Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 4-16-1986 The BG News April 16, 1986 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News April 16, 1986" (1986). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4517. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4517 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. THE BG NEWS Vol. 68 Issue 110 Bowling Green, Ohio Wednesday, April 16,1986 Libya retaliates, attacks island TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) - Libya aimed another attack, but U.S. officials den- maritime navigation station on Italy's Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev for raid also left civilian casualties. a hit-and-run blow at a remote VS. ied it. Lampedusa island, 175 miles north of later in the year. Diplomats here estimated 100 people Coast Guard station in the Mediterra- Meantime, an American F-lll and its here. But U.S. officials said two mis- were killed in the attack on Tripoli, and nean yesterday and summoned fellow two pilots are still missing from Mon- siles fired from a ship fell short. IN WASHINGTON, White House doctors said the dead includes Libyan Arabs to an "hour of revenge" against day's attack on Libya. One quick diplomatic setback was spokesman Larry Speakes described leader Col. Moammar Khadafy's America for its air raid Monday. The Libyans, through their state ra- Moscow^s decision to call off a trip to the attacks as a successful blow adopted baby daughter. Sporadic anti-aircraft fire crackled dio, called for strikes against Ameri- the United States next month by Soviet against command centers for Libyan- In a related report, Libya's petro- again over blacked-out Tripoli late can targets "wherever they may be." Foreign Minister Eduard Shevard- sponsored terrorism. leum minister yesterday called for an yesterday. Libyan radio claimed In its first retaliatory attack, Libya nadze. He was to help plan for a sum- But in Tripoli, where many private oil embargo against the United States American warplanes had returned in claimed to have destroyed the U.S. mit meeting between Reagan and homes were damaged, it was clear the at an OPEC meeting in Geneva. Jury's verdict still undecided Walker raped the woman, the by Valerie Qptak other two aided and abetted staff reporter him. When Henry raped her, it was the same. Then when Hill No verdict was returned as of raped her three times - twice in midnight from the jury which the car and once on the ground - will decide whether defendants that was three more counts for Troy Steven Hill, Patrick Henry, each defendant, she said. and Lamont Walker are guilty of kidnapping and raping a Univer- In his closing, Chuck Boss, sity woman Oct. 28. Hill's attorney, tried to discredit The nine-man, three-woman for thejury the investigation by jury began deliberation at S p.m. Wood County authorities. yesterday after closing argu- ments. Boss constucted a situation Wood County Prosecutor that may have occurred that Betty Montgomery recounted night, including the theft of for the Jury the victim's testi- Hill's car by Boatman and his mony, including the repeated framing Hill, Henry and Walker. rapes by two men in the back seat of the car as the driver she "You kidnap and rape a girl identified as Hill drove toward repeatedly. You don't return her Toledo. to the scene of the crime," he "Troy Hill was threatening said, implying the men who stole her, constantly attempting to Hill's car wanted to return it keep her quiet," she said. before he noticed it was gone. The men stopped in Toledo, where front passenger Floyd Lafeyette Tolliver, Henry's Boatman left and Hill raped the attorney, called Boatman "cal- victim "while she was helpless, culated, cunning, smart and vomiting and terrorized," Mont- quick." BGNews gomery said. Walker's attorney, Rich Nel- Around 10:30 last night, Judge Donald DeCessna listens to the prosecut- at the left are the jury box. The jury was in another room deliberating She explained the five counts ler, said "Boatman's not only a ing and defense attorneys discuss how to answer the question from while the judge decided which portion of the jury instructions to reread of rape against each man. While nervy guy - he's clearly a liar." the jury about the venue where the crimes took place. The empty chairs to them. Reagan urges contra aid New restaurant planned for BG Warns House of Khadafy involvement in Nicaragua will vote on a S-2 District Site by Zora Johnson Plan, passage of which would WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi- would remind the House voting opposes. from the chamber he shouted, staff reporter allow for a zoning permit for dent Reagan implored the House this week that this arch-terrorist "God bless America." He was the restaurant. Sesterday to approve $100 mil- has sent $400 million and an The parliamentary jockeying not immediately identified. The familiar red and white Although two restaurants on for contra rebels in Nicara- arsenal of weapons and advisers came as lawmakers began to building associated with Bob have opened on the proposed Sia, saying Libyan leader into Nicaragua to bring his war consider anew Reagan's contra IN ADVANCE of the House Evan's Restaurant may soon site within the last two years, debate, presidential spokesman be appearing on the Bowling Cusick said that did not affect oammar Khadafy has sent home to the United States." aid program, which was de- the company's decision. weapons and advisers there to feated in the House 222-210 last Larry Speakes said that if the Green horizon. present rules arrangement pre- A spokesman for the com- "We're just looking at this "bring his war home to the "We do not underestimate the month. The Senate subsequently as a good opportunity to start United States." brutality of this evil man," Rea- approved the plan in late March vailed, "we're going to be given pany said the property at 1740 the shaft as far as an opportu- E. Wooster St. is under con- a location in Bowling Green," gan said. "Col. Khadafy ought by a narrow margin, but with she said. As the House prepared to con- not to underestimate either the several conditions on how and nity for the American people to tract for purchase. sider Reagan's request for mili- capacity or legitimate anger of a when the money could be sent to have a vote" on the sole question "We haven't closed on the The building - formerly tary and other assistance for the free people." the counterrevolutionaries. of whether to approve military property yet," said Mary Cu- Margarita's - which is cur- rebels, the president told a and other assistance for the re- sick, director of public rela- rently on the site will proba- group of business executives HOUSE REPUBLICANS, AS THE House opened its ses- bels opposing the Sandinista tions for Bob Evan's. "But we bly be torn down, Cusick said. that Khadafy "has bragged that meantime, were fighting to sion, a man stood in the public government in Managua. hope construction will begin BOWLING GREEN was he is helping the Nicaraguans overturn parliamentary ground galleries and yelled at Speaker as soon as we close. The res- chosen for a restaurant site because they fight America on rules which clouded prospects Thomas O'Neill Jr., D-Mass., As the contra aid plan ap- taurant will probably open Brimarily because of its loca- its own ground. for approval of the Reagan ad- who was presiding. Ced on the House agenda for late next ML" on. ministration's request. "The blood of the contras will second time in less than a City ordinance requires a "Some of our criteria are ADDRESSING THE Ameri- The GOP leadership and the be on your conscience if you month, House Minority Leader public hearing on the pro- proximity to a major inter- can Business Council on the day White House were upset by an don't give them the money, Robert Michel, R-IH-, assailed posed restaurant prior to be- state, a number of people after U.S. warplanes bombed a attempt by the Democratic Tip," he shouted, calling the as "an abomination" the effort ginning of construction. The within a five-mile radius and host of targets in Libya in repri- House majority to include the speaker by his nickname. by Democrats to link the rebel hearing will be May 19 at 7 a busy exit off of the inter- sal for terrorist acts against contra aid proposal in an unre- aid to a $1.7 billion supplemental p.m. state, she said. "Bowline Americans, Reagan said: "I lated spending bill that Reagan As police ejected the man appropriations bill. After the hearing council Green met all of the criteria. University community to display banners for Peace Week ment the Capital Building and roots art project that has ever by Terri Matyus the Elipse behind the White existed," Aldridge said. reporter House, said Douglas Blandy, When the 50 banners were assistant professor of art, who completed, they were used in a During Ohio Peace Week this attended the event in "Peaceful Illustration" here in week, members of the Universi- Washington. Bowling Green.
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