Table 15 Section 5.3 - Designations Southland District Council - Requiring Authority Depot D1 Waikaia Depot 37 & 39 Swalwell Sec 4 & 5 Blk II 75 Depot Street, Waikaia TN of Waikaia D2 Te Anau Depot 23 Caswell Street, Te Sec 770 Blk I 69 Depot Anau Manapouri SD and Lot 2 DP 10441 D3 Riverton Depot 112 & 114 Havelock Sec 8 & Pt Sec 9 67B Depot Street, Riverton Blk III TN of Riverton Waste Management Facility D4 Mossburn Waste 1525 Mossburn Sec 521 Blk I 60 Waste Management Lumsden Road Taringatura SD and Management Facility Lot 1 DP 14190 Facility D5 Lumsden Waste 35 Oxford Street, Sec 1425 Hokonui 57 Waste Management Lumsden SD Management Facility Facility D6 Wyndale Waste 190 Edendale Pt Sec 39 & 40 Blk 34 Waste Management Wyndham Road, III TN of Menzies Management Facility Wyndham Ferry Facility D9 Wallacetown Waste 1 Clyde Street, Sec 1 Blk XXXVIII 79 Waste Management Wallacetown TN of Wallacetown Management Facility Facility D10 Winton Waste 193 Florence Road, Lot 1 DP 9622 80, Transfer Management Winton 80A, Station Facility 80B D11 Stewart Waste 28 Horseshoe Point Sec 1 SO 322798 44 Island Waste Management Road, Stewart Island Management Facility Facility (Transfer Station) D12 Te Anau Waste 237 Manapouri Lot 1 DP 13497 70, 71 Waste Management Te Anau Highway, Management Facility Te Anau Facility D13 Riverton Waste 1 Havelock Street, Sec 83 Blk XXV 67 Waste Management Riverton Jacobs River HUN Management Facility Facility D14 Riversdale Waste 96 Dunn and Cody Pt Sec 503 22 Waste Management Road, Riversdale Hokonui SD Management Facility Facility D15 Stewart Waste 47 Braggs Bay Road, Sec 37 Blk I 62 Island Waste Management Stewart Paterson SD. Management Facility Island/Rakiura Facility (Clean Fill) Roading D16 Lynches Pit Roading Dunn and Cody Sec 1257 Blk XXX 22 Roads Hokonui SD D17 Main Roading 611 Main Sec 25 Blk IV 17 Wendonside Wendonside Rd Wendonside SD Pit D18 Waipounam Roading 205 Main Sec 1 SO 12102 23 u Pit Wendonside Road, Waipounamu D19 Riversdale Roading 766 Riversdale - Sec 14 Blk VII 23 Waikaia Pit Waikaia Road Wendonside SD D20 Tahakopa Roading 960 Mokoreta - Sec 1 Blk XI 40 Pit Tahakopa Road Mokoreta SD D21 Ferry Road Roading 175 Redan Street, Sec 76 Blk VI TN 34 83 Pit Wyndham of Wyndham D22 Frews Roading 101 Graham Road, Pt Sec 3 Blk III 42B Gravel Pit Tokanui Otara SD D23 McDonald's Roading 755-767 Niagara Sec 1 of Sec 23 Blk 43, Pit #1 Tokanui Hwy III Waikawa SD D24 McDonald's Roading 755-767 Niagara Sec 2 of Sec 23 Blk 43 Pit #2 Tokanui Hwy III Waikawa SD D25 Cameron’s Roading 1319 Niagara - Pt Sec 19 and Sec 43 Quarry Tokanui Hwy 28 Blk IV Waikawa SD and Sec 28 D26 Downs Road Roading 270 Downs Road Sec 131E Edendale 34 Pit South, Edendale Settlement D27 Te Tipua Pit Roading 875 Rakahouka- Pt Sec 53 Blk IV 33 Hedgehope Road Mabel HUN D28 Wilsons Roading 1225 Wilsons Secs 51 and 52 Blk 32 Crossing Pit Crossing Road- XIV New River Tussock Creek HUN D29 Grove Bush Roading 110 Tramway Road, Sec 45 Blk V Mabel 33 Gravel Pit Grove Bush HUN D30 Waghorn Pit Roading 200 Waituna Lagoon Sec 21 Blk XII 38, 