APPENDIX Maps of the Terrestrial Planets Mercury SOUTH POLAR REGION SCALE 1 8388000 AT 56' LATITUDE POLAR STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTION i \ \ \ \ .. \. 200 KILOMETERS 400 600 800 1000 NORTH POLAR REGION Mercury North 0 ZW KILOMETERS 400 600 800 1000 2W0 257. I 550. , 140. / / f30. r20. * / - - I +I". 1 1 / / / I North -GO'7 South SCALE 1 50000MO llmm 50 kml AT 0 LlT4TUDE MERCATOR PROlECTlON CONTOUR PLANET ELEVATION RADIUS l~~lornererrl IU~lometerrl 6063 Earth North Pole 278 South Pole 279 Earth Moon ' 1 "'rnl",,, , 'f 4 .I-.%, + I/>, ,,, /!v~00xu3 \\' 345 ! , , , 15 (15WI 0 NORTH POLAR REGION Moon Mars NORTH POLAR REGION Polar cap 81 11apparld on August 4. 1972 SOUTH POLAR REGION Polar cap as 11 sSWrd on February 28 1972 287 Mars 4u-t-t PLAt$ITIA F South SCALE 1 25.0m.0m A7 0' LATITUDE 1 12.549 CCO IT M' LATITUDE MERCITOR PROJLCTON m lorn ern CONTOUR lNTERYltL I KlLOMETRE 288 REFERENCES CHAPTER 1 Burns, J. A., 1976. Consequences of tidal slowing of Mercury: Icarus, v. 28, pp. 453-458. 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