'1 ,• • PAGE 24-NEW YEAR EDmo~ THE ISRAELITE PRESS Wednesday, SepL 25, 1957 - 0Ur Heartiest WI.shes to the Jewish Community for a • Very Happy and Contented New Year ·· • BYM. L FRANK J·unior Wear Limited Bill's Window- Cleaning As Old As The Bible, A Metropolis W P&ABOD\' Prop ~ of BEERSHEBA In The Desert Is "Gateway To Negev" Speclaltting In-Washing .Venetian Blinds. Building Wlndo­ OlB1B' COATS PROM TOTa- TO JEZHS Storm Wlnclo- on Private ~ Erected-Ram Reasonable 5111 f'-' lledf.. fd4 ~ Ila& Ph- LEnox 3-8570 J (This is - of a Mrin of I ed from the Egyptiam. was ruled American history, the West grad- huge chemical plant were built. ~ .745 NOTTINGHAM WINNIPEG tingvishedarticles In whichauthor Mr of .. Frank.boob anddi5- . e.""alby a thousandmilitary Arabsgovernor. formerly The gey.liv· u.allyThere moved was toa thetime Pacific. when . Quas- fromThe I.,yddarailway to lineBeersheba. was extended _All this _________________,. _______ ..J articles on sublech of ."'9ish ing in Beersheba had fled with tine. thirty-five miles or so north industrial and economic growth OUR HEARTIESI' NEW YEAR GREETINGS TO ALL lntenst, dnulbn a rec.nt whit ij!e Egyptian forces. The. Bedouins of Beersheba, as even Gedera, has been financed largely from . OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS to lsr.. 1. Mr. Frank wu in II who lived in the vicinity and had about ten miles north of Qastine, the sale of 1.sr.. e1 Bonds. Israel clurl'!9 the en~re period not Oed relied on the Israeli Mill- was considered the Negev. I count- Beersheba is one of the oldest of the Sinai umpalgnJ. tary Governor in Beersheba for ed several cafes named Negev be:. cities in the world. Abraham and OUR BEST \VISHES FOR A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR · their needs, including food. tween Gedera and Qastine - ob- Isaac lived there, but there is TO ALL OUR JE\VISH FRIENDS In February, 1949, when i first At that time-and for years be- viously relics of former days. In nothing in the Bible to indicate "ENGIN£ERED FOR RESULTS" ,·isited Beenheba, the city did not fore 1949 - Beersheba was. con- 1949, the daert began south of that either of them founded the have a single civilian inhabitant. sidered· the Negev: The word Gedera: the whole land looked city. It is also one of the newest An Egyptian force was still bold- Negn in Hebrew means dry land yellowish-brown, with hardly a cities in the world. Several times • BURD PISTON RING CO. ing the Faluja pocket to the north, and also South. In Israel's recent blade of grass. True, there were I visite<\ the Beersheba Secondary lhe War of. Liberation · Wall not history, the South has been mov• Jewish settlements north and even School. I .sat in on classes in Heb­ For all Can, Trucks, Tracton, Buses and Engines · quite over, and Beersheba, wrest- ing to the Red Sea, as earlier, in &outh of Beersheba, off the main rew literature, analytic geometry, FISHER & BURPE LTD. road, but those were recentlY history, and natural science. The PHYSICIANS' AND HOSPITAL SUPPLIES Phone SPruc:e 4-4553 ;:.=======================::::; established oases, whose import• only native Israelis I met were Winnipeg, Man. A Toyovs New Yoar to ail nu, Jewl•ll "rlend• and Custom.-s ance as outposts was till greater the sixty-five year old principal 119 Wall St. · than their value in producing and a young Jerusalem-born girl, Haad, Office: 219 KENNEDY ST., WINNIPEG food. Until ~ts capture by the Jew- the teacher of domestic &eience, Branches: Toronto, Edmonton, Vancouver, Montreal Active Battery and Tire Service · forbiddenisb forces, ground Beersheba for Jews: bad a been·rock inwhose the parentsCaucasus. came The from others-staff Georgia, ,.________________________ -i REPAIRS and SALES . AUTHORIZED GOODYIAR DEALERI 1nd was the mildert form of greeting and student alike - come from OUR MOST CORDIAL NEW YEAR GREETINGS TO ALL BATTER¥ REPAIR DEf'OT a Jewish car might get on its way many parts ,of the world. 231 ISABEL ST. PHONE WH3-8878 WINNIPEG, MAN. through the town. In February, 1949, as we left Best Wishes to All Our Friends 1957 the settled parts of Israel past anrl Customers for a • Gedera and Qastine, we saw a Happy New Year C. H. ENDERTON & CO. LTD. · HEARTIEST GOOD WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR few workers drilling for water. Some of them stopped 1111 to ask if REAL. ESTATE we had yesterday's paper from EMPIRE LOAN CO. Tel Aviv: today's would have LOGAN TIRE Wholesalers Agents for REDWOOD APARTMENTS been a luxury they could not Telophone WHltehall 2-8411 EXCHANGE (Colleg., Ave. encl Main St.) ~eam of. and Importers Tllr• I 111111 Four.a"""' Sul~•r1t1 Rent-eul,....i Witt, In February, 1952 - exactly M. D. LEIBL & SON 222 PORTAGE AVE. WINNIPEG, MAN. Frlgld• lrH •nd All Other ConvlnlHCII. three years later - when I drove Phone WHitehall 3-9521 279 Fort St. Phone WH 2-4225 · Winnipeg, Man. to Beersheba, the whole stretch of of Fine China land between Gedera and Beer- 135 HENRY AVENUE sheba was already green. The WINNIPEG OUR BEST WISHES TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND county was still suffering from an Heartiest Wishes for :! Very Happy New Year to All Our acute shortage of food, including CUSTO.MERS FOR A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR Jewish Friends and Customers ~=========~~ J. R. BOXER • H. SILVERBERG PHIL SHEPS ordinary vegetables, but the green . \ . fields of the northern Negev, as .