Newspaper Devoted Presented Fairly, Qearly (he Community lnterert; And Impartially Each Week Fl,H Local Coverage Complete News Pictures farterePublUbtd Wwklj t M Ind Clui Ifeu CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1962 XI.--NO. 43 OB FHitaj At P. 0., Otrteret, H. J. PRICE TEN CENTS Art Editorial: Forum Tax Ratables Loss Public Forum Deserves Fullest Support Tuesday For the fifth consecutive y«ar, the Carteret In selecting Joseph Carney, industrial direc- Council of Parent Teachers will hold a public tor of the U. S. Metals Refining Company as forum In the High School Auditorium next Of $552,491 Seen moderator for the second time, the committee Feb. 6 Tuesday night. could not have made a better choice. Mr. Carney i • • « has demonstrated tact, intelligence and under- Session to Start at 8 This will give an opportunity to all nine as- standing of this important assignment. P. M. at the High pirants to appear and present their opinions on / • • * * For Current Year JULIAN various questions and also will give the public Whether or not the rules meet with complete School Auditorium an opportunity to come face to face with the satisfaction, may be debatable. But the import- candidates. CARTERET — The public OLLAK forum for all Board of Educa- • • * ant point remains. Each aspirant has the same chance to appear face to face with the public. tion candidates will be held Charm, Poise, Personality Dg Since these public forums have attracted * « » this coming Tuesday, February good sized audiences, it should be of interest to J6, 8:30 P. M. at the Carteret i in.ul currier every candidate to attend. A decision on the part of any candidate to jHigll School. This will be theTo Decide'Queen'of Ball j\ I fifth consecutive year that the t-,ti i-yinw these abstain from appearing at the forum is very Y This week, it appears, some candidates turned Carteret Council of PTA's will CARTERET—Queens usually The queen will be selected down the bid to participate, because of differ- unwise. It may bring resentment on the part of sponsor this Forum. The mod-become queens because their from amon' g five contestant* Reviews WhKt ne ence of opinion on the question of a moderator or the voters. They are the ones who have the final erator will be Joseph Carney, father were kings or their ,t the ball. They are Misses "•, - that the ;1 rules pertaining to the forum. say. Industrial and PuBlic Relations mothers ruled a land. Frances Halllhan, Loretta Fer- Director for U. S. Metals Refin- But the queen ol the annual ence, Jill Chason, Sharon Ko- : Co. Mr. Carney Is a resi- Outlook iii in bliKhr "Queen of Hearts Ball" to beval and Charleen Krantz, dent of Red Bank and a for-held Saturday night, February Aside from the ball, interest Invite Hennessy Need An Extra Job? iCitesProgress mer school teacher. He brings 17 In Bethlan Hall does not InI-n the Heart Fund drive Is the CARTERET — In drafting to the Forum long standing In- herit her title. house to house canvass which the 1962 budget, the borough ol Mi Ssbo, terest and experience in the will be held Tuesday, February is facing a serious problem bfr< illustrated She is chosen because she You May Possibly Qualify as Substitute Of Revaluation 'field of education. has charm, poise and a pleas- 20, according to Mrs. Elizabeth cause of the loss of ratables, i imr people To President's All nine candidates have been ant personality. Touhey, general chairman. This warning was sounded by »• long wln- Teacher in Carteret School System invited by mall to participate in Councilman Thomas Deverla, '.niin! their Safety Confab CARTERET — The borounh1 Mr. Quln urged housewives Work in Borough the Forum. The candidates chairman of the finance com* It may be CARTERET — H. A. Hen- school system needs at least a|who have at least one year of j CARTERET — Excellent j ru nnlng this year are as fol- mittee at the meeting of tin ,ui. or some nessy. manager of the Carteret Hat of 50 substitute teachers, colleRe to register for substl- progress is being made on Car-|iows: John DeAngelo, Benja- Citizens Club Parish to Seat Borough Council last night, .uc umbers Indtwtrlal Association, who'but has only about 15, School;tute work. Retired teachers teret's properfy revaluation ;mjn poridi, Earl Ruraph, Alys We have lost $552,491 in served under three other presi-1Superintendent Edwin 8. Quln also are welcoihed as substitute program. Tax Assessor Thomas Sheridan, Mary Garrlsted J. ratables," Councilman Deverla j>mr serious dents, has been Invited by naid today. teachers. Milik said today. Jackositz. Frances Stupar, John Organized Here Leaders Sunday said "and we have no surplttt mi -in the President Kennedy to attend "It It Important to have If we have a large pool of The J. M. Clemlnshaw Com- Kollbas, and Joseph Lamb In- to count on this year.'