EUROPEAN BULLETIN OF HIMALA VAN RESEARCH NUMBERZ 1991 CONTENTS EDITORlAL._.................................................... _................................................................................... .3 REVIEW ARllCll 'Manyrs for democncy'; a ~yiew of rece nt Kathmandu publications: Manin Gaensz.le and Richard BurShan. ............................................................................................................. 5 AROIIVES The Cambridge EII:pcrimcntal Videodisc Project: Alan MlCfarlane ............................................. IS The NepaJ German Manuscript: PrescrYlOOn Project: Franz·KarI Ehrbanl. .................................. 20 TOPICAL REPORTS The study of oral tradition in Nepal: Comeille Jest ...................................................................... 25 Wild c:!:! a~e~ {7'~: :M~~~~~':~~~~~.~~.i~.. ~.~~~ . ~~.~.~................... 28 lI<IERVIEW with Prof. IsvlI BanJ. the new Viee·OIancellor of the Royal Nepal Academy, followed by lisl of CUlTellt Academy projects: Manin Gaens:z.ie .................................................................. 31 RESEARCH REPORTS Group projects; Gulmi and Argha·Khanci Interdisciplinary Progr.unme: Philippc Ramiret. ........................ 35 Nepal-Italian Joint Projecl on High.Altitide Research in the Himalayas ............................ 36 Oevdopmc:nt Stnltcgics fOf the Remote Mas of Nep&l ..................................................... 31 Indiyidual projects: Anna Schmid ............ , ..... , ................................................................. , ................................... 37 Ninnal Man Tuladhar ............................................... , ..... , ........... , ........................................ 38 BOOK REVIEWS Dol' Bahadur Bisll's FwaJism and DeW!/cpmLfIl: Annc de Sales ................................................ 39 NEWS Himalayan Studies at 011:(000: Gl1Iham Clllrke ............................................................... .............. 41 IDS Workshop on lhe May 1991 General Elections in Nepal ...................................................... 44 International Symposium on Environmental & Hormonal Approacl'lcs to OmitholoSY .............. 45 New appointments at TribhuYal\ University ....................................................... , ......................... 46 ANNOUNCEMENfS Symposia: The Himalayan Forum at SOAS .. ................ ........................................................................ 46 Sill:th Conference of the International Association of Tibetan Studies ......................... " ... ..46 Second International Seminar on the Tibetan bnSuage ...... " ............................................... 47 The Anthropology of Nepal: Peoples. Problems Ind Processes ................................ _ ...... ..47 SASON Nadonlll Congress ........ , ............................................... , .............. ,,, ........................ 47 I..adakh: HiStoty and CUntre. ................................................................................................ 48 2 3 EDITORIAL Orcanizarions: Association for the Ethnological Research O(TIbellnd the Countries of the Himalaya .... 41\ The first issue of our Bullelin was senllo ship will not have seen, Natural History Satiety ofNcp.I .................•....................................................................... 49 Eu ropean scholars with the request that As for the future, the rubrics that we Courses: Courses in HimaJayln Languages lIthe Campus ofln lemalional I....Mguagcs. Tribhuvon the enclosed questionaire be returned have established in this issue should U nivcrsiry ... _...........................•.....•.......................... ..........................•..... __ ......................... 49 in order to receive free of charge the become standing features in the Bulle­ second number, The present issue is tin: each issue will contain a commIs­ PUBUCAll0NS: Himal.ya Enviroflment and Development: Twelve years of Rcsc:an:h ......................................... SO being sent OU,1 10 133 scholars, repre­ sioned review article and an interview, senting 17 diHerent countries. Addi­ plus shorter papers of topical mterest CONTRIBUTORS TO TIllS ISSUE .................•............................ _.......... ..................•....................... 