' 'i I THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1942 Average Daily Circulation For the Mont* of September, 1941 The Weather PAGE FOURTEEIf 1Et»ning HmtUt A' Forecast of D. S. Weather Bnreaa t t f l 7 ,6 3 7 tlon Section, WPB, Washington. Member e f Mw Audtt Slightly cooler tonight. D. C.: Richard H. Simons, Special Swim Ciaa^es Beth Sholom Odd Fellows About Town List Speakers Agent in Connecticut In charge of R. O. Cheney Estate B u e M ef CIreulatlone tbe Federjil Bureau of Investiga­ Manchegter— A City of Village Charm tion who' v1ll dlscusa "The Work T o Start Reject Offers ■dward •on of .»*»•• For Gathering of.th e FBI Under War Cohdl- As Home for 100 Girls] (ClaaalSed Advertialng on Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1942 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS M d "«Cn. Joaeph J. J*avelack of tiomi” ; Harry Taylor, First s-A'td ^ ■ _________ ^ ;------------------------i - VOL. LXII., NO. 8 14t North Sdiool atreet, who en- Promotion Division, State De­ Directors Not to Sell to fense Council and Mrs. Helen Gor­ Miss Violet McRae to Be . 1 1 • there. Mrs. Hamilton Bickford hiis Qhlad in tha Marlnea and left for Cosiiiopolilan Cltib If Approved by /Zoning been retained by the Pioneer' duty laat Hiuraday, la atattoned at don, Director of Women's Activi­ Iiistnirtor at the East Building; Price Too Parrli laland, S. C. Be ' Representefl ill ties, Eastern Division, U. S. For­ Board of Appeals Will Parachute company to make a est Service, whose topic will be: Side Rec. Low,.They Decide. study of the layout of the Cbeneyl Freight Train W reck at Bellairir, Ohio Hartford on Oct. 15. home and make recommendatlons| Tha Somansarco Club of the "The Need and Importance of the Be Useil ah Roouiiug ‘Victory’ Levy Put South Methodist church wiU hold Con.servation of Our N^itural Re­ The stockholders of tKe Odd lor purchase and inEtallation of Nazis Start Flankiiig The regular Fall and Winter ita first faU meeting tomorrow Delegates and members of the sources in the War Effort," To Open Rellgiousx^hool Fellow's Building Association de­ H ouses equipment and facilities for use as I swimming classes at the East Side a rooming apartment, engage al •aaning at 7.-30 at the church, Cosmopolitan Club of this town, The pages will be members, of The new school year waH start cided last night -not to Sell the Odd Rec will gel underway next week. Fellow's block at the CerUeT. The matron and supervise the opening| whan Mrs. Harold E. I»rd and her whose first fall meeting Ukes the Hartford Junior Womfcn's_ on Sunday Oct. II. All childrbj^are The former R. O. Cheney estate committee will arrange for a pro­ aub. •Miss Violet .McRae of the High requested to come to the Tempje building had been offered for sale of the apartment. On Top of Regular place tombw-ow afternoon at the on Chestnut street, w'hlch. was re­ Meals at Cafeteria » gram of games and refre.ihmenta school faculty will be the instnic- for. the opening ceremony on thi ,b.v the directors and signs had cently purchased by the Oak Hill 1 appropriate to the Hallowe'en sea- Y.M.C.A.,-^with Mrs. Sarah Wheel­ coming Sunday at 10 a. m. n placed on the building an- If the home Is operated as a| Move Further Souths■ V. er of Hartford as the guc.st speak­ tor. Corporation, knd w'hlch will be ' rooming house, meals for the glrlsj aon. InviUtions have been sent to Fi*om 8- until 9 -on Monday eve­ The Sisterhood will hold its noiilH;ing that fact. Offers had leased to the Pioneer Parachute ! a number of new couples, and it is er. wiil attend the .annual fall monthly meeting on Tuesday, Oct. been made to the directors for the will,be served at the giant cafe­ meeting of the Connecticut State Charity Costs nings she will conduct an advanc­ company as a roomin'g hou.se for ; teria, a short distance from the Income Tax Rate hoped all those already enrolled ed swimming and life saving class 13. at 7 p. m. The board will be block biitvthc, price- offered w-as plant employees. wIlLbe ready for ; In the club will be present. Federation of Women's Clubs at the host for a supper given-to the nothing llkcNivhat the property is home bn Forest street. the Hotel Bond in Hartford on for women. occupancy earry-" in -iNovembi?r if Corap|i»nce with the govem-| Increase Here niembers of the Sisterhood. worth. an exception to zoning- regula- JITiur-sday, Oct. 15. with a morn­ On Wednesday evenings from 7 All l%lies are naked to help roll The stbc-kholdoi'a.are of the opin­ ment request for additional pro-" med at Volga Delta Mr. and MrsT George H. Briggs, ing se.ssion at 10 and an afternoon until 8 she will conduct a be»;in- ion that the locatioiKof the build­ tiona, which ha,s been asked b.v the diiction implies that the local zon­ Senate Votes 5 . Per of Laurel street, have received bandage.s at the Legion Hall on Oak Hill Corporation is acted on Says Army^s session at 2. Mrs. Eric V. Johnson, nera class in swimming for wo­ Wednesday from 10 a; m. to 4 p. m. ing IS one of the. best uv..