Riverina Football League Football Record

Riverina Football League Football Record

� '6 2.SO 1 W Ct L 4 1 3 N_ :: .::5 -,, i _ I /]. I' i� ih- o � . � � J �6_ �_i_03 - ____ , , b378<" I ! ===- .� § = � AUSTRALIANEGLINE PTY. LTD.INSURANCE (Incorporated in N.S.W.I BROKERS · I: 9 STURT STREET, WAGGA WAGGA I PHONE W69) 21 5655 - P.O. BOX 646, WAGGA. I �---�a. ..-:=- __.,,, -4� ? 0 From big business to individual needs, I such as farm pak, house, car, pleasure I craft, private insurance . .. NIB takes it I personally . .. and that is security! I � _J rn------ C. U -----V ��N"lrs - w����--- GOALS I BEHINDS I TOTAL 10 I ;ii ,I 2"':ll 10 I-� 20 20 �� 30 30 LL(.? 40 40 Total J Total � 10 10 ! Ow 20 20 f 2o J---+----¼-+-- -:=:-i--��----l----"""-'i-------'£+-------'l-=I �-" 0<( 30 30 .;�ro g: �(.?U�l--=--+- --=-+----...L...J--'!!=:.+-...:...::......+--�q._--'�- 40 40 ��-.. - Total Total ,::� -- --4,--..11111:+----4-_.;:� �� 10 iro <»O �2 20 20 ��C > WW ··sR.F.L.o 0�. - 30 2w 30 ·� � PRELIMINARY =>2 dO�� 40 a..E FINAL 2 ]8 ·�·' -·1---------. �ij1 Tot;:il_ ,�, · :;; "' ·:=::: � J ::::=,=fl:l:£cfff;:l1: -'S't,ii;_f Total E ] SAT., SEPTEMBER 17 & SUN., SEPTEMBER 18, 1983 - - u� =- -'- �.,,,....,__< ·< -.,,,....,__ --�rt .!:Z C ALAN HARRIS t::.�., - ..-=-- =--�=-=-=-=-=- --!: ---1u..Ji.....__,'.'"'::=::==�u'�����:is:::::::-� ��>O �-§ McDONALD & Co. FLOWER BOUTIQUE >-> MODI.RN I llt\l·RAI. Dllll'CIORS H)I{ Al I. YOlll{ FRI-.SII f o ,,, AT /\Nil :v10NII Ml·N'I ,\I. CO\ l Rt\( IURS 1·1.0Wl'R 1\IW,\N(;1-;-..11•.N'IS JEO 1 �o FOH Wl·lllllN(;_ Nl·:W '· '1' .-G> Ml�A �AR�H W�Rl� \o,111g (Uo!a,11,111 AIU<l\11\I.S OR ANY FOR YOUR COMPLETE FLOOR COVERING < :a11111ai11. / _,,,·/../mu, Sl'l:CIA OCCASION I ht' J<od,.. l !, ww I REQUIREMENTS! + _ ' 0::-!: .luruT. )"no111:, ( ·,, ,,:J... .. �\ i! CNR. ASHMONT & DOBNEY AVE., WAGGA /"an 111111 uud Ml Mlll It « 11 ,\nllctlw11 dnln( I\ SEE GREG SHEATHER or JOHN BAGLEY Iii /f1\ y I .IS sru 1-.F r. It',\ ( ,'( .,; 1 PHONE 25 3040 or 25 3400 l'/10.NI·: 21 .J<)f.l /',-i11r1j111!· l:i'fr />11nllt'llltT VOL. 1, No. 22 REGISTERED BY AUSTRALIA POST PUBLICATION NO. NBP 0250 3 r---2 -------------------, 1 JOIN THE RHEEM TEAM for . I I I GAS, ELECTRIC & SOLAR PHONE � I HOT WATER SYSTEMS I LEETON L __ _ -------PHONE-- WAGGA---- 21 3360- � 53 4155 -- --- TOOTHS RIVERINA FOOTBALL LEAGUE 1 ·•·•··�•· 1 !11.Hm••�······�••.l;1;1,1�lll�)•jt�s••�. ••• ;;• ; fil I 1: f • �*� .1�!�i-�i•f ��)i �\� 1C� m Coolwnnn must have mystified 1/reir • FIRST GRADE FIRST GRADE W L D For Ag % Pis .rnpporlers with s11ch a poor s/101vi11g bur G. Sheather (Wagga) .................. 86 rial get r1110ther chance loday when they play COOLAMON ....... 13 5 · 2042 1618 126.2 52 B. Parkes (E.W.K.) ................. .. 80 RIVE RINA Wagga. E.W.-KOORINGAL ... 13 5 - 1962 1598 122.7 52 D. Murphy (T.P) .. .................... 69 E (,,l,� itO FOOTBALL The Pery best of luck rn horh !cams and WAGGA .............. 13 5 - 2133 1756 121.4 52 P. Belford (Nar.) .. .................... 61 LEAGUE tn all sides participraini; in roday ·s finals. TURVEY PARK .... II 7 • 1857 1678 1 I0.6 44 D. Bruest (Cool.) ...................... 