SUBJECT INDEX Al Page Agricultural Commodities. See also individual commodities: Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness, Agricultural Trade Act of 1978 1685 Mont, designation 162 Child Nutrition Amendments of Accounting and Auditing Act of 1950, 1978 3603 amendments 391, 3641 Comprehensive Older Americans Act Adams National Historic Site, Mass., Amendments of 1978 1513 property acquisition 3467 Futures Trading Act of 1978 865 Administrative Conference Act, Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 3350 amendments 317 Record inspection 2381 Adult Education Act, amendments 2143 Transportation needs, establishment Advisory Council for the Appalachian of Rural Transportation Advisory National Scenic Trail, Task Force 2475 establishment 159 Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 420 Africa: Agricultural Foreign Investment Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Disclosure Act of 1978 1263 Fiscal Year 1979 963 Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act International Development and Food of 1937, amendments 240 Assistance Act of 1978 937 Agricultural Trade Act of 1978 1685 Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Agricultural Trade Development and amendments 1513 Assistance Act of 1954 937 Age Discrimination in Employment Agricultural Trade Offices, Act Amendments of 1978 189 establishment 1685 Age Discrimination in Employment Aircraft and Air Carriers: Act of 1967, amendments 189 Air cargo service improvement 156 Aged: Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 1705 Community Mental Health Centers Debtors, rights of secured parties, Extension Act of 1978 3412 lessors, or vendors 2549 Comprehensive Employment and Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Training Act Amendments of Fiscal Year 1979 963 1978 1909 Quiet Communities Act of 1978 3079 Comprehensive Older Americans Act Revenue Act of 1978 2763 Amendments of 1978 1513 Seizure and forfeiture 2479 Congregate Housing Services Act of Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 1705 1978 2080 Airport and Airway Development Act Education Amendments of 1978 2143 of 1970, amendments 1705 Equal employment opportunity 3781 Ak-Chin Indian Community, water Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1978 2689 right claims against U.S 409 Federal Public Transportation Act of Alabama: 1978 2689 Historic Chattahoochee Compact, National Energy Conservation Policy Ala.-Ga 1271 Act 3206 Alaska: Public Housing Security Child Nutrition Amendments of Demonstration Act of 1978 2080 1978 3603 Quiet Communities Act of 1978 3079 Comprehensive Employment and Rehabilitation, Comprehensive Training Act Amendments of Services, and Developmental 1978 1909 Disabilities Amendments of Fairbanks North Star Borough, 1978 2955 conveyance of public lands to 2485 Revenue Act of 1978 2763 Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1978 2689 White House Conference on Aging Housing and Community Act, 1981 1513 Development Amendments of Agencies. See specific agencies. 1978 2080 Agricultural Act of 1949, Kake village Natives corporation, amendments 240, 862 acquisition and retention of Agricultural Act of 1956, certain lands 1635 amendments 365 National Wildlife Refuge System, Agricultural Act of 1970, payments 1319 amendments 365 Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 3350 Agricultural Adjustment Act, Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act amendments 240, 2549 of 1978 3117 Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, amendments 2529 amendments 2753 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1336; Part 2 contains pages 1337-2688; Part 3 contains pages 2689-3959. A2 SUBJECT INDEX Alaskan Eskimos, Health Services and Fish and Wildlife Improvement Act of Centers Amendments of 1978 3551 1978 3110 Alcohol and Drug Abuse Education Humane Methods of Slaughter Act of Act, amendments 451 1978 1069 Alcohol and Drug Abuse Education National Wildlife Refuge System, Amendments of 1978 451 disposal of surplus by exchange 1319 Alcohol and Drug Abuse Education Public Rangelands Improvement Act Office, establishment 451 of 1978 1803 Alcoholic Beverages: Quarantines, penalty and regulation Customs Procedural Reform and by Secretary of Agriculture 1061 Simplification Act of 1978 888 Revenue Act of 1978 2763 Excise tax refunds 935 Sikes Act Amendments of 1978 921 Health Services and Centers Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978 2048 Amendments of 1978 3551 Antietam National Battlefield, Md., Taxes, beer and wine 1255 redesignation and scenic Alibates Flint Quarries National easements 3467 Monument, redesignation 3467 Apache Tribe of Mescalero Aliens: Reservation, judgement funds 1047 Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 1979 963 Appalachian National Scenic Trail, Immigration limitations 907 land acquisition 159 Nazi Government persecution, Appalachian Regional Development exclusion of participants from Act of 1965, amendments 