Horror Web: Rue Morgue Scoop! 7/241034:47 PM Thisis Goo E *e'scachcof . G o o g $e's cache is the snapshotthat we tookof the pageas we crawledthe web. The pagemay have changed since that time. Click here for theeurrent pe$s without highlighting. To finktoor bookmarkthispage, use the followingurl: nttp' //www.soosre.com/search?q= cache : 7 IJW_4 0KRPMJ:wvrw. horrorseek . com/horror/horrorweb/ruemorgue . html+ring+koj i+suzukichl=en& 1r=lang_enc ie= UTF-8 Ooogle is not alJiliated -*ith the authors of tltis ltage nor respon.sibleJbrit .'ontent. Thesesearch terms have been highlighted: ring koji suzuki :tion or Fable,..AllHORROR, All the Time!! *x\ .t4* Spea$e$thm*-tkst* Mary *sth anSR.nd f*r $l$ViilSwith tl'r* l-{*rror-Wsb$n $svsr*l l*vels,Rnd sff*ri$rg u$ this ths*{* t* bringy${$ i}ll s sps{isi*Ke$$$$w* t*st* *f the Ghoulish Games:a greatway to wastesome r",:pcsvrins${ny;*un* }**3 lssue#33 *f Ru* M*rgu*!l time...qo playl! Tofture Chamber; On the Origin of the Ring Virus vote for the besUworstof the ByJen Vuckovic yearll @&usl!qrsuclIssg3ioe, PersonalityTests: Reprintedwith permission the firstof manyinsanities... Whichare you!?! Ja panesehorror fi rst successfully breachedthe Nofth American marketin 1998with Ringu.Naw we're facing a full-scale Asian horror invasiondesignated as "J- harror" that is indebted not to a videotape,but to a book. AuthorKoji Suzuki discusseshis literary milestonean the brink of its North Americandebut. HORRORWEB MENU HOME A hauntedwell, a cursed Gifts & GofS videotape,a doomingtelephone News& Rumors call.All symptomsof a ReleaseCalendar supernaturaldisease set to bring MgmbersFofum aboutthe end of theworld through viral epidemic. Cause of death:acute heart failure ConventionCrypt or, literally,being scared to death.By now you are all likely familiar with Ringu, the Hideo CreeovContests Nakata-directedJapanese box-office-hit thriller that propelled Asian psychological horror to internationalstatus as the cream of the narrativecrop in thegenre. FACT. F]CT]$N - SA*TS HollvwoodHorror Butwhat lurks just beneaththe sudace of thosefilms is somethingeven more http:11216.239.57.104/search?q=cache:7IJW_40KRPMJ:www.horrorseek.com,{rorror/horrorweb/ruemorgue.html+ring+koji+suzuki&hl=en&lr:lang_en&ie=UTF-8 Page1 of3 Honor Web: Rue MorgueScoop! 7124/034:47 PM Writtenin Blood fascinating.Ringu was based on a novelof thesame name, and an author'schance idea DarkReviews thatset in motiona chainof eventsthat would change the course of filmhistory forever. The DarkRoom Thatbook was Ring, Koji Suzuki'sfirst horror novel which is thegenesis for theJ- DVDEaster Egqs horrorcoup that has the world spellbound - a bookwhich will finally see English SerialKill.ers languagepublication on April 1Sth from Vertical Inc. This is whereit all began, UrbanLeqends Halloween "Therewas a videotape in my room,"reveals Suzuki of the inspirationfor hisstory, "It 2002Graveyard just hit methat it mightbe scary if youdied seven days after you watched a videotape. Peoplewatch videotapes in everydaysituations. What if it'sa tapethat's cursed? That PI-AYJ}J'$I,YJIS t)*]l$ IH"liV$s wasthe idea,I believescary things lie beneath everyday things." GhoulishGames PersonaliWTe$ts Whilethe motionpictures captured the frightening essence of Ringin theirown GruesomeGreetings ways,Suzuki's novel poses more profound concepts. Ring is a genuinelyscary tale that ToftureChamber proposesthat the young girl Sadako is in facta plagueunleashed upon humankind; the GhostStory"Cqntest resultof an unlikelymarriage of a woman'sdestruction by ridiculeand her child's BloodvOuiz telekineticrage against her unfoftunate congenital abnormality and her untimely death. MorbidMadlib MovieQuotes Notsurprisingly, Suzuki's story is muchmore complex and focuses heavily on the Chat virologyof the Ringvirus, something that was diluted considerably in the films. The DeadlvDownloads protagonisthere, unlike in the movies,is maleand later discovers the cabin was built abovean old sanatorium that once housed small-pox victims - a muchmore fitting locale ItrS i{t}R$d"}$ The Catacombstopsites for the narrativeto unfold. Terror Trail FFALinks published (Ring) Win an Award Originally in 1991,Ringu didn'texactly fly off theshelves at first but likethe infamous videotape in thestory, it caughton byword of mouthand spread like a 0bituariesGuestbook - HWAffiliates virusthrough Japan, selling almost 3 millioncopies enoughto capturethe attention of a producers NewsletteI batteryof in thetelevision and film industry. It didn'ttake long for thebook to proliferate generate HW Staff and a multi-mediaoutbreak including a radio drama, a Mangacomic, two televisiondramas, a prequel,two sequels and, of course,the feature films: CONTACTWEBMISTRESS TheRing Virus (Korea), Ringu (Japan) and the Gore Verbinski-directed American remakeThe Ring. SearchHorrorWeb... Ringugained so muchmomentum in Japanand at the internationalfestivals that, before l- long,many other Asian countries followed suit with their own brand of atmospheric HorrorWeb net spectraltales. North American horror audiences have since welcomed the onslaughtof ]ffiF] genuinelycreepy and originalJ-horror films like Kiyoshi Kurosawa's Kairo (2001) and the PangBrothers'The Eye (2002). Although original in theirown right, they are clearly searchenoine for YOURsite influencedby Suzuki' s stylishideas and sense of atmosphere. "Eachone has it's own taste," the author notes of the manyfilms inspired by hisstory. "I do notlike the splatter thing. What I likeis somethingthat works on yourimagination, like the movieThe Others - yousee no blood,but fear comes into your mind. Both Ringu and TheRing have great atmosphere. However, I enjoyed seeing some effects that only moviescan make. For example, the twisted faces on the photos,that's something you can't write." It's hardto believethe moviethat ignited an explosionof psychologicalhorror films in Japancan be traced back to, of allthings, children, But Suzuki reveals that ironically, hisinspiration to penRingu came to himwhile tutoring young kids. "I wantedto writesomething very interesting," he says. "I waskind of a tutorat that time,and i oftentold scary stories to children.I knew they loved it soI thoughtto myself:people might actually seek something scary." ... http:11216.239.57.104/search?q:cache:7IJW_40KRPMJ:www.horrorseek.com/horror/honorweb/ruemorgue.html+ring+koji+suzuki&hl=en&lr:lang_en&ie:UTF-8 Page2 of 3 Honor Web: Rue Morgue Scoop! 7124/034:47 PM Readthe full storyin RueMorgue's May/June issue (#33), atangwith reviews of TheNng DVDand Dark water,anather Nakata/suzuki collaboration. check out the rest of the issue,including: cabin Fever,Takashi Miike, Tim Burton'sharisted toys and more!!On standsMay lst, 2OO3!! 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