W44DW-D POST REPACK IX TVSTUDY tvstudy v2.2.5 (4uoc83) Database:, Study: BLANK0000054901 #1449, Model: Longley-Rice Start: 2018.08.25 13:29:13 Study created: 2018.08.25 13:29:13 Study build station data: LMS TV 2018-08-18 Proposal: W44DW-D D15 LD APP MAYAGUEZ, PR File number: BLANK0000054901 Facility ID: 188817 Station data: User record Record ID: 587 Country: U.S. Search options: Baseline record excluded if station has CP All records for new LPTV stations excluded Stations potentially affected by proposal: IX Call Chan Svc Status City, State File Number Distance No WSJP-LD D14 LD CP AQUADILLA, PR BLANK0000054731 11.1 km No WVQS-LD D14 LD CP ISABEL SEGUNDA, PR BLANK0000052580 147.3 Yes WTIN-TV D14 DT CP PONCE, PR BLANK0000028558 66.8 Yes WTIN-TV D14 DT APP PONCE, PR BLANK0000034579 66.8 Yes WMTJ D15 DT CP FAJARDO, PR BLANK0000028080 147.2 Yes WUSP-LD D15 LD CP PONCE, PR BLANK0000052581 69.5 Yes W49CZ-D D16 LD APP AGUADA, PR BLANK0000053241 2.5 No WRUA D16 DT CP FAJARDO, PR BLANK0000025646 147.3 No W16CW-D D16 LD LIC VILLALBA, PR BLDTL20140916ACI 69.5 No non-directional AM stations found within 0.8 km No directional AM stations found within 3.2 km Record parameters as studied: Channel: D15 Mask: Full Service Latitude: 18 18 41.80 N (NAD83) Longitude: 67 11 24.60 W Height AMSL: 375.3 m HAAT: 0.0 m Peak ERP: 1.90 kW Antenna: PSILP8BC 180.0 deg Elev Pattrn: Generic 48.8 dBu contour: Azimuth ERP HAAT Distance 0.0 deg 0.160 kW 354.8 m 35.3 km 45.0 0.092 277.2 29.7 90.0 0.069 212.1 25.2 135.0 0.639 298.0 40.9 180.0 1.90 375.2 50.7 225.0 0.639 375.3 44.4 270.0 0.069 371.8 30.9 315.0 0.092 344.6 31.8 Database HAAT does not agree with computed HAAT Database HAAT: 0 m Computed HAAT: 326 m Distance to Canadian border: 2940.3 km Distance to Mexican border: 3169.4 km Conditions at FCC monitoring station: Santa Isabel PR Bearing: 111.5 degrees Distance: 92.6 km Proposal is not within the West Virginia quiet zone area Conditions at Table Mountain receiving zone: Bearing: 311.9 degrees Distance: 4363.9 km No land mobile station failures found Proposal is not within the Offshore Radio Service protected area Study cell size: 0.50 km Profile point spacing: 0.10 km Maximum new IX to full-service and Class A: 0.50% Maximum new IX to LPTV: 2.00% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interference to BLANK0000028558 CP scenario 1 Call Chan Svc Status City, State File Number Distance Desired: WTIN-TV D14 DT CP PONCE, PR BLANK0000028558 Undesireds: W44DW-D D15 LD APP MAYAGUEZ, PR BLANK0000054901 66.8 km WMTJ D15 DT CP FAJARDO, PR BLANK0000028080 84.0 Service area Terrain-limited IX-free, before IX-free, after Percent New IX 43309.7 3,714,547 42734.3 3,511,987 42460.9 3,464,484 42409.9 3,448,317 0.12 0.47 Undesired Total IX Unique IX, before Unique IX, after W44DW-D D15 LD APP 51.0 16,167 51.0 16,167 WMTJ D15 DT CP 273.4 47,503 273.4 47,503 273.4 47,503 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interference to BLANK0000034579 APP scenario 1 Call Chan Svc Status