1f " i"W ) A'vsnga Dafly Not i ^ ^ Tka Wyfcy ^_____^ THURSDAY, AfRIL ‘Wti IMS roe Hie Week Kai jianrlr^at^r lEitimitts ll^raUt dqpHltS. U6S Flair and eooi taadgkt wHh Srari sauce, tossed salad, lYenoh bread 13,974 la ra ta l aaeHsaa.,Lasr S64H> SaH w •2^ School Menus and butter, mOk, pears. Reception Sunday t h r mesHy soaay "'aad a Httia it Town Wadnasday: Hamburg gravy, k ilfep MDd^ wannsr. High 66-66. maahed potato, buttwad greaa For New Pastor Moroc^kesfer— City • / ytOage Charm .......... Mild Aotton OM public aehool menus for the beans, bread and butter, ndUt iMidara will tev* a pottuck gelatin with topping. - week of April 38 through May 8 ■Rm Rev. Bdward. J. Reardon, ^ WaddaU S ch o o l wMli Thursday: Frankfurt on roll, po­ (EIGHTBBN PAGES) BIANCHESTER, CONN„ FRUIAY, APRIL 26, 1968 (Oaaattled AdvsriMag aa Fhge 1#) Northwaat Nelgliborbood. will be aa followa: paator oif S t Jamee’ Cburoh, will TOL. LXXXIL MO. 176 PRICE CBNYB tato ehlps^ buttered peas and car­ be gueet of honor l^unday at a ----- •" -*ea at • pjn. and aup- Monday for all schoola except rots, mUk, chocolate cake. ■ervad at 6:30. M ro, "Get Acquainted” tea and reoep- high aehool: Chicken vegetanla Friday: Baked f'lrii aticka, ______________ la ohalnnan o f tlia soup, peanut butter and Jelly Uon from 3:30 to 5:30 pm . at the «VMit. nioaa planning to attand. maahed potato, cabbage-pinei^Ie aehool auditorium. * ^ 0 Holy sandwich, vegetable atieks, milk, aalad, bread and butter, milk, Ice Name Society and Ladiee of S t Mariani Says > ara ramlndad to bring taMo aUvar mixed fruit State News •ad cup and aauear. cream. James are oo-eponeora of the Monday for Manchester High event Gas Explosion only: Plsaaburger on roll, potato Half a. mlUlm dogs were reg­ Membere of the perieh are in­ Bqiarbnant MH„ 461 Fanniagton Ave. Bailey Scuttled lHaa Uadallna Amiraidt, daugh- chips, buttered spinach, milk. ___ * Roundup tar o< Mini. lion el AmlriuiH, 37 istered in 1963 with the K enn«^ vited to meet the newly appoint­ Haitfocd,- - Ooa&—Pboae- -liaBeSR-6461 U.S. Experts Doubt LanoK 8 t , and JUaa Jaan Aader- Tuesday: RavidU with meat Club of America. ed paetor. Election Bills wo, daughtar o t Ilk-, and Mia. Waltar A. Anderaon, 30 Avondala Rd., botb aeniora at Bay Path Jtm- Traps Miners HARTFORD (AP) — Na- D em ocrats Yield lor OoUega, toogm eadow, Maaa., tioiul and State Democratic laft tUa morning by plana for a Chsinnan John M. Bailey was On Teacher Fund two-day trip to Now Yorii CHnr, Sevan other men were asaisned aponaoped the ooUaga. CLARKSBURG, W. V a < critidzed by Republicans to­ (AP)--CUnehfield Coal Co. te a drift 3,000 feet farther Into the day for “cydeal disregard for HARTFORD’ 7 a P) — The Nikita Quitting Soon mine and two man wers assisting $3 million deficiency sppro- tba mldwaaa aarvica at bte Sal- announc6d shortly after noon both crews. the fundamental rights of the aation Army, uouaHy held Thuia- SWIFT PREMIUM that 14 bodiea of 22 men Outslda women, coal miners in p ^ l e . ” )riations bill waa signed- into day nigfata, has been oanoeled for OR trapped by an exploaion in its working gear, police and coal com­ The attaidc came from Republi­ aw yesterday after Senate UiM w e ^ MISS IOWA TODAY p l y offlciala kept vigil. can Peter P. Marian! of Groton, Democrats yielded on the dis­ Compass No. 2 Mine near here BACON 65c Lb. There w m nothing on the out Senate minority leader, in a state­ puted teachers’ retirement Tha Lutheran Ohuroh Women ot have been,recovered. side to indicate what hid taken ment Issued through GOP head­ L ack Sign pjmniijJ Lutheran Churdi will niara was practically no hope place. Fans which circulate sir quarters. fund amendment and passed aponaor a rummage aale tomorrow DUBUQXHS tha othar eignt—even deeper In through tha mine continued to op­ Marisnl said two election bills the House version. at 0 am. at Luther Hall at the Pinehursf ALL BEEF the mine—would be found alive. erate. The shaft was not dam­ were scuttled through policy di- Democrats cannot "conUnue to riiuroh. Mra. Charlea Daniela and FRANKFURT8 Three bodiea were found nrat aged. The elevator which can car­ Nctivee handed down by Bailey. face a financial crisis every few O f O uster Mna Hugo Oarleon are oo-chair- Lb. 59o near tha main mint tunnal, about ry 10 men down Into the working Tha latest measure defeated, days,” said Sen. Maurice J. Fer- men of the aale. Mra. Clarence Meats a mUa and a half from tha main area was still operating. Mariani aald, waa one calling for land, D-Danielson. Pateraon ia in ohaiga tonight of AS ALW AYS antrance. Blevan other were found About 60 men wlae in the way of direct election of the Metropolitan It was on his recommendation In Works aatting up for the sale. Mcmbera a short time later In a lateral mine rescue methods took turns tai as Senate Appropriations Commit­ 2 District Oopmiisslon (MDC). 