1 — --------- Thursday, November 20, 1949 THE REGISTER, DENVER ARCHDiOCESAN EDITION Sec. 2, Page l C Y O D elegates Face tlie Issu e Twelve w-orkshops includ­ ing all the current hot top­ ics will fxrcupy the Nation­ al Catholic Youth Organi­ zation convention delegates almost all day Friday. The National convention began today. Nov. 20. The draft, peace, poverty, love, the Negro, liturgy, and "sex-love-marriage” will be among the topics the speakers will tackle in a series of workshops. Many will he the multi- media approach with slides, mu.sic. and sound. Adult speakers will team up with a youth chairman in many cases. In others, the youth will present the pros and cons themselves. While the CYO teenage session s meeting at the Denver C’onvention ('enter, CYO Convention Opens the young adult group will hold similar sessions at the T«‘(*nagers will pla>’ ma­ DENVER NATIVE. National ('atlailic .Action native ol' Wasliinglon. D.C. Cosmopolitan Hotel. All jor role.*; in the National Ketina \‘an Ktten. national ( hairman ol tin* Teenag»* and is |)re.-;«*ntly enrolled will attend one workshop. CYO Convention frtim the secretary of the CYO fed- Sj'ction ol the National at the University of l)ay- enlitU*d. "(leltin' It Togeth­ minute the c<»nvention eratijin. will serve iis co- c y o Fe(l<‘ration. .She is a ton. O. er” which will go on from opens with its first sessirin chairman of the civdenlial 9 a m. to 4:30 p.m. with a at 7 p.m. today «Nov. 20' committee. A graduate of break for lunch and Mass. until the final celebration Cathedral high school, she "THE DRAFT: Bro and of the P^ucharist at 10 30 attends ,St Mary's College. Con.” will be presented in a a.m. Nov. 23 at the New Xavier. Kan. debate by youths. Bartici- Convention Center Com­ .Serving as Co-chairman pants on the afTirmative plex. of tlie teenage convention team will be James Alex­ Keynoter at the f>pening and national treasui'er is andria, Diocese of Brook­ session wil Ix' Mike Mc- Fran Kardos of Wilming­ lyn, Stephen Javuruski. Gown. national president ton. Delaware. He is a jun­ Getting Their Hats Together Archdiocese o f New Yoi’k from Beaumont. Tex. He is ior at the University of Convention g(u*rs will be easily recognized as Denverites by their bright and Thomas Smith. a junior at the University Delaware and is president blue miner's hats which all the local teenagers will wear at all convention Diocese o f Buffalo. The o f N oire Dame and was of his diixesan council. sessions at the new Convention Center. Among those doing advance work elected president at the team presenting the nega­ Pat Keenan is the Na­ 1967 national convention for the event are (seated) Hatti Elio, Danny Carr, and (standing) Caree tive position will be Gayle tional Communications Miller. Vicki Steinfeld, Seott ThieU‘n and Colleen Cullen. in Miami Bierkert. Diocese of Belle­ Chairman of the Teenage ville. Oliver Dulle, Jr., Section of the National HE IS A MEMBER of Archdiocese of St. Louis CYO Federation. He is a St. Anthony's parish. Ned­ and Thomas Krieshok, student at Creighton Uni­ erland. Tex and served as CYO To Present diocese of Springfield, 111. versity in Omaha and parish (-YO president from PEACE: Father David comes from Cheyenne. 1963-65. He recently re­ Esser. priest worker in the Wyo. At the Convention he turned from a tour of Eu­ building trade, who was is national chairman of the rope where he was a dele­ Aw ards Yov. 22 former vocation director of nominations and elections Servile Fathers. Eastern gate to the national CYO Awards to outstanding CYO adults and 'I'he convention is under the patronage committee of the Teeiiage Province, will conduct a Federation to the World youths will highlight the Cold Ticket and direction of Archbishop James V. Section. demonstration and discus­ Assembly of Youth in Banquet at 7 p.m. Saturday Nov. 22. at Casey of Denver. He will address the con­ Leige. Belgium. sion on peace using multi­ STEVE FOSTER IS the the Denver Convention Center. ventioneers at the opening session at 7 Preceding him on the media audio-visual tech­ program coordinator of the Msgr. Thomas lA'onard. director, p.m. Nov. 20 at the Convention Center program will Jeff John, niques. Teenage Section of the division of youth activities of United and will give the opening convocation. president of the Teenage National CYO Federation. .