52 tional copies have been distributed to (sent to us unsolicited by subscribersl researcb institutes in Nepal and India in There will also be reports on archiVes. the hope of (!Slablishing collaborative current research and conferences: book links with the Himalayan countries reviews: and announce menu. Our third themselves. [ n the meantime we have issue has already taken shape along begun to enlis' the support of contribut­ these lines and will contain. among ing editors (see below) to provide us other things, a review article on recent with news an4:i ideas from colleagues in publications on oral tradition and the their respective countries. In short, we first of a major two part report by are well on our way to having a viable Lucette Boulnois on the various Hima ­ bulletin. serving as a network for Euro­ layan archives in Paris. Our fourth num ­ pean scholars active in research on the ber will contain additionally a special land and peoples of the Himalayas. indeJ on cu rrent research and research ­ You will ri n d the present issue some­ ers in Europe. based on the returned what broader in scope than the fir st. We question aires, are grateful to Graham Clarke. Franz­ We present this brief look into the Kar l Ehrhard, Corneille Jest, Alan Mac ­ fu ture as the Bulletin enters a critical farlane. Michael Torsten Much. Ulrike stage in which we must appeal nOt only Muller-Baker, Philippe Ramirez. Anne for your interest but also your support. de Sales and others for having helped in The 'seed money' from the South Asia ilS preparation. Also we wish to thank Institute la pses with this. our second, Jonathan Benthall of the Royal Anthro­ number. We aim to meet the costs of the pological InSlitute for permission to nelltwo issues out or SUbscription fee s, publish a version of AJan Macfarlane's but contingency funds from the Insti­ report that originally appeared in tute will cover any shortfall. In short. Anthropology Today. Allhough our production of the nell two issues is editorial policy is to publish only origi­ guaranteed, but only those persons who nal articles. we intend that our section return the enclosed subscriptI on form on archives become a regular feature will receive them. From Number 5. to be that will eventually. when indexed. pro­ published in Sprinll 1993, we must be vide subscribers with useful informa­ entirely sell-supporting. tion about wheo re materialson the Hima­ As mentioned in our first issue. the layas are Slored. With th is aim in mind, Bullelin will survive only if its existence it seemed justifiable to publish a version is th e COllective intellectual and finan ­ of Alan Macfarlane's report on the Cam ' cial responsibility of all EUropean schol­ bridge archive that mos t of our reader- ars engaaed in Himalayan research. We 4 , are Kra teCul for the interest already shown in the Bulletin an d urge you to REVIEW ARTICLE continue to se nd us your articles. reporu, news and sunestions. Fin ally Martyrs for Democracy : we reiterate that from our next issue the A Review of Recent t.athmandu Publications Bulletin w ill be sent only to bona fide Richard Burghart a.nd Martin Gaenszle . paid-up subscribers. For fUrther infor ­ mation about subscriptions see the leaf­ ,,\jtibi si! Kriintitirr: Jan AndoJan. nessed the events in Spring. 1990 lead­ let enclosed with this issue. Ramesa Gupli. Kalhmandu: Dipak ing to the restoration of multi- party Kumar Rauniyar. 20-17 V.S. 53 pp., illus. democracy in Nepal. No doubt. scholarly Editort: Rs. :S o books and political memoirs will be Richard Burghart written in years to come that w ill Andr h Hofer Dawn of Demrxrilcy: People 's Power in recount these events in greater detail. Martin Gae nszle NepaJIPraj"iLamrako Uday: NepiJma and with the passage of time the Jan Ubhir. FOPHUR IEds.). Kathmandu: VOl umes under review will take on an Contribulinl Editor.: FOPHUR ephemeral character. as they appear Austria: Dr. Michaei TOfUen Much, (Forum for the Protection of Human caught up in the very eventS th ey por­ Institut fur Tibetologie und Buddhis­ Rights), 1990. Preface (rom Ganesh tray. Ye t scholarly books and memoirs muskunde, Universitat Wien, Mafia­ Man Singh and SahaRa Pradhan. 12 8 pp., cannot substitute for these slim Theresien-Slr. 311 1. A- I 090 Wien illus .. n.p.1. volumes and the fading copy of a copy of Fra nce : Dr. Anoe de Sales, 23, rue Mon­ - , - a video-tape. for witness literature torgueiJ, F-75001 Paris jan-Andalan n SahidhartJ. Nirayan wor ks its effect upon the reader dirrer­ Gre at Br itain: Dr. Michaei HuH, De par t­ Pra'ad SlvakatT Kathmandu: Bhisma ently. Its purpose is to tell and show ment Kadariya. 20-47 V.S. 162 pp., illus. Rs. what has been heard and seen. to make of IndolO1Y, School of Oriental &.. African 65 . witnesses of us all lest one forget. Here Stu dies, Thornhaugh Stree t. London remembering serves nOI only to order WC I Nepal: StrtJggle [ar Democracy. Thomas the past. but also to immortaliZe the Pola nd: Or. Krzysuof Deb niclr:i, InSlytut Bank (Ed.). Bangkok: the author, 'martyrs for democracy' and to prOlect Orie ntalistyclny Uniwersytetu Wars­ 1991 . 112 pp., illus., n.p.l. whal they have achieved by sacrifice. zawskiego. Krd:owskie Przedmiescie
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