Larchmere 19th annual plant sale to be held Pre-Ramadan dinner to be held Kid’sKid’s Corner Corner Larchmere community association 19th SPORTS MENU TIPS A pre-Ramadan dinner will be held on Saturday, Ricky Williams, three annual plant sale will be held on Saturday, May May 12 at 6:00 p.m. at Masjid Bilal, 7401 Euclid Ave. The years old, is the son of Shequila and 12 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Shaker Quality Cavs Regain Home Court event will commemorate the 35th anniversary of the build- Flavorful Stir-fry Dan Williams. He attends nursery Auto Body, 12916 Larchmere Road (at the corner Advantage With Win ing of the mosque. Ramadan will begin this year on May of E. 130th Street). Annuals, perennials, vegetables, Cooking 15. The dinner will follow a keynote speaker. Donations for school. He has a hearty appetite and herbs, and hanging baskets will be for sale Pre-or- the fundraiser/event are $15.00 per person. For informa- his favorite food is pizza. Being an ders by May 4 will receive 10% off the total order. active kid, Ricky likes to ride his For information call Jane at 216-269-9060 or Susan See Page 4 See Page 5 tion, call Albert Najieb at 216-391-8899 or email at mas- at 216-721-1229. Proceeds benefit the Larchmere [email protected]. Williams bike which is his favorite toy. Community Programs. VOL. 40 No.17 Tuesday, May 1, 2018- Friday, May 4, 2018 Daily FREEEASTSIDE NEWSFREE ISSUED FRIDAY READ ON - WRITE ON SERVING: LARCHMERE - WOODLAND, SHAKER SQUARE, BUCKEYE, WOODLAND, MT. PLEASANT, READ ON - WRITE ON LEE & AVALON, HARVARD - LEE, MILES - UNION, UNIVERSITY CIRCLE AREA, WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, VILLAGES OF NORTH RANDALL, HIGHLAND HILLS AND CITY OF EAST CLEVELAND “COVERING THE NEWS TODAY FOR A BETTER TOMORROW” Services held for Michael Shurn, victim of gun violence Services were held today book page keeps track of the hun- activists held a rally and vigil for Michael Shurn at Lucas Memo- dreds of Clevelanders killed by gun to remember Cleveland East rial Chapel, 9010 Garfield Blvd. in violence. 93rd Street area murder victims: Garfield Heights. Steve Loomis, the former Jazmine Trotter, Ashley Leszyes- Shurn is survived by his Cleveland Police Union Presi- ki, Christine Malone and Jameela mother, Kim Simmons, a brother, dent, placed the blame squarely on Hasan. two daughters, and a grandson. His the Jackson administration, “You Hasan was murdered in interment was in Cleveland Memo- know, add it to the list (homicide December 2012, Malone and Trot- rial Gardens Cemetery. by gun violence statistic). I have 12 ter were murdered in March 2013 Shurn was the latest victim homicide detectives working 250 and Leszyeski in May 2013. All of gun violence in the city, and his homicide cases in just the last 2 four women were killed near East Kim Simmons, center, the mother of Michael Shurn who was fatally family has no answers. No one has years. To put that into perspective, 93rd Street. According to activ- shot, was comforted by family and friends during the vigil held on E. 119th been arrested. Columbus had 99 homicides last ists, March 28 is the day 5 years Street on Monday to remember her son. According to the police re- year and they have 55 homicide ago that Malone was found dead in port, Shurn, 37, was shot to death Shurn detectives.” 2013. about 3 a.m. on Thursday, April 26 in the senseless killing. Simmons, According to Loomis, Ashley Leszyeski’s fam- the 3400 block of East 119th Street, Shurn’s mother, at times over- Cleveland should have at least 25 ily says they feel their daughter just south of Kinsman Road..He was come with grief, was supported to 30 homicide detectives. He said and sister has been forgotten. The found dead, having been shot mul- by loved ones. that the homicide unit had the strike Cleveland Division of Police an- tiple times, in the driver’s seat of his According to a neigh- force units, community policing nounced its new Homicide Review car. Shurn was pronounced dead at bor, the car, riddled with huge units, and assets out there that they Task Force during a news confer- the scene. Police have not released bullet holes, remains parked on could rely on to bring them infor- ence on Tuesday. additional information regarding the the street. mation and bring suspects and wit- According to the police, shooting. Shurn’s photograph nesses in. there are no leads and no one has Khalid Samad, president of and information has been added Loomis said that these been arrested for their murders. Peace In The Hood, held a vigil on to The Cleveland,Ohio Remem- unsolved homicides which left so “There are no official up- Monday in Shurn’s memory on