-----------­ 43 Albert St. (Centre Bldg.) Phone WHltehall 3-6624 the area came to be known, pre­ JOYOUS NEW YEAR WINNIPEG, MANITOBA EMPIRE WHOLESALE sages an improvement: true GREETINGS Gutta Percha & Rubber, Limited enough, in July or Au~ of 1952 318 WEST CORDOVA ST., VANCOUVER, 8.t. and WHEN IT'S "RUBBER" came the first large crop of Wa •• re most 1pprecl1tln of the fruits and vegetables a the 11•n1rou1 support given our quality Specify hornradlsh and trust to metlt your · Northern Confectionery break in the food sborta .. continued patron1111 by m1lnt1lnln11 Our Best Wishes for a Happy New Year to All Our "GUTTA PERCHA" The amazing gr()wth n Israel's the high at•nd• rd for •II our Friends and Customers 100% CANADIAN products. TOBACCO AND CONFECTIONERY agricultural producti was affect• Also When Eating out at any ed by the importation of new 60 Dagmar Street Phone WH3-1538 Winnipeg WINNIPEG BRANCH: 1780 Elllce Avenue, Winnipeg restaurant or any hotel ask for THE LARGEST ALL-CANADIAN RUBBER COMPANY agricultural machinery and by the It by. name. E1t1bll1hed 1813 construction of an irrigation system - both· of which are fi• nanced by• Israel Bonds. Elman's Horseradish As for Beersheba itself, no one (Appetizing With Fish BEST WISHES FOR A VERY JOYOUS NEW YEAR TO · Our Heartiest Wishes to All Our Friends and Customers would have recognized it: no one and MHt) THE JEWISH COMMUNITY for a Very Happy and Contented New Year would have thought of asking for yesterday's paper from. Tel Aviv. On the main street I saw on dis­ play the Paris edition of the New THE PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY Gerb Manufacturing Co. Ltd. York Herald Tribune, as well as 1416 CORYDON A.VI. ot WA'l'ERLOO Time Magazine. Beersheba already Phone 40-7372 E-MCO LIMITED AND had a hospital. In a store which PRIICIRIPTIOil some of us entered to buy trinkets, dl1p11• 1d HIDIIJ 11 , R. S. MacLEAN, !',tanager California Sportswear Co. Ltd. the saleslady was reading a Rus­ ,-doator erdtred. D sian translation of a well-known· H•,e roar dootor; Glengarry Bldg. 290 McDermot Ave. German novel-the saleslady was fllHe a,1d•n1 from Bulgaria. The two languages PHONE SPS-4461 Phones: WHitehall 2-3609 - ltehall 3.9973 ,11sTANT OR NIGHr ' most heard were Roumanian and o,,~~-, ,,~, 831 PORTAGE AVE. WINNIPEG, MAN. French - the latter spoken by I . · SI( •~e;1:._ Jews from North Africa. The town Our Best Wishes for a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year to . was said to· have a population of fw,-,111w11111u .. -...w,111>1,411t1111,ln-111,llp.•"*-llllllt All Our Jewish Patrons and Friends nearly 20,000. 'fllVIR H!IQHn, TUXmO,CRQCENTWODD A fORT ROUGE DISTAi~ In 1936 and 1957, I visited Beer­ YOUR llEXALL FAMILY DRl.,!GGIST. sheba several times. Tt had a Enttrei, Air Conditioned for Your Comf9rt SINCERE NE\V YEAR GREETINGS TO OUR HI-GRADE HEATING & population of over 27,000 people CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS -I am quoting the figures given SHEET MET AL LTD. me by the Mayor-and still grow• B, KARASICK ing•. It had several important pub­ lic buildings. A $500,000 hostel OUR HEARTIEST ·NEW YEAR - ·- Eave-itrousblns -· Fumaoea lnlltalled and Repaired provides accommodation for engi­ GREETINGS 1f//·/ . ~,,, Air CondlUonlnf : General Shed Metal Work (;-~ / '•-i'.-. ~'-. I neers and 1ither technicians, who, ,· .;.•!'f0.:_J!.•1;_1 ~ EASTERN SALES LTD. AIR CONDITIOl\:!NG UNITS-OIL AND GAS BURNERS in tlie past, had often been defeat­ Phone SProce 4-4203 • EstlmatH Free ~•s NEWEST AUTHORIZED DEALERS ed by the housing problem in Beer­ "Famous for Our l'f0ner1dl1h" 959 NOTRE DAME A VE. WINNIPEG, MAN. &heb~~ and had departed with a A RSAL TREAT A Complete Tire Service CHRYSLER AND PLYMOUTH CARS mixed feeling of guilt and anger AT THE TABLE at. their ability to help in build· FARGO TRUCKS ing up the Negev. Today, they W• 1111 re11· good hom4-m1de • TRADE-INS • DIii Pickles. Alk for them. , · ';t-1 il' ,.. ' ! . SINCERE NEW YEAR GREETINGS TO OUR JEWISH find comfortable rooms, at reason­ t~ "R-sif; ~ :::~,\ '. ORDER NOW 1 FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS • RECAPPING; .:. "-5.ffi'!'. ,r:'l able rentals, for a period of from From Your Whal1ul1r ---1 1905 Main Strfft Phone ED4-4397 \ _.,tB:-,t ';, ..
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