Department Of Physical Education and Sports. About The Department Physical education and sports is an integral part of education and our colleges is not an exception for this. Every since the college began our students have been performing exceptionally well in various sports events. The number of students participating in sports has increased enormously over the years. In fact, year after year our boys and girls are excelling in sports stupendously. Our contribution to university teams is also noteworthy. The sports advisory committee is constituted in our college every year. The staff members of other departments also evince great interest in sports and provide all sorts of encouragement to our boys and girls for taking part in sports and games. In many instances we have drawn the services of elite sportspersons of district stadium to coach our boys and girls. VISION The department shall strive to attain healthy and fit student community through physical Education, yoga, and Sports to serve the society and nation by observing active lifestyles and becoming productive citizens. MISSION The department strives to achieve the following through physical activity, sports, yoga, and recreation: To help the society in improving human relations, promote health, and bring excellence in sports performance. To encourage and support women and the obese community to participation in physical activities. To impart knowledge on the importance of daily physical activities, stress management, weight control, general fitness, and proper nutrition in human performance during the lifetime. 1 Department Of Physical Education and Sports. To provide opportunities to the students of special population and socially deprived for better life-style. SPORTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 2016-17 PRESIDENT ( The Principal ) SECRETARY ( The Physical Education Director ) MEMBERS STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES B.A B.Com & BBM B.Sc / I II III I II III I II III Year Years Year Year Year Year Year Year Year y ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR SPORTS 2016-17 1. Prof. T.C Basavaraja The Principal President 2. Sri. B. Yogish Physical Education Director Convener 3. Smt. Sudha Member 4. Sri. Prashanth kumar Member 5. Sri. K.C. Jagadeesh Member 2 Department Of Physical Education and Sports. 6. Sri.Somashekarappa Member 7. Sri. Ghouse khan Member Student Representatives: 1. Gagana III B.Com 2. Sagar S.S III B.A 3. Jayakeerthi Naik III B.Sc., Budget Allocation 2016-17 Sl.No. Particulars Amount 1 Inter Collegiate Team Participants T.A & D.A 2,70000=00 2 Uniform 2,00000=00 3 Entrance fees 10,000=00 4 Sports Materials 4,50,000=00 5 Sports Day Celebration 1,50,000=00 6 Sports accounts maintenance 500=00 7 Ground Maintenance 20,000=00 Total 11,0000=00 PHYSICAL EDUCATION DIRECTOR’S PROFILE I.GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Name : Yogish .B 2. Father’s Name : Bhaskaraiah K.T 3. Date Of Birth : 28-05-1979 4. Address ( Residential :B.Yogish S/O K.T. Bhaskaraiah Uppanahalli,Ganganahalli (Post) Kadur Taluk Chikmagalur District Pin- 573132. 3 Department Of Physical Education and Sports. 5. Date Of Appointment : 26-June-2010 6. Designation : Physical Education Director 7. Department : Physical Education 8. Area Of Specialization : Basketball, Cricket, Swimming, Athletics. II. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION: SL.NO EXAMINATION BOARD/ YEAR CLASS PASSED UNIVERSITY OF OBTD. PASSING 1 S.S.L.C Karnataka Secondary 1994-1995 Second 2 P.U.C Karnataka 1995-1997 First 3 B.B.M Bangalore University 1997-2000 Second 4 B.P.Ed Bangalore University 2002-2003 First 5 M.P.Ed Bangalore University 2003-2005 First 6 M.Phil Bharathiar University 2005-2007 First 7 P.G.D.S.M Kuvempu University 2006-2007 First III. ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATION: 1. Diploma in Computer Application. 2. Karnataka state Athletic Technical Official Examination passed. IV. Research Experience: Research Stage Title of Theses University where the work was carried out Kinesthetic perception Ability M.Phil among 11-14 years old school Bharathiar University. boys. V. Conferences Attended : 1. International conference on Physical Education & Sports Sciences at Manipal April 2006. 2. National conference on integrated approach towards Physical Education held at Gulbarga University Feb 2007. 4 Department Of Physical Education and Sports. VI. Orientation Program Attended: 1. One day orientation Program Conducted by I.D.S.G. Govt. College Chikmagalur. For newly recruited lecturers on 13th November 2010. VII. Membership Of Professional Bodies: 1. Kuvempu University Inter-collegiate Chess Selection committee member 2011- 12. 2. Work as a manger for the Kuvempu university TABLE TENNIS ( Men & Women) Team for the year 2013-14. The South west Zone, Inter University tournament held at J N T U KAKINADA 27 to 30th DCE 2013. 3) Work as a manger for the Kuvempu university Kabaddi ( Men) Team for the year 2014-15.( The South west Zone, Inter University tournament held at VEL’S UNIVERSITY CHENNAI 20 to 24th DCE 2014. 4) Work as a Coach for the Kuvempu university Ball Badminton ( Women) Team for the year 2015-16.