E. brance Page - Posts | Facebook many families with heartbreak and dates in these particular cases. Al- 119th Street at the site of his killing. at https://www.facebook.com/ unansrwed questions was an abso- though the cases remain unsolved, lute dereliction of duty on the part they continue to be actively inves- Khalid Samad, president of Peace In The Hood, holds a vigil on E. Shurn’s mother and family members The-ClevelandOhio-Remem- 119th Street on Monday near the site where Michael Shurn was killed. joined the vigil seeking answers to brance-Page.../posts. The Face- of the administration. Loomis was tigated within the Homicide Unit replaced by Jeff Follmer in No- and within the Homicide Review Science siding with seniors in saftey concerns about possible antenna radiation vember 2017, shortly after making Task Force. We continue to ask these comments. for the public’s assistance and that Residents of Jaelot Apart- Whardon of K & D Management, has felt dizziness, nausea, head- cell phone towers, and legisla- Community activists from anyone who has information con- ments, 12730 Shaker Blvd., were that the men were installing SB- tion has limited where these aches, and loss of balance. Posey has Peace in the Hood to Black on tact our investigators,” according awaken on March 21 by the noise JAH4 antennas by Commscope. since moved. towers could be erected. of workers on the roof at 11:00 Information that Posey re- Posey became alarmed Posey is worried. She Black Crime, Inc. continually hold to a statement from the Cleveland p.m. searched said that SBJAH4 anten- when she read about the dangers of wants to be assured that the most rallies to keep those Clevelanders Police Department. For a building that caters nas essentially made the building a cell tower radiation. vulnerable, seniors and the dis- lost, especially to gun violence, More than a year ago, Po- to seniors and the disabled, 11:00 5G cell tower. Recent studies have show abled, are not becoming human in the public eye. “No Justice. No lice Chief Calvin Williams formed p.m. was too late at night for work- Since March 21, Posey the possibility of links between can- ‘guinea pigs.’ Posey is lucky to Peace” is often a rallying cry for a task force consisting of the men to be doing non-emergency who lives on the top floor and just cer and chronic exposure to the type be able to move, but she wants work. According to resident Mi- a few feet from the newly installed of radiation emitted from cell phones to make sure that Jaelot is a safe activists who demand answers for Cleveland Division of the FBI, the chelle Posy, she was told by Bill antennas has been feeling ill. She and wireless devices. Other findings environment for her neighbors the families. Cuyahoga County’s Sheriff’s Of- looked at the radiation emitted from and friends. Recently, civil rights fice, the Cuyahoga County Pros- ecutor’s Office and the Cuyahoga Mother’s Day celebration at Cleveland Museum of Art County Medical Examiner’s Of- Gasoline prices hold steady The Cleveland Museum Treat mom to a special fice to do everything possible in Northeast Ohio gas steep discounts to help clear displayed in. Galleries 209 of Art hosts a day of programs to and 211 Mother’s Day brunch designed terms of reducing violent crimes prices are lower for a third week out product. Low demand and celebrate Mother’s Day on Sunday, Visit the Tiffany and just for her. Make your reserva- in the city, as well as bring closure in a row for drivers, saving healthy supply in the Great May 13. Highlights include free Fabergé galleries to see the tion at 216-707-2600. Members to families of victims. them an additional eight cents Lakes region should continue to admission for mom to the special museum’s superb collections receive a 10 percent discount at The police chief also per gallon, according to AAA pressure prices down over the exhibition Eyewitness Views: Ma- of works by American desig- the restaurant and café. Mother’s mentioned they would be expand- East Central’s Gas Price Report. next week. king History in Eighteenth-Century ner Louis Comfort Tiffany and Day Brunch ing the staffs of the homicide unit, Continual growth in Markets opened Mon- Europe; the opportunity to view the his Russian counterpart, Peter will take place in Provenance and gang unit and neighborhood im- the number of U.S. oil rigs and day morning posting steady newly redesigned Tiffany and Fa- Carl Fabergé. tickets are $14–$20; reservations pact community engagement unit. the increased drilling it implies crude oil prices as a result of bergé galleries; and Mother’s Day The newly redesigned required.
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