118 Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 48, No. 2, Pages 118-121 (February 1985) Copyright® International Association of Milk, Food, and Environmental Sanitarians Production of PR Toxin and Roquefortine by Penicillium roqueforti Isolates from Cabrales Blue Cheese MARGARITA MEDINA, PILAR GAYA and M. NUNEZ* Departamento de Bioquimica y Microbiologia, Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias Apartado 8111, Madrid 28040, Spain Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/48/2/118/1656557/0362-028x-48_2_118.pdf by guest on 25 September 2021 (Received for publication July 13, 1984) ABSTRACT was the predominant species. The possibility of selecting non-toxic strains of P. roqueforti for use in large-scale PR toxin production in yeast extract-sucrose broth by 33 manufacture of standardized Cabrales cheese led us to in­ Penicillium roqueforti isolates from Cabrales blue cheese was vestigate mycotoxin synthesis by our isolates under dif­ quantified by a disc assay technique with Bacillus megaterium ferent cultural conditions. In the present paper we report NRRL B-1368 as the test organism. Isolates from the interior information on PR toxin and roquefortine production. of the cheese reached an average production of 1,89 mg PR toxin/100 ml, whereas the mean level of isolates from the sur­ MATERIALS AND METHODS face was 1.64 mg/100 ml. Roquefortine production in the same broth by these isolates was quantified by a similar technique, Organisms with Bacillus stearothermophilus DSM 22 as the test organism. Thirty-three isolates of P. roqueforti, obtained in previous Mean production of roquefortine was 0.18 mg/100 ml for P. work (9) from the interior (21 isolates) and the surface (12 iso­ roqueforti isolates from the interior and 0.09 mg/100 ml for lates) of Cabrales blue cheeses from two vats (A and B), each isolates from the surface of the cheese. If lactose or sodium from a different producer, were investigated. P. roqueforti lactate replaced sucrose in the growth medium, levels of both strains ATCC 6987, ATCC 6989 and NRRL 849, and P. toxins decreased considerably. The identity of PR toxin and roqueforti strains 2004, 2007, 2012, 2013 and 2014 from the roquefortine in crude extracts was confirmed by thin-layer Dairy Organisms Culture Collection of the Instituto Nacional chromatography. de Investigaciones Agrarias were also studied. Cultures were maintained at 4°C on YM agar (23). Bacillus megaterium NRRL B-1368 and Bacillus stearother­ Penicillium roqueforti is responsible for the greenish mophilus DSM 22, obtained from B. Kopp (Institut fur Mik- blue moldy aspect characteristic of cheeses such as robiologie, Miinster University, West Germany) were used as Roquefort, Bleu, Stilton, Gorgonzola, etc. Tolerance of test organisms for determination of PR toxin and roquefortine high salt and low oxygen concentrations enables the concentrations, respectively. They were maintained at 4°C on nutrient agar and on Kopp's sporulation agar (personal com­ selective development of this species in the interior of munication), respectively. blue-veined cheese varieties. Extracellular proteinases and lipases formed by P. roqueforti largely contribute to the Determination of PR toxin body and flavor changes which occur during ripening. Roux flasks (1 L) containing 150 ml of sterile YES broth Since the work by Kanota (5) on toxic metabolites of (2% yeast extract, 15% sucrose) were inoculated with 1 ml of P. roqueforti, interest and research on production of a 7-d-old culture of P. roqueforti in the same broth and incu­ mycotoxins by this species have increased considerably bated aerobically in the dark at 24°C for 14 d as stationary cul­ due to its importance for the dairy industry. Some of tures. Isolates showing the highest PR toxin production in YES these toxins, mainly roquefortine, isofumigaclavine A, broth were also grown in YEL (2% yeast extract, 15% lactose) mycophenolic acid and ferrichrome, have been detected and YESL (2% yeast extract, 5% sodium lactate) broths. After in blue cheese at low levels, whereas others, such as incubation, crude extracts of the cultures were obtained accord­ penicillic acid and PR toxin, are unstable in cheese, ac­ ing to Wei and Liu (21). cording to the conclusions drawn by Scott (75). B. megaterium NRRL B-1368 was grown in the sporulation Cabrales cheese is a blue-veined variety manufactured broth of Millet and Aubert (7) at 30°C for 40 h as a shake-cul­ in Northern Spain, from a mixture of raw cow's, ewe's ture. Seeded tryptone-glucose-yeast extract agar plates were pre­ and goat's milk, without inoculation of lactic starter or pared and 6-mm diameter paper disks containing known quan­ mold spores into milk or curd. Changes in its microflora tities