2689 U.S 2065 Appropriations Acts: Revenue Act of 1978 2763 [Note: For amendments to previously established Select Commission on Immigration appropriations acts see specific short titles.] ^ ^ , ; and Refugee Policy, Agriculture Department, rural establishment 907 development, and related Allegheny Portage Railroad National agencies, 1979 1073 Historic Site, Pa., boundary Commerce Department, 1978 417 change 3467 Commerce Department, 1979 1021 Amateur Sports Act of 1978 3045 Congressional operations, 1979 763 American Arts Gold Medallion Act 3641 Continuing, 1979 1603 "American Ephemeris and Nautical Defense Department, 1979 1231 Almanac", name change 591 District of Columbia, 1978 281 American Folklife Preservation Act, District of Columbia, 1979 699 amendments 196 American Legion, membership Executive Office, 1979 1001 eligibility 485 Foreign assistance and related American River, Calif., boundary programs, 1979 1591 description 3467 Health, Education, and Welfare American Samoa: Department, 1978 417 Child Nutrition Amendments of Health, Education, and Welfare 1978 3603 Department, 1979 1571 Comprehensive Employment and Housing and Urban Development Training Act Amendments of 1978 1909 Department, 1979 791 Customs Procedural Reform and Independent Offices, 1979 791,1001 Simplification Act of 1978 888 Interior Department and related Education Amendments of 1978 2143 agencies, 1979 1279 Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1978 2689 Judiciary, 1979 1021 Merchant Marine Academy, Justice Department, 1979 1021 appointments nominations 396 Labor Department, 1978 417 Nonvoting delegate to U.S. House of Labor Department, 1979 1567 Representatives 2078 Legislative Branch, 1979 763 Amtrak Improvement Act of 1978 923 Military construction, 1979 707 Anadromous Fish Conservation Act, Postal Service, 1979 1001 amendments 1278 State Department, 1979 1021 Anderson, Marian, American Arts Supplemental, 1978...107, 157, 188, 248, 276, Gold Medallion struck 3641 343,413, 523 Animals: Transportation Department and Endangered Species Act Amendments related agencies, 1979 435 < of 1978 3751 Treasury Department, 1979 1001 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1336; Part 2 contains pages 1337-2688; Part 3 contains pages 2689-3959. SUBJECT INDEX A3 Piige Architectural and Transportation Armstrong, Louis, American Arts Gold Barriers Compliance Board, Medallion struck 3641 establishment 2955 Arthritis, Diabetes, and Digestive Arizona: Disease Amendments of 1976, Carl Hayden Bee Research Center, amendments 3420 designation 1071 Arts in Education Act of 1978 2143 Endangered American Wilderness Act Asia, International Development and of 1978 40 Food Assistance Act of 1978 937 Grand Canyon National Park, Atomic Energy Act of 1954, financial assistance to school amendments 2947,3021 district 154 Automobiles. See Motor Vehicles. National Parks and Recreation Act of Automotive Products Trade Act of 1978 3467 1965, amendments 2549 Papago Indian Tribe, lands held in Automotive Propulsion Research and trust for 595 Development Act of 1978 78 Pascua Yaqui Indians, extension of B Federal benefits 712 Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Badlands National Monument, name Reservation, boundary revision 851 changed to Badlands National Tusayan, sale of water to, from Grand Park 3467 Canyon National Park 2485 Bald Eagle Protection Act, Arkansas: amendments 3110 E.C. "Took" Gathings Building, Bank Holding Company Act designation 919 Amendments of 1970, Henry R. Koen Forest Service amendments 3641 Building, designation 1318 Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, John L. McClellan Memorial amendments 607, 3641 Veterans' Hospital, designation 363 Bank Holding Company Tax Act of National Parks and Recreation Act of 1976, amendments 2763 1978 3467 Bank Service Corporation Act, Armed Forces. See also Uniformed amendments 3641 Services: Banking Act of 1933, amendments 607 Air Force— Bankruptcy Act: Eaker, Lt. Gen. Ira C, medal 1060 Amendments 729,2549 Army— Repeal 2549 U.S. Military Academy, N.Y., Banks and Banking: permanent faculty structure, Bankruptcy— modernization 2069 Codification and enactment of Defense Dependents' Education Act of uniform law as title 11, U.S. •« Code 2549 1978 2143 Employees of referees, uniform Grade extension, temporary supervision and control 729 promotions, and retirement Federal Banking Agency Audit Act 391 provisions 719 Federal Reserve banks, extension of Junior Reserve Officers' Training authority to buy and sell certain Corps program, participation by obligations 2032 U.S. nationals 592 Financial Institutions Regulatory and Marine Corps— Interest Rate Control Act of Sergeant Majors, retired pay, 1978 3641 recalculation 2478 International Banking Act of 1978 607 Military Construction Authorization National Consumer Cooperative Bank Act, 1979 565 Act 499 Powerplant and Industrial Fuel Use National Energy Conservation Policy Act of 1978
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