Federation of Nigeria Official Gazette - E

Federation of Nigeria Official Gazette - E

Federation of Nigeria _ Official Gazette - e No. 74 LAGOS- 30th October, 1958 Vol. 45 CONTENTS ae Page Page Niemenof ofOfPermanent Seeratary «+1390 New Telephone Service 4. 2. ws 1347 venventa of Officers os 30-8 Naticeto Importore—-Chambers of Commerce N geriejan Navy—CommissionsaandWarrants. 1339 approved or the purposes of paragraph of Ente ent in SpecialListBofH.M.O.C,8, 1339-40 vernment Notice No 146701958" 2 01348-9 © “Application forFae istration of Trade Unions 1349 Register ofFederalContractors, Building/Civit_ , Appointment of a Notary Public 4. «s 1340 Engineering/Electrical .. 1349-56 0— _ Addition ta the Listof Notutiew Public. ,, 1340 Cocoa Purchases in the Federation ofNiigeria. 1356 “Restoration of name to Registur—Medicat 1958-59 Benniseed, Purchasesiin the Fe Practitioners and Dentist Ordinance ~\, 1940 thon of Nigeria -. 1357 ProbateNotices v4 ti , fi 1341 Transit Visns—Barcelona: *"Las- "Palmas : 1387 La m1 egistry——. feations ‘or rst eira “ee Registration mietry—App 1341 Limited Competition ‘Examination ‘1958 for - Notices of Proposal to declare a’ Pioneer romotion to Executive Class Industry 1344. Admission of Students for 1959 Academic Land required for theservice of the Rederat oar iy. .- 1357-8 Government 1342 Southern Cameroons jGoverninent “Scholes Licence to recruit Nigerian “Labour for” ship Awards 1958-59“ e +. 1358 ForeignService as 1342 Loss ofLocal Purchase Order” os +e 1358 Air Servicos Regulations~-Application, fot Loss of Revenue Collector's Receipt =... 1358 Licence ~ ,. 1342 Loss of Treasury Receipt ., 9... 1358 Me Services Repulationt--Rovocation of Notice of Publication of Bill ae 1358 | Licence “se 1342. Palm Kernels and Palm Oil Purchases for the Nigra of "Temporary Chairman of Federation ofNigeria . ve 1359 iigerjan PortsAuthority .. 1342 ‘Tenders “ex oe oe "4358-60 Zarpas Limited--In Voluntaty Accepted Tenders :. ss ee +e 1360 iquidation thos “ vy 13430 Stare Vacancire-. Anglo-African Aerated Waters, a, 1343 University College, Ibadan... 1360. London Northern ‘Trading Conipany University College Hospital, Ibadan "4360-61 (Nigeria Limited ee 1343 Nigerian Collegeof Arts, Science and Tech- South B 1343 nology 1361-62 United Africa Company“export ‘Ageney) Ministry of Education, Eastern Region .. 1362 Limited 1343 Federal Department of Commerce and _ John Watkden’ ‘and ‘Company Limited 5.» 1343 Industries. 6 ue ne we 1863 Awac (Austria West Africa Corparation) . Nigeria Polics. re > 4. 1364 Limited . «. 4£343 FederalEsEducation Department |j. 1364 Bank Anthony.Limited’ fil) Il. 4343 Inland Waterways ;Department bas we 1365 Lisabi (Fola) Footwear Limited oo. r 1344 Department of Nederal Public Works e+ 1365 World wida Credit Exchange - -1344 Ministry of Agriculture, Suceyy Region, 13656 Price of Thorium Ores--Proviaional,Royalty 1344. Ministry of Lund and Surveyy Northern Price ofZirconOree—Provisional Royalty 1» 1344 Region. ae 1366 Price ofColumbite--Provisional Royalty .. 1344 Legal Departmerit, EasternRegion +s 1366 Price of Tantalite—Provisional Royalty .. 1344 Public Works, Eustern Region... ° .. 