ippip||P g|P P ||p|| 1 J)- J»wjjppBPIPPW I^W PlSllW ^f^W 10 PAGES T h e P l y m o u t h M a i l 10 PAGES VOL. XXXIV, No. 4 '"PLYMOUTH, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 23, 1921 WHOLE No. 1474 CHRISTMAS SPECIALS FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. Conger Hathaway, Pastor PACKAGE CANDIES Christmas V Cigars (Special Xmas Wrapped) CIGARS (XMAS WRAPPED) Have You Seen the Star in the East? in 10’s, 25’s, 50’s, etc. An Ideal Xmas Gift—an The Wise Men of long ago Brought their ^richest gifts when they came 10c Dutch Masters EASTMAN KODAK to worship the infant Christ. The Shepherds left their flocks and An­ (They are the best) gels came from out the heavenly realm to adore and praise Him. O „ each PERFUMES AND TOILET ARTICLES O L by the box (in Neat Xmas Packages) A PAGEANT, ENTITLED, “THE CHILD OF PROPHECY” WILL BE LORD BALTIMORE STATIONERY GIVEN NEXT SUNDAY NIGHT AT SEVEN-THIRTY. COME SEE SYMPHONY CHARME STATIONERY (In all Colors and Styles) The Wise Men The Shepherds The Nations Camel Cigarettes, $1.50 XMAS COLORS IN WRAPPING PAPER POUND PAPER AND ENVELOPES TO MATCH and hear the songs of heavenly praise as they assemble at the Scene of the per box k . XMAS CARDS AND SEALS Nativity. An offering will Be taken. -----OUR BIG ITEM IS----- The theme of the morning sermqp will Be, "FINISHING THE WORK.” EDISON PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS (Pinckneys Pharmacy^ BEYER PHARMACY Phone No. Block South The - W SPECIAL ELECTION : OEATH OF A 211 F2 1'. M. Depot HAS BEEN CALLED! PIONEER RESIDENT Christmas to At a special meeting of the village ? j I Lafayette Dean, a pioneer resident commission, held Thursday evening, I I 'of this place, passed away early Wed- Dec. 15, the date for the special elec- I ? Incsday morning, December 21st, tion, for the purpose of suBmitting the the home of Mr. and Mrs. William proposed amendments to the village I Again the world—our world— J Glympse on Maple avenue, with LOOK FOR | charter as called for in the petitions | yields to ^the gayr glad.^caressive ^ whom he resided, f Had Mr. Dean recently presented to the commission, | spell of Christmas. The sweet lived until the 16eh of next March THIS SIGN was set for Monday, January 9th, ! emotions it inspiresinspf are sympa- he would have passed his fiintieth Here’s a “Pal and Partner” 1922. The proposed amendments jthetic—and they arei universal. Birthday. He was Bom in New York provide for the abolishing of the | utnerOther legendslegenas may dim and state in 1831, and in 1835 came with for that Reo Speed Wagon present commission-manager form of I fade, But the traditions that clust- his parents .to Michigan and has government and returning to the old ) er around the white Brow of Santa since been a resident of Plymouth This new Reo "Business Coupe,” mounted on that council form of government, the same j Claus will thrill the heart of hu- township. Part of his life was spent as was in force here Before the pres- | manity as *25 as little children on his father’s farm, one mile east wonderfully fleet, flexible, silent Six chassis—The GASOLINE. MOTOR OILS and ACCESSORIES ent form was instituted. I live to love and Be loved, of town,, but for several years he has Six of Sixty Superiorities—is now available. j The festival spirit reigns su- resided in the village. •» In 1857, he A special registration day, which- was united in marriage to Miss Emily is set for Saturday, December 31st, I preme. Grandmothers aroused !By the Babble of memory will Brown, and their home life was a To deliver the goods, you must first get the Battery and Tire Repair has also been provided for. Persons very happy one, many friends enjoy­ who are not registered on the village I giOW again as they watch the orders. | raptures of the little ones, and ing their kind hospitality until her registration book, should see to it death in 1909, when his home was Open Evenings that their names are registered at " feel once more the tingling de- For the man who must “live in his car”—the its that fifty years ago stirred Broken up. Since that time, Mr. that time. The fact that you are Dean has had a pleasant home with registered on the township books does souls. Happiness, like his- man whose daily results depend upon the reliaBility Free Battery Service not signify that your name appeal ■y,''repeats itself—and we have Mr. and Mrs. William Glympse. His of his conveyance—for the man who would Be ie again to the Reason of light last illness of eight months’ duration upon the village Books. See notitw was of a very serious nature and of election and registration elsewhere tits and happiness, punctual as well as first—this Reo Business Coupe in this paper. t is no time tolook Back upon •eft him in a trying condition. ‘s ideal. t* f the world—for ' th a t which has He is survived By-'tfvo sisters, Mrs. The Mail is of the opinion that a \ gone, holds _ Joturu-te-tBo aW ■■farm--of guvsmnreht jest to Be founcT^iir wondering would be a step Backward, and a | about and preparing for the Home in Detroit. He hlso leaves SDPra co. great mistake. In the next few years many friends, who will miss him, for No. 2 Plymouth will, without a doubt, have i morrow. This season, the sweet- F. W. HILLMAN 834 Penniman AvCnue j est of all the year, is the one he was always a good citizen, one fe steady growth, and consequently . Il'Ui.U — . __ . .. -____ who was not only ready But anxious Corner Maple Ave. and South Main St. tha affairs of the municipality will ..hich softens our hearts toward "all mankind, and puts in our to help in every good work that was become greater, and the need of a for the upBuilding of society and the managing head will even become more Breast a new desire to Be of even o greater service to those aBout us. 5 estaBlishing of righteousness. urgent than at present. No private In 1853, he Became affiliated with institution doing the amount of Busi­ It is this reBirth of good and kindly hope toward our Brothers Tonquish Lodge, I. O. 0. F., of this ness that is transacted by the village place, and has since remained a mem­ would think for a minute of conduct­ that makes for we of maturer ‘years the same measure of happi­ Ber. He was always an active work­ ing its Business economically and suc­ [ er and interested in the society as cessfully without a managing head. ness that the toy and the trinket TAKE HOME ‘makes for those of tender years. long as his health would permit. He pfhv should the village? The elect­ had the distinction of being the old­ ors and taxpayers of Plymouth should To you and yours, to all citizens I of Plymouth and to those afar est memBer of the order in Michigan. a give this matter serious consideration | whose homes are opened weekly He was a charter member of Plym­ Before deciding to aBolish the present outh Grange, and was greatly inter­ form of village government. Let’s to the welcome visits of this paper I—we wish the merriest Christmas ested in that society. Christmas go forward, not Backward. Package of that you have ever known. Into The funeral services will be held each and every life may happiness this (Friday) afternoon at 1:30 LIGHTHOUSE COFFEE come, and find a permanent abid­ o’clock from his late residence, and MELVIN A. PATTERSON ing place We wish you health at 2;30 from the PresByterian church. | as you celeBrate the Birth of One Rev. S. Conger Hathaway, pastor of 40c a pound i who taught you the right path to the church, will conduct the services. PASSES AWAY | everlasting Happiness. We wish Interment in Riverside cemetery. | you the joy of reunion with those Christmas is here, Christmas with its memories who are near and dear to you. of snow-filled roads, jingling Bells and the eager ex­ Melvin A. Patterson, aged sixty- We wish you the fullest measure seven years and four months, a re­ Iof sunny smiles and childish BASE BALL LEAGUE pectancy of childhood. spected and well known resident of laughter. We wish you all that this place, passed away Monday even­ will lighten your heart, contriBute FOR WAYNE COUNTY ing, December 19th, after an illness to your happiness and increase | your prosperity. of many months. Mr. Patterson suf­ Several gentlemen were in town Good-will, good-cheer and friendlines prevail at fered a severe attack of influenza I W - wish you not only for this Monday in the interest of the Wayne DRAKE SISTERS four years ago, and since that time j week But for all the weeks that every fireside. In the spirit of the season we wish UBB8TT aid STARKWEATHER NORTH VILLAGE county Base Ball league, which is in had never been well, But gradually ! shall Be allotted to you the. power process of organization in Wayne you a good old-fashioned MERRY CHRISTMAS. failed day By day. He was the son {to Love your f ellowmen—the county. The purpose of the visit to of the late Mr. and Mrs. Gain Pat­ • same kind of Love that keeps the Plymouth was to interest the fans terson, and was Born in New York "world- ------ worth living In the of this village to place a team in the Btate, But when a small boy came to j spirit of Rip Yan Winkle of new league to represent Plymouth.
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