City, State File Number Distance Desired: WTIN-TV D14 DT APP PONCE, PR BLANK0000034579 Undesireds: W44DW-D D15 LD APP MAYAGUEZ, PR BLANK0000054901 66.8 km WMTJ D15 DT CP FAJARDO, PR BLANK0000028080 84.0 Service area Terrain-limited IX-free, before IX-free, after Percent New IX 50055.1 3,716,354 49539.9 3,607,559 49264.5 3,539,571 49194.8 3,522,103 0.14 0.49 Undesired Total IX Unique IX, before Unique IX, after W44DW-D D15 LD APP 69.7 17,468 69.7 17,468 WMTJ D15 DT CP 275.4 67,988 275.4 67,988 275.4 67,988 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interference to BLANK0000028080 CP scenario 1 Call Chan Svc Status City, State File Number Distance Desired: WMTJ D15 DT CP FAJARDO, PR BLANK0000028080 Undesireds: W44DW-D D15 LD APP MAYAGUEZ, PR BLANK0000054901 147.2 km WTIN-TV D14 DT CP PONCE, PR BLANK0000028558 84.0 WRUA D16 DT CP FAJARDO, PR BLANK0000025646 0.1 WQQZ-CD D16 DC BL PONCE, PR DTVBL32142 104.1 Service area Terrain-limited IX-free, before IX-free, after Percent New IX 34026.4 3,142,708 32843.0 2,910,465 31803.1 2,838,964 31799.6 2,838,697 0.01 0.01 Undesired Total IX Unique IX, before Unique IX, after W44DW-D D15 LD APP 15.8 1,717 3.4 267 WTIN-TV D14 DT CP 1039.5 71,501 437.1 51,294 427.7 49,844 WRUA D16 DT CP 0.2 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 WQQZ-CD D16 DC BL 602.6 20,207 0.5 0 0.5 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interference to BLANK0000028080 CP scenario 2 Call Chan Svc Status City, State File Number Distance Desired: WMTJ D15 DT CP FAJARDO, PR BLANK0000028080 Undesireds: W44DW-D D15 LD APP MAYAGUEZ, PR BLANK0000054901 147.2 km WTIN-TV D14 DT APP PONCE, PR BLANK0000034579 84.0 WRUA D16 DT CP FAJARDO, PR BLANK0000025646 0.1 WQQZ-CD D16 DC BL PONCE, PR DTVBL32142 104.1 Service area Terrain-limited IX-free, before IX-free, after Percent New IX 34026.4 3,142,708 32843.0 2,910,465 31600.3 2,825,486 31596.6 2,825,219 0.01 0.01 Undesired Total IX Unique IX, before Unique IX, after W44DW-D D15 LD APP 15.8 1,717 3.7 267 WTIN-TV D14 DT APP 1242.3 84,979 639.9 64,772 630.8 63,322 WRUA D16 DT CP 0.2 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 WQQZ-CD D16 DC BL 602.6 20,207 0.5 0 0.5 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interference to BLANK0000052581 CP scenario 1 Call Chan Svc Status City, State File Number Distance Desired: WUSP-LD D15 LD CP PONCE, PR BLANK0000052581 Undesireds: W44DW-D D15 LD APP MAYAGUEZ, PR BLANK0000054901 69.5 km WTIN-TV D14 DT CP PONCE, PR BLANK0000028558 2.9 WMTJ D15 DT CP FAJARDO, PR BLANK0000028080 82.0 Service area Terrain-limited IX-free, before IX-free, after Percent New IX 7646.4 626,047 7413.2 547,632 6594.8 537,207 6594.3 537,206 0.01 0.00 Undesired Total IX Unique IX, before Unique IX, after W44DW-D D15 LD APP 4.2 43 0.5 1 WTIN-TV D14 DT CP 88.7 9,244 73.9 7,385 73.0 7,385 WMTJ D15 DT CP 744.4 3,040 729.6 1,181 728.4 1,156 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interference to BLANK0000052581 CP scenario 2 Call Chan Svc Status