1367 Applications to construct Leats +s 2.134445 , Fisheries Department, Eastern Region 1367 | Permita to enter Customs Arcas to boat © . | Ministry of Health--Eastern Region 368 Ships/Aircrafe ae 1345-6 Federal: Administrator-General’s. Depart- Appointment of Brazilian Consul ve - 1346 ment ee eae 1368 French Consular Representation. ~ 1346 Custéms and Exeive Notices ons "4369-71 Swisa Conaular Revsseentation a -..1346° Inpex to Lgcat, Notices in SUPPLEMENT Federal Public Service Comminsion |. 1346. L.N..No. ort Title Page Nigerian Broadcasting CorporationAppoint-. 181 Electoral Commission (Remuneration) .- ment of a Member sae ee 1346 Regulations, 1958 . BS07 Confirmation of Ordinance eeoss 346 182 Elections (House of Representatives) Opening and Cloning of Roads-—Niger (Western1 ‘egion) (Amendment) Regu- rovince ‘ «+ 1346 lations, 1958 _-BSO Closing ofKumba-MamfeRoad as +e 1346 - Bill chtitled the Military | Pensions Opening of Postal Agencies: .. as oe. 1347 Amendment) Ordinance, 1958 «+ C203 - \ 1330 ___ OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 74, Vol. 45 Government Notice No. 2041 APPOINTMENT oF PERMANENT SECRETARY ttsis notified that Mr J. E. B. Han, has been appointed to be Permanent Secretary, Mr J.£ 8, Hatl’s appointmenthas effect from Ist April, 1958. Government NoticeNo 242 | NEW abpOINTMENTSAND orHER STAFF CHANGES| . The following-are =notified for general informationi :ie '. By His Excellency’s Comnind, , : : V. HL K. Lrrriewaon, Lagos, 30th October, 1958. oO ActingSecretaryto the Gazernor-Geasral . NEW APPOINTMENTS Le : Date of Date of Department, . Name : Appointment Appointment . Arrical Administration >. Dambo, J. N. 1s Administative Officer, Class IV 10-9-57 | ve 1-41-57 aa ‘Admiinistrator-General -Okakpu, Miss J. N. .. Clerical Assistant Agricultural Research .. Adedokun, J.K. .. rd Class Clerk .. rs 24-97-58 .” Adeoti, G. A. ve 3Srd Class Clerk .. a» 16«7~58 P. B. ae 3rd Class Clerk .. ae 1-4-35 Cymmerce and Abia, ~- «167-58 Industries Osikaalu, TT. oO. ~» Stenographer, Grade nA Customs and Excise. .. Adigws, I. «» 3rd Class Officer .. + 15-9-58 “ ms Ene, E. A. +» rd Class Officer .. oe EBSB Poe Igoni, E. va 3rd Class Clerk .. sa 32-58 Tabs . Odush) EN... 3rd Clase Officer.. oe 30-12-57 mery Executive . we s ; ‘Alobs, - ‘ Loge acristsClassapart of 26-65-58 $z - Ogunyinka,: J.O. - «. tenographer,Prine Minfter'sGradoOffice... 11-8-58 General Executive Class - Orija, D. A. a Baeutve Officer {Accounts} 27-98-58 ta Geological Survey... Adegboye, M. OQ." .+ rd Class Clerk .. as 3-7-58 ‘Information Service..... MacGregor, J. ws 3rd Class Clerk .. Yes {-2~$8 8-7-S8. Oshuntolu, S..O, =, - 3rd Class Clerk .. ae _7-7-58 dR |. Adeitan, S.A... Asstsement Clesk, Grade III,. « Toland Revenue Alialad C0. .. Tax Collector, Grade lll .. 11-658 ETE Elewe, ¥. .» ‘Tax Collector, Grade i «+ 16-§-58 > Fagbemi, B. O. +» ‘Taxfollector, Grade lil... 9-6-~-53 . Okaro, W- - 4. AssesarnentClerk, Grade III., 7-7+58 \ : Okpéra, A. - es Assessment Clerk, Grade TIT. « F-7~58 = Justicia ,. Williams, E. B. + 3rd Class Clerk .. +> 28~7~58 ae 3d Class Clerk se ae 18-8-58 Labour. te , oe Orosakin, E. Ae , Oyewumi, 8. O, vt Sed Class Clerk ., vy 18-8~58 ETECLEE . Marketing and Exporta:. Bakare, M.'T. «» 3rd Class Clerk .. -- «28-8-58 va . o) {banga, E. Ty ap 3rd Class Clerk .. +. 27-8-58 ' st 3 Shaba, Ty G- «» 3rd Clsss Clerk ..- ss .27-8-58 ETT Clerk oe : ae 15-958 Ti ical ae ya Bailey, I B.