RETURN TO SECRETARY OF STATE WITHOUT DELAY County Canvassers* Siatement PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY ELECTION Election MAY 18, 1976 Date County of. MACOMB — PL^SE TYPE — IMPORTANT NOTES:—It i» V!9i7 imftortant tlmt the stotenMnt ct votes bt Mcorfttely raniR. as ther« la not OSM to comM^ood with r«c«ard to oaMtikm l»«f«>re tiia ezpirstlcn of tiM» tfaue stlowodl by law for mnkli^ iiii>e oflJdai cafflraes. A CARETUL (Xr^rM^AIUSON OF Tim NAMES OF AIL €yiNI>IDA'XES HKSffi SUEEOORDEaO) SMOULD B2i SiADK ^ WlXn 51J0SB, AFl^El&lllNa WON ffira BAIJ4T., ^ Tba Law reqalnss £b« aggW£Sttt number of Vdes aied thfl nomber fiveo lor xaeli Indivliual to H WXXXTEH OUT IN FLILL, For «&''nv«^'ai«<i«e« la euBvaMlag, aJao mimA (isA iuiaib«r In illi;wrait to '&» tolaiam pvtip»nd for tliaft ^arpeaa, ODSEEVINO CXOSEL^ .IN EMM INSXANGS! TOA'S 3f£QS WIBI!IINid AND BOUSES AQBKB; COUNTY CANVASSERS' STATEMENT STATEMENT OF VOTES given in the County of MACOMB State of Michigan, at the Presidential Primary Election held on Tuesday, the eighteenth day of May, in the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy six, for the offices named herein. The whole number of votes cast for the Democratic Party nominees for the office of President of the United States was FIFTY-NINE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED NINETY THREE 59,893 and they were given for the following persons: JIMMY CARTER ^ceived TWENTY THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED FORTY ONE votes, 20,941 FRED R. HARRIS received 274 TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY-FOUR votes, HENRY M. JACKSON received SEVEN HUNDRED THIRTY-FIVE 735 votes, ELLEN McCORMACK received 573 FIVE HUNDRED SEVENTY THREE votes, R. SARGENT SHRIVER received K3UR HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE 495 votes, MORRIS K. UDALL received. TWENTY-EIGHT THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED NINETY-SEVEN 28,997 votes, GEORGE C. WALLACE received 6,514 SIX THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FOURTEEN votes, UNCOMMITTED received. CM; THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-NINE 1,179 votes, SCATTERED received CMS HUNDRED EIGHTY-FIVE 185 votes, Total 59,893 The whole number of votes cast for the Republican Party nominees for the office of Presiden>ntt of the United State was SIXTY-SIX THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED NINETY-THREE 66,893 and they were given for the following persons; GERALD R. FORD received IHIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED votes, 35, ,800 RONALD REAGAN received THIRTY THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED EIGHTY-FIVE 30, ,685 votes, UNCOMMITTED received THREE HUNDRED NINETY-NINE 399 votes, SCATTERED received NINE 9 votes, received votes, 66. ,893 Total The whole number of votes cast in the _i£5Q Congressional District for the Democratic Party for the office of President of the United States was TWENTY-NBE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED TWENfY-SIX and they were given for the following persons: 29,726 JIMMY CARTER deceived. TinSI THOUSAND/FOUR HUNDRED THIKIY-TWD 10,432 votes, FRED R. HARRIS received. CNE HUNDRED FIFTy-IWD 152 votes, HENRY M. JACKSON received THESE HUNDRED EIGHTY 380 votes, ELLEN McCORMACK received THREE HUNDRED TWENTY-FOUR votes, 324 R. SARGENT SHRIVER received IWD HUNDRED FIFTY-THREE votes, 253 MORRIS K. UDALL received. FOURTEEN THOUSAND POUR HUNDRED SIXTY THREE 14,463 votes, GEORGE