIIN • GOODYEAR'> FIRESTONE • DUNIOP • GENERAl • I.F. GOODRICH • ARMSTRONG • UNIROYAl YOKOHAMA for Reagan and many morn famous brand tiros BUN XA4 ALL-SEASON RADIAL W.W. PRICEBUSTERS! hAU-SEASON 198/78R14..... 2 5 , Is tQ o a lify 155/80R13..... *84 r/StMl 11S5/80R13..... ••0 206/75R15..... *83 after summit 1st Quality Economy E c o n o m y 175/80R13..... *70 215/75R15. DOUBLE BELTED ALL-SEASON W M i n W A U 185/80R13..... *74 225/76R16..... • 235/75R15....*108 Bv Barry Schweld condition that he not be identified, 1S6/80R13............ DOUILI-IELTiD 15S/MR 13. *42 185/76R14..... *81 l a s / a o R i s ............... * * o 16S/»0n i 3 . *49 The Associated Press said the summit produced an 17S/80R13............. •** RSDUL W.W. 17S/S0R13 . *49 understanding that a treaty for the 185/80R13............. *33 1I S / t 0n i 3 . *90 i5s/aoni3...'S4 1IS/7SR14 . *49 I 3m ItM I 210/781815. WASHINGTON - President destruction of strategic weapons 10S/75R14............. *35 195/7SR14 . *92 228/7SR15. would be verified with on-site and -205/75R14............. *3S tas/sonts. ..'ss 305/7SR14 . 285/78B18..... Reagan won applause and congrat­ 215/75R14............. *37 185/80ni3..'3t 215/ 7SR14 . • f t ulations from Democratic and short-notice inspection, overcom­ 20S/7SR19 . •§ ? ing a Potential barrier to 205/75R15............. '3 i 186/7Sni4...'40 21S/75R1S . *99 Republican leaders of Congress 215/75R15............. ’ 30 18S/7Sni4.. *41 22S/7SR15 . *92 I today at a White House “ love feast” agreement. 225/75R15............. '41 235/7SR15 . 20S/78ni4... *42 celebrating the outcome of his No great successes on other 235/75R15........ *43 issues were claimed by Reagan or 21S/7Sni4...*4S RADIALS summit with Soviet leader Mikhail r , n S lo ia * . STEBL BELTED S. Gorbachev. by Gorbachev. Reagan could report IsKFG oodricn r a d i a l w .w . 203/75R1S . *44 om S^um ifilt Famous Mfg. (Comouan) 215/7SR15... ■40 After three days of talks, the only "some very limited move­ 1SS/B0ni3.........*54 205/75R14......... ••E ment” on human rights and no deal 1st Q uality 165/S0R13.........'S2 205/75R15.........*71 225/75ni5... *48 ' 1SS/S 0 R 1 3 ____ « 3 9 205/7SR14___*S2| president bade Gorbachev farewell for ending the Soviet occupation of W intBr-Ready! Economy SNOW 175/B0H13........ 'S * 215/75R15.........••• 235/7SniS . *80 I 16S/B 0 R 1 3 ____ * 4 3 21S/7SR14___•SSI on Thursday. Both leaders are RADIAL 185/80R13.........*87 225/75R15.........*77 , 17S/ 80R 1 3 ____ * 4 8 205/7SR1S....*54i looking toward a fourth summit in Afghanistan. Bottor Quality 195/75R14.........'04 235/75H15......... *02 W h it e w a ll s I 185/ 80R 1 3 ____ * 4 7 215/7SR15___ *B6 ' Moscow next year to Pursue a Gorbachev, before flying off to RADIAL SNOWS , 185/ 75R 1 4 ____ >4 S 205f75R14'S3l 225/7SR15___*S9 meet with Soviet bloc leaders in 155 tOS/fSBWSS 155/I0R13>39 I 19S/ 75R 1 4 ____ * 4 9 235/75R1S___ *84 strategic nuclear arms agreement »5f75mS'Stl East Berlin, promised to “ work 165;eOR1J*47 205/75R15H4 165/I0R13'42 going far beyond the treaty they 215|75R15'WC hard” to have a treaty ready for _ 175/Mm3*51 S15/75fl15*S7 175/80R13*4S signed Tuesday banning medium- 225(75R15'81’ Signing in Moscow next yeSTtB'" 1B5/I0R13*84 235/75B15'SS 18S/80R13'49 G n lln e n ia l AU-SEASON "EUROPEAN DESIGN" ; range missiles. 235T5R15'4S l i i m r Firestone 185/75RU*$S 235,75B15'73 185/75R14*48 SUPREME Reagan rePorted on the talks in a reduce sharply strategic weapons 195ff5H1«'4S ARRIVA 15S/80R13..<S7 185/80R13.. *69 205/7SR15..*82 delivered by bombers, submarines 195T 5R14^ M ^ ALL-SEASON ‘ 7 21’ S T E E L meeting with congressional leaders STEEL BELTED Radial Whitewall M ajor Q uality BELTED RADIAL 16S/80R13..*6O 195/75R14.. *76 215/75R15..*85 that opened with a round of or land-based intercontinental r a d i a l s n o w W h it e w a lls 15S/80R 1 3 ............ *94 STEEL RADIAL 18S/80R 1 .3 ......... * 5 9 applause. Senate Minority Leader missiles. Ratroadn 175/ 80R 1 3 ............ *99 205/75R14.. *79 225/75R15..*87 SNOWS 165/ 80R 13...........*5S 17S/8 0 R 1 3 ......... *54 175/80R13..*65 In Brussels, Belgium, Secretary Backad B y Town Fmir t 185/ 70R 14..........
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