- . xe 3rd Class h eal . doRegos, Cc. -». SrdCless Clerk -s os 13~9+58 . yenant, Pp E ss 3rd. Class Clerk ve . ae 13-958 Niaapa, P, i aa Staff Nurse ae ea 1-9-58 , ‘“Nwokolo, De N. CG. cs Medical Officer .. as 1-&-53 Mines .. vs Teickwe, WW. A. 2. Mines Ranger. ii 97-58 and Tele: hs . Abush, Miss20. «> Clerical Assistant xe) 41-9458 = ™ ~ Aadsltan9. "*-» PoualPos Oficer andandTelegraphistTele, 146-86“8~ AoMe L.O. .. Technical O:ffices-in-Training, 20-8-58 PLTLATTEET Carr, L. E. A. «. Senior Assistant ‘Telecommuni- ‘ cations Controller A va (Pemporary) .. «2 39458 £ w d0th Octaber, 1958 OFFICIAL GAZETTE_ 1338 . 3. NEW APPOINTMENTS—continued ae Date of Date of Department ' Nome Appointment Appointment Arrival. Posts arid Telegrapha— Dabiri, Miss J. «+ Clerical Assistant . .. 2-958 ne continued Ejike ++ Technical Officer-in-T’taining 19-8-58 _ 1Fashunu, A. a« Clerical Assistant . 2658 — , Goodison, H. «+ AreaEngincer (Temporory) .. 20-9-58 21-9-58 Greenberg DT... Chief Technical Officer vs 3-8-5838 4-8-58 Home, Ji IRK. + ~Senlor Telecommunications a. Engineer ('emporaty) .. 2-10-58 3-10-58 Ibyzo, 8..+ »» Postal-Officer .. oe. 218-58 —_ Neaekwe, C. A. «« Artisan an 1-4-57 _ Okon, .ee 3rd Class Clerk .. 21-6-58 — Okonyc, G.A. «+ echnical Officer-in-Training *. 25-8-58 —_ Okorafor, S. G. ++ Postal Officer .. +21~8-58 So Okoronkwo, A, +. Postal Officer ‘ +» ,21-8-58 — ~ Orbell, A, G, v» Chief Technical Officer 2-8-58 4-8-58 Tubi, KK, +» Clerical Assistant 14-41-58 a Ugwu, 8. 0 « Postal Officer-in-Training 19~8-58 _ Public Works ys Bennett, R. +« Works Superintendent , / : vo _ (Building) (Temporary) .. 12-9-58 . 27-9-58 Booth, W. +» Works Superintendent (Temporary) .. vy 12+9-58 279-58 Duke, BE +e Clerical Assistant vs 30-7-58 _ Elawore, J. O. ++ Clerical Assistant __ 18-4-58 _. , i, Mi. 7+ -« Exgtcutive Engineer 2-10-58 —_ Maduagwu,'S ie Stores Assistant .. 1-4-57 —_ MeDonald, J. ‘- ++ Works Superintendent - . Building) (Temporary) .. 18+-9-58 1-10-58 Stenhouse, A. + Works Superinten ent _ (Mechanical) (Temporary) 28-8-58 11+-9-58 Stewart, D. E. ++ ‘Works Superintendent ot (Temporary) . 28-8-58 - 11-9-58 Statistics .. ae itn,4.D.C. vs Clerical Assistant . 1-4-58 — . AS. >» Clerical Assistant 1» 1-58 ~ Oguniyi, 9 _-° ta: Clerical Assistant or 14-58 — - Olaghaiye, 1. 0; .. Enumerator, Grade IT ar 1~2-58 ~ Survey «+ »- Babstunde, NSA. .. | Lithographer, Grade II - 23-8-58 —_ ; . Falana, T’. «+ Survey Droughtsman, Grade II 7-4-55 _ Onabiyi, F, «« Survey Draughtsman, Grade II 5~9--55 = ‘Treasurys. os Koyi, B.-0; ee Ord Class Clerk -., ve 29~7F-58 _ Treaaury (S. Cameroons) *Forlemu, Z. N. +» 3rd Cleas Clerk: .. 1-11-57 _ Valuation Unit s+ Rayner, M. J. -+ Valuation Officer (Temporary) 29-9-58.° 30~9-58 Veterinary Research .. Hart, Ji Ac. ++ Parnsitologist .. vs 21-9-58 229-58 Okeke, ALN, C... 3rd ClassVeterinary Laboratory ; _ Technician 4. » 9-7-58 _ Weat African Institute *Aghewi, A. 0. o» Artin = oa. ss: 1-8-57 _— for Oil Palm Research Uaswa, D. +: Driver-Mechanic’ oe NIN+4-54 — 1 Notification in Gazette No. 58 of 21~8-58 amended. 2 Notification in Gaxette No, 56 of 7-8-58 amended. § Notificationin Gaxeife No. 59 of 28-858 amended. PROMOTIONS . , : .-: Dateof Department Name - Appointment Promotion Administration ©... Clarke, R.A, oc... Under-Scerctary (Finance), Ministry of : ° ae Finance ve 1-4-58 : Hall, J. E. B.

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