41 Road Oteramika HUN Gorge Road D31 Viners Pit Roading 195 Lincoln Road, Sec 50 SO 331 32 Oporo Spar Bush D32 Winton Roading 195 Winton - Wreys Sec 249 Blk VII 27 Bridge Pit Bush Hwy Oreti HUN D33 Mavora Roading Mavora Lakes Rd Sec 6 Blk III 10 Lakes Road Burwood SD Pit D34 Holmesdale Roading 265 Mossburn Secs 8 and 9 Blk VI 16 Pit # 1 Lumsden Highway Village of Holmesdale D35 Holmesdale Roading 31 Keown Road, Sec 12 Blk VI 16 Pit #2 Castlerock Village of Holmesdale D36 Nuttals Pit Roading 725 Pourakino Sec 25 Blk XX 31 Valley Road Jacobs River HUN D37 Jones’ Pit Roading 250 Carmichael Secs 63 and 64 and 32 Road- Riverton Pt Sec 47 Blk IV Jacobs River HUN D38 Carmichael’s Roading 33 Webb Road, Pt Sec 31 Blk IX 72 Pit Thornbury Jacobs River HUN D39 Browns Pit Roading 97 Webb Road- Pt Sec 47 Blk VII 72 Thornbury Jacobs River HUN D40 Grove Burn Roading 130 and 132 Grove Lot 1 DP 7935 and 74 Pit Burn Road, Sec 33 Blk III Rowallan Alton SD D41 Te Waewae Roading 181 Fishing Camp Secs 1 & 2 SO 9942 30C Pit Road, Te Waewae D42 Centre Hill Roading 680 Centre Hill Sec 2 SO 11265 10 Pit Road D248 Seaward Roading 140 Stalker Sec 12S Stalker 39 Downs Pit Settlement Road, SETT Seaward Downs D249 Kamahi Roading 48 Kamahi Road Lot 1 DP 13911 34 Road Pit East, Menzies Ferry D250 Orawia River Roading 2136 Ohai Clifden Pt Lot 1 DP 3108 25 Bridge Pit Highway, Eastern Bush D251 Lawson’s Pit Roading 24 Hills Road, Lot 1 DP 2688 38 Morton Mains Public Utility D43 Water Public Utility 1698 Otautau Sec 1 SO 11199 26 Supply Nightcaps Road, (Wairio Wairio Reservoir) D44 Water Public Utility 496 Nightcaps Ohai Pt Sec 284, Sec 370 63 Supply Highway, Ohai Blk III Wairio SD (Morley and Pt Sec 41 Blk Stream) XXVII Wairaki SD D45 Mossburn Public Utility 4A Sommerset Lot 1 DP 11018 60 Water Street, Mossburn Supply D46 Lumsden Public Utility 22 & 32 Oxford Sec 1280 Hokonui 57 Wastewater Street, Lumsden SD and Sec 1 SO Treatment 363772 Facility D47 Riversdale Public Utility 2 Boston Street, Pt Lots 5 & 6 DP 66 Wastewater Riversdale 92 Treatment facility D48 Balfour Public Utility 4 Kruger Street, Sec 1240 Block 47 Wastewater Balfour XXI Hokonui SD Treatment Facility D49 Tokanui Public Utility 11B McEwan Street, Lot 1 DP 8315 73 Wastewater Tokanui Treatment Facility D51 Winton Public Utility 3 Gap Road West Lot 1 DP 5815 & 81 Wastewater Winton Lot 8 DP 731 Treatment Facility D52 Oban Public Utility 225 Back Road, Sec 165 Blk I 44 Wastewater Stewart Island Paterson SD Treatment Facility D53 Winton Public Utility 81 Winton Lot 1 DP 9167 80 Water Substation Road, Pumpstation Winton D54 Winton Public Utility 20 Wemyss Street, Lot 1 DP 4757 80A, Water Tower Winton 80B D55 Winton Public Utility 190 Florence Street, Lot 2 DP 2059 80A, Water Winton 80B Supply D56 Ohai Public Utility 177 Birchwood Pt Lot 19 DP 1289 63 Wastewater Road, Ohai Treatment Facility D57 Ohai Public Utility 134 Birchwood Pt Lot 21 DP 1289 63 Wastewater Road, Ohai Pumpstation D58 Manapouri Public Utility 17 Hillside Sec 41 Blk X TN of 58 Water Manapouri Road, Manapouri Supply Manapouri D59 Te Anau