'Dte Tjmnfaig to aariat are reminded to Our service meat working section. clearing a path to the 32. options! party lover biU was the tee 'chairman that Democrats, pro­ i»e at the hall at 6 tonight Luther . The 83 men, all married, had 68 It was difficult. The air had to other measure mentioned by Mari­ testing every Inch of the way, vot­ MOSCOW (AP) — Premier Hall wUl be open until 0 to re- department is get­ dependents. be cheeked constantly to be cer­ ani as doomed because of Bailey. ed for the measure. Khrushchev lim its he is ag­ eaivo donatfona. Pinehurst Has The Best Meats In Town! Announcement of the finding' c< tain It waa clear of any explosive Msrlanl said the house Judiciary The bill was quickly signed Into ing like any mortal and won’t ting back to nor­ the first victims of the Thursday’s gas. committee had approved three law by Gov. J ( ^ N. Dempsey. pn— M am rat Boland, daughter sxplosion was made by mine Supt. Timms, said the trapped men It appropriates money for special head the Soviet Communist of Mr. and Mra Thomaa Boland of Singing Rands at T emple Tonight mal. Charles Mc­ Harry Chapman, whose brother le were about 1% miles from ths (Ceatlaaed on Page Three) funds that have been depleted since party and government forev­ 63 Vernon St., recently aailed (m The "Singing Rands” of Gales^ cne of the missing miners. shaft when the explosion rumbled the last General Assembly session er. But foreign opinion here the 8.8. Queen of Bermuda for a Ferry, N.Y., will be featured to­ The Rand’s program includes Carthy out for This week the featured meat will be Chuck Boasts . The bodies, Chapman rapocted, through the deep works. in 1661 and for a number of agen­ apring vacation to Bermuda. Mlaa western, novelty and religious cies that need money to finish out was split today over whether night at a “ Spring Frolic” spon­ were found near the opening of a As rescue crews Isapfrogged BOtand la a student at Central singing. many weeks recov­ not ordinary chuck, but just the most delicioilsly ten­ drift in which U miners were through mine drifts toward Ihs Blame Thrifty Ben the current fiscal year. the 69-year-old leader brought Connecticut State College. sored by the Fellowcraft Club of Other performers also on the scheduled to be working when a explosion arsa 5,000 feet back in The Republican-controlled House the matter up in public be­ Manchester Lodge of Masons at '■Western Jamboree” who will ap­ ering from major der waste ^ree chuck you ever put on your table. Buy rumbling gas explosion'' hit fits For the Lost Hour and the Senate had failed to reach Mias Kerry Oetchell and Miss cause he plana to give «p the Masonic Temple. Entertain­ pear at the “Spring Frolic” in­ m ine.' (Continned en Page Ten) a compromise on the teachers’ re­ either post soon. Claire Saporiti of Manchester are ment at the western type show clude the Nomads, a western style surgery on his knee, it block style or boneless for easier slicing . it’s a tirement fund In a month-long dis­ representing Central Connecticut By THE ASsbdATBO PIU»S pute. T am already *9 and I havs will begin at 8. There will be swing band with Lee Wayne, lead­ o' Some 113.2 million Amer­ the right to say so,” Khrushchev Stete College of New Britain at a square and round dancing from 10 er; Miss Sheila Gemon and Mias returned to work special value either way. When the bill originally came up meeting at Miami Beach for the ;-’; v . - 1 icans wUl lose an hour apiece in the Senate In late March, it in­ told a meeting of industry and to midnight. Diane Lee, soloists; the “Jam­ understands that I cannot hold for 34th annual study conference of The R ^ d s are a family con­ boree Squares,” a square dancQ Monday, He will be Sunday — all because of Ben cluded a |4 million appropriation the Association for Childhood Ed­ Franklin. When he was am­ from the General Fund to cover all time the positiim I now have sisting of Mr. and Mrs. Els Rand team, and Jack O'Leary, caller. in the party and the state.” ucation mtemational this week. and sons, Gary and Bobby. They Bud Alden will be master of cere­ glad to see you and bassador to France almost deficiency in the teachers’ fund.
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