COAL. COAL. 1 ♦ HAIiL * WALKER FURNITURÈ „ A Wellington Colliery We bave first-class and up-to- 4 datf- Furniture and Plano Moving Co. PADDED VAN. Phone 11M GOVKRNMKNT ST. I* Burt’s Wood Yard Phone IN. II PAN DOHA ATI VOL. 47. VICTORIA, B. C„ TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 1909. No. 63 VAR! UNLESS ELECTROCUTED. KFXJLVdK'M ltETICENCE. NEW SCALE OF St. Johns, Que.. March 16.— John For­ on! if that Windsor, Ont., March 16.—Because he ant. 3.1 years, employed by the St. objected to acknowledge his Identity SERVIA YIELDS Johns Electriç Lbfnt1 Company, was CAUCUS COULD end declined to state whether- he pos- electrocuted while working on the roof o«i.y set ne ressed sufficient funds to make * him WATER RATES of the electric light station hen^ He NOW' eligible to enter Canada, Francis Pet- grasped a live wire with his bare TENSION IN BALKANS tingill, member of a religious brother­ hand while his rubber* gloves were un­ hood. «pent several hour* on the De­ TWENTY PER CENT. JUMP ’ der his coat. troit river. Pettlngiil. who 1* a mem­ OF GRAVE CHARACTER ber of the Christian Brethren, was»on CAVK-IN KILLS FIVE his way from Cincinnati to Chatham to FOR ALL RESIDENCES enter ;i retreat n< fljially capitulated Quebec; March 16.—A cave-In on *the | and showed that he possessed several / ------------ Austria Demands a Clear Ex­ hundred dollars. Transcontinental railway, twenty A Comparison Between the Ex­ planation—Turkey’s Part miles from La Tuque, resulted In the death Of live laborers. Further details SEIZURE OF PAINTINGS. isting Charges and Those were unobtainable yesterday after­ - in Crisis. noon. Paris Felice Take Possession of Ptc- tures Destined for New York. ' Proposed. BRA K KM AN KILLED. Berlin. March 16.—Advices received 1 Paris. March 16.—The police have fct the foreign office to-day concerning Winnipeg. Man.. March 16.—Robert seised thirty paintings which bore the The new scale of water rates was alleged foreign signatures of Jean rubmitted to the city council last the strained situation between Austrla- H. Stephenson, aged 25. of Winnipeg, a i Canadian Northern brakeman. wssi Jacques Henner. Marclsee Dias. Gus- night by Water t’ommlseloner", Ray- snMP'iTMOir wiiri^piirm Nrw» -CmrMet- -«aaU JC«î4i*..ZAaW,.^kU. crlels Is still in an acute stage. It isL -AiL-Roosevelt. Minn. French artist*. pgt K- i mfcidlt'-l. * 4 by.tikw. «U**, wSkUwn- to make another effort at Belgrade come before the council for consider- with the view of bringing Servin'» porter, who it is stated, will be pros­ at Ion. ecuted, has not been dlschised. There is an Increase ail round tn the views Into accord with her-own. The GENERAL STRIKE rates. The flat rates for residences nature of these representations Is not are twenty per cent higher then the disclosed, but It can be said that the NOT EFFECTIVE existing rate* In each case except that dual monarchy will demand a clear ex­ CLEARED LAND of ten to twelve-roomed houses, where planation of Servla’e Intentfon. Officials It amounts to only 124 pet1 cent. On say that If Servla yields, the negotia­ the meter rates the advance is marked POSTOFFICE EMPLOYEES TO GO ON SALE so far as small houses are concerned. tions will pursue a peaceful course, but Whereas the old rate was twenty If not hostilities are inevitable, and the REPORT FOR DUTY cent* a thousand f.,r the first 5,699 gal­ only task of the powers will be to local­ E. & N. WILL DISPOSE lons, with a minimum monthly ac­ ise the conflict. count of 70 cents for a live-roomed The report that Turkey will demand house or 85 cents for a six-roomed Communication in Paris Only ' OF FIRST BLOCKS house (60 cents and 75 cents with the • n explanation of Servla’e Intentions discount off),' the new rate Is $1 for the With regard to the large quantities of Partially Tied Up—Govern­ first 2.900 gallons (.90 cents with. , the war material now lying at Salonika has ment’s Attitude. Five-acre Lots Near Ladysmith discount deducted.) The meter rateer been oftlçlaily confirmed. Should the re­ to large consumers are Increased by r±4 ply be unsatisfactory an embargo will Will Be Offered Next alMiut twelve and one-half per cent. be placed thereon. In the meanwhile The new rates will be found below, Servla has prepared to get munitions Paris. March 16.