Campad l'U gnedesousc . Gapital Carn . e rnversite Concordia nption Concordia uni:~ ~ ~ Batissons ensemble Volume8 N Septemb umber 1 er 6, 1984 Concordia Fete to kick off 10th Concordia University is ten years Throughout their history Concor­ old this year, and the University is dia's two campuses have been known CONCORDIA A PLEASE POST celebrating with an eight-month-long for their innovative approach to learn­ UNIVERSITY 9 birthday party open to students, fac­ ing and for their high degree ·of acces­ ulty, staff, alumni and the general sibility for students who might not TO: Senior Administrators, Academic Deans and Provost, Department Chairmen public. Beginning next Thursday, Sep­ otherwise have come to university. In FROM: Patrick Kenniff, Rector and Vice-Chancellor tember 13, 1984, and continuing the years since the merger we have through to May of 1985, members of added to this tradition by building DATE: August 31, 1984 the Concordia community will be impressive graduate programs that are working together to sponsor a variety based both on research strengths and SUBJECT: SEPTEMBER 13, 1984 CONCORDIA F£TE CELEBRATIONS of academic, cultural, social and ath­ community need for career training. letic activities to celebrate our first We a_re proud to say that many of our Concordia University's 10th Amiversary celebrations begin on Thursday, decade of achievement. graduate and undergraduate pro­ September 13, 1984, with a day-long, two-campus event called the CONCORDIA F£TE. Lots of events grams are unique in Canada, and The CONCORDIA FETE, next many of our researchers and research Thursday's official launch of the 10th centres are recognized nationally and Faculty members, non-academic staff, and CUSA, the Concordia University Anniversary celebrations, will be a internationally for their contributions Students Association, have been working together for the better part of a year to make day-long, two-campus, "happening" to the advancement of knowledge. the CONCORDIA F£TE as lively and as entertaining an event as possible. featuring a variety of activities But as proud as we are of these designed for people of all ages and accomplishments our oasic commit­ I will be on hand along with University Olancellor W. Earle McLaughlin to tastes. Selected departments will be ment remains the education of stu­ officially launch the anniversary celebrations, but if the CONCORDIA F£TE is to be as holding open-houses; there will be dents from the province of Quebec, scientific, historical and cultural dis­ . an·d, more particularly, the City of successful as the organizers hope we will need the participation of as large a segment of plays; street festivals will be taking Montreal. Concordia's name, in fact, the Concordia family as possible. ,, place on both campuses - sponsored was taken from the motto of the City by CUSA, the Concordia University of Montreal - "Concordia Salus" - . With that thought in mind I would like to take this opportunity to invite all Students' Association - with carnival and it was chosen to underline our Concordia students, faculty and employees to drop by for at least part of the day's rides, musical entertainment and close ties with this city. activities. I would encourage department heads, while ensuring the continuity of service refreshments; there will be a retro­ More than 25,000 students in their units, to offer all academic and non-academic personnel an opportunity to spective of Concordia film award win­ Concordia today has more than ners organized by the Montreal Con­ 25 000 students - 22,000 in under­ participate in some of the many events planned for the 13th. servatory of Cinematographic Art, ~1~duate programs, divided equally live radio broadcasts on both campus­ between full-time and part-time - Office of the Rector and Vice-Chancellor es, mimes, clowns, and much much and 3,000 in graduate programs, also more. evenly split between full-time and Downtown, most activities will be part-time. Our students study in four TEN1H ANNIVERSARY staged in and around the lobby of the Faculties: Arts and Science; Com­ 1:1 Henry F. Hall Bui-lding and along merce and Administration; Engineer­ MacKay ~treet, which will be closed to ing and Computer Science; and Fine traffic between Sherbrooke Street and Arts. In addition, several thousand De Maisonneuve Boulevard from students take non-credit business, lan­ 10:30-a.m. to 6:00 p.m. guage and applied arts courses offered 10th Anniversary Hot air balloon by our Centre for Continuing Educa­ In the afternoon the grounds of the tion. Approximately 20% of Concor­ 'Hot-Lin.e' to be opened Loyola Campus will be alive with dia students are francophone. departmental displays, a giant hot-air Almost 90 buildings A special 10th Anniversary "Hot- Reynolds at the Alull].ni Office, 2150 balloon, student booths and carnival The downtown campus consists of Line" has been opened by the Alumni Bishop Street (Room K-240), no· later