City, State File Number Distance Desired: WUSP-LD D15 LD CP PONCE, PR BLANK0000052581 Undesireds: W44DW-D D15 LD APP MAYAGUEZ, PR BLANK0000054901 69.5 km WTIN-TV D14 DT APP PONCE, PR BLANK0000034579 2.9 WMTJ D15 DT CP FAJARDO, PR BLANK0000028080 82.0 Service area Terrain-limited IX-free, before IX-free, after Percent New IX 7646.4 626,047 7413.2 547,632 6530.7 526,227 6530.0 526,226 0.01 0.00 Undesired Total IX Unique IX, before Unique IX, after W44DW-D D15 LD APP 4.2 43 0.7 1 WTIN-TV D14 DT APP 154.3 20,238 138.0 18,365 137.3 18,365 WMTJ D15 DT CP 744.4 3,040 728.1 1,167 726.9 1,142 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interference to BLANK0000053241 APP scenario 1 Call Chan Svc Status City, State File Number Distance Desired: W49CZ-D D16 LD APP AGUADA, PR BLANK0000053241 Undesireds: W44DW-D D15 LD APP MAYAGUEZ, PR BLANK0000054901 2.5 km WRUA D16 DT CP FAJARDO, PR BLANK0000025646 145.1 W16CW-D D16 LD LIC VILLALBA, PR BLDTL20140916ACI 67.8 WVEO D17 DT LIC AGUADILLA, PR BLCDT20071116ACV 1.2 W17DL-D D17 LD CP TOA BAJA, PR BLANK0000036597 111.9 Service area Terrain-limited IX-free, before IX-free, after Percent New IX 7008.4 685,439 6405.3 574,811 5684.3 549,989 5684.1 549,989 0.00 0.00 Undesired Total IX Unique IX, before Unique IX, after W44DW-D D15 LD APP 0.2 0 0.2 0 WRUA D16 DT CP 420.5 18,379 303.5 17,473 303.5 17,473 W16CW-D D16 LD LIC 339.3 939 278.4 780 278.4 780 WVEO D17 DT LIC 81.9 6,569 19.9 5,504 19.9 5,504 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interference to proposal scenario 1 Call Chan Svc Status City, State File Number Distance Desired: W44DW-D D15 LD APP MAYAGUEZ, PR BLANK0000054901 Undesireds: WTIN-TV D14 DT CP PONCE, PR BLANK0000028558 66.8 km WMTJ D15 DT CP FAJARDO, PR BLANK0000028080 147.2 WUSP-LD D15 LD CP PONCE, PR BLANK0000052581 69.5 W49CZ-D D16 LD APP AGUADA, PR BLANK0000053241 2.5 Service area Terrain-limited IX-free Percent IX 4330.9 523,565 3904.2 443,133 3492.8 438,688 10.54 1.00 Undesired Total IX Unique IX Prcnt Unique IX WTIN-TV D14 DT CP 86.4 974 48.5 0 1.24 0.00 WMTJ D15 DT CP 284.9 2,370 256.4 1,395 6.57 0.31 WUSP-LD D15 LD CP 77.2 707 61.4 115 1.57 0.03 W49CZ-D D16 LD APP 5.7 1,938 5.2 1,931 0.13 0.44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interference to proposal scenario 2 Call Chan Svc Status City, State File Number Distance Desired: W44DW-D D15 LD APP MAYAGUEZ, PR BLANK0000054901 Undesireds: WTIN-TV D14 DT APP PONCE, PR BLANK0000034579 66.8 km WMTJ D15 DT CP FAJARDO, PR BLANK0000028080 147.2 WUSP-LD D15 LD CP PONCE, PR BLANK0000052581 69.5 W49CZ-D D16 LD APP AGUADA, PR BLANK0000053241 2.5 Service area Terrain-limited IX-free Percent IX 4330.9 523,565 3904.2 443,133 3540.5 438,688 9.31 1.00 Undesired Total IX Unique IX Prcnt Unique IX WTIN-TV D14 DT APP 17.0 974 0.7 0 0.02 0.00 WMTJ D15 DT CP 284.9 2,370 273.1 1,395 7.00 0.31 WUSP-LD D15 LD CP 77.2 707 66.4 115 1.70 0.03 W49CZ-D D16 LD APP 5.7 1,938 5.2 1,931 0.13 0.44 .

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