* ,.( the bur- the President's Conference on l»rue list of substitutes," MrJsubstitutes," Mr. Quln said, "it pany, doing the ^fork hasxluded in the letter was a setTo Boost Patten At Dinner Fete He said Mayor Stephen Skiba id \cK('tables Occupational Safety March 6. Quln said, "particularly duTlngjls easier for the system. Often Inspected and listed approxi- of ground rules that will be fol- and members of the Council CARTERET — The newly CARTERET — The Hungar- ••. Mf being 7. 8 at Washington, D. C. the cold months when teacherajwe hsve to have them •--"-availabl" e mately 15 per cent Of the bor- lowed during the evening's pro- have been spending many .i.rrablp 5UC- The thememe of the ConferencConferencee Iiss ar uree sideline sidelinedd bbyy illness illneM. a'at ta a minute' minute'** notice.notice"" ough properties today. •gram. This will allow all points formed Citizens for Patten Club ian Reformed Church will re- will meet at 8 o'clock tonight hours trying to whip the budget .; ii, carrota Safeguarding Human Worth Assessor Milik said that to, of interest to be covered In an turn to the regular morning into shape for presentation at l)rc)erl in Falcon Hall, :.• making President Kennedy will td- properly appraise a house, a y fashion. schedule of services on Sunday. the February 15th meeting. representative of the Clemin-i Ushers for the evening will Former Secretary of State d> eM the conference, Edward J. Patten, seeking the Two worship services, in Eng- Carteret, he said, this be opened by Secretary of Give Physical Tenants league shaw firm must Inspect the in-,be organized and supervised by :ongressional nomination on llsh at 10 A. M. and in Hungar- year, must take into considera- .; On rind. Arthur J Ooldberg, general side of the dwelling as well as Robert Midlecz, Carteret High tion a probable 20 point county chairman of th* Conference In the outside. School Advisor. The ushers for the Democratic ticket in theian at 11 o'clock will include •ind Shiirc- Fitness Program At Dolan Homes ; 5th District will be the prin- tax rate. There will be a 67 the addition to the president, other For householders wlio are noti evening will be: Chester [the sermon to be preached by point rise in the school budget CARTBBIT — The Tenant Ro r Ellen Br cipal speaker. iiildns' to nationally prominent leaders CARTERET - A physical at home during the day, a card; !9 ' °wn, Annette iDr. Harsanyi on the topic, "Thefor the first half of the year, Association of Edward J. Dolan stec Elaln(1 The club was .•/,', -trips uf will outline some of the more will be left at home, renttestingi ' Hill, Arthur Mc- since the cut of the 1962-1963 Homes, Bergen Street, Carteret. Manon S(< •.•'.iriety of urgengent safety problemproblemss. ... „. , that they Indicate a time with-i - J° Ph Comba, Robert as the swearing in of new el-budget will not come into being held their Initial meeting and Horn and the home of J. R, Ellsworth. .- 'Inert l« Among other vntionally for the Carteret High School in three days when tt Is the best > Donald Davidson, ders and officers. New officers until next July. 1 election of officer*, Saturday In Mrs. Ellsworth was chosen '•ili ,-arden- prominent leaden on the pro- PTA membership at the Janu- time to visitf the house. ! AH residents are urged to at- of the Men's Sick Benefit So- the'Community Buildfog. tend this most He declared that members gram will be l«Ite Worthing- ,ry meeting, The program was Ten field men now are locat- important event of the finance committee are Officers elected irere James in tne best 'ialso take their oath. In the borough Areas of' Interests of the edu- Sherry, organizer. endeavoring to keep appropria- w^r. ««,.,, — -M.W.. - ^ w M M .Lomax. president; Mrs. Rosalee catlonal Sunday School and Junior .•.in i.nt on-McNeely, president, American *u*nu under the direction ot vlce-preildeftt; Al Tam- Bou- The Parkview- Democratic tions at a minimum without < but many Moorei Tenny- • i Confirmation class wiu beeln any increase. He predicted a Tttephone and Tttairaph Can- Miss Helen Wilson anlFranfitam, financial Mrtetary; Mrs Club has unanimously endorsed I ;ilaiUm. tO M Edward J. Patten, former Sec- at 9 o'clock; Senior Confirma- rise of $10,000 in the welfare tue window Ifluiy. iMeCarthy, Phyrical IducaUon" St. Elias Post retary of State, for the nomina- tion Class and Hungarian account and some $8,000 fox Scho0 wiU held ':if lin lor the Iron aM B*«S InitttuH, a T^T* tion for congressman In thei ' ^ Saturday atjother mandatory items.
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