e---- Tll E THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. .I EDITED BY DAWSON WILLIAMS, M.D., D.SC.(HON.), ASSISTED BY CHARLES LOUIS TAYLOR. VOLUME II, 1916. JULXY TO DE:CEmmBEIm. %M 3ton4hon: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED AT THE OFFICE OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 429, STRAND, W.C. I . _. A Ir INDEX TO VOLUME II FOR 1916. READERS in search of a particular subject will find it useful to bear in mind that the references are in several cases distributed under two or more separate but nearly synonymous headings-such, for instance, as Brain and Cerebral; Heart and Cardiac; Liver and Hepatic; Renal and Kidney; Cancer and Carcinoma, Epithelioma, Malignant Disease, New Growth, Barcoma, etc.; Child and Infant; Bronchocele, Goitre, and Thyroid; Diabetes, Glycosuria and Sugar; Light, Roentgen, Radium, X Rays; Status Lymphaticus and Thymus; Eye, Ophthalmia and Vision; Bicycle and Cycle; Motor and Automobile; Association, Institution, and Society; Paris, France; Berlin, Prussia, Germany; Vienna, Austria, etc. Subjects dealt with under various main headings in the JOURNAL have been set out in alphabetical order under their respective headings-for example, "Correspondence," "Leadigg Articles," "Reviews," etc. Original Articles are indicated by the letter (0). A. ADAMS, LiAut. Auriol C. A., killed in action, ALLINSON, H. Calthrop: Vagitus uterinus 404 892 Abdominal operation for cervical cancer. See ADAMS. Joseph, obituary notice of, 478 Allowance to widowed mother (parliamentary Cancer ADDINSELL, Augustus W.: Head injuries in question), 662 Abdominal operations, danger of iodine solu- war. 99. (0) Allowances to dependants (parliamentary tions for sterilizing the skIin in (A. Ernest ADDISON, Christopher, appointed Minister of question), 813 Waylard), 75 Munitions. 846 Alma Mater, 739 Abdulla and Co: Tablet wall almanae, 827 ADDISON, Geoffrey, killed in action, 569 ALMENT, E. (and others): Plea for ignoring Aberdeen: Anterior poliomyelitis in, 126, 305, Adrenals, removal of followed by gastric "laudable pus " in treatment of septic 338, 431, 602-Ambulance trains in, 506- ulcer, 881 wounds, 286. (0) Child welfare in, 603-Tuberculosis in, 886- Aeroplane bombs, injuries and destructive Aluminium splinting, 32 Red Cross transport headquarters opened, effects of (Staff Surgeon Hardy V. Wells Alvarenga prize, 914 917 and Surgeon R. Graeme Anderson), 252. (0) " Ambrine " for burns, 329 Abortion, epizootic (parliamentary question), Aeroplanes and meteorology, 886 Ambulance Association, St. Andrew's, annual 300 Aeroplanes for transport of wounded, 157 meeting. 126 Abortion, National Commission on the birth- Africa, South. duration of bilharziosis in Ambulance Brigade, St. John, Indian sec- rate and the sale of lead plasters, 544 (E. G. Causton), 144. (0) tion, 197-Bengal corps, 197 Abscess of liver, amoebic, occurring twenty Africa, West, fevers in (report of Yellow Fever Ambulance column. London (parliamentary years after the original attack of dysentery, Commission), 297 question), 914 (George C. Low), 867. (0) AGATE, Captain Henry St. Arnaud, Military Ambulance trains in Aberdeen, 506 Abscess of liver in wounded soldiers due to an Cross conferred upon, 915 Ambulance work in Russia, 132 anaSrobic organism, 84 Agents' charges. 640 Ambulances and men with the French army, Absent colleagues, interests of, 52, 781. See AGNEW, A. P.: Pituitrin in labour, 871 British, 335 also War emergency and Men on active AIT¢cmsoN0, Lieut. Andrew Leslie, dies of Amentia, the " compluetic reaction " in service wounds, 738 (leading article), 878 Acad6mie Frangaise awards poetry prize AITKEN, D. MNCrae: Treatment of gunshot American Gynaecological Society Tratsac- C' The Gloryof Pasteur") to Charles Richet, fractures, 213 tions, vol. xl, 329 244 ArrAx, T. A. R.: Sodium eacodylate in pul- American Journal of Syphilis, 800 Acad6mie de M6decine to found a triennial monary tuberculosis, 640-Leprosy, 837 American Pediatric Society Transactions, prize for work on a psychiatrical subject, ALEBB, F. H.: Bone grafting, 119-Bonte Graft rev., 391 772 Surgery, rev., 222 American Rights League, 344 Academy, Royal, of Medicine, in Ireland: ALBEaT. Professor: Case of chordoma, 851 Amoebic abscess. See Abscess Annual meeting, 571-Election of officers, Alberta Medical Society, 820 ,amputation, simple modification of the guil- 571. Section of Surgery: Screening and ALIBERT-WEIL, E.: Manuel d'electrothOrapie lotine or flapless method of (Eiieut.