of crude extract were placed on them as described by Cle­ throughout ripening have been studied by Nunez (8). ments (2). After incubation of the plates at 30°C for 24 h, di­ Mold isolates from the interior and the surface of the ameters of the inhibition zones were measured. Inhibition by cheese were identified (9), concluding that P. roqueforti disks containing known quantities of PR toxin standard (Makor JOURNAL OF FOOD PROTECTION, VOL. 48, FEBRUARY 1985 TOXIN PRODUCTION BY PENICILLIUM ROQUEFORTI 119 Chemicals Ltd., Jerusalem) was also determined (3 replications) Statistical analyses and data obtained used to calculate the equation of the best Linear regression equations, correlation coefficients and sig­ fitting line by the least-squares criterion. Quantities of PR toxin nificance of differences between means according to the Stu­ in crude extracts from P. roqueforti cultures were estimated by dent's t test were calculated after Steel and Torrie (77). means of this equation. Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) of PR toxin in crude extracts was performed and the Rf value de­ RESULTS termined according to the procedure of Wei and Liu (21). Relationship between quantity of toxins and diameter of Determination of roquefortine inhibition zones P. roqueforti isolates were grown as previously described for Equations of the best fitting lines for the relationships determination of PR toxin, and crude extracts of roquefortine between the amounts of PR toxin or roquefortine and the were prepared as indicated by Wagener et al. (79). diameters of the inhibition zones of B. megaterium or B. B. stearothermophilus DSM 22 was grown in Kopp's spol­ stearothermophilus, respectively, and the correlation iation broth at 50°C for 24 h. Disks containing known quantities of crude extracts were placed on plates of sporulation agar coefficients are shown in Table 1. Both correlation coef­ Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/48/2/118/1656557/0362-028x-48_2_118.pdf by guest on 25 September 2021 seeded with 10% of the B. stearothermophilus culture. Plates ficients were highly significant (P<0.01). were incubated for 24 h at 45°C and diameters of the inhibition zones measured. An equation to calculate the amount of Production of PR toxin and roquefortine on sucrose roquefortine present in crude extracts was obtained as described Tables 2 and 3 report the amounts of PR toxin and for PR toxin, using purified roquefortine provided by B. Kopp roquefortine produced in YES broth by P. roqueforti iso­ as the standard. TLC of roquefortine in crude extracts was per­ lates from the interior and the surface of Cabrales cheese, formed using 3 solvents and Rf values determined following the respectively. Mean production of PR toxin was 1.89 mg/ procedures of Scott and Kennedy (75). 100 ml for 21 isolates from the interior of the cheese, 1.64 mg/100 ml for 12 isolates from the surface, 1.38 TABLE 1. Regression equations of the diameters of the inhibi­ mg/100 ml for 12 isolates from vat A and 2.03 mg/100 tion zones of Bacillus megaterium or B. stearothermophilus on ml for 21 isolates from vat B. Average levels of the quantities of PR toxin or roquefortine standards. roquefortine were 0.18, 0.09, 0.18 and 0.13 mg/100 ml D, = 27.68+ 9.65 log Q, r,=0.968 for isolates from the interior, the surface, vat A and vat D2 = 32.04 +10.73 log Q2 r2 = 0.938 B, respectively. No significant differences were detected between interior and surface or between vats for any of D,: diameter in mm of the inhibition zone of B. megaterium. the two toxins, according to the Student's t test. D2: diameter in mm of the inhibition zone of B. stearother­ mophilus. Correlation coefficients between amount of crude ex­ Qi: mg PR toxin/disk; Q2: mg roquefortine/disk. tract and amount of toxin were calculated for PR toxin r1( r2: correlation coefficients. (r = 0.140) and roquefortine (r = 0.345), the latter being TABLE 2. Production of PR toxin and roquefortine by 21 P. roqueforti isolates from the interior of Cabrales cheese Crude extract* Crude extract" Isolate of PR toxin PR toxin" of roquefortine Roquefortine 2026 6.67 0.59 16.47 0.07 2031 7.67 1.46 22.07 0.16 2032 7.00 0.57 19.07 0.45 2033 6.93 2.52 16.73 0.10 2034 6.47 0.09 18.27 0.17 2035 5.60 0.07 13.07 0.33 2036 9.47 0.48 10.33 0.21 2037 9.07 0.93 20.27 0.18 2038 8.07 0.80 10.47 0.12 2039 17.13 0.01 10.00 0.20 2040 8.20 0.00 16.93 0.48 2043 13.70 1.99 12.47 0.11 2046 21.73 0.05 32.80 0.26 2047 18.73 7.05 19.27 0.40 2048 20.73 2.55 7.20 0.04 2049 17.13 0.11 13.87 0.00 2050 13.00 0.01 9.53 0.09 2051 7.33 0.01 10.13 0.15 2057 12.73 20.30 6.20 0.06 2058 7.07 0.01 4.27 0.09 2059 3.87 0.00 7.27 0.06 "nig crude extract/100 ml YES broth.
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