-The general strike Month. the fiat rates showing the tariff figure of war aod supplies, vja Bulgaria, but of the telegraph, telephone and postal and, in the seebnd column, the amount pressure will be brought upon Turkey employees <* the state, vote# with so Payable If the bill Is met within fif­ to prevent the passage of military sup- much enthusiasm last night. Is turning teen day*-. VU*» through the Dardanelles. out to-day to be anything but effective Ni xt m mth the first block of cleared Proposed Flat Rates. land under the Vancouver Island land and unless there should come some BOWSER, ON THE ROAD TO EPSOM Monthly With MR. ARNOLD-FOSTER DEAD. sudden change for the worse it prom­ * tearing scheme will be put on the ’’market by the E. A N. Railway Com­ Rate Dis. ises to be of short duration. Each dwelling not more pany. This will consist of a block of Former British War Minister Passes An overwhelming majority of the day than four rooms ......... $ .86 EIGHT LIBERALS GO nearly Mi acre»*, which haa recently I 75 Away at Middle Age. shifts tn all the branches of the ser­ Each dwelling containing vice reported for duty this morning. LA GRIPPE KILLS TRAINS SOON TO been cleared at Ladysmith. ft Is de­ IN BY ACCLAMATION I signed primarily for use as fruit lands five rooms ........................ 1.09 London. March 16.—Right Hon. Hugh Hundreds of men who were present at Bach dwelling containing Oakley Arnold-Foster, fortner minister th» meetings last night apparent^ had and will ' be marketed In five-acre MANY INDIANS blocks. This land has been cleared by more than Aye rooms of war, is dead here. concluded, after sleeping over the mat- I FRENCH CREEK and not exceeding eight ter. that they would not run the risk the aid of an engine and jtunipffm Indications of Clean Sweep for outfit. rooms .............................. 1.3» 1.30 Deceased was born in 1655, and was of losing permanent employment. Nev­ Farh dwelling «ohtaining a son of the late William Dalsfteid Ar­ ertheless the various services are more 72 DEAD IN MACKENZIE At Utile Quallcum, between Nana I- Good Government in SERVICE MAY BE m«- and Comog, more extensive clear­ more than eight rooms nold. director of publie Instruction In or lee* crippled or demoralised t4rtav and not exceeding ten the Punjab, India, and an adopted son The main defections occurred In the ing operations are in progress. Tw » of the late Right Hon. W. E. Foster. RIVER DISTRICT Alberta. engines are at work on a tract of 50.) 1.70 1.66 telegraph and railway mall services. POSSIBLE BY JUNE Each dwelling containing M. P. He was educated at Oxford, *«*re*. which ha* already been cleared At the central telegraph offices nioet more than ten rooms graduating with high honors. He was of timber and brush, and will be ready of the operators are ibis morning sit­ and not exceeding parliamentary secretary to the admir­ (Special to the Times.) for The martlet in the near future. ting behind their key* with crossed Over a Hundred Reported Dy­ twelve rooms ................. 3.06 alty. 1100-3» and secretary of state for arm* on the pretence that their Intern­ Edmonton. Alta . March 16 —Re­ R. Marpole Reports That Sat­ This land will be offered In blocks of War. 1*03-6. He represented West Bel­ from 39 acres upwards. A man pur­ Each dwelling containing ment* are out of order. The telephone ing-Awful Severity of turns from yesterday's nominations for more than twelve rooms fast In the I Commons from 1693 to 1*06 system appears to be working normally isfactory Progress is Being chasing a forty acre farm will have as a Liberal Unionist, and afterwards the provincial elections show eight ten acres fit for the plough, ten an*®* an«i not exceeding four- but the deliveries of mall occur with Weather. teen rooms ...................... 2.28 Croydon as a straight Unionist. He some delay. | Liberals and no Conservatives elected Made on Extension. * ‘«red but not stumi**!, and the oth­ If* was the author of a number of works by acclamation, a* follows: er twenty acres will be bush land which Each dwelling containing Th, government «how. no «Urn. of more than fourteen on political, military and social que*- he can cleat* himself In his spare time. «■vine In. On the contrary, M Klmyan In Pakan. Mr. Lessa-rd : In Lac Me room* ......... ......... .... 2.71 under «eoretary of po.t. and tele- (Special to the Times.) All these lands are in the neighbor­ U» Anne, Mr. Gunn: in Sturgeon. Mr. “Trains will probably be running as For each board house, Winnipeg, Man , March 16.—Seven­ hood of the line of railway which Is graphs, announces this morning that Boyle; In Victoria. Mr. Walker; in far north us French Urèek, on the E. lodging house and sveh a revolt on the part of the wr- bHng built north want Pamphlets a^e FORCES JAPANESE ty-two Indians dead from la grippe A N. extension, by June," was a state­ boarding school. In ad­ vant« of the atate cannot be tolerated Bedgewick.
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