Established 1914 Volume XIII, Number 209 11th Waxing of Tazaungmone 1367 ME Friday, 11 November, 2005 Attitude, objectives and functions of USDA are now popular among the youths and people as it has given priority to interests of the people YANGON, 10 Nov—The Annual General Meeting youths, who will shoulder the national duty of build- (2005) of the Union Solidarity and Development ing a peaceful, modern and developed nation, has Association continued for the second day at turned 12 years. Pyidaungsu Hall of the Central Training School of During the period, the USDA, a national force, USDA in Hmawby Township on 5 November. under the leadership of the government has been Present on the occasion were Member of the upholding Our Three Main National Causes and Central Panel of Patrons of USDA Prime Minister putting enthusiastic efforts into the tasks for restora- General Soe Win, Secretary-General U Htay Oo, tion of peace, stability and national development in Joint-Secretary-General U Zaw Min, secretariat conformity to the political, economic and social members, CEC members, secretaries of state/divi- objectives. sion USDAs, and delegates from state, division, dis- The attitude, objectives and functions of the trict and township USDAs. Association are now popular among the youths and Executive of Mawlamyine District USDA in Mon people as it has given the priority to the interests of State Daw Thin Thin Mon acted as MC and Execu- the people, while accelerating implementation of tive of Mongyan Township USDA in Shan State management, organizing, economic and training pro- (East) Daw Nan Shane Phaung as co-MC. grammes. Gaining the interest of the people, its The Prime Minister delivered an address, saying membership has touched more than 22.8 million. that the Association formed with new generation (See page 8) Member of Central Panel of Patrons of USDA Prime Minister General Soe Win addresses second day session of USDA Annual General Meeting (2005).— MNA Prime Minister General Soe Win receives ASEAN Secretary-General YANGON, 10 Nov— Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar General Soe Win received ASEAN Secretary-General Mr Ong Keng Yong at Zeyarthiri Beikman on Konmyinttha, here, this morning. Also present at the call were Minister for Foreign Affairs U Nyan Win, Deputy Minister U Kyaw Thu, Director-General of the Prime Minister's Office Col Thant Shin and Director-General Thura U Aung Htet of the Protocol Department. —MNA INSIDE In the announcements and speeches of the NLD always include the word “confrontation” that is totally in contrast with national recon- ciliation and dialogue. In this way, the party is drifting away from the course of democracy, and causing harm to the national interest. Prime Minister General Soe Win receives ASEAN Secretary-General Mr Ong Keng Yong at Zeyathiri PAGE 6 MAUNG LAYH LA Beikman.— MNA Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Myanmar Naing-Ngan. 2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 11 November, 2005 PERSPECTIVES People’s Desire Friday, 11 November, 2005 * Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views Strive in unison to achieve * Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation national goal * Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State * Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy Patron of the Union Solidarity and De- velopment Association Chairman of the State Workshop on Narrowing the Peace and Development Council Commander- MYANMAR GAZETTE in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Development Gap held Than Shwe delivered an address at the fourth YANGON, 10 Nov—The State Peace and De- YANGON, 10 Nov—The Workshop on Narrow- velopment Council has appointed the following day of annual general meeting of USDA (2005) ing the Development Gap: Mid-Term Review of the persons as heads of service organizations shown held at the Pyidaungsu hall of the USDA cen- IAI Work Plan and Strategizing the Implementation against each on probation from the date they as- tral training school in Hmawby Township on of the Vientiane Action Programme (VAP) was held sume charge of their duties. 7 November. at the Hotel Nikko on 9 and 10 November. Name Appointment In his address, Head of State Senior Gen- The workshop was attended by ASEAN Secre- (a) Dr Nilar Thein Rector eral Than Shwe said, “The national goal of tary-General Mr Ong Keng Yong, Directors-General Pro-Rector Mandalay University our nation is to build a peaceful, modern and of ASEAN, Former ASEAN Secretary-General Mr Yangon University of Computer Studies developed democratic nation with flourishing Rodolfo C Severino, the ASEAN Secretariat and the of Computer Studies Ministry of Science discipline. This lofty goal is the concern of the high-ranking officials concerning with four priority Ministry of Science and Technology entire national people and this must be unani- areas of IAI: Infrastructure, Human Resources Devel- and Technology mously accepted by every citizen who loves the opment (HRD), Information and Communication (b) Dr Mya Oo Director-General motherland. The entire national people have Technology (ICT) and Regional Integration from the Rector Higher Education to do their bit in unison to achieve the na- CLMV (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam) Yangon University of Department tional goal.” countries, ASEAN-6 countries. Deputy Minister for Distance Education (Upper Myanmar) Stability of the State, strong economy Foreign Affairs U Kyaw Thu delivered a keynote Higher Education Education Ministry and human resource development are essen- address at the opening session of the meeting. Department tial for building a peaceful, modern, devel- Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) was (Lower Myanmar) oped discipline-flourishing democratic nation. launched in 2002 to narrow the development gap Education Ministry Since its assumption of the responsibili- among members of ASEAN (CLMV countries) and MNA ties of the State, the Tatmadaw government original ASEAN-6. The initiative has been has been implementing projects for develop- implemeted by 6-year-work plan. In 2005, IAI Work to Mid-Term Review. ment of all the sectors while giving priority to Plan has passed the half-way point. At the workshop, the implementation of IAI peace and stability and national unity. Prior to Mid-Term Review, Seminar on Nar- Work Plan was reviewed and made recommenda- Thanks to the genuine goodwill and cor- rowing the Development Gap was held on 4 July tions for strategizing for future direction of IAI Work rect policy of the government, altogether 17 2005 in Yangon successfully and attended by CLMV Plan. Myanmar Chaired the Working Group on In- national race armed groups have returned to countries. At the seminar, CLMV countries formation and Communication Technology IAI pri- the legal fold and are now joining hands with brainstormed and made relevant recommendations ority sector. — MNA the government and local people in regional development tasks. The Union of Myanmar has a fine tradi- tion that since yore various national races have been residing in the country together in unity and amity based on Union Spirit. In placing emphasis on ensuring non-dis- integration of the Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity and perpetuation of sover- eignty, Union Spirit needs to flourish forever. The national people are to be fully equipped with Union Spirit whichever part of the coun- try they live in. Only then will the entire national people be imbued with true patriotism and awareness Workshop on Narrowing the Development Gap in progress. — MNA of national duty to safeguard the Union for its perpetuation and they will be able to do their Sixth Asia-Pacific Symposium on Information and bit in the drive for the nation to be on a par with international community. Telecommunication Technologies continues At a time when efforts are being made YANGON, 10 Nov— The second day session of Resource persons presented their papers on day in, day out for emergence of a peaceful, the Sixth Asia-Pacific Symposium on Information Content Delivery & Multicast, Ubuiquitous I, Secu- modern, developed and discipline-flourishing and Telecommunication Technologies (APSITT) rity I, Content Delivery and Datamining, Wireless democratic nation, we firmly believe that the jointly organized by Yangon University of Compu- & Mobile I, Security II, Ubiquitous II, Wireless and entire national people will continue to actively ter Studies under the Ministry of Science and Tech- Mobile II, Network Service I, Home Network, FMC take part in these endeavours. nology and Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Cor- & Social infrastructure, Mobile IP & Information poration took place at Myanmar Info-Tech on Hline technology II and Network Service II. Campus, here, this morning. 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