C. WALLACE received THREE THOUSAND ONE votes, 3,001 UNCOMMITTED received, SIX HUNDRED THIRTEEN votes, 613 SCATTEI^D received ONE HUNDRED EIGHT votes, 108 Total 29.726 The whole number of votes cast in the 12'th Congressional District for the Republican Party for the office of President of the United States was THIRTY-SIX THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTEEN 36,418 and they were given for the following persons: GERALD R. FORD received TWENTY-THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED FIFTY votes, 20, ,350 RONALD REAGAN received FIFTEEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED TWENTY-SEVEN 15, ,827 votes, UNCOMMITTED received. TWD HUNDRED THIRTY-FIVE 235 votes, SCMTERED received. SIX votes, 6 received votes, received votes, Total 36 <,41 8 The whole number of votes cast in the 14th Congressional District for the Democratic Party for the office of President of the United States wasPOUKPEEN THOUSANp EIGEIT HUNDRED THIRTY NINE and they were given for the following persons: 14,839 JIMMY CARTER deceived FIVE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY-ONE 5,451 votes, FRED R. HARRIS received. SIXTY-SIX votes, 66 HENRY M. JACKSON received CNE HUNDRED EIGHTY-ONE votes, 181 ELLEN McCORMACK received ONE HUNDRED TCENTY-FIVE 125 votes, R. SARGENT SHRIVER received ONE HUNDRED FIVE votes, 105 MORRIS K. UDALL received SIX THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY-SIX 6,796 votes, GEORGE C. WALLACE received Om THOUSAND ElOn? HUNDRED THIRTY-ONE 1,831 votes, UNCOMMITTED received TWO HUNDRED SIXTY-SEVEN 267 votes, SC3\TTERED received SEVENTEEN votes, 17 Total 14,839 Tlie whole number of votes cast in the Congressional District for the Republican Part'arty for the office of President of the United States wasTWELVE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED StXTYr-EIGflEGHT ,. and they were given for the following persons: 12,368 GERALD R. FORD received SIX THOUSAND FIFTY-SIX votes, 6,,05 6 RONALD REAGAN received SIX THOUSAND IV© HUNDRED FIFTY-TWO 6,,25 2 votes, UNCOMMITTED received. FIFTY-EIGHT 58 votes, SC3\TTERED received TWD 2 votes, received votes, received votes, 12, ,368 Total • .^Si The whole number of votes cast in the 18th Congressional District for the Democratic Party for the office of President of.the United States was FIFTEEN iHOUSfiND THREE HUNDRED IWENTY-EIGHT and they were given for the following persons: 15,328 JIMMY CARTER deceived FIVE IHOUSAND FIFTY-EIGHT 5,058 votes, FRED R. HARRIS received EXFIY-SIX 56 votes, HENRY M. JACKSON received am HUNDRED SEVENTY-FOUR 174 votes, ELLEN McCORMACK received , aSE HUNDRED IWENTY-FOUR votes, 124 R. SARGENT SHRIVER received aSE HUNDRED THIRTY-SEVEN 137 votes, MORRIS K. UDALL received, SEVEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED TEJIRTY-EIGHT 7,738 votes, GEORGE C. WALLACE received G»IE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED EIGHTY-TWO 1,682 votes, UNCOMMITTED received. TWO HUNDRED NINETY-NINE 299 votes, SCATTERED received. SIXTY 60 votes, Total 15,328 The whole number of votes cast in the •'•"'-" Congressional District for the Republican Party for the office of President of the United States wasEIGHTEEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED SEVEN 18,107 and they were given for the following persons: GERALD R. FORD received NINE THOUSAND TEIREE HUNDRED NINETY-FOUR votes, 9,,39 4 RONALD REAGAN received, EEGHT THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED SIX ,606 votes, 8, UNCOMMITTED received ONE HUNDRED SIX votes, 106 SCATTERED received. 