59 Ganmain-G.G.-M. 9 9 - 1813 1779 lOl.9 36 P. Sparks (Griffith) .................... 48 Narrandera .......... 8 8 2 1969 2012 97.8 36 SECOND GRADE i\t a recent meeting of the Victorian A.P. Mirrool . 8 10 - 1697 1756 96.6 32 Co11ntry /,eagues at Geelong the subject of M.Crouch(E.W.K.) .................. 93 Well football certainly prnd11ces its up­ Griffith 6 11 I 1729 1945 88.� 26 represenrative lllatclres was " hot IOpic }<Jr W. Norton ( G . G.G.M.) ............... 84 sets and tire Toot/rs Rivcrina riJotba/1 Leeton ........ .. ..... 4 14 - 1597 21J}J 76J 16 C.Moses(Coola.) ..................... 55 Lea[.;ue had its fair share last week with discussion. Tire possiblity of splilling the Leagues Ardlethan . 3 14 I 1488 2ll53 724 14 J. Lyons (Leeton) ..... ................ 32 minor premiers in all three grades being .................... 3 I into two divisio11 appears as thOll}!,lr ii • SECOND GRADE For A, e;. Pt R. Berton (Griffith) beaten. W. Hunt (Nar .) ......................... 27 could }!,O ahead. GANMAIN.G.G.-M.. ......... 1845 1!62 1;8.7 5� N.iverina was named in the lower dii·i­ COOLAMON ................... 1612 1073 150.2 54 UNDER NINETEENS Congratulations must go to East sion of the lwo leagues and wi1/r tire rig/rt NARRANDERA ................ 1650 1200 137.5 52 S. Purcell (T.P.) ........................ 105 Wagga-Kooringal who advanced to tlreir approach mus/ be rated II strong clra11c1· of" P. Carroll (G.G.G.M.) ................ 46 second consecutive grand jlnal wirh a E.W.-KOORINGAL .......... 1717 1206 142.3 44 takinr; the honours a11d wi1111i11g 11m11r11- Turvev Park . 1364 1653 82.5 36 G. Bannister (Leeton) ................ 46 great win against Coolamon. tion. a . ............. 1281 1229 I04J 32 A. Romagnolo (Griffith) ............. 45 Should Riverina he .\'('eded /i1r « /in! W gg;. rey (Coola.) ...................... 45 East Wagga won last year's prellliership Griffith ......... 1347 1422 94.7 .12 � i/ G G round bye ii will need (J/rly wi;1,1· i11 tlm·,· · yon (<J . .M.) ..............:.:2_: in a superb display and must be rated a games to win !he title. Leeton ......... 1248 1763 70.7 .12 .. : second to none chance of succes.1fully Hopefully r11r i11cn·a.1·1• i11 11ri::.c11101u·.v l ... ..... ..... .... 2 mc � � ��'.��oo . I���) :��� ��.� � tI•!it liilll�J\�i• , defending their flag. can he arranged jr,r t/w .1·,·ril·s. ; i 1,1!!�i!lt''!i!l Coolamon ............ 78 40 1/.> 7 125 1/.> e UNDER NINETEENS For Ag q, Pis TURVEY PARK ............... 1962 634 309.4 72 E.W · Kooringal 78 33 9 120 • OUR COVER: Turvcy·s Dave Vogel clears his kick despite attention of Wal(!(a\ Paul lluwkl·. Turvey Park ......... 66 27 18 111 GANMAIN-G.G.-M.. ......... 1382 924 149.5 60 1 NARRANDERA ................ 1482 912 162.5 50 Ganmain G.G.M. 54 4l'½ 15 109 /2 Wagga .. .... .... .... .. 78 24 4½ 106 112 LEETON ......................... 1304 1086 120.0 36 1 East Wagga-K. ................. 997 1016 98.1 36 Na��andera ........... 54 39 1212 105½ Griffi1h ... 1046 1214 86 I 36 Gntf1th · ...... ....... 39 24 9 72 Coolamon ........................ 