^e tow-n. ing board of appeals grant the ex-| word from their son. Austin H. men. This course offers the women favorably this evening by the Zon­ Cent Against All of B ri^ s. that he, has been promoted president of,, the Federation will Up Over S200 as 0>ni- Because of the fact that the build­ ception asked w-ithout delay. Pre-i preside. ' fine opportunity to learn to ing ia constructed of cemenlAjtid is ing Board of Appeals. viojis appeals for additional local] Earnings of Imlivid- Germans Grinding Slow­ from corporal to the rank of ser­ parefl With August; swim. It-is expected .that many Forced to Seek Help geant He is .sUtioned at Fort ■ .Morning Si»e*ikerB not too costly to. maintain»''4^ help w-as not satisfactory and thej Bombers Go The speakers during the morn­ Reason for Boost. , women w4ll take advantage of this Appeals Board would be poor judgment to dispbsi President Hepry R. Mallory of company w-as forced to recrulr iiuls in Excess o f American Bombers ly Forward in Indus­ Bragg. N. C. ing session Will inclvide: Willard coiir.se and profit by Miss McRae's of the building at the figure offer­ e Pioneer Parachute Company._ personnel from distant parts of B. Rogers of Hartford; chairman instruction. i • ed, the director*, 'decided. stated this morning that all pos*' New England and had to'provide $624 'Yearly; D«ublt To Navy Use trial District of- Stal­ The Townsend Club will meet The monthly report of the .Man sible ^^6rts have been made to tomorrow evening at the YM.C.A. of the Connecticut Development .\n .\dvan«* Clasa Meets Tonight its own living quarters for the ing Security Tax Urged ingrad, Blit Victory Commission: Chester Bowles of cheater Charity department shows On Wednesday evenings from '8 engage rai^l help for the govern­ help so obtained. Attack Lille Region when plre-s will be made for rep- ment w'orkKpf the company, but Hartford.,* State OPA Director; 92 cases-on the rolls for Septem­ until 9 she will conduct an inter­ Local Soldiers The Cheney horns ts Ideally sltH Still Is Denied There; resenUtlon at the ma.ss meeting the company^w;^s forced to seek Washington, Oct. 9._(yip) Retired Former Chief of In Hartford Sunday afternoon at Dr. Martha Clifford, of the Bureati ber last totalling 131 persons and mediate class in swimming for iiated for thi.s purpose. It is close) of Child Hygiene. .State Depart­ women. This' class is designed for Zoning Officials to Hear help in‘ other abetlons of New to the plant and to the businp.s."^ — The Senate voted tinlay to IS’ew, Drive ^Galculated 2:30, in the Itallan-Ameriran Club the Co.st of the department for last Gain Promotion England a^ pres.^e had been Staff of Ceneral Head- M or, Than 100 Pmti- Remain SUeiit on Pearl street. Hartford. The ment of Health, who will discu.ss women who wish to Improve their Two Petitions for section of Tbwn arid Is' located In place on top of the regular in-, To 'Cut Through Ral- "The Health of Women and CTiil- More than August of this year. strokes and .swimming technique brought to bear on the plant to ideal re.sidcntinl surroiincHngs. ffuarters Air Force cliHite in Biggest A liter- principal speaker will be Russell There were two more cases and pi-odiice an increasing mipibcr of come tax a 5 cent “ vic­ Saville of the Townsend organiza- rtren in War Time" and Edward The above three classes run for Change in the Rules. Einar O. Solomonson. of 97 niyrk Area to Caspian. the same number of charity re- Plca.sant street, now' stationed parachutes for Atf'O'r.ps us^. Rapg HarCs Statui. ivan Bom ber J Fighter tTon in Chicago. P. Chester >>f the State Depart­ a period of twelve weeks. People tory” levy against all earn­ About Battle ment o f ' Education whose . topic cipient.s and the increase in root interested in these classes should with the 242d Coast Artilleiy. at t^n Hoiise 100 Girls ■ over the prcvioiis month wss due The' Zoning Board of Appeala ings of individuals in excess Force Over Europe.
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