1 asE votes, received votes, received; • - votes, 18, rl07 Total STATE OF MICHIGAN. 88. County nf MAQOMB We do Hereby Certify, Hiat the foregoing is a correct statentent of the votes given in the county of. J>iA*--UiyiD • , for the offices named in such statement and for the persons Pr«si<j«ntial designated therein, at tho P"mory Election held on the eighteenth day of ^^''y . in the year ope thousand nine hundred and '*^*"ty six _ In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and caused to be affixed the Seal of the Circuit Court for the County nf MACOMB ._ this. 24th day ISeai) of. May ., in the year one thousand nine hundred and . seVenty-slx ^,^^;^-^t_-e-^ yy^ A-^-^u^^^^^y^ tioiird of County Canvassers Attest: Clark of the Board of County Canvassers. STATE OF MICHIGAN, 88. County of Maconb We Hereby Certify, That the foregoing is a correct transcript of the Statement of the Board of County Canvassers, of the County of Macxxib '••"'•'•'•' ' , of the votes given in such County Presidentiai for the offices named in said statement and for the persons designated therein, at the P"'"'"'/ Election hold on the •ighteenth day of ,., ^oy , one thousand nine hundred AnH »gventy six ,„ j^, ^g it relates to the votes cast for said offices, as appears from the original statement on file in the office of the County Clerk. In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the Circuit rourt for thn rnnnty nf MaCOTlb this. 24th .day mai) nt May , in the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy-six ^^g'gfeg' Cdunty Clerk Chairman of the Board of County Canvassers .g*^; COUNTY OF MArnMR 4- The whole number of votes «;ast-for the office of United States Representative in Congress Twelfth (12th) ni^tnrt w«.. One Hundred Twelve Thousand, Eight Hundred Thirty-six 112,836 and they were given for the following persons: O'HARA, JAMES 6. ^^^^j^^^ Sixty Thousand, Four Hundred Fifty-nine 60.459 votes, SEROTKIN^ David M. received Fifty TwoThousand, Three Hundred Seventy-five 52.375 votes, SCAHERED received Two votes, received votes, received votes, received votes, received votes, received votes, Total 112.836 The whole number of votes cast for the office of United States Representative in rong,e» Fourteenth (14th) District was Forty Four Thousand, Three Hundred Seventy-five 44.375 and they were given for the following persons: NEDZI, LUCIEN N. ved Twenty Four Thousand, recei Four Hundred Ninety-six 24.496 votes, McGRATH, ROBERT V. received Nineteen Thousand, Eight Hundred Seventy-seven 19,877 votes, SCAHERED .received Two 2 votes, received votes, received votes, received votes, Total 44.375 .::...- '•.....,:,f:-i-ii\i\X:i.-if'iaLj,t^-.'^*.iu,-\.H<^. ^yV.•_.^^J^'iJ:.:J»•V^•)^;^;.^•:•^.-•^a^-il^ll^J/^••a•^^..J.•^.i . •••^^Hj'V'ii^i^'^ fi'j'.- -^'j-i^-'r ^rfl«Jl:i-^ia» •aa*ii-r>i?wi •.. - •:Jif,-^.^<l^^^.^v..-:•.i.»•>L,-^W-•-^^lMA«^^^VJ^-A•^<lito!^^j;d^ll^ 18 WA'!! MRU or volt:., v\:\:i\{n:<i\'.\/\\ F'niMA!-:Y ri.r(.:T!f)!J, inf'^.nAY. MAY IB, iT/f, REPUBLICAN PARTY-_ R[£PUBLie/\N PARTY . RLPUBL.I.CA.N PARTr- Ill .J NAMES OF 1 TOWNSHIPS AND en a ELECTION DISTRICTS H < Hi LU ; o UJ ) Ql > Q > -J < <_l <-J 1- g 8 o a ARMADA 699 224 209 0 3 436 i 1 % BRUCE 1128 443 273 0 7 723 1 i P • CHESTERFIELD 2096 : 530 600 0 1 1 1141 j- ,! CLINTON 9801 J30I3 2281 0 38 5332 "i 1 1 HARRISON 3277 1 1092 829 0 8 1929 1 LAKE • 47 j26 II 0 0 37 i ?.
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