Public Utility 120 Te Anau Milford Sec 23 & 36 Blk IX 69 Water Highway, Te Anau Mararoa SD Supply (Reservoir) D60 Te Anau Public Utility 67 and 101 Pt Sec 760 Blk and 69 Wastewater Upukerora Road, Te Sec 1056 Treatment Anau Manapouri SD and Facility Lot 15 DP 15395 D61 Te Anau Public Utility 9 Mokonui Street, Sec 571 Blk I 69B Wastewater Te Anau Manapouri SD and Treatment Pt Lot 32 Blk I DP Facility and 280 Toilets D62 Water Public Utility 496 Nightcaps Ohai Sec 221, 288 Block 63 Catchment Highway, Ohai III & 298 Wairio Protection SD D63 Otautau Public Utility 19 Liemen Street, Lot 1 DP 6135 65 Water Otautau Supply D64 Otautau Public Utility 186 Knutsford Road, Lot 1 DP 6136 65 Water Otautau Supply (Reservoir) D65 Riverton Public Utility 190B, 370 and 390 Lot 1 DP 10568 & 68 Rocks Rocks Highway Sec 21 Blk 11 Highway Riverton Jacobs River HUN Wastewater and Lot 6 DP Treatment 10771 Facility (part of) D66 Riverton Public Utility 2 -20 High Street, Secs 5 - 23 Blk 67 Water Riverton XXII TN of Supply Riverton D67 Riverton Public Utility 1 Havelock Street, Sec 83 Blk XXV 67 Wastewater Riverton Jacobs River HUN Treatment Facility D68 Oban Public Utility 71 Back Road, Sec 1 SO 12113 62 Wastewater Stewart Island Treatment Facility D69 Browns Public Utility 24 McCaughan Pt Lot 1 DP 14375 Secondary 48 Wastewater Street, Browns and Pt Lot 1 DP Designation Treatment 2881 to D113 Facility Hillside Primary School D70 Gorge Road Public Utility 2273 Gorge Road Lot 2 DP 14879 55 Wastewater (part of) Treatment Facility D71 Manapouri Public Utility 65 View Street, Pt Sec 64 Blk 1 58 Wastewater Manapouri Takitimu SD Treatment Facility D72 Monowai Public Utility 82 Turbine Drive Lot 15 DP 15003 19 Wastewater Monowai Treatment Facility D73 Nightcaps Public Utility 50 Leithen Street Section 1 SO Plan 61 Wastewater Wairio 11630, Section 1 Treatment SO 12098 Facility D74 Otautau Public Utility 190 Otautau Sec 1 SO 12136 65 Wastewater Drummond Road, Treatment Otautau Facility D75 Tuatapere Public Utility 89 Erskine Road, Sec I SO 390559 74 Wastewater Tuatapere Treatment Facility D76 Winton Public Utility 3 Dejoux Road, Lot 7 DP 13625 81 Wastewater Winton Pump Station D77 Edendale Public Utility 155 Edendale Secs 34, 35 & 36 34 Wyndham Wyndham Road, Blk III Mataura Wastewater Edendale HUN and part of Treatment Lot 3 DP 3312 Facility D78 Te Anau Public Utility 177 Te Anau Part Secs 678, 690 69 Water Terrace, and 1059 Blk 1 Supply Te Anau Manapouri SD D79 Tuatapere Public Utility 51 Elder Drive, Sec 172 Blk III 74 Water Tuatapere Alton SD Supply D81 Edendale Public Utility 96 Homestead Road, Sec 2 & 4 SO 34 Water Edendale 429781 Supply D82 Energy Public Utility 12 Hicks Road Lot 1 DP 12638 62A Facilities Stewart Island Blk I Paterson SD D254 Curio Bay Public Utility to 550 Waikawa Curio Lot 7, DP 431152 Yes 43, 43B Wastewater establish, Bay Road, Curio Bay Treatment operate and Plant maintain a Wastewater Treatment Plant at Curio Bay Cemetery Southland District Council Cemeteries to be designated.
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