1098 1270 86.4 28 A.P. Mirrool .. ...... 48 18 I 67 TOOTH & CO. LTD. Leeton • • .... •......... 24 24 10 58 Wagga ... ... ....... .............. 804 1269 63.3 18 Brewers of Reschs Pilsener and Ardlethan ...... .... ... 21 4 25 Ardlethan ....................... 878 15166 57.9 14 1st Grudc: 6 plS - 2nd Crude: J pis Tooths KB, LA & Sydney Draught. A · P .-1v'\' IHOO I ........ ........... 6?9� 1802 34 , 9 4 Under 19s: I pt 1111 1111 1 1'""11"""1••• 111 ,,, ..................__..... ......1 "'""-""'"' 111-••ll"''"llfl'' ..'ll''""'''''''"""'"' lll' TOOTH & CO. LTD. FOR ALL HOME DELIVERIES ARE PROUD SPONSORS OF THE RIVERINA SUNICRUST BAKERIES FOOTBALL LEAGUE 84 EDWARD STREET, WAGGA I PHONE 21 5477 4 5 ♦ ¥ .......... , ...., _.,. 11 ..,._.,.......,.......... .....IIO"... •............ 2�11 liF :c,..... ,_ ,,.. ,. "'' '·"" . LTHORISED IIAYI.IS . .\ �M GEAR �IKHT GANMAIN MOTORS SEE DOUG AND ALLA� STEELE. Props r WAGGA FOR ALL MECHA'IIC.AL AND S:-IASH REPAIRS. TYRES. BA"TTERIES A:S-:D ACCESSORIES I POSS/BLY TIii: lil:ST KNOWN, MU\/ I l""Lh't' ,,l RECOG.Vt.\FD IASf-llON HOUS/·. :.•)(�� PHONE GANMAIN 4 SER\'JCE FOR .WES JS 'f/11: /<!VERINA. ,h1111•• ........... _llh.............. 11 .....,.. h11'" .. 11 ....... lt11111•l111 ..... 1111.111fl111 .. ••ll111.111llloa.1111t111o............... 9 .......... RIVERINA FOOTBALL LEAGUE RIVERINA FOOTBALL LEAGUE PRELIMINARY FINAL PRELIMINARY FINAL UNDER. NINETEENS SECOND GR.ADE � � 9.45 a.m. � 12 noon ' 1:1UUllKilfflf1: 1i�I1\�lillil1 COLOURS: RED, WHITE & BLUE COLOURS: V BLUE. GOLD V COLOURS: RED, BLUE SHOULDERS, COLOURS: GOLD CREST V BLUE, GOLD V 2. T. GRENTALL 17. R·. HARDY 3. R. IIART 14. K.PAICE 8. P. TURNER 4. Col DURNAN 4. G. LAWSON 44. S. WILLIAMS 10. V. CARROLL 8. S. DONALDSON 5. 48. R. MATHUES 12. M. CARROLL 9. P. HICKSON 6. D. SMALL 49. J. HINCHLEY 15. D. GUTHRIE IO. W. HUNT 7. T. GIBBONS 51 'I'. RYAN 18. W. WILLIAMS 11. R. STEWART 8. A SMALL 51 A. BOCK 24. K. STEWARD 17. G. CORBETT 9. B. FLOWER RT. STANLLY 25. D. l·IALBISCH 19. S. FISHER 10. D. HARMER 55 I BLOOMFIEI.IJ 26. C. MENZIES 21. I. ROSE II. W. McMULLEN �/, I' WOWISION 27. B. KERR 22. K. ABSOLUM 57 I. ROYAL 12. G. FLOWER 28. G. EVANS 23. S. KILLER 13. I. SHEPPARD 58. J. STEWART 29. G. CARROLL 59. S. C'RAZE 27. P. ANTHONY 14. U. McJNERNLY f1I. J. THOMPSON 30 W. DUNNE 28. T. TRUCKETT 15. W. MclNERNLY f>2. R. DOLAN 32. ll. CONWAY 29. C. ROYAL 16. S. BYRNES 64. L. LEWIS 33. P. TURNBULL 30. D. PLEDGER 17. A. ELLIS 65. J. MITCHELL 34. J. RUSSELL 31. M. STEWART IX. Geoff I !ARRISON 66. G. JONES 35. G. FENNESSY 32. G. McLEAN 19. M. McCARTHY 67. P. KIRK 37. M. CORBET[' 33. C. FIRMAN 20. S. PURCELi, 68 B. MITCHELL 38. J. CEDELLAND 36. 8. SULLIVAN 21. R. OAKES 69. W. HICKENBOTllAM 40. B. WALSH 37. I. INGRAM 25. S. ROSENGRELN 71 Sco1t RUSSELL 43. W. KEMBER 39. M. COLLIS 30. C. CARROLL 72 M. HARRISION 44. W. NORTON 40. G. SULLIVAN 35. R. IIART 73. B. HOWITT 4�. D. IIARRIS 41. Rich DURNAN 38. D. LAWSON 85. B. HUTCHISON 49. G. BRILL 42. Glen INGRAM P. MATHUES 50. J. BOOTH 49. G. HUUOARD D. SHIELDS 43. P. HERRIOTr 50. C. DONOHUE 51. P.

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