‘Elates Catholic Conl'erence. will make Council of the Archdiocese LE A D E R S H IP: Sister He is a member o f St. presentations of the "Badre of Youth” of Denver. Deborah Lorentz and Sister Catherine's Parish in award, and the "Outstanding Layman in Archbishop James V. Diane Donoghue will dis­ Manchester. N.H. and Catholic Youth Work" awai'd. Casey will open the 7 p.m. ADVENT VIREATH CENTERPIECE cuss leadership in work­ served as president of the Michael McOown. president of the Na­ program with an invoca- shop no. 3. Sister Deborah Diocesan CYO and Region­ Trim as above ... perfect for use as a centerpiece on tional CYO Federati(>n. Teen-age Section, tkm and Bishop William is program consultant, de­ al Council. He is pre.'iently t)ie fam ily table or on a buffet. will make the "Outstanding Catholic f'l, Connare of (ilreensburg, partment o f Youth Activi­ enrolled at St. Anselms No. 433 Black Satin Ring ................S3.75 ea. Youth of 19H))" award presentation. episcopal moderator. Divi­ ties. Diocese of San Diego College in .Manchester and sion of Youth Activities of (Complete with 3 Purple CancMes, 1 Rose and 4 White) Art Linkletter. television star who is and Sister Diane is parish is a member o f the New the..United States Catholic concerned with drug and drug abuse, is to youth program coordinator, Hampshire Council of Conference will give the give the address, Known for his humorous department of youth activi­ Christians and .Jews. At lienediction. Msgr. Thomas JOHN ERGER CHURCH GOODS pi-ograms - People Arv Fanny. Hnasc Par­ ties. archdiocese of San the convention he is serv­ J. Leonard, director. Divi­ ty and radio shows dating all the way Francisco. She is involved ing as constitution com­ 4436 W. 29th Ave. 477-7961 sion of Youth Activities, is back to U)H.‘L he has earned a reputation in Search and Impact pro­ mittee chairman. slated to talk. "NEVER A PARKING PROBLEM" for his concerns for children and youth. grams. Youth chairman Gail Meredith is the He .serves on dozens of charilahle organi­ will be Daniel Comerford Others in that opening zations and has been honored for his work of the Diocese of Gray. session will be Mayor W il­ with youth many limes. liam McNichols of Denver and Ia . Gov. Mark A. Auxiliary Bishop (leorge lU Evans of PO VE R TY: Dr. Richard J. Payne. as.sociate editor Hogan and Archbishop !)i-nvei' will make closing remarks and Casey. will give the henediction at the banquet and director of Religious 1883 1911 1939 Education Division. Pau- Serving as national st‘ssi«in. list-Newman Press. will chairman o f the re.solutions McCiown will serve as toastmaster and committee will be Linda Bishop William (J. Connare. of (Ireens- show the "S igh ts and 1884 1912 1940 Sounds of Poverty" with Ivowry. vice president of burg. episcopal moderator, will give the film, photographs. pop the Teenage section. Active invocation. music, art and advertising. in St. Louis’ inner city 1869188518971913192519411953 Thomas Woods o f the CYO program, she is a Archdiocese o f New York member of St. Thomas 1870188618981914192619421954 is youth chairman. More Parish. LITURGY: The relation­ Ski Benefit 1871188718991915 192719431955 ship of liturgy and life, music and worship will be A benefit showing of explored by Father C. J. Downhill Racer, starring 1872188819001916192819441956 McNaspy. S.J.. associate former University of Colo­ editor of America. He is rado actor Robert Redford. 1873188919011917192919451957 author of "Our Changing will be held Nov. 25 at the Liturgy” and co-author of Paramount theater. Pro­ many books on liturgy. ceeds from the film will go 1874189019021918193019461958 to the U.S. Olympic Com "S E A R C H ": Msgr. Peter mittee. G. Armstrong. ACSW. di­ Tickets at $3 and S4 1875189119031919193119471959 rector, Archdiocese of San may be obtained by calling Skiing Magazine. 233-65,56. 1876189219041920193219481960 Archbishop Casey Bishop Connare Bishop Evans (Turn to Page 3-B) or Lange Co., 466-1901. 1877189319051921193319491961 Peace, Friendship AN INCOME YOU CAN'T OUTLIVE 1878189419061922193419501962 Meetiiijjj’s Theme Peace, friendship and a memorial for John F. Kennedy 1879189519071923193519511963 Annuities ore investments ter people who will be the theme for the delegates' celebrations of the wont a guoronteed fixed income for life. We Eucharist at the 10th bienniel national convention when give you that — plus the ossuronce that, 1880189619081924193619521964 it convenes here at the Convention Center. after death, the principol of your investment Auxiliary Bishop George R. Evans will he the princi­ will continue to further Christ's work in mis­ pal celebrant and homilist for a memorial Mass for John sion londs. 1965 F. Kennedy at 8 a.m. Nov. 22 which will be conccle- 1881 1909 1937 brated by io youth director priests from across the coun­ You Will Enjoy Substantial Tax Reductions try. 1882 1910 1938 1966 Father Joseph M. Champlin. associate director. Secre­ I A cherifokle-contrihution deduction on your income tea tariat. Bishops’ Committee on the Liturgy, will be master the time machine r e t u r n 1967 of ceremony and Nick Laurienti.
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