( The South west Zone, Inter University tournament held at S R M UNIVERSITY CHENNAI 23 to 27th January 2016. 5) Kuvempu University Nominated as a Inter-collegiate Chess Selection committee member 2015- 16. 6) Kuvempu University Nominated as a Inter-collegiate Cricket Tournament Observer 2016- 17. VIII. Teaching Experience : 1. Three years working as a Lecturer in Sree Siddaganga College Of Physical Education (B.PEd).Sree Siddaganga Math Tumkur-04. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL REPORT I.GENERAL INFORMATION Name : Yogish .B Date Of Birth : 28-05-1979 Address ( Residential ) : B.Yogish S/O K.T. Bhaskaraiah Uppanahalli, Ganganahalli (Post) Kadur Taluk 5 Department Of Physical Education and Sports. Chikmagalur District Pin- 573182. Designation : Physical Education Director Department : Physical Education Date Of Appointment : 26-June-2010 Area Of Specialization : Basketball, Cricket, Swimming, Athletics. II. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION: SL.NO EXAMINATION BOARD/ YEAR OF CLASS PASSED UNIVERSITY PASSING OBTD. 1 S.S.L.C Karnataka Secondary 1994-1995 Second 2 P.U.C Karnataka 1995-1997 First 3 B.B.M Bangalore University 1997-2000 Second 4 B.P.Ed Bangalore University 2002-2003 First 5 M.P.Ed Bangalore University 2003-2005 First 6 M.Phil Bharathiar University 2005-2007 First 7 P.G.D.S.M Kuvempu University 2006-2007 First Additional Qualification : 1. Diploma in Computer Application. 2. Karnataka state Athletic Technical Official Examination passed. RESEARCH EXPERIENCE : Research Stage Title of Theses University where the work was carried out Analysis of Kinesthetic M.Phil perception Ability among 11- Bharathiar University. 14 years old school boy’s. Sports Achievements : Participated in district level and Inter Collegiate Athletics and Cricket. Conferences/Workshops Attended : 1. UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Role of Colleges and Universities towards the Progressivity of Sports in India. Bangalor March 2011. 2.UGC Sponsored National Work shop on SPORTS NUTRITION held at Kuvempu University Shimoga 21May 2012. 6 Department Of Physical Education and Sports. 5. UGC Sponsored State level Work shop on SEPAK TAKRAW game held at Sir. M V Govt. science College, Bhadravathi on February 7th 2015. Paper Presentation in National / Inter National Seminar : 1.International Seminar on “Health Related Physical Fitness and Wellness” held at Poornaprajna College, Udupi Augst 2014. Paper Title : “The Role of Sports Clubs in Health-Promoting Behavior of Youths”. 2. National Conference/ workshop on “The Importance of Meditation in yoga and our Lives”. Held at Chitradurga, January 2015. Paper Title : “Why Ancient Yoga is More Relevant in Modern Stressful Life? 3. National Conference on “ Physical Education and Yogic Science” Held at Davanagere,30 January 2016. Paper Title: “ Yoga for modern stressful life”. Participation In Corporate Life : Work as a Coach cum manger for the Kuvempu university Basket ball ( Men) Team for the year 2010-11.( The South west Zone, Inter University tournament held at ANNAMALAI UNIVERSTY, CHIDAMBARAM from 15th Dec to 20th 2010. : Work as a Coach cum manger for the Kuvempu university Ball badmimton (Women) Team for the year 2015-16 The South Zone, Inter University tournament held at SRNM UNIVERSTY, Chennai. (YOGISH . B) 7 Department Of Physical Education and Sports. Government of Karnataka Department of Collegiate Education. I.D.S.G. Govt. COLLEGE CHIKKMAGALUR-577102 Department Profile Of Physical Education. 8 Department Of Physical Education and Sports. Government of Karnataka Department of Collegiate Education I.D.S.G. Govt. COLLEGE CHIKMAGALUR-577102 Department Of Physical Education and sports A PROFILE SL. NO Contents Page No. 1 About the department 2 Vision & Mission 3 Organizational set up 4 Physical Director’s Profile 5 Activities Organized . Inter class . Inter University 6 Participations . Inter Collegiate . Inter University 7 Sports facilities available 8 Facilities extended to sports person 9 Achievements 10 Alumni association 11 Future plan ACTIVITIES ORGANIZED BY THE COLLEGE Intramurals : In order to uphold the spirit of sportsmanship and provide opportunity for all the students, our college regularly conducts intramurals. There are three streams in which our college imparts knowledge namely B.A., B.com., B.Sc., and M.A. Each stream invariable consists of three classes i.e. I year, II year and III year in case of under graduate course and I year and II year in case post graduate course. Class tournaments in various disciplines are conducted during weekends and holidays. Following are disciplines in which regular intramurals are conducted. Volleyball Kabaddi 9 Department Of Physical Education and Sports. Kho-kho Ball badminton Foot ball Cricket Athletics Sports Day: We organized more than 16 games both for Boys and Girls winners got prize in the sports day. More than 550 students are participated in different events. Inter collegiate : In order to provide exposure and refine organizational abilities of our students we have conducted Cricket (men), Athletic meet, Kabaddi, Womens Meet, inter collegiate tournaments 2012-16. Students of our college participate in Inter collegiate tournaments.
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