-Col. radium dosage (Captain Walter C. Steven- et d'ilectrodiagnostic, rev., 805 J. Lynn Thomas), 481. (0)-Correspondence son), 802 Alcohol for hospitals, duty on (parliamentary on, 542 AoHiEsoN, Captain Malcolm King, Military question), 121-Rebate (parliamentary ques- Amputations, emergency, in military surgery, Cross conferred upon, 700 tion), 300 481 Acidosis in children (A. Campbell Stark), 756. Alcohol in military hospitals (parliamentary Amputations, treatment of the main nerves (0)-Correspondence on, 892 question), 335 in, 273, 309 AOEBa, G. N.: Infantile disease and mortality, Alcohol in venereal diseases, 672 Anaerobic wound infection (Miss Ivens), 872 391 Alcoholic dropsy. See Dropsy Anaesthesia, local, and nitrous oxide-oxygen, ACEBOYD, Captain Harold, Military Cross ALDERSON, Lieut. Alexander George J., acci- death after (W. J. McOardie), 109. (0)- conferred upon, 600 dentally killed on service, 633 (William E. Robinson), 291 (0). 669.-Corre- AcazD. Oaptain John Henry Dyke, killed in ALEXANDER, Lieut. Philip Mansell, dies of spondence on, 159, 200, 208, 339, 407, 669 action, 155 wounds, 239 Anaesthesia, safe, 888 Act, Mental Deficiency, 121 ALEXANDER, S. R., re-elected Mayor of Anaesthesia, spinal, report of 170 - cases Act, Midwives: " Covering., 22-Handywomen Faversham, 708 operated upon under (T. A. Weston), 794. (O) at confinement cases, 22-London County ALEXANDER, William, obituary notice of, 31 Anatomy, British, 849 Oouncil and, 126 ALEXINsKY, Tatiana: With the Russian Anatomy, review of books on, 425 t, lMidwives. proposed, for Ireland, 159, 199, Wounded, rev,, 805 ANDERSON, Captain Archibald Stirling Ken- 241, 275, 310, 408 Algiers, heliotherapy at, 913 nedy, Military Cross conferred upon, 337 Act,Naval and Military War Pensions (1915). Aliens, interned. See Interned ANDERSON, Lieut. Frederick A., Military 48.495,565. See also Pensions Alkaloids, costly, economical use of solutions Cross conferred upon, 600 Act, Workmen's Compensation: Return to of for ophthalmic purposes (N. Bishop ANDERSON, Surgeon H. Graeme (and Staff work, legal and other impediments (Sir Harman), 178. (0) S3urgeon Hardy V. WELLS): Injuries and John Collie), 757. (0) All about Babv, 556 destructive effects of aeroplane bombs, 252. Actinomycosis, mediastinal, vaccine in (W. S. ALLAN, James W.: Incomplete cure of the (0) Malcolm), 488. (0) consumptive,c 734 ANDERSON, William Corsar, obituary notice ADAM, Lieut. D. C. (and others): Convalescent ALLAN, Captain Robert Marshall, Military of, 279 paratypboidal and dysenteric cases con- Cross conferred upon, 916 ANDERTON, William, obituary notice of, 31 sidered from the preventive standpoint, ALLBUTT, Sir Clifford: Terms of the In- ANDREWS, Captain John Alban, Military Cross 174 surance Act, 438-Work of the National conferred upon, 700 ADUA, Captain Walter Eustace, Military Medical Research Committee, 785. (0)-Phy- Aneurysm, and projectile injuries of blood Cross oonferred upon, 915 sicians and surgeons, 855 vessels (Major W. Pearson), 796. (0) ADAmI, Colonel J. G.: Appreciation of Elias ALLEN, Captain William Barnsley, Military Aneurysm, traumatic, dealt with by oblitera- Metchnikoff, 130-On thelife-history of the Cross conferred upon, 470-V.C. conferred tive arteriorrhaphy (John C. Jefferson), 794. meningococcus and of other bacteria, 525 upon, 634 (0) 4 MEDICALJOURNA INDEX. Animals, living, experiments on, report, 330- Army medicalifequipment, India,t 233. See Asylum accommodation (parliamentary ques- Parliamentary question, 914 also Army, Indian. tion), 300 Annual Charities Register and Digest, rev., Army Medieal Service: Promotion (parliamen- Asylum, Ballinasloe, 571, 854 557 tary question), 914 Asylum. Royal Blind, Edinburgh, and blinded Annual Representative Meeting (leading Army medical service. By a medical officer in soldiers, 58 article), 185. See also Association charge of an infantry battalion. 527 Asylums as militaryhospitals (parliamentary Antenatal clinic at Edinburgh Royal Mater- Army medical service in'France, 237')q question), 735 nity Hospital (J, W. Ballantyne), 420. (0)- Army, Rumanian, miiedical service of, 402 ATKIINSON, Lieut.aGuy aCheselden, dies of Correspondence on, 474, 506, 540. See also ARNOLD, Gilbert: An appliance for use in wounds, 665 Pregnancy severe injuries of the upper extremity, 254. ATKINSON, J. P., re-elected Mayor of Saffron Ante-partum clinics, 506, 540. See also Ante- (0) Walden, 708 natal ARNOULD, Captain Lioris Arthur, dies on ATKINSON, M. C.. re-elected Mayor of Leaming- Antimony, intravenous injections of success- service, 915 ton, 708 ful in a case of ulcerating granuloma Arsenic cancer. See Cancer ATKINSON, T. Reuell: Auto-wheels, 828 (George C. Low and H. B. Newham), 387. (0) Arsenic compounds, intravenous injection of ATKINsoN-FLEMING, Captain F. C., Military Antiseptic, a new intestinal (trimethol), 147 organic (W. F. Cholmeley), 44-Correspond- Cross conferred upon, 28 Antiseptics, influence of on the activities of ence on, 168 Atropine as an aid to the diagnosis of typhoid leucocytes and the healing of wounds (C. J. Arsenic compounds, organic, synmpathetic
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