rides. The fun begins at noon and runs more than 60 buildings that spread out Office to provide Concordia staffers than one week prior to its occurrence. right through to the evening. A street from the Henry F. Hall Building on de and the public with instant, up-to-date Additional forms are available at dance will be held that night on Maisonneuve Boulevard north to information on all anniversary activi- Room K-240. Sherbrooke Street to provide an appro­ Sherbrooke Street, south to Dorches- ties during the months ahead. NaI'E* Users of The THURSDAY priate finish for the day's events. ter Boulevard, ea~ to Drummond The telephone line will be staffed REPORT's "the back page" events Sherbrooke Street will be closed to Street and west to St. Marc Street. The from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday to listing are reminded that information traffic all day between Belmore and Loyola campus has 27 buildings Friday, and can be reached by dialing about coming events, whether they West Broadway Avenues. located on and around a tree-lined 50- 879- 7362. are related to the 10th Anniversary or Inter-campus n1n acre campus on the western fringe of Individuals and departments wish- not, should be sent to The Thursday Weather permitting, the Universi­ Notre Dame de Grace. Loyola is also ing to register events on the hot-line Report in the usual way. The deadline ty's annual inter-campus run will k_ick the location of our main athletic instal- must fill in a copy of the form re- is Monday noon prior to the date of off the CONCORDIA FETE, starting lations. printed below and deliver it to Sharron publication. at 11:15 a.m., at the corner of De As members of one of Canada's 1l.;..._--PL-EAS-EPR-,NT----.-----------------:;i Maisonneuve Boulevard and MacKay largest universities, Concordia stu- Street. The mini-marathon will end at dents and faculty are actively involved the Loyola campus, where prizes will in projects affecting Canadians from I Events to be included in the 10th Anniversary Calendar be awarded. The race start will be one end of the country to the other. I •New Information ___ Change ___ Cancellation_ followed at 11:30 a.m. by the official Concordia staffers are making major I opening ceremony in the Hall Build­ contributions in the arts, the social I Date: -----:=-------'----''------------:"---- ing. The University's Chancellor, W. sciences, engineering and business I Earle McLaughlin, the Rector and administration, to name just a few Time: _____--:-= ;__; _______________ Vice-Chancellor, Patrick Kenniff, and fields. other . invited dignitaries will be on For all of these reasons Concordia Location: ---='---------'-------------- hand to cut a giant birthday cake and decided to open its doors in 1984 to Name of Event: ---------------~--- ensure thafthe year-long party begins allow the public an opportunity to on the right note. Cake and refresh­ share in our sense of accomplishment, ments, courtesy of SAGA Foods, will and help us prepare for the challenges be distributed free of charge. in the decades to come. There will be Activity 'fype: ____________________ Ten years may be little more than a !Seminars - Cultural - Athletic - Other) no shortage of activities to choose Person responsible for event: _______________ I wink of the eye in historical terms, but from in the coming months, so make I Concordia has roots that date back to an effort to participate. Non-academic I the mid-1800s. Our west-end campus, staff, in particular, who may not be Loyola, has its origins in a school aware of many of the facets of Univer­ I founded by the Jesuit order in 1847. sity life should take advantag~ of the I The downtown campus developed out 10th Anniversary celebrations to I of YMCA night classes that began in explore their surroundings and see I 1873. The formal merger of Loyola what's happening in other parts of the I College and Sir George Williams Uni­ University. Hopefully you'll be pleas­ Submitted by: ________ Date: ____ Time: -='"""'=~ J versity took place August 14, 1974. antly surprised by what you find. ----------------------------- Concordia to hold birthday party You are invited to the CONCORDIA FETE, next Thursday September 13, So tell your family and friends and make ~n effort to take part in the festivities 1984, the University's official launch of the 10th Anniversary celebrations. A on both campuses. Make use of the special 10th Anniversary shuttle bus variety of activities have been planned to make this event a day to remember. running between the campuses every twenty minutes. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SIRGEORGEWILLIAMSCAMPUS ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ HENRY F HALL BUILDING MACKAY STREET ------1455 De Maisonneuve Boulevard West ----------........ (between Sherbrooke and De Maisonneuve) 10:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
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