THE HIKING CLUB WILL CLIPS' MOUNT ELDEN SATURDAY C h e o f c i t t e Two pints make one Published by Associated Students Tuesday, Apfil 28, 1936 ARIZONA STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE. FLAGSTAFF. ARIZONA Volume X X III— No. 28 Ricca And Herrera Win In Finals SCIENTISTS Seventh Annual HIKING CLUB Phi Sigma Iota 286 VOTES POLLED TO Pi Kappa Epsilon TO TOP ELDEN Sends Delegate MEET HERE Spring Dance Held MT. SATURDAY To Convention PICK STUDENT OFFICERS Monte Vista Scene Of Yearly Thirty-Two Expected To Go Phi Sigma Iota, honorary lang­ Gathering Of Members On 20 Mile Hike As uage fraternity, will send a dele­ THIS WEEK gate to the convention of the west­ FOR 1936-37 SCHOOL YEAR- And Guests Conditioner ern precinct of Phi Sigma Iota at Denver university on May 8 17th Annual Meeting When spring comes then ar­ a final conditioner before the and 9. This convention is a gfct- Dining- Ha,U Speech rives the annual spring dinner long hike which is to start Wed­ together meeting of all language TEMPE ORCHESTRA S. W. Division dance of Pi Kappa Epsilon, De nesday. May 6, the Hiking club fraternities. Fred Dockstader has HERE TONIGHT By Ricca Builds Molay fraternity, which was held will scale the heights of Mt. Elden, been selected to represent Flag­ A.A.A.S Saturday, April 25, at the Hotel east of here, next Saturday on a staff and he will give a talk at the Tonight at 8 p. m. the Tempe Interest Monte Vista. 20-mile jaunt. meeting. instrumental department will This was the seventh annual The mountain is one of the hard­ Fred Dockstader, president of present the Tempe orchestra in OPEN^fb ALLspring formal given by this or­ est to climb in this part of the the fraternity, says that a call for a program in Ashurst auditor­ state’v ie w s ganization. It w&s directed by state. new members in Phi Sigma Iota ium. The orchestra is making the president, Harry Biller. The members of the club will being considered. a tour of this part of the state. Individual tables were arranged leave here at 9 Saturday morning, The program was presented at Elected Give Aims Students May Hear attractively and decorated in the climb to the government lookout the high schnol this afternoon Lectures Free club colors, maroon and grey. station at the top of Elden where Lake MAry Lodge and at the last minute a pro­ For Next Year’s Dancing began at 9 to the mu­ they will have lunch. After get­ gram was arranged for the Students Of Cost sic of John Gault's Lumberjack ting a good view of the surround­ Is Scene Of Senior college. Collegians. Maroon and grey was ing country and their second wind, The group is under the direc­ The college and the city of Flag­ used in the hall decorations. At the Atpiners will start back for Outing Wednesday tion of Carl C. Hoyer, band in­ Winning their positions by safe staff are completing an interest­ one end of the hall hung a roster thf campus, reaching here about structor at Tempe. margins at the final elections yes- ing schedule for the 17th annual of the members and at the other 4»30. terdiay, John-Ricca and John Her­ Senior days are happy days, and rera were chosen by the Asso­ nreeting—of the southwestern di­ end was the PI Kappa Epsilon in­ According to Sam Waldrip .Pres' te of the most exciting at the vision of the American Association signia. Dance programs bearing ident of the club, about 32 hikers, A rt Students At ciated Student voters yesterday to college is the annual senior outing, act as president and vice-president for the Advancement of Science, the fraternity crest were printed the same .number that made the whieh was held this-year on Wed­ Work On Classroom which opened here yesterday and on grey paper with maroon ink- long; hike last year, will make the of the Student bortv for the- school nesday, April 22, at Lake Mary year 1936-37. which will continue through Dr. and Mrs. Victor H. Kelley, journey to the top of the lofty lodge. Ricca, sophomore from Kjpg»- ^ Thursday, April 30. sponsors of the fraternity, were mountain. The men. besides their “Blue Boy” left the campus-at Wilmyth Case, head of the art In association with the scientific guests of honor. The members and regular equipment, will carry department, is supervising the re­ man, Ariz., running for president, one o’clock taking with it a group defeated his opponent. Edgar meeting is the third annual meet­ guests present were Harry Biller, packs. decorating and painting of the art of light-hearted men and women Burkhart, junior from Yuma, A m ., ing of the southwestern section of Georgianna Isham, John Herrera, The long trip to Rainbow bridge who perhaps would never again go room in the main building and giv­ Mildred Moore, Thomas Tucker, is all set. according to Waldrip. ing special coaching to one of her by 40 votes. Ricca drew 103, while the Tree Ring conference of the on such an outing together. All Burkhart tallied 123 of the 268 American Foresters and the an­ Juliet Osborne, Jeff Ferris, Bet-1 Almost all details have been cared arrangements were made by students, Doris Perry of Phoenix, ty Radetic, WaRer Tocco, Carmen | for, and transportation has been who is doing two murals which are votes cast for the candidates. nual meeting of the Southwest Franklin Jordan, president of the Herrera, junior from Gallup, N. Carron, Virgil Crawley, Edithj secured to carry the members to class. to hang on the walls of this room. Conservation league and the Eco­ The two murals, each measuring M.. defeated his opponent, Virpil logical Society of America. This Moody, Bob Munro, Mary Sanford, j the jumping off point. Thirty-two Everett Hudson planned the en-i , „ ’ V Sid Knudsen, Esther Wimmer, \ students and Mr. Powers, club Crawley, by 49 votes. The win­ is the second annual meeting* in tertainment of horseshoes, base- 12 by 4 p LJ X ^tnHent Paul Herrera, Pauline Timmons, sponsor, expect to sign up for ner drew 167 while Crawley polled which the scientists have enjoyed ball and volley ball. For those I te?M*5r“- ,JLud*"t118 out of the 285 votes for this the hospitality of the scientific Don Clark, Nola Caffey, Jack this trip. more active individuals, boats were < *as f°“nd her Blair, Dorothy McAllistcr, James . * * . , 4 h f on triothe mcattle ttlo mncroftranges atof Arizona.Arizona office. and educational institutions of available for rowing and the most The fact that only 286 students Patterson, Bobbette Gotlieb, Joe daring men swimming. One mural, “The Roundup," -de­ Flagstaff, the ninth annual meet­ picts mounted cowboys riding “hell went to the polls revealed a lack ing having been held at Flagstaff Tissaw, Margaret Nyl&nd, Emmett Summer School Supper was served picnic style DeVaney, Jeanne Larson, and Mr. for leather” through a herd of of interest on the part of the stu­ in 1928. The host institutions are with the cooperation of the col­ dents, despite a noon meal speech and Mrs. Kenneth Hurlbert. To Have Several lege dining hall and Mother Han­ cattle. The second mural which the college, Lowell observatory, the young artist calls “The Long by president-elect Ricca who got the Museum of Northern Arizona Invited guests were Nate Stor\‘\ ley. head of the dining hall at Helen Gibbons, Victor Sheffield, New Professors Trail," pictures a long train of up before the dining hall and de­ and the Grand Canyon national the college. Mother Hanley’s fa­ nied all propaganda which he Claire Cravath, Wallen Andrews, mous picnic suppers are long re­ covered wagons riding into a park. L. A. Eastbum, instructor at western sunset—enroute to the stated was being aimed at him. In addition to the many lectures Dorothy Harrington, Lawrence membered. Gold, Betsy Parks, Clifford Jones, Phoenix Union high school, wall open country of the west This last minute rally, it is esti­ of general interest to the public, be ^among the new summer school After the plentiful supper, danc­ mated, brought up the number of Winifred Lovell, Saul Johnson and ing was enjoyed in the lodge until When not working on the murals are exhibits in the library of the session instructors. Eastburn will .. pouring over W ill James’ artis­ total votes cast. college, sponsored by the Spencer Margaret Riddle, Melvin Hutchin­ 11:30. son, Billie Fehrman, John Ricca, teach in the department of educa­ tic contributions. Miss Perry treks There was approximately 15 Lens company, the Desert Plant tion. down to the college dairy where more votes cast in the finals than Life magazineNjf Pasadena, Calif.; Eleanor Kinney, C. L. Burns, Zel- la Tolman, Bud Brown and wife. Miss Lola Wright of Glendale, she finds a crowd of contented in the primaries. Peterson, Brooke, Steiner and Wist Arizona, high school, will teach Townsend Plan To cow» more than willing to act as Giving the Pine his policy for of Phoeuix, and the U. S. Soil home making. Kar! Bratton of Be Topic At Next models.' next year, Ricca made tne follow­ Conservation service. Tormey Speaks the voice department at Baker uni­ Charles Osterfoss, also an art ing statement: “As president of Many activities have been versity at Baldwin, Kans., will Relations Meetingmajor at the college, dons chaps, the Associated Students of the col­ planned^ fpr the visitors by local To Group take over duties of associate pro­ boots, spurs